I Am Gwen's Spider-Man Mentor

Chapter 23 Clumsy and Ridiculous Gwen

"Mr. Nathan, I have to admit that I underestimated you a little."

Stephanie, who was holding her chest, turned off the recording of Raymond Xu's speech on the TV and looked at Nathan with a somewhat complicated look, "The person you are looking for is indeed flexible. He is ambitious but knows how to advance and retreat. Hi Nathan, have you ever considered switching from a technical position to a management position?”

There was half truth and half falsehood in Stephanie's last sentence, and it even seemed to Nathan to be a bit of temptation and fear hidden under the temptation.

After a brief weighing, Nathan decided not to make any judgment. After all, his relationship with Xu made his position in this matter quite embarrassing - if Stephanie made a mistake in judgment, she could at least count on Mr. President to give her the full answer; but she could make her own judgment. If something goes wrong, all the responsibility falls solely on yourself.

"He handled the whole thing beautifully, even artistically." Stephanie seemed not to notice Nathan's silence and continued to explain her views on Raymond Xu's various behaviors in this incident. , "Now that videos portraying him as a 'pretty tough guy' when facing police arrest have leaked, a large number of users authenticated as Stark Industries employees have expressed support for him in multiple Internet forums and communities."

Stephanie rubbed her chin and continued her analysis: "'I personally clearly object to the continuation of this work and request that all job transfers and layoffs be re-evaluated and the relevant personnel involved be compensated.'" These words were accompanied by His previous behavior was understandable in putting himself in the position of a 'resistance leader', but he put the brakes on this 'resistance' in time..."

Having said this, Stephanie, who has been in the quagmire of Washington DC for many years and has a lot of experience in political intrigue, couldn't help but increase her tone: "I have been in the intelligence system for so many years, met so many people, and done so many things. Few people possess Xu's 'oriental wisdom'. He even realizes that the dead are more useful than the living. The fact that he brought up Howard Stark instead of Tony Stark is even more surprising."

Nathan decided to be a good compliment, so he said "Oh?" in cooperation, with the right expression of curiosity and confusion in his eyes.

"It's unclear whether Tony Stark will return, and the dissatisfaction with Obadiah inside and outside Stark Industries is directed only at his crude and large-scale restructuring. Xu has accurately positioned himself as a ' People who adhere to the past policies of Stark Industries, on the one hand, make most people in Stark Industries not oppose the possibility of him becoming the leader; on the other hand, even if Tony Stark comes back, he publicly puts himself and the maintenance of He, who is bound by Stark's principles, must also take over."

"Tony Stark may be dead or alive, but as long as he is still a living person, his values ​​and purposes are changing at any time."

Nathan's appropriately transitioned expression from confusion to thinking gave Stephanie great satisfaction. She further reviewed Professor Xu's thoughts, "But Howard Stark is definitely a dead person. Dead people cannot speak, nor can they Change nothing, so Xu holding the dead sign has plenty of space to interpret Mr. Howard’s words without worrying about the bound volume, which is why the dead are more useful than the living.”


During Stephanie's review, Nathan really felt the shock of a little political struggle. For the first time, he realized that one sentence could stir up the situation so powerfully, and the look of shock on Nathan's face was also revealed. This dispelled Stephanie's fear and improved her English translation:

"By preemptively gaining the right to interpret Howard Stark's principles, Xu also defined Obadiah in the public mind as the flag-bearer of "Stark Industries' established policy," in tit-for-tat opposition to the 'past policy' he advocated. Against the background of Obadiah's "established policy" being followed by complaints within a few days of implementation, Stark Industries became the leader of the global arms company during the period when it was implemented according to the "past policy". Naturally, a series of achievements such as this will be infinitely criticized. Not to mention that people favor the past over the present."

Nathan had already made a calculation in his heart. This time his old friend performed really well, and he successfully avoided Stephanie's temptation. Although the situation was great, in order not to capsize in the sewer hole, Nathan tried his best to restrain his desire to tidy up his prosthetic limbs, and replied to his boss in a calm voice without any emotion:

"Your inference is correct. The feedback on Xu's speech was very good. Various media outlets are working hard to dig out or fabricate dirty information about Stark Industries and Obadiah himself. It has been confirmed that WP and HP will each have an article on the front page tomorrow. A banner headline and a front-page photo of Obadiah himself taken at a wide angle broke the news. A preliminary survey of current and former Stark Industries employees showed that those who believed that Xu would be the ACEO before Tony Stark returned were evenly distributed in Austria. Among Badea’s supporters, opponents and fence-sitters.”

