I Am Immortal In The Cultivation World

Chapter 207: The last years of the dynasty

Winter solstice and spring come again.

The Snake Mountain is covered with snow and will not melt.

Driven by the soldiers, thousands of strong people searched mountain by mountain for possible auspiciousness.

Wearing straw sandals, Zhu Kang stepped on the snow with one deep foot and one shallow foot, sweeping around with a wooden stick to search carefully.

If you can't find auspicious crossroads, you will probably freeze to death in the mountains, and the Zhu family will be doomed.

"Master Sun has taken over the land in the family. After this generation is inexhaustible, the next generation will also be exterminated! Why are they all dead, why should they suffer from this bird's crime, it is better to fight to the death..."

Just thinking about these words, Zhu Kang glanced at the soldiers at the foot of the mountain, and the people who were shot to death in an attempt to escape, and could only scold quietly in the bottom of his heart.

"Dog Emperor!"

The cold wind is howling, and the clothes are thin.

Zhu Kang's face turned purple from the cold, he leaned on a wooden stick for breath, grabbed two handfuls of snow to feed his hunger, and continued to lift his feet mechanically.

Perhaps it was because he had been hungry for too long, an illusory light appeared in front of his eyes, and then the sky turned like a dream, as if he had stepped on something soft and white.


A child's cry of pain sounded, and Zhu Kang felt himself flying up again, hanging upside down in the air.

Zhu Kang shook his head vigorously, dispelling the dizziness and regaining consciousness, and opened his eyes to see a three-foot-long white radish.

The white radish had a muddy footprint on his face, and he was grinning, holding up a **** angrily and waving it.

"Children, don't be ridiculous."

A gentle voice like a spring breeze came, and the red blood vines that bound his feet were loosened and fell to the ground erratically.

Zhu Kang followed the sound and found that under the gazebo not far away, a Taoist man in green robe was sitting, holding the Taoist scripture in his hand and greeting him with a smile.

"Poor Dao Xuanyi, where is the layman?"

"I'm from Kuoshantun, and my name is Zhu Kang."

Zhu Kang woke up from the confusion. Seeing the appearance of the Lingshen doll, he thought he had met a monster. He said like a bean in a bamboo tube, "I am the eighth in my family, and my family has no money or land, not even a daughter-in-law."

"Eating leftovers on weekdays, living in a cowshed, and smelling bad..."

"Poor people can't eat people."

Zhou Yi flexed his fingers, the mana swept over Zhu Kang's body, and the dark wound and frostbite were healed.

"This is Kunlun Mountain, and few outsiders come here. You can stay for a while, or you can choose to leave immediately."

Qin was practicing in Kunlun Mountain for a year, and when he went out, there was a big movement, and he fulfilled his promise to rectify Xuan Xiao's name, but he also created a lot of evil obstacles, so Zhou Yi lost interest in enlightening mortals.


Zhu Kang was stunned and muttered: "There really is Kunlun Mountain in the world, wasn't that made up by Mr. Storyteller?"

Zhou Yi greeted Zhu Kang to take a seat, and said with a smile: "Can the layman tell us how they compiled Kunlun?"

"Mr. Storyteller..."

Zhu Kang was about to talk when his stomach rumbled like a muffled thunder.

"But it's not a poor man, talking while eating."

Zhou Yi waved his hand, and the stone table was covered with dishes, all of which were rare and delicious in the ordinary world.

"Thank you Daoist, thank you immortal!"

Zhu Kang was already hungry, and he didn't care about being in awe of immortals. He ate and drank to soothe his stomach and said, "Mr. Storyteller's stories are mostly from Kunlun Mountain."

Since there is no land at home, Zhu Kangshang can eat a full meal when the farming is busy, and goes to work in the county town when the farming is slack. …

Most of the time, I didn't find a job, so I squatted at the door of the inn and restaurant begging for food, and listened to a lot of stories.

"Kunlun Mountain has become the origin of the protagonist of the story."

Zhou Yi listened interestingly, and asked again: "The poor way has been in seclusion for a long time, I don't know what year it is now?"

