I Am From Yuanmou, The Ancestor Of China, And Was Broadcast Live By Sister Zhou

Chapter 57 Neolithic Age! In Prehistoric Times, I Am A Pig Tycoon!

Chapter 57 Neolithic Age! In prehistoric times, I am a pig tycoon!

Looking at the scene in front of me,

Zhou Shuyi was dumbfounded, her small cherry mouth was open wide,

It was the first time she had seen such an absurd scene.

Known as the "Sand Devil",

The prehistoric giant from hell - the end-toothed pig,

Their pig king...is so intimate and docile under Li Changbai...

Still fucking coquettish!

Can you imagine?

A prehistoric monster with a height of 3 meters and a weight of more than 1 ton, in front of this big brother Yuanmou,

It's like a "baby pig"!

this scene...



Strong visual impact!

"My god...this big brother...how did he do it?"

Zhou Shuyi's mind went numb,

The surprise and shock that this big brother Yuanmou brought to her in the past few days was like the tide of the Qiantang River, one wave after another,

Each time...shocked her!

Not only Sister Zhou, but even the audience in the live broadcast room suspected that their eyes were wrong.

"Oh my god! What kind of scene is this? The prehistoric version of licking a pig?"

"Damn it, a one-ton prehistoric full-toothed pig looks like a piglet in front of the ancestor, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes..."

"This is too outrageous, how... how is this possible? How did the old ancestor do it?"

"Could it be because of those berries? Did the ancestors add some ingredients to make Wantooth Pig King obedient?"

"Look, the pigs have calmed down, no longer rushing into the trap!"

In the live broadcast room, someone suddenly exclaimed.

I saw Li Changbai stroking the pig queen,

Those other end-toothed pigs were running around in a panic in the trap, but now they also calmed down.

As if they had received some orders, they all ate the berries as soon as they changed their berserk state.

This is naturally Li Changbai's masterpiece!

After taming the Toothed Pig Queen, he signaled the Pig King to appease the pigs,

Only then did the prehistoric giant pigs who had been running rampant in the trap calm down.


That end-toothed pig king put his head against Li Changbai's hand, hoping he would stroke it more.

"Okay, you can eat the berries first, these are prepared for you."

Li Changbai grabbed a handful of berries and stuffed them into King Wantooth Pig's mouth.

"It seems that the remaining pigs don't need to be domesticated, just subdue the pig king."

The quiet appearance of the Wantooth pig herd was obviously beyond Li Changbai's expectations.

He thought that every pig saw a "baptism of white light",

As a result, as long as the pig king is under control, the pig herd can fade away from the rage and become peaceful and harmonious.

Looking at more than 20 strong adult full-toothed pigs, and the little suckling pigs waiting for milk behind the sows,

Li Changbai nodded in satisfaction.

This hunting operation,

Good receipt.

Not only successfully hunted 4 real branch horned deer, but also tamed more than 30 big fat pigs.

The current Li Changbai seems to be the richest and most "rich" farmer in the prehistoric world!

In prehistoric times, I was a pig tycoon?

Li Changbai laughed at himself.

Unexpectedly, with the help of the system, Li Changbai unlocked a new profession,

Pig Tycoon!

"Fortunately, besides eating berries, these end-toothed pigs also eat grass roots, so they don't have to worry about feeding them."

Li Changbai learned about the habits of this group of prehistoric giant pigs from Wantooth Pig King.

But don't bother,

Now that the pig king has been tamed, just release the pigs and let them look for food by themselves.

Free range is over.

With Wantooth Pig King here, I can't lose it!

Li Changbai used traps to round up the pigs, and captured the picture of the toothed pig king, and broadcast it live.

The foreigners who watched the live broadcast also felt disbelief at the moment,

Even Mr. Bei and Mr. De, who suspected that Li Changbai would hunt and fail, opened their eyes wide in shock.

"This Chinese primitive man... how did he manage to make the prehistoric giant pig obedient?"

Mr. Bei was very suspicious.

Even he has to be very careful in the face of this 1-ton Wantooth Pig King,

Don't dare to approach it at all, let alone set a trap to catch it.

Even if he is asked to hold a shotgun and stand 50 meters away to shoot,

He also had to be careful, lest he would not be killed by a single shot, but would be disemboweled by this prehistoric monster with its fangs!

Lord De is also confused at the moment,

The performance of the Chief Yuanmou was obviously beyond his expectation.

The reason why wild beasts are wild beasts is that they maintain their original and wild nature, brutal and tyrannical, rebellious and unruly. They cannot be subdued by traps and manpower, and can only be shot with shotguns.

Or catch them in a trap and put them into domestic pigs for hybridization to get more docile offspring.


It is a subtle process to raise primitive wild boars in captivity, and it takes a long time.

Then, just like this Yuanmou chief, just touching his head... can make this 3-meter-tall prehistoric monster obedient?

This is obviously impossible!

"Oh God, it must be because of those berries!"

"Those purple berries were cast by magic, so that made this pig king so docile?"

Ed Stafford obviously didn't believe that primitive people had any "superpowers" or anything like that,

That is nonsense.

Primitive man is also a member of the human race,

This kind of "supernatural ability" that only exists in the Marvel world is obviously impossible to happen in reality.


The only thing that can explain this wild and savage Wantooth Pig King suddenly became docile under the Yuanmou chief,

There is only one reason,

That pile of berries used as bait!

"Devil Fruit!"

"The Chinese primitive people must have fed the giant pig a devil fruit!"

Lord De said excitedly.

Mr. Pei looked at Li Changbai who was feeding berries to King Wantooth Pig in the live broadcast room,

He also couldn't explain why the violent pig king who was trapped in the trap became docile in an instant.

"Perhaps it's true, as Ed said, the berries are a bit weird..."

Master Bei stopped at the berries in Li Changbai's hand, and then thought.

In the prehistoric world, there are too many unknown creatures,

The berries in the hands of the chief of the Yuanmou people, except for those primitive people, no one in modern times knows what kind of wild fruit it is and what effect it has... There is no way to find out.

"Wait, this Chinese primitive man is feeding pigs, could it be..."

Master Pei, who has always been mature and stable, suddenly shrank his pupils and said in surprise:

"Is this primitive man planning to raise these giant hogs?"

Master Bei's voice was trembling.

On the screen of the live broadcast room, Li Changbai made bows and arrows, set traps to hunt prehistoric giant pigs, subdued the pig king,

All signs point to...

These primitive people have been gradually breaking away from traditional hunting and lifestyles,

Transition from the ancient Paleolithic age to the slash-and-burn civilization of the Neolithic age!


"This is ridiculous... this is shocking..."

"Huaxia people entered the Neolithic civilization that only appeared 10,000 years ago 1.7 million years ago?"

"How is this possible..."

Bell Grylls couldn't believe his eyes,

But what happened in the live broadcast told him...

All this is true!

Not only Bell,

Even General Lin Weihai, who paid close attention to the live broadcast room, and Professor Gu Nian from Jinling University...

After seeing Li Changbai tame the tooth pig and feed the tooth pig queen,

Everyone suddenly realized one thing,

their ancestors,

Their Yuanmou ancestors,

Already gradually abandoning the hunting culture of "drinking blood like hair",

With the instinct to keep prey in captivity,

Learned to be self-sufficient.


These plotters,

Chinese ancestor,

start hugging...

A brand new civilization!



[ps: Yuanmou Man’s Paleolithic Age ended with Li Changbai’s conquest and rearing of the toothed pig herd. This book is on the shelves tonight, and I ask all readers to support it, and the subsequent chapters will be even more exciting! 】

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