I Am Immortal In The Cultivation World

Chapter 187: 3 Meet Xuanxiao

Xuan Xiao!

"It turned out to be Tiezhu on the sign."

Zhou Yi pondered for a moment, then opened his mouth and put Jianmu in his belly, be sure to carry it with him.

There are many people with bad luck in the world. If Zhou Yi goes out, he accidentally burrows into the ground six hundred feet underground, enters the ban by mistake, and then loots everything.

"The poor way consumes tens of millions of years of life, and if the ripening innate spiritual roots are lost, it will be a big joke all the time!"

Zhou Yi moved towards the medicine field in the distance, beckoned and shouted, "Niu'er, I've been here for decades, let's go outside together."

The scalper rolled on the spot when he heard the words, manifesting the demon body into a one-horned steak.

The ginseng doll put away the medicine hoe, and climbed onto the scalper's head, like a green straw hat, and said with a small face: "Xianchang, the blood vine demon is dying, give it a few spirit stones."

The blood vine demon is getting shorter and shorter, and now it is only more than thirty feet long, and its red skin has withered yellow spots.

When I heard the ginseng doll talking, I didn't know if it was shaking its head or tail, sending out a message of prayer and longing.

"There has never been a blood vine monster in the classics. You have been raised for five or six hundred years, and it is only a little bit smarter than your natural instinct. It is not known how far it is from turning into a form."

Zhou Yi sighed and shook his head, took ten pills from the storage bag, hesitantly put back five pills, and sprinkled them in the medicine field.

The blood vine demon sensed the spiritual energy, serpentinely crawled over, stopped when it approached the spiritual stone, cut off most of it with a creaking sound, and threw it into the distance, leaving only three feet long to coil on the spiritual stone to absorb and refine.

"Thousands of Frost Heavens are competing for longevity!"

"Even if there are only instinctive vines, there is also the courage to survive by cutting off the tail, how can we such as monks be afraid?"

Zhou Yi slapped his palms in admiration, took out ten more spirit stones, and placed them beside the blood vine demon.

It jumped on the scalper, turned into a light, and flew to the northwest.


Dry Beijing.

Qinghua Square.

Adjacent to the palace, it was originally the residence of the imperial court.

With the continuous expansion of Xianfengsi and Baiyunguan, in Erfenfang City, even the princes and princes have to obediently present them to the mansion.

It was during the morning class, and the disciples in the observation looked solemn and recited the Taoist scriptures in unison.

The green smoke curls up, and the incense is at its peak.

Daomen is the state religion of Daqian, while Baiyunguan is the leader of Daomen, and has terrifying influence in the imperial court and the mortal world.

The sound of chanting contains incantations, and the incense and green smoke are mixed with a little spiritual energy, condensing into a faint light of magic. The believers who came to the incense and worshipped God early in the morning were nourished by the light of the Dharma, and they could not help but feel refreshed and healthy.

After the spiritual energy of the mortal world was cut off, the demons and ghosts disappeared. Occasionally, there are ghosts that accumulate in the mountains and corners and condense into ghosts.

The cultivator's eyes were red when he heard the news, and he rushed towards the ghost. The soul orb formed after beheading can be used to cultivate spiritual mana.

The inheritances of the major sects are scattered, and there is no shortage of ghost cultivation methods. The defect of fear of thunder tribulation has now disappeared, and only the benefits of longevity are left.

All the cultivators who have the conditions will turn into ghost cultivators, barely surviving, even if they fail to do so, they will practice a few yin evil spells, and use the soul beads to cast spells to reduce the consumption of spiritual energy.

As a result, Xianfengsi quickly fell from the peak of power, and the reputation of Baiyunguan was also affected.

The common people are very forgetful, not to mention that after three or four generations, most of the images of Baiyunguan disciples slaying demons and slaying demons are only in the book. Even the young ones have never seen a demon before, they just feel that the older generation has been deceived, and the bull nose will deceive the old man!

Faith is the foundation of Taoism inheritance!

The few remaining real people in Baiyun Temple, after careful consideration, cut off the supply of spiritual stones for cultivation.

Strengthening the body and requiem are mixed into the scriptures. When reciting, the spiritual stone is activated, and after mixing with incense, it forms a spiritual light that nourishes the body of the believers.

The believers benefited when they worshipped and realized the mystery of Baiyun Temple, and their beliefs became more and more pious!

