Wanfo Temple.

The back mountain forbidden area.

Tens of thousands of monks are strictly guarded, and any outsider approaching is a crime of blasphemy.

The most serious of the Buddhist laws is to blaspheme the Buddha. The first offender is burnt to the point where his soul is dissipated, his relatives are demoted to sinners, and three generations cannot stand up.

The status of sinners in the Buddha continent is not protected by the law, and people from other classes can be bullied arbitrarily. Living is not worth more than the shoes of monks, like rotten flesh living in hell.

There is no need for three generations to pass, and the sinner will die in excruciating pain, even worse than punishing the Nine Clan!

Under such terrifying oppression, no one in Buddhism dares not to worship Buddha.

The Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple is the manifestation of the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss in the human world. The believers need to kneel when they approach it, and no one dares to attack the forbidden area.

The warrior monks are not guarding the common people, but the monks of other Buddha lands, because what is sealed in the forbidden land is the treasure of Buddhism, the Bodhi Wheel. If other temples really take it away, Wanfo Temple has lost the foundation of suppressing everything, and it will be difficult to lead the Buddha Continent!

After all, Buddhism is not one body, it is divided into Zen, Vinaya, Tantric and other schools.

Before the end of the Dharma, the ancestors suppressed it, and the rest of the sects obeyed their orders. Now everyone is mortal, so why is the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple superior to others?

a few days ago.

There were many eminent monks in the temple, and before the official business was discussed, a few debates were held first.

Buddhist scriptures are divided into literary and martial debates. Generally speaking, if you can’t get enough of your mouth, you will do it yourself. The one with the big fist is justified!

Wanfo Temple is in charge of the foundation of Buddhism, and even if the monks of the temples secretly join forces to fight against the siege, they are slightly better.

"A hundred years ago, the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple suppressed the heroes, and fifty years ago they dominated the leader, but now they are barely number one!"

The old monk with long eyebrows looked sad, and the closer he got to the limit of his lifespan, the less he had the ambition to have a mighty Buddha Dharma and illuminate the Quartet when he was young. All he thought in his mind was the stability of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple.

"Fozhou has been solid as a rock. In order to prevent Buddhist temples from falling into internal friction, we can only spread the glory of my Buddha to the outside world..."

The division of Jiuzhou is not for no reason, but there are mountains and ravines between the two continents. Even the nearest Qiongzhou is not suitable for large-scale wars. Instead, it is easier to turn into a Buddhist country by sending monks and soldiers to guard and teach the Dharma.

"Since the end of the Law, Qiongzhou has suffered from poor rain, and it has become increasingly bitter and cold, and it is not suitable for people to live in."

"Compared to this, Yunzhou has long had the foundation of Buddhism and its population is prosperous, so it should be the light of Buddha!"

This morning.

The old monk with long eyebrows and many eminent monks came to the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain, and after several times of bright and dark posts, they arrived at the Bodhi Cave.

Bodhi Cave is located on the mountainside. At the entrance of the cave is a small single-family temple with blue bricks and gray tiles. It has been repaired several times through wind and rain.

Now it has become the residence of the monks guarding the Bodhi Cave. He raised his eyes and glanced at the long-browed old monk, but there was no sound coming from his belly when he opened his mouth to speak.

"Benkong, why do you want to use the Buddha's treasure?"

"Reporting to the uncle, Yunzhou is raging for a tyrant, and the people are miserable."

The old monk with long eyebrows, named Benkong, folded his hands and bowed in salute, and said, "The disciple wants to bring the treasure to kill and save the people from water and fire. This is the opportunity for my Buddha to illuminate Jiuzhou."

The old monk was wearing a bright yellow monk's robe, with his arms hanging down like a gibbons and his knees, he was silent for a long time and grabbed the iron chain beside him.

The thick iron chain on the arm was taut, and the other end was connected to the iron gate of Bodhi Cave, and the fine steel door two or three feet thick slowly opened.


