I Am Immortal In The Cultivation World

Chapter 144: Success 99 (middle)

"Where has Xiao Jinzi been all these years?"


Zhou Yi put away the animal skin book and asked Jin Ang about his experience over the years.


"Master travels from north to south, and he is at peace with what he encounters. When he encounters a human race, he will teach the method of qi and blood..."


"During the period, I accepted a few direct disciples. I was ranked ninth, so I named it Jin Jiu. After the master was 130 years old, he lived in seclusion in Jingji Ridge, where there was a city where humans and monsters lived together."


Jin Jiu roughly recounted Jin Ang's experience in the past 80 years: "After that, he ordered me and my brothers and sisters to spread the Fa in all directions, just like him."




Zhou Yi nodded in approval, spiritual inheritance is more important than martial arts.


"You go and spread the method of holding pills to Moyun City. This king will order people to erect a statue of Jin Ang, and remember his achievements for later generations to pay their respects."


"Thank you sir."


Jin Jiu has already understood, why does the master often say that the demon king Jin Yi is really different from other demon clans and treats the human clan as equals.




Zhou Yi has been in charge of Moyun Peak for a hundred and fifty years, and he has experienced six or seven generations, and he has long been like a **** in the city.


Every household enshrines gods, worships incense in the morning and evening, and holds large-scale sacrifices on New Year's Day.


Prime Minister Turtle spread the news that Zhou Yi liked fine wine, and the people in the city were keen on brewing fruit wine.


Now that an order has been passed down, Jin Ang Shi was built overnight and erected in the center of the city.


After Jin Jiu spread the method of holding qi and blood, some of the condensed orifices warriors in the city who had been struggling for a long time were successfully promoted, and their strength suddenly increased.


The appearance of the Core Pill Realm has brought great changes to Moyun City.


The combat power is comparable to that of a real person and a big demon. No matter where it is placed, it can be regarded as a master. He shouts into thunder, cracks rocks, and makes Moyun City enter a new stage of development.


At the same time, classes also appeared.


"The population is soaring and the strength is different, this is inevitable!"


Zhou Yi did not intervene in the changes of the city, and watched from the sidelines, as if he was watching a sandbox game about the rise of civilization.


"Longevity people need to learn to be bystanders of history, watch the changes of the imperial court, watch the rise and fall of civilizations, watch the changes of eras...Meet interesting people, accompany them for a journey, and finally walk alone."


"Even if you want to change history, you don't need to participate too much, just plant seeds at key nodes, and the rest is left to time!"


Zhou Yiruo realized something, and the restless mood caused by seclusion for a long time gradually became peaceful.






Mo Yunfeng.


Xiao Zhanfeng sat on a high place, put the flag behind his head and fluttered in the wind, boasting with his demon soldiers.


"This is not a poor country. Those demon kings said that they had acquired wisdom, but they still drink blood, and they are no different from that beast."




The pig demon called twice as a response, pulled the banana leaves as a fan, and fanned the wind to dispel the heat.


Among them, there is a new little demon, whether he is interested or not, he agrees with the leader and nods his head.


"Don't take it too seriously, do you know how I, the leader of the mountain patrol, came here?"


Xiao Zuanfeng said: "Twenty years ago, there was a different kind of snake monster in the east. With a bit of strength, he thought of occupying Niu Ye's territory. I was patrolling the mountains with the leader, and I was running into two mountains. Niu Ye turned into a small mountain. The size, with one foot, trampled the snake demon into flesh mud."


The little demon suddenly wondered, "What does this have to do with being a leader?"


Without waiting for Xiao Duanfeng to brag a few words, the pig demon hummed and revealed the old story: "This fellow was so frightened that he couldn't tell what he was about, and ran around and got into the enemy's line. It happened that the snake demon died, and instead it took credit for the charge."




Xiao Zhanfeng was about to defend, but the sky suddenly became dark, and when he looked up, he found that the dark clouds were gathering.


"Today has become so fast..."


Before he finished speaking, he heard the rolling thunder, and a terrifying and destructive aura hit his mind. The fear from the depths of the blood made the little drill wind scream, and burrowed into the crevice of the stone, leaving only the tail swaying outside.

