I Am Immortal In The Cultivation World

Chapter 240: National Cultivation of Immortals

Seeing that Emperor Mingxiang's face was not worried, the first assistant immediately changed the subject.

After all, the cabinet has a limited time in office, and the royal family is inherited for life. The first and second personal power is no better than the emperor.

"To invite the two of you today is related to the future of the court."

The first assistant said solemnly: "Xiandao has a complete system of cultivation methods. Even if the No. 0 potion is mature, it is still incomparable. In order to keep the power of the imperial court, another method needs to be found."

A light flashed in the eyes of the leader of the Red Alliance, and there was a vague guess in his heart.

Emperor Mingxiang wondered: "Is there anyone in the world who can stop the prosperity of the immortal way?"


The first assistant said faintly: "The only monks in the world who can check and balance a Qi sect and have no interference with worldly power are the Kunlun Wonderland!"


Emperor Mingxiang muttered to himself that the rise of the Zhu family was closely related to Kunlun. Today, the first place in the ancestral temple is the portrait of the Kunlun immortal drawn by Zhou Taizu himself.

Zhou Taizu left a will on his deathbed. If he encounters a new descendant of Kunlun, he will comply with any request of the Zhu family, even if the other party asks for the throne!

Because of this, when the Red Alliance launched a revolution, the royal family announced their abdication with little resistance.

"I still have a handwritten letter from Taizu in my hand, which is the primary inheritance token of the royal family. Unfortunately, no one in this world can find Kunlun!"

"Your Majesty is wrong."

The first assistant said: "Some people in this world have found Kunlun, and there is a way to enter the fairyland. Zhang alliance leader should not hide it, this matter is related to the future of the country!"

Alliance Leader Zhang shook his head slightly, the immortal book is the top secret of the Red Alliance, and only a few people know it.

After a hundred years, someone has finally changed their minds. After all, the members of the Red Alliance are no longer the mud-legged people they used to be!

"The Red Alliance does have a way to open the Immortal Gate, but it lacks the key... the hardest item in the world."

"This matter has already come to the fore."

The first assistant said: "That thing, with the world's top technology, is difficult to destroy!"

Emperor Mingxiang woke up from the shock of Kunlun Wonderland, with a look of doubt on his face: "This matter can be discussed by the two of you. What does it have to do with me?"

"His Majesty's ancestors once entered Kunlun, and there are still handwritten letters on the deathbed. At that time, entering the fairyland can be regarded as incense."

The first assistant explained: "And that kind of thing is not easy to handle. It is enshrined in the Golden God Cathedral, and countless experts are stationed in it. No weapons can be brought in. You need to ask Mr. Wei to take action!"

When Wei Zheng practiced martial arts, he was called the arrogance of heaven. At the end of the law, he was promoted to the innate master. When he transferred to the immortal path, he had high-level spiritual roots.

Emperor Mingxiang pondered for a moment, as if he had no reason to refuse.

"This matter still needs to be discussed with my uncle."



Zhuangyuan Street.

Compared with a year ago, it is more lively, with pedestrians knitting together, and bargaining can be heard endlessly.

Dazhou has the most developed technology, perfect network information, and a lot of money is scattered, and the cultivation method of immortality quickly spread all over Yunzhou.

At the beginning, Zhuangyuan Street was deserted for a long time. After all, everyone can cultivate immortals. If they have money, they will buy medicine pills. In the future, they may live longer than antiques.

The shop owners are anxious to get angry, but there is nothing to do.

The impact of the antique shop is relatively light, and the real collapse is those of the hospital and pharmaceutical industry.

Not to mention that after cultivating immortals and practicing martial arts, almost all illnesses will not occur. Originally, the diseases that were not treated by doctors and medicines were put into the abdomen, and 90% of them were healed in an instant.

Just as everyone was in a hurry, they all began to prepare to sell the shop, and things took a turn for the better when they returned to their hometown to cultivate immortals.

A certain disciple of Yiqi Zong visited Zhuangyuan Street and bought a tin can at an antique stall, which turned out to be an ancient magic weapon.

Even if the spirituality is lost and degenerates into broken copper and iron, the essence is still there. It can restore its power with mana, and it can also melt and refine materials.