The ground trembled slightly, slowly revealing the black hole, and the cold air spewed out, not like a holy place that sealed the Buddha's treasure, but like an evil opening a **** mouth.

The old monk reminded: "Even if there is a method of accumulation, up to now, the treasure will not be used a few times!"

"Uncle Xie reminded that this disciple will live up to the legacy of the sages."

With a sad face, Benkong led the monks from various temples into the Bodhi Cave and walked down the bluestone steps.

The inside and outside of the cave are completely two worlds, as if entering the ice cellar in the hot summer, and the yin wind penetrates into the monk's clothes, even if he is a martial arts master, he can't help shivering.

The cold air penetrated into the bone marrow, and the evil spirits eroded the soul.

There are whale oil lamps on both sides of the corridor. By candlelight, you can see sticky lakes and wet moss on the stone walls.


The eminent monk of Luzong frowned, and he asked in a questioning tone: "Where is the treasure of Buddhism, it is so gloomy and dirty, is the Wanfo Temple unattended?"

Ben Kong faintly said: "Would you like to let the disciples of Master Pu Ji take care of it?"

Pu Ji pursed his lips and changed his voice: "You can let those inferior people take care of them, directly seal them in the hole, and at least do a good job of superficial skills. If people really discover such an environment, wouldn't they be suspicious of my Buddha?"

"Doubt is better than an accident."

Ben Kong said: "The Supreme Treasure Lingzhi is only three or five years old. If those low-level people who harbor resentment are allowed to deceive them into accepting the Lord and directly incarnate as a great demon, there is no Daoist to suppress them now!"

When the monks heard the words, they all agreed, and Pu Ji's eyes were lowered, and he had to nod.

Until you see an altar at the bottom of the cave.

The altar is six feet high, with a mysterious texture engraved on the surface, and the top is like a blooming lotus flower.

The Buddha's most precious Bodhi wheel, lying quietly in the center of the altar, did not reveal any mysterious aura.

The four stone walls withered into different shapes of Buddha statues, all of them staring at the central altar, and there are thousands of them.

This is the origin of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple. Its guardian formation is the Ten Thousand Buddhas Dynasty. Now even if there is no restriction on offering spiritual energy, only the aura of the ten thousand Buddha statues gathers together, and it can give rise to a sense of majesty and suppression!

The Bodhi Wheel sensed the arrival of Benkong and others, and the breath was slightly revealed, shining black and red aura, and there were wisps of desire, greed, and bloodthirsty desire.


Ben Kong folded his hands together, proclaimed the Buddha's name, and sat down with his knees crossed and began to recite the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sutra.

The same is true of other eminent monks, their voices are cadenced and sonorous and powerful, and the scriptures of various Buddhist sects are gathered into the Bodhi Wheel.

The black and red two-color demon light gradually extinguished, turning into red gold Buddha light, condensing into a half-virtual and half-truth Buddha statue with a height of six feet.

The Buddha statue is kind and dignified, with a solemn posture, and his eyes look at the world with compassion.

There is no need to deliberately speak the sutras and teach the Dharma, just look at the Buddha statue, and the sound of chanting sutras like morning bells and evening drums will sound in your ears, making people fall into the bliss and annihilation of the Buddha Dharma, and wish to become a Buddha.

Ben Kong raised his head and glanced at it, strands of essence and energy were stripped from his body, merged into the statue, and he hurriedly lowered his head.

"The Buddha's birthday in a few days, please bring out the Buddha's treasure to the world, and you can take advantage of the living beings of the believers to cultivate the magic weapon to strike!"

In the Age of Dharma Apocalypse, it is comparable to the attack of the Jindan Zhenjun, and it is definitely not something that can be blocked by human beings.

"My Buddha is merciful!"

The faces of the monks showed joy, and the Buddha's treasures shocked Yunzhou, and they could take the opportunity to cross the Buddha Dharma to the east.

Leave Bodhi Cave.