The same goes for the other little demons, who seem to be trembling with instinctive fear of the thunderclouds in the sky.




A large swath of dark clouds enveloped Moyun Peak. The strange thing is that it is only ten miles from the top of the peak, and the surrounding area is still clear.


In Moyun City, six Dan-holding warriors landed on the roof, looking at the ink-colored thunderclouds from afar.


The thunder rolled back and forth in the cloud, but it did not fall, and hundreds of thousands of thunders gradually converged into one.


"Is this..."


"Thunder calamity! It must be the legendary transformational thunder calamity!"


"I don't know which of the seven saints it is. It's better to be the Golden God or the Bull God. As long as there is a demon king in charge, it may be possible to establish a country."


Several people have also gone out to travel after holding Dan, and even traveled to Yunzhou, which can be said to be well-informed.


At this time, seeing the transformation of the thunder robbery, there is hope, wish and envy in his eyes. After all, the art of forging the body will be cut off when it comes to Baodan, and even if you are talented, you will not be able to survive the calamity.




Deep in the Jade Tooth Cave.


The demon king was sleeping soundly, and with every breath and breath, the majestic spiritual energy was swallowed into his stomach, and his mana became more and more tyrannical unconsciously.


For an ancient alien species like the jade tooth and white elephant, there is no need for cultivation techniques to practice. Walking, sitting, and lying down are increasing their strength, and fighting techniques do not require supernatural powers.




Feiyunling's spiritual veins trembled slightly, and seemed to be pulled in some way, and strands of pure spiritual energy flowed to the north.


An ordinary demon king would certainly not notice such a subtle change, but the jade tooth demon king had been cultivating for hundreds of years at the core of the spiritual meridian.


"This is... is there a big demon trying to transcend the tribulation?"


The Demon King Jade Tooth pondered for a moment, and his body shrank rapidly, turning into a big man with six feet in the shape of an elephant head, and summoned the big demon under his command.


"Go and prepare a heavy gift, order the five demon soldiers, and this king will personally go and watch fellow daoists transcend the calamity."


The big demon reminded: "Your Majesty, do you need to send a message to Bibotan?"


"Longjun is full of spies, and he will know in three or five days..."


The Yuya Demon King's voice changed: "It's better to send a message first, so as not to scold this king for his lack of supervision."




A demon cloud of more than ten acres rose into the sky, and at the head of the cloud stood an elephant-headed giant, with a strong and sharp face, holding a three-pointed fork. Dozens of big demons stood to the left and right, with thousands of demon soldiers behind them, rushing forward with mighty momentum~www.readwn.com~ hundreds of miles away, the demon cloud will arrive in a moment.


In the distance, I saw thunderclouds covering the mountain peaks, the thunder rumbled, and the purple thunder with the thickness of the bucket continued to fall.


The overlapping formation prohibitions enveloped the top of the mountain, and a thunderbolt shattered dozens of formations, and immediately stimulated more than 20 formations. Let the robbery thunder continue, it seems that it is imminent and dangerous, but in fact it is as safe as a reef in the sea.


In the formation is a yellow ox with golden horns and a height of more than ten feet.


As the thunder robbery fell, the aura of the ox continued to soar, and the original yellow skin of the native land gradually transformed into gold, and the whole was made of red gold.


"What an exquisite formation!"


The Yuya Demon King stood on the head of the cloud with envy in his eyes. He recalled that when he crossed the calamity back then, he simply relied on his demon body to resist. Even if the ancient alien species, the demon body far surpassed the big demon of the same rank, it almost disappeared in the thunder calamity.


The thunder robbery continued for more than half an hour, and the thunder cloud continued to shrink until it exhausted all its energy.


Heaven and earth returned to clarity, and a golden divine light descended, easily passing through the barrier of the formation, and enveloped the ox demon body.




The ox man stood up, his front hooves turned into human hands, his back hooves turned into human legs, and his body also changed into a human shape, with an ox tail swaying from side to side behind him.


The golden light of the transformation was fleeting, and only the bull-headed giant with a gilded body and a height of more than ten feet remained on the spot.


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