I Am Immortal In The Cultivation World

Chapter 213: Paotang surnamed Bai

Da da da!

The carriage stopped in front of the tavern, and the servant knelt on the ground.

Chen Chengye stepped on his back, and Chunfeng smiled and greeted Zhou Yi who was opening the door.

"Shopkeeper Sun, long time no see!"

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Zhou Yi cupped his hands with a smile, and took a jug of wine from the wine jar with the word Chen: "Mr. Chen is so light, he specially added sweet-scented osmanthus when brewing it, which reduces the pungency and brings back the sweetness!"

After Chen Jiye tasted it, he praised again and again, and took out a stack of redemption tickets from his cuff.

"Thanks to the shopkeeper for reminding me a few days ago that not only did the Chen family not suffer, but they also took the opportunity to make a lot of money. A little thank you is not a respect!"

Zhou Yi waved his hand and said, "Don't be polite, Mr. Chen, do you think we are short of money?"


Chen Jiye said with a smile: "The shopkeeper's walking, sitting and sleeping, food and clothing expenses, all show the origin of family learning. Especially the martial arts is so profound, which is rare in the world, but it scared me and Lao Lu."

The Chen family and the Lu family have been able to pass on to this point. The profound clan heritage is only one of them, and the more important thing is the continuous cultivation of martial arts.

Force is the foundation of guaranteeing the wealth of the old wealth, otherwise the emerging family will be divided up, no matter how powerful the machine's productivity is, it can't be faster than directly grabbing it.

"Family handed down martial arts, practice casually."

Zhou Yi said: "I would also like to thank Mr. Chen for sending me the book of words, more than 2,000 volumes, enough to read for a lifetime."

Chen Jiye nodded slightly, he understood Zhou Yi's change of topic, but he did not continue to ask about the origin of martial arts.

He had already thoroughly checked the bottom of Zhou Yi, and he had an identity as a Taoist priest of Baiyun Temple, but he could not find out which Taoist temple was, it should have been bought by donating incense money.

Another layer of identity is Sun Wu, Jingya household registration.

Chen Jiye had never heard of the aristocratic family surnamed Sun, and it should be a small family that was lucky enough to inherit the relics of the previous dynasty.

The previous dynasties established the country with military force, and the Taishi Emperor single-handedly controlled Yunzhou for a hundred years. After the fall of the Qing Kingdom, the inheritance was scattered everywhere. Including the rapid rise of today's emerging families, it is not only relying on Zhou Taizu and machines, but also the inheritance of blood and martial arts.

The benevolence, righteousness and morality that the old wealthy people talk about must be said to be ancient.

These two identities are nothing in Chen Jiye's eyes, and many branches of the Chen family have changed their names.

The key is that Sun Wu lives in the former residence of the immortals in Ningdefang!

This is the reason why Chen Jiye came to the tavern. The Chen residence is located in Yongchangfang in the east of the city. However, after listening to the report from the servants of the mansion, someone lived in the former residence of the immortal, and he came to the tavern from afar to inquire.

Chen Jiye watched shopkeeper Sun greet the guests, shook his head slightly, and sighed.

"It's a pity it's not Zhou."

It was learned from the Chen family that the ancestors traced back to the Emperor Dagan, and during this period, he met the immortal fate several times.

Today's obsession with collecting ancient books is fundamentally derived from the fear of death and the pursuit of longevity.

For decades, Chen Jiye has collected a lot of classics about the Great Gan Dynasty. Through the connection and speculation of clues, he believes that he has discovered the historical truth.

Dagan Shenghuang established the country and ascended the throne, relying on the support of the immortals!

This conclusion is inconsistent with the records of current history books and is not recognized by historians. After all, Chen Jiye read unofficial history.

"The pain of life is not being able to ask for it."

Chen Jiye's eyes were complicated: "Perhaps the former residence of the immortal was just because the ancestors went over the wall to play and met a Taoist who could tell stories. How can there be any immortals in this world?"

The new era is rolling in with the roar of the machine, and Chen Jiye no longer believes in the legend of strangeness. After all, even Buddhism and Taoism have begun to change.

Believers believe in doctrine, not gods!

Zhou Yi couldn't guess Chen Jiye's complicated feelings, nor would he cast spells to explore people's souls, just like a real tavern shopkeeper welcoming guests.

"Mr. Zhu is here, please take a seat."

"Take two pots of wine? Wait a minute, guest officer!"