The fine steel door rumbled shut, instantly isolating the cold and evil spirits, once again feeling the warm blue sky and daylight, as if walking through hell.

Benkong said: "Uncle hard work guards."

"The poor monk's responsibility is here."

The long-armed old monk said with a thunderous belly: "The Buddha's treasure has been sacrificed in blood many times, and it has turned into a ghost. You must use it carefully to avoid trouble."

"Don't worry, Uncle Master, this is the last time. Back then, Yunzhou was blessed by nature, and when the great calamity came, it was protected by the Daojun, and now it is the number one in the nine continents. As long as my Buddha can save the people here, the remaining seven continents are only a matter of time. ."

Benkong said: "This time, the Buddha's treasure is invited to lay the foundation for the Buddhadharma to unify the nine continents and achieve the supreme Buddha country!"

"That's good."

The long-armed old monk nodded slightly, as long as he no longer sacrifices blood to Buddha treasures in the future, his wisdom and resentment will naturally dissipate over time.

Buddha's light is still bright!


Xiaotan Temple.

The prefectures, counties and counties in Fozhou are all named after temples, which have been passed down through generations and never remember the original name.

Zhangjia wine shop.

When I woke up early in the morning, I was beaming with joy, and my neighbors sent gifts. All the guests who came to drink were 50% off, and even the passing beggars got two white-faced steamed buns.

As for why there are liquor shops and beggars in the Buddhist country, no one has ever questioned it, and no one dared to question it.

The Buddha drank and ate meat and passed through the intestines, and Goulan listened to the music and comprehended the Buddha. Murder and arson are the cause and effect of beheading!

The Zhang family's happy event was yesterday when a monk from Xiaotan Temple sent an invitation to the Buddha's birthday ceremony, telling Zhang Shun's eldest son that he had a predestined relationship with the Buddha, and he could go to the Wanfo Temple to observe the ceremony.

The news spread and attracted the envy of everyone. He turned around and beat his son, but he didn't choose because he didn't pay attention to chanting scriptures on weekdays.

Zhang Shun saw off the guests and came to his backyard, where he saw his son wearing a gray robe.

This monk robe was sent by the monks yesterday. It is a symbol of identity in Fozhou. It is a serious crime to blaspheme the Buddha. Wearing it on the body is equivalent to stepping into a first-class person, and its status is higher than that of an official.

"When Li'er was born, the sound of chanting sutras came from outside, and I concluded that it was the reincarnation of an eminent monk."

Zhang Shun said proudly: "Now it has manifested itself, the Buddha's Birthday Dharma at Wanfo Temple, is that a place where ordinary people can go? I specifically asked the master, this year's Buddha's Birthday Dharma event is better than ever, and invitees can see the real Buddha. !"

His wife, Mrs. Zhang Li, helped her son take care of the monk's robe, carefully smoothing out the wrinkles. Thinking that he would never see him again, his eyes couldn't help but turn red.

"Li'er has never traveled far, and I don't know if I can't stand it. I need to prepare some more troubles when I go out."

"What do women know? Li'er is dressed in clothes and eats and drinks wherever he goes. If anything happens, anyone has to lend a helping hand, otherwise it will be disrespectful to me and Buddha."

Zhang Shun scolded his wife, turned his face and flattered: "Li'er, you must be devout at the Buddha's birthday, don't think about your family, and return to the arms of the Buddha is a major event!"

Zhang Li was originally a mischievous and mischievous person, but when he put on the monk's robe, he suddenly became dignified, and his voice was suppressed when he spoke.

"Amitabha! The poor monk will definitely endure untold hardships and become the ultimate bliss in the West. At that time, the Buddha's light will surely descend to protect you and others!"

Zhang Shun was slightly startled, as if he didn't recognize his son, but participating in the Buddha's birthday was the most important thing right now, and he folded his hands in return.

"My Buddha is merciful, I only wish the master to be in bliss!"

Mrs. Zhang Li shrank her hands while taking care of her clothes, and hurriedly stood behind her husband and followed him.