In the early days of spiritual qi recovery, there were no spiritual ore in the world, only entry-level refining materials such as iron essence and copper essence.

After the news spread, the flow of people on Zhuangyuan Street surpassed before.

Antique dealers have launched counterfeit ancient instruments in a timely manner, and even learned to counterfeit without a teacher, such as inviting monks to cast spells, leaving traces of mana and prohibition in the fake antiques.

"Isn't this the prototype of Fang Market?"

Zhou Yi came back from northern Xinjiang and walked around the streets for two laps. Basically, they were all fakes.

Occasionally, there is a half-piece of genuine goods, and the price can be smashed into the sky. Even if the restoration of Yunyang is only a magic weapon, Zhou Yi is too lazy to take advantage of the younger generation.

This time, I went to the northern border to ban the spiritual veins. I checked the locations of all the ghosts from the investigation bureau. It took a year before and after, almost flying around Yunzhou.

"It is recorded in the classics that there are accompanying spiritual creatures in the first-born spiritual meridian, and more than 30 spiritual meridians have been banned before and after. Why haven't I seen anything?"

"Could it be that the time is too early and the spiritual veins are too weak?"

When Zhou Yi talked with Yuanling Tianjun, he learned from the other party that after the recovery of heaven and earth, the spiritual energy was pure and active, and there were opportunities everywhere, which was the most rapid development stage in the world of cultivating immortals.

The congenital spirits associated with the spiritual veins have infinite magical uses, and can even be used to promote the return to the void.

"Now there is a formation monitoring, if there is something strange, you can feel it at any time. If you can't get the accompanying spirit, that is, you have no connection with the poor way, and the big deal is to wait for the next era!"

While thinking, I walked to the pawnshop.

Zhou Yi took out the key and opened the door. The owner of the shop on the left, Xu, was bowing to see the guests away.

"Boss Bai is back?"

"Just got back."

Zhou Yi pointed at Gubaozhai's plaque with a smile, and asked in confusion, "Jiyazhai is a century-old store, why have you changed your name?"

"It won't work if you don't change. People have to follow the trend."

Boss Xu said: "The hottest thing right now is cultivating immortals. Putting our antique shop is an ancient artifact. What kind of elegant things are out of date!"

Zhou Yi's spiritual sense swept through Gubaozhai, all of which were new products that had just been cast, for the sake of neighbors.

"Waimen's official website has a reminder that the law can't control monks, and people don't need to kill people on the spot. Boss Xu is doing business, you must be careful, don't provoke monks!"

"Boss Bai's words are really from the bottom of my heart."

Boss Xu glanced left and right, and said in a low voice, "We only do business for ordinary people. If there are cultivators who come in, we will serve you delicious food and drink. If you want to take it away at the cost, you won't dare to cheat!"

Zhou Yi said in surprise, "What do ordinary people do when they buy magic tools?"

"Ask for a fairy."

Boss Xu said: "I don't know who spread it out. The ancient magic weapon has the imprint of the sages, which can break through the limitation of spiritual roots. Regardless of whether the news is true or false, there will always be people who will believe it, that is cultivating immortals!"

There are many rich people in the world. In order to prolong life, they put a lot of money into illusory scientific research. It is similar to the old man who spent all his savings to buy health care products~www.readwn.com~ There is a great horror between life and death. Longevity and longevity are derived from The pursuit of genes.

Now that there is a cultivation of immortals, one can really prolong one's life. The one hundred and fifty-year-old who has practiced the first level of Qi can already be regarded as a longevity star, but it is limited by spiritual roots.

Longevity is near and impossible to obtain, and countless rich people are crazy about it, which has spawned all kinds of rumors that break through the limitations of spiritual roots, such as imprint inheritance, spiritual root transplantation, soul seizure, bone replacement, and so on.

Zhou Yi heard a lot of news outside, and now the talk of immortal cultivation can be described as cooking oil on fire.

Up to eighty old women, down to pre-school children, no one does not talk about Xuan Lun Dao.

In the most powerful era of the immortal world, there is no grand occasion for the whole people to cultivate immortals!


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