"Sir, there is a letter from Director Qian Feng. According to the information, it is very likely that the White Lotus Religion is opposite us!" The young scout said to Meng Xuan, the head of the Third Army Camp: "The Director will leave the rest. The 500 men and horses sent by the chin will arrive in about a day!"

"Well, you go down and rest first!" Meng Xuan asked the scout to retreat, touching the chin to a middle on the opposite side. The age person said: "White Lotus Religion, no wonder there are so many people, have we found anything from the people on the other side of the forest?" There are a large number of outposts, which seem to have not been used since they were established, and there is one within seven or eight hundred paces, all over the forest.

After the scout troops got the news back, they moved on. , the information of the letter has not come in yet!"

"A sentry all over the forest?" Meng Xuan listened frowned, a sentry usually requires soldiers to be useful, and it is very common to set up a sentry in the forest. Possibly the White Lotus Religion, but the other party established outposts and abandoned them.

"What about the iron ore area?"

The middle age person said: "The iron ore area is still under strict vigilance as before, and there is no chance at all. Give it!"

The five people Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth in the iron ore area are responsible for the security of one area, the iron ore area can be related to their Legion, if they lose the iron ore area , they are small without Legion, and it is a big deal to slow down the development of the camp.

Before the lord Li Xiang brought the army, the five of them would definitely not send out any troops, they would definitely hide in the mining area and would not move.

"It looks like it's really a turtle!" Meng Xuan's frowning brows loosened: "Order the troops to prepare, cut down more trees to make shields, there are quite a few archers on the other side, wait for reinforcements to arrive, Just take this tortoise shell off!"


Xiliang camp

Wu Hao lived in a building surrounded by soldiers' houses in Xiliang The room he lived in was surrounded by soldiers from Xiliang who had been transferred to soldiers.

The soldiers of Xiliang are different from the foreign troops. They don't live in the barracks. Even if they want to live in the barracks, it depends on whether the barracks agree or not.

There are many benefits of living in a military camp. First, the cultivation speed is doubled, and then you can enter the training camp every once in a while.

A military camp can accommodate fifty people, ten of whom can be designated by Li Xiang, and the remaining forty people can be selected by the military camp itself.

Soldiers who are qualified to live in the barracks will go by themselves, and the remaining ten places are up to the lord.

Lying on a bed padded with animal skins, he took a very comfortable hot bath after moving in, which was unimaginable in Black Tiger City.

Laying on the bed in a single shirt, the fire was lit outside, the flames were fluttering in the wind, the Xiliang City gave him the feeling that he was in a big fight, stable and harmonious!

It was already late at night when I followed the big man in. Except for the soldiers of Xiliang patrolling the road, there was one after another snoring.

He knew the reason why the big man stayed. He definitely didn't want him to go to the battlefield. In the scene in the forest, as long as the big man was not a fool, he would never be allowed to serve as a scout.

A scout is very useful to a unit. They know a lot of information that ordinary soldiers don't know. A scout who is surrounded and will report his own side without persecution. It is estimated that there is no who. Dare to use.

What Dahan valued was their escaping skills from the Thousand Thieves Sect. If Dahan and those Swordsman hadn't blocked all directions directly, he would still have a little difficulty running out.

Their Thousand Thievesmen are not very strong in combat, but when it comes to escaping, it is estimated that few forces can compare to them. They have many famous throughout the world in their Thousand Thievesmen, but they can fight from Imperial The existence that ran out of the Palace.

So, they are serious about running for their lives!

The big man is interested in his skills, Wu Hao doesn't care, anyway, as long as he is comfortable, as long as the big man doesn't have to ask him Thousands of Thieves's cultivation technique, other things he can say,

Being a person still has to have a bottom line.

Thinking of Wu Hao's drowsy sleep, this was the deadliest time he had ever slept outside the Northwest Pass. Anyway, he was already in the tiger's den, and his life and death were already not in his control.

second day early in the morning.