"The immortal way is gradually disappearing, and Taoism is becoming more and more prosperous. There are experts in Baiyun Temple!"

"First look for someone to inquire about the situation in the Xiuxian world. I haven't seen Xiao Daoyou for hundreds of years, and I miss him a bit."

Zhou Yi has been in seclusion for decades, and has been forgotten by the world. Perhaps there are a few remaining disciples of the Earth Fire Palace who have long forgotten this Supreme Elder.

In recent decades, there have been so many true monarchs and dao monarchs who have passed away, or have fallen to their realm and died, so that the respect and fear of cultivators for Jindan Yuanying has long been less than what it used to be.

Divine Sense swept across the White Cloud Temple, and noticed the only foundation-building aura, Zhou Yi Dunguang landed in the Taoist Patriarch Hall.

Immortal Xuanren's eyes flashed with aura, and when he saw someone manifesting, he subconsciously pressed the long sword on his waist, only to feel the terrifying mana descending, and his body was imprisoned in place and unable to move.

Zhou Yi looked at the appearance of the Taoist priest, his face was like a crown of jade, and he was no more than fifty years old at most.

"Pin Dao Tang Xuan, I have been in retreat for a long time to ask something, and there is no malice."

"Tang Xuan..."

Xuanren sensed the disappearance of the oppression, recalled the classics of Baiyun Temple, and said in awe: "Senior is the Supreme Court of Earth Fire, Elder Tang!"

Zhou Yi nodded slightly and said with a smile, "Have you heard of the reputation of the poor Daoist?"

"Meet Elder Tang."

Xuanren stood up and bowed, and explained: "Your name is mentioned in the scriptures left by the senior Guanzhong, and the junior also sent people to visit the Fire Palace. The elder is sitting down."

"I see."

Zhou Yi didn't mind this. Thousands of disciples of the Earth Fire Palace joined the White Cloud Temple, and they could not avoid revealing their identities, and asked again: "Seeing that you are young, is it a real person after the catastrophe?"

"Don't dare to lie to Elder Tang."

Xuanren's face showed bitterness: "The younger generation is not only the root of fire, but also born with pure yang body. I was lucky enough to worship Baiyun Temple and break through the foundation after being cultivated by a sect!"

"It's a pity, a pity."

Zhou Yi shook his head and sighed. Such aptitude was rare in the world before the catastrophe. It was almost certain that he would become a Jindan Zhenjun, but now he can only barely maintain his foundation-building cultivation.

"What's the situation in the Immortal Cultivation World now?"

"Since the ancestor Xuanxiao killed Jianxuan and Miaoshan, the two gods who entered the devil, there has been no waves in the world of immortality."

Xuanren knew that Elder Tang had been in seclusion for a long time, and according to the information circulating in the market, he told the matter in detail, and it was inevitable to express his respect for Xuanxiao Daojun.

"Reverse the Heavenly Monarch, two more!"

Zhou Yi had tried his best to overestimate Xiao Tiezhu, but he never imagined that there would be such a strong person in the world.

The underground palace organizes the ten thousand volumes of Taoist treasures, among which he recites a lot of books such as fortune-telling, divination, and deduction.

The ancestral veins have declined to the extreme, and the severing of spiritual energy is the general trend, and Xiao Tiezhu is the chess piece to promote the process.

The three old demons joined forces to smash the ancestral veins.

Therefore, after the ancestral veins collapsed, Xiao Tiezhu's qi luck naturally dissipated. Under such circumstances, he dared to fight against the Heavenly Sovereign.

"Fortunately, there is fellow Daoist Xiao. If Jianxuan and Miaoshan are really allowed to succeed, those surviving Nascent Souls will definitely not want to end their lives. That is the real disaster for the human race!"

Zhou Yi originally did not plan to meet Xiao Tiezhu, after all, the latter is the ancestor of Nascent Soul, and he bears the ancient inheritance. Maybe he has the means to break the Xuanwu God Armor.

Now that I heard about the sacrifice of my life, it should be a farewell ride.


Spring House.

It was not night yet, and many guests came in and out.

Yingge Yan dance, laughter.

It was the time when the new oiran was playing the piano, the jade hand plucked the strings, and the voice was melodious and melodious, like the sound of nature.

"Why is this year's oiran dressed so conservatively?"

Zhou Yi stood under the stage with his hands in his hands, looked at the oiran and shook his head slightly. The rich people's hobbies are still unclear, but they like to come to this land of fireworks to find innocent women.