"It's now twelve years of eternal extension."

Zhu Kang put down his rice bowl, knelt down on the ground, and prayed: "Immortal, can I live here forever, and I can do it with tea and water, as long as I have food to eat!"

"You can only stay a year at most."

Zhou Yi said: "Pindao will send you some gold and silver when you leave, and you will not have to worry about eating and drinking when you go out."

Zhu Kang shook his head and said, "I don't dare to ask for it. Gold was dug out of the people's land in the neighboring village, and the bandits killed the whole family the next day!"

Zhou Yi frowned slightly: "It's chaos outside now?"

"The court said that the world is very peaceful, but I heard that there are many disasters in the military, and life is not easy anywhere."

Zhu Kang is a real low-level commoner, who can't read a single basket of big characters, and his evaluation of the court or the emperor is that the life is good or the life is sad.

It is not clear what the specific emperor or the court did, and the only people who can come into contact with them are corrupt officials.

Zhou Yi did not continue to ask questions, but pressed his palm on Zhu Kang's forehead and directly read his soul.

From the corner of memory that Zhu Kang can't remember, the diners who saw a glimpse of the diners talking and talking, roughly pieced together the changes that have taken place in Qingguo in the past century.

Emperor Jiading was in power diligently, but Emperor Taishi lived for too long, causing too much suffocation.

After that, he served as two mediocre emperors in a row, and now Emperor Yongyan is known as his ancestor, but unfortunately, martial arts and strong army have not been learned.

"It has been two hundred years since the Qing Dynasty was fixed, and the hidden dangers caused by Qin Zheng are finally unstoppable. Now it is the end of the dynasty!"

Zhou Yi sighed slightly. He was already used to this. After three generations since Fengyang Kingdom, he has already seen through the rise and fall of the kingdom.

When the soul search was over, a few strands of soul power were left in Zhu Kang's soul.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^

Zhu Kang only felt that his soul was sensitive and clear, and his own experiences in the past twenty years were clearly visible.

"Thank you fairy!"

"In the next year, you will take care of Lingtian with the children, and you can go to the library to study in your spare time."

Zhou Yi pondered for a moment and said, "Poor Daoist can't keep you for a long time, and he can't teach you immortal methods, but he can teach you the ability to eat, so you won't starve to death when you go out."

Zhu Kang heard the words and kowtowed again and again: "The grace of the immortal's guidance will be worshipped by the Zhu family from generation to generation."

Zhou Yi nodded slightly, pointed to the library and said.

"This method is stored in the nineteenth volume on the third floor of the No. 7 bookshelf. Pindao is only a slight guess. How to make it requires you to comprehend it yourself."

"The disciple will definitely live up to the expectations of the immortals!"

Zhu Kang didn't know what he would learn. According to the development of the story, it should be the secret recipe of a long-lost immortal who could make a fortune by relying on the secret recipe after leaving the mountain.

After eating and drinking, go home and sleep.

the next day.

After hoeing for a long time, Zhu Kang learned that the big white radish is the essence of the ginseng of ten thousand years, and kowtowed a few times.

In the afternoon, I went to the library and took out a book from the bookshelf according to what the immortal said. The cover had no text but a strange picture.

"It looks like a spinning wheel? It's a little different from what I've seen in the workshop."

When Zhu Kang was working in the county, he would go wherever there was a shortage of people. The spinning wheels he had seen were similar to each other~www.readwn.com~ Opening the book, there were pictures on each page, with text annotations next to them. Most of the text in the book is recognizable.

"The immortal asked me to make this thing, it must have a deep meaning!"

About two months later.

Zhu Kang found that his memory was strong and extraordinary, and he was quite talented, and he quickly built a new spinning wheel.

After testing, the utility has increased tenfold.

Zhou Yi nodded with satisfaction: "Those who are destined to enter Kunlun are indeed extraordinary."

Zhu Kang received the advice of the immortal again, and went to the library to pick up a volume of unnamed books, and the pictures on the book cover were even more strange.

A big boiling teapot!

------off topic-----

keep writing, and

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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