Since Zhang Li entered Buddhism, he cut off his emotions and desires. From now on, he no longer has to bow down to his parents, and even if they meet face to face, they just put their palms together to ask questions.

Zhang Shun doesn't care about this. There has long been a saying in Fozhou that "one person becomes a monk and nine clans ascend to heaven". Now Zhang Li can be in bliss, and both parents and clans can enjoy the grace of Buddhism.

To become a monk is a good root and merit for many lifetimes!

At this time.

A four-year-old girl came out of the house with sleepy eyes. When she saw her brother in a monk's robe, she giggled and rushed over to hug her.

"Don't be ridiculous!"

Zhang Shun stopped his daughter and taught a lesson with a stern face: "From then on, he is no longer your brother, but a master."

The little girl listened ignorantly, pouted and said, "Then brother won't play with me in the future?"

"You can't."

Zhang Shun knows that Buddhism has many rules and must teach his children from an early age, so as not to collide with the master later and the whole family into the lower class.

"The master has ascended to bliss, and has cut off the world. He is neither my son nor your brother. When we meet, we must pay respects and bows!"

The little girl wondered, "What's the difference between the master and the elder brother?"

"With the blessing of our master, we will not have to worry about eating and drinking in the future, but we can wear brocade clothes and satin and enjoy wealth and glory."

Seeing his daughter's confused appearance, Zhang Shun put it another way: "You like to eat icing sugar, and you can eat as much as you want in the future. You can also eat candy, which is a delicious food that noble people are qualified to eat."

The little girl still seemed to understand, but when she heard that she could eat candy, she immediately smiled, and folded her hands and knelt down reverently.

"Meet the master brother!"


Zhang Li resisted the urge to play with his sister, put his palm on her forehead, and said solemnly, "My Buddha is merciful, and I will give you peace and joy!"

"Peace and joy."

Zhang Shun grinned, and some worries in his heart vanished.

There are many rumors in the market that after a certain eminent monk became a monk, he didn't ask anything about the mundane world, and the family couldn't take advantage of it. Seeing that the master still has feelings for the Zhang family, it will be much cheaper to do things in the future, and the malice in my heart can also come out.

"The guy surnamed Hu wears a dog's skin and often comes to our shop to eat and drink, and now he has the blessing of the master..."

Zhang Shun secretly glanced at his son when he was speaking, and seeing that his expression remained unchanged, he continued: "I must pay that fellow ten times, otherwise I will go to Xiaotan Temple to complain and send his family to the eighteenth hell!"

Zhang Li said worriedly: "After all, the yamen is an official, and he is in charge of a lot of things, as long as he pays back the wine money he owes."

"What do you know, I have already searched for someone to find out."

Zhang Shun said: "According to our Buddhist law, the man surnamed Hu is suspected of committing the following crimes, and it involves the members of the Guru's clan, so he must be taken seriously."

The Buddhist Law is also divided into four classes~www.readwn.com~ The monks are above the law, and the rest obey different laws according to different levels. Even the monks who do evil have a higher status than the common people and are not punished by the law, but retreat and chant scriptures to eliminate karma!

while talking.

A black-hatted yamen came in outside, with a gift box in his hand, bowed and stood at the second threshold.

"Meet the Master!"

"Brother Zhang, today's yamen has paid a salary, we think we should pay the wine money we owe."

"Beibai has been on credit for so long, and I am very sorry for delaying Brother Zhang's turnover. If there is anything on the street in the future, give an order and we will assign it to you!"


the next day.

early morning.

Zhang Shun's family and dozens of clan members saw off the master at the gate of the city.

Zhang Li boarded the carriage to the Bodhi Buddha Land and walked further and further away. Looking back at his parents and relatives in Mianmohu, he suddenly felt a trace of remorse.


He clasped his hands together and proclaimed the Buddha's name, recited the scriptures in his heart, and forcibly took back the tears, and the light in his eyes gradually turned into silence!

------off topic-----

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