Leaving from Baiyun Temple, we came to Chunfenglou with a cow.

Celebrate Xuanxiao Daojun's reign, the world is peaceful and happy, and by the way, make up for his 900th birthday.

"Tsk tsk, breaking the ancestral veins does not only annihilate the immortal way, the ordinary world has no spiritual energy, and the quality of the girls in the building has also dropped a lot."

Zhou Yi sauntered to the second floor, and was about to call the prostitute, open a box to eat and sleep, when he caught a glimpse of a pale-faced young man not far away, hugging from side to side and watching the oiran dance downstairs.

The young man's face is simple and honest, his complexion is dark, and his satin brocade clothes can't hide his rustic look.

Xiao Tiezhu?

Compared with the appearance in Zhou Yi's impression, there are eight or nine points similar, but the young man's breath is dying, and he coughs violently from time to time, as if he is dying.

The young man seemed to have a feeling, turned his head to look over, waved his hand to let the girls back down, and said hello with a smile.

"This fellow Taoist looked at Miansheng, where did he come from?"

No matter how Zhou Yi's consciousness swept through, he could not detect the youth's cultivation base. Hearing this, he was already sure, and he stepped forward and saluted.

"Pindao Tang Xuan, I have heard the name of Xuanxiao Dao for a long time, and finally I can see it today!"

"Which golden core are you from the Earth Fire Palace?"

Xiao Tiezhu motioned Zhou Yi to sit aside: "Daoist friend has a clean breath and stable mana. It seems that many spiritual things have been accumulated before the catastrophe."

"In the early stage of the poor Dao Wei Mo Jin Dan, to be able to get the Dao Jun's care, it is really a blessing for three lives!"

Zhou Yi has secretly activated the Xuanwu Divine Armor. On the surface, Xiao Tiezhu seems to be dying, but who knows if it is an illusion.

"Pindao doesn't take care of things very much, but he can't be blind. The Earth Fire Palace was very popular in the mortal world, so I can't help but pay attention."

Xiao Tiezhu said with admiration, "Fellow Daoists are very good at educating and guiding their disciples. If all the sects in the world entered the Fire Palace, slaying demons, eradicating demons, punishing evil and promoting goodness, the poor Taoist wouldn't end up like this!"

Zhou Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, and once again refreshed the simple and honest impression of the year, but in fact he was wise and foolish.

It's no wonder that Earth Fire Palace was in charge of the Immortal Pay Division and merged with the Dan Dingzong monks down the mountain. Everything went smoothly. It turned out that there was Xiao Tiezhu behind the scenes.

"Pin Dao came to Jiuzhou from the East China Sea, and when he saw that the demon was a disaster, he couldn't bear it, so he sent his disciples to enter the mortal world under the guise of Baiyun Temple."

Zhou Yi cupped his hands and said, "Now I have to know your magnanimity, but it is unnecessary. Even if there is no Earth Fire Palace, Yunzhou will not be in chaos!"

"It's hard to say, it's hard to say! Just admonishing the disciples is far inferior to you."

"After the ancestral veins were cut off, many disciples of Dan Dingzong went into the devil and secretly went down the mountain to make trouble. Even if the real monarch fell into the devil, he would not be soft-hearted, and such a cruel method could only barely be a disaster!"

Xiao Tiezhu praised: "Fellow Daoist followed the trend and turned disaster into accumulation of virtue. The disciple is both rich and famous, and it can be said to gain both fame and fortune. Pindao paid attention to the mountain for many years, and only allowed Dan Ding until the Baiyun Temple was established. The disciples come down the mountain."

Zhou Yi said: "Dan Dingzong is so huge that it is rare for Daojun to do it without harm~www.readwn.com~."

The three words "Don't be a disaster", it sounds simple, but it is difficult to do, especially the monks have the power to crush mortals!

For example, the disciples of Lingjian Sect in Qingzhou, after losing the sect’s rules and regulations, relied on magic to wreak havoc on the common people. It's not just simply casting spells to harm people, or running the court behind the scenes, or directly ascending the throne and proclaiming the emperor, commanding soldiers to fight everywhere.

Killing, war, blood and fire, to satisfy their desire to be in control and almighty!

The broken heart is no different from a demon!

------off topic-----

There is one more chapter, it will be late, thank you readers for your support!


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