"Honey, there's no need to read the report again." Stephanie shook her head and raised her hand, waving her index finger left and right. "You and this report have a common problem, which is that they neglected to disclose it to the media. Officer Enises Wilson’s full name.”

"The NYPD has announced that Enises Wilson has been fired and will investigate his abuse of power and intentional assault. The NYPD's labor portfolio has said nothing about this. In general, Xu's behavior is incompatible with Capitol Hill, The White House is very well matched, and both believe in the principle of 'bearing grudges when you lose, and counterattacking when you win'."

"This is almost the 'Killer Instinct' I want. That old loser Obadiah thought he had the upper hand and used the note to scare him, but he never expected that Xu would take the card away from him and use the media in turn. It's a royal flush." ​​Stephanie knocked on the table as if she was relieved. "This is a good thing. Mr. President has always been worried that the turmoil caused by Tony Stark's disappearance will lead to unemployment starting from Stark Industries. tide."

Nathan knew in his heart that the President-elect’s current support rate could not support him in facing a wave of unemployment, but he still remained silent——

He does not want to participate in the political decision-making of the Director of National Intelligence. Having been in the bureaucracy for many years, he knows that the more he participates, the more mistakes he makes, the more handles he has, and the more he is controlled by others.

Stephanie, who was leaning on her large armchair, finally had a little more sincerity in her smile, and her voice became more relaxed: "I think that at such a moment, with such a wonderful person, His Excellency the President will be very happy." Those who are interested will also be interested in our mid-year budget supplement plan.”

----Dividing line----

Gwen Stacy stood at the door of the police station for a long time. When the reporters gradually dispersed and the door of the police station began to return to normal, the girl's frozen brow slowly relaxed - something the Director of National Intelligence could understand. , Gwen must not be able to understand it based on her own experience.

After all, Raymond Xu and Stephanie were both in the game and learned enough information. And Gwen - she's a complete outsider to the chaos within Stark Industries.

The parts that Gwen could understand included: Professor Xu declared war on Obadiah, Professor Xu planned to unite those who were dissatisfied with Obadiah, Professor Xu almost immediately retaliated against the police who beat him, and... Professor Xu told All of New York, and even the entire United States, announced his personal code——

Violence is the last resort of the powerless.

The last point makes Gwen very happy - unknowingly, she has regarded Raymond as an important friend of hers. Therefore, after learning that he hates violence, Gwen may have a negative attitude towards the professor. After all, my worries have lessened.

The blonde girl herself didn't want to experience the embarrassment and heartbreak she felt when her childhood sweetheart Peter Parker turned into a lizard man.

But after being happy, there was a strangeness that made Gwen feel a little nervous. She still didn't know whether it was part of Raymond's plan to call her friend Betty Brant to help. She knew that the professor was experienced and mature, but he I never thought that Raymond's step-by-step calculations were so terrifying. He seemed to include everyone in his plan, like a hot blade cutting through butter, advancing his plan resolutely and ruthlessly.

And Gwen still couldn't figure out what the plan was.

Before this moment, Raymond Xu had always been a gentle, considerate young genius in his own eyes, who sometimes made bad jokes and was a bit conceited - but after this moment, Gwen Stacy Suddenly, she felt that the distance between them was being shortened. She seemed to be unable to read the professor's thoughts, and even realized that her previous view of him might have been wrong.

The sensitive Gwen thought quickly - she quickly thought of the beginning of everything, the starting point of everything: he was a traveler from a parallel universe, he knew his identity, and then he chose to expose himself and get closer to him, He gained his trust and even allowed himself to join his laboratory and become his student.

The girl's shoulders trembled slightly, and she lowered her head, feeling a little sad - Gwen Stacy longed for a friend, someone who could identify with her, share the same ambitions with her, and be able to work together. Just as Raymond lowered her guard step by step, she suddenly realized that she didn't understand him at all and couldn't understand him.

I once thought I knew Peter Parker, but what would be the consequences?

She even thought of her father - the middle-aged man who stubbornly believed that his daughter had a cold war with him because Peter was dead. He spent all his sleep and food trying to capture Spider-Woman, thinking that he would be happy and return to him. Go around and become a good daughter again.

Am I as clumsy and ridiculous in front of Raymond as my father is in front of me?

For the sake of the second update, I won’t give too much in terms of recommendations, monthly passes, and rewards~

Since there is an update today, it may be updated later tomorrow, probably to noon or afternoon.

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