"Boss Zhang will bring food for a few days first, and the cook will have it later."


The taste of pear white is the best in the capital. If you drink a good wine once, you will never forget it. Come and make two pots early in the morning.

Zhou Yi's busy reception was like a spinning top, and the celestial aura on his body became more and more sparse, and he became more and more like a mortal.

People are busy and time flies fast.

At night, I went back to Kunlun Cave to practice cultivation. There was only a phantom in the courtyard. During the day, I was busy entertaining guests. Before I knew it, the tavern had been open for half a year.

Chen Chengye, Lu Bo and others are a thousand-year-old family famous in Yunzhou. Because they often come to the tavern to eat, they have gradually attracted many children of other families. Because of the unique quality of Lihuabai, they have gradually become a gathering place for old wealth.

The old wealthy were all dressed in the same way, with square scarves, long gowns, crutches, and gold pocket watches that snapped.

The fabric is naturally the best handmade. The family logo is embroidered on the inconspicuous part of the long gown. The walking stick looks like wood, but it is solid iron and inlaid with emeralds the size of pigeon eggs.

Gold pocket watches are not machine products either. Whoever mass-produces them will be ostracized and despised. They must be handmade by craftsmen!

Don't look at the gold and silver treasures, the old wealthy people never talk about money at gatherings.

For example, when two old wealthy strangers meet, they have to have a plate of their ancestors first. Your ancestors are the county kings three hundred years ago, and my family is the princes five hundred years ago, that is, you are taller!

With the gathering of old wealthy people, following the principle that the old and the new do not meet, the new family never has a tavern.

The two types of people mocked each other when they met. One said that the little turtle was uneducated, and the other said that the old man would not die.

A tavern was also targeted because of this. The officers of Ningdefang did not know who ordered them, and they came to check the accounts aggressively, saying that someone reported that they had paid less business tax.

Zhou Yi took out a gold ingot and easily pinched it into a standard gold coin in front of the officer.

Using his fingertips instead of the carving knife, he swiped on the surface of the gold coin, and in a moment he drew his own head.

Since then.

The guards from Ningdefang have never been to the tavern again, and occasionally come to drink, and change into casual clothes.

Zhou Yi found that the old and new families were in the same situation, but the Taoist priest could not help but scolded Zhou Xuan after asking Chen Jiye about the reason.

"These guys have lost all face of their ancestors!"

The Taoist priests of Baiyunguan inherited the inheritance of Dan Dingzong and Dihuo Palace, and found many formulas from the classics, such as a boring monk refining tools, and found that limestone was crushed and then calcined.

In the eyes of immortal cultivators, this formula is not as important as the refining skills of low-grade instruments.

The Taoist priest obtained a lot of gold and silver wealth through the formula, and turned around and began to tamper with the alchemy scriptures of the sages.

Immortals and gods have been absent from the world for hundreds of years, and they have tasted the huge benefits of machines and business.

This explanation gave the new family a foothold. After all, the souls of the world have ruled Buddhism, Taoism and the Four Books and Five Classics for countless years.

Old Cai can barely accept it, self-comforting and learning has not been abandoned by the times!


City Tour.

The imperial court newly established a department less than 50 years ago, which is responsible for daytime patrols in the city and maintaining public order and stability.

The emergence of a new department is bound to be an urgent need of the situation. If the imperial court takes its head and sets up the city patrol department, the army and horse department and the Beijing government can grind it to ashes.

Zhou Taizu successfully promoted the machine, the business was unprecedentedly prosperous, and the floating population was increasing.

The more people there are, the more cases there are naturally. The soldiers and horses and Jingya are too busy, so they leave petty thefts, fights and other trivial matters to the city inspector to deal with.

City East City patrol cell.

The clerk on duty had been tiring for a day, sitting in a chair dozing off.

Bai Shiyu spat out an iron wire from his mouth~www.readwn.com~ and poked it in the keyhole, and the door opened with a click.

The prisoner in the cell next to him was stunned, he pointed to the door lock and then pointed to his own mouth, meaning to shout loudly without opening the door.

Bai Shiyu repeated the old trick to help the prisoner open the prison door.

The prisoner had a happy expression on his face, and was about to run away in the dark, when he felt a sharp pain in the back of his neck and passed out.

"Master Bai dares to take advantage of it!"

As he spoke, he carried the prisoner's collar by the back of his neck, placed it on the seat opposite the sergeant, and performed light work under his feet to escape.


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