The militiamen beside the Juhu camp rushed back to the Xiliang camp. They were on their way overnight. It is not winter now. Although the ground is a little slippery, you can still walk with care.

These militiamen rushed back, a new round of training began, and the peasants recruited in the town center also came out of the town center one after another.

The militiamen in the front were transferred to lance soldiers, and the peasants in the back were transferred to militiamen.

It was already noon when Wu Hao woke up. If it wasn't for the loud noise outside, he might not have woken up. After all, he hadn't slept so soundly for a long time.

“dong dong dong !”

The knock on the door sounded, Wu Hao put on his clothes and ran over to open the door immediately, only to see a big man several heads taller than himself.

"The lord summons, please come with me!"

Wu Hao said: "Okay, I'm sorry!"

The big man did not return to Wu Hao, he was in front Lead the way and follow the big man along the streets and alleys of the Xiliang camp. Wu Hao's heart has been pierced countless times. He thought that the men led by the big man were the tallest part of the camp yesterday. short guy.

Every one is about the same height, and he is not too short for his height!

It's at most the middle and lower levels, but when you get to the Xiliang camp, it becomes the lowest level existence. Look at the one around him who is shorter than him?

Follow the soldiers of Xiliang to a place. In the tall yard, Wu Hao has seen a lot of this kind of yard. When he was working hard, he even entered some of the king's yard, and he would not be shocked by the house.

When I walked into the yard, I saw the big guy who was more than two meters tall yesterday was holding up a stone even taller than him.


Putting down the two huge stones, Li Xiang picked up the cloth on the side to wipe off the sweat, and sat down on a chair specially made for him.

I don't know why, but his height is constantly growing. At first, he is only a little bit taller than the soldiers of Xiliang. As time goes by, he becomes what he is now, and the flesh on his body is also increasing.

Li Xiang used to be mediocre in appearance, but now his appearance has not changed much. At most, he has more flesh on his face. He has thousands of people under his control, and he has a little more power. This is not important, the most important thing is It is this tall body, no matter where he goes, he will be watched by others.

Fortunately, it has not continued to grow recently, but there is also an advantage to growing taller, that is, the weapon that was a little long for him to get it in his hand just strengthens his physique and strength.

"Come here!" Li Xiang greeted Wu Hao who just came in.

Wu Hao came to Li Xiang. Yesterday, he saw that Li Xiang was still in the middle of the forest. The light was very strong from time to time, and he could not see quite clearly.

Taking a look at Li Xiang's appearance, Wu Hao lowered his head: "Sir!"

Li Xiang was sitting and talking to him and the two of them were just looking at each other, Wu Hao dared not talk to him. Li Xiang looked at each other.

"Your name is Wu Hao, right!"

"Yes sir!" Wu Hao responded calmly, he didn't know why Li Xiang called him.

"Well, Thousand Thievesmen dísciple, you should know why I left you here!" Li Xiang took a sip of warm water and looked at Wu Hao: "What your Thousand Thievesmen are best at is The cultivation technique of escaping, I dare not let you be my scout in Xiliang, I want you to teach my scouts the escaping skills and how to avoid all kinds of pursuit. How do you feel about putting you in danger?"

Can I say no? Wu Hao secretly said in one's heart, but on the surface it was a grateful look: "many thanks, the adults give the little opportunity, and the little one will teach all the students and warriors of Xiliang that he has learned in his life!"

" Well, so be it!" Li Xiang said to Wu Hao: "Follow him! He will take you to the place!"

"Yes!" Wu Hao breathed a sigh of relief, he felt very stressed in front of Li Xiang It was big and big, and followed the soldiers of Xiliang to leave the courtyard.

This person is very tired!

This is Li Xiang's evaluation of Wu Hao, but after the evaluation, Li Xiang chuckles, who is not tired?

"Let Li Yi prepare, I will go to the iron ore area in two days!" Li Xiang threw away the chores in his mind.


Preparing for the exam....The update will be a little less!


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