I Am Immortal In The Cultivation World

Chapter 300: Patriarch Seal

"A lot of wild gods also have backgrounds, right?"

Zhou Yi had doubts on his face, such as the Great Sect and the Dragon Clan, who were ruled by immortals, the Daheng court did not dare to provoke them.

"Naturally, those with backgrounds were canonized by the imperial court, and those without backgrounds were expelled and beheaded."

Danxiazi sighed: "Fortunately, the ancestors in the teaching had the foresight to limit the matter of conferring gods to the Nascent Soul. In the past ten years, there have been various open and secret battles, and it was peaceful not long ago!"

The twelve major religions of the human race, as well as the immortal dynasty and race with the background of returning to the virtual world, have completely divided up Daheng.

Nowadays, the Daheng Mountains and Water Vessels canonized the righteous gods, and all of them have a profound background. It can be said that the great forces of Dongsheng Shenzhou have gathered together, like a powder keg that is about to explode.

Zhou Yi worried: "The matter of consecrating the gods with incense will inevitably lead to the rise and fall of great religions, and will it lead to the catastrophe of the destruction of the Divine Continent?"

Witnessing the destruction of Jiuzhou with his own eyes, Zhou Yi was against the technique of concentrating on incense and conferring gods from the bottom of his heart, and only felt that this was the source of the destruction.

The wind rises from the end of Qingping, and the waves form between the waves.

Even if the ancestors of Huixu agreed that only the juniors of Yuan Ying would be allowed to fight, but the relationship between master and apprentice is comparable to that of father and son. Who cares about the agreement if life is lost, or if the fight is lost, will the face be torn for the sake of the road?

Now there are too many forces in Dongsheng Shenzhou with nuclear buttons, and if you can't tell which one, you can't help pressing it!

"Don't worry, junior brother, the ancestors of the teaching have already made up their minds."

Fu Fengzi said: "I teach a temptation that can't be resisted by the immortals who return to the virtual world. I'm sure that they will stay on the sidelines, and I will also restrain the disciples from transforming into gods, so as to ensure the smooth progress of the conferring of gods."

The Way of Ascension!

Zhou Yi immediately guessed that human beings and immortals were already at the top of the world, and their cultivation and realm could not be advanced.

In the face of such temptation, the rise and fall of the sect is nothing!

Zhou Yi sighed: "Senior brother, I teach this sacrifice too much!"

"Then there is no way, the incense consecration is related to the future of countless cultivators, and the general trend of prosperity, I can't stop it no matter how strong it is.

Fufengzi said: "So we can only use the situation to lead the profit. I hope that the matter of conferring the gods will transition smoothly, no matter how great the sacrifice. It is also necessary to maintain the stability of the common people. Only then can it be in line with the fundamental teachings of our teaching!"

"Patriarch Gao Yi, I will follow to the death!"

Zhou Yi bowed his hands in the direction of the Tianshan Mountains. This is where he agreed with the Heaven-Mending Sect. Even though the Heaven-Mending Sect kept saying that it was hypocritical and hypocritical, it really blessed hundreds of millions of souls.

There was a little bit of joy in my heart, from this point of view, the matter of conferring the gods can be passed through peacefully.

I dare not say that Nascent Soul is the strongest, but Zhou Yi is confident, and no one in the same realm can match!

Fufengzi praised: "If all the outsiders are as loyal and loyal as the younger brothers and sisters, then my teaching can suppress the world by itself, so why should we join forces with Buddhism?"

There are hundreds of Huashen Tianjun in the Heaven-Mending Sect, but half of them are outsiders, and they don't have much sense of belonging under the name of the Heaven-Mending Sect.

On weekdays, you can follow the orders of the sect, but you can't really treat others as subordinates. The two sides are more similar to the alliance relationship, and the headquarters of the Butian Sect is the leader of the alliance.

"That's wrong."

Danxia Zi Nuoshu said: "If it's all this guy, isn't it all greedy and lecherous? Then my teaching will change its nature, maybe it will become like a monster in the sky, saying that the Xuanmen is authentic, doing it. Be reckless!"

Fu Fengzi agreed, "That's right, it's enough to have one junior brother in the teaching."

"Slander, it's slander!"

Zhou Yi quickly defended: "That's just the surface, in fact, I'm an honest and reliable little man..."

The two senior brothers burst into laughter, and the hall was filled with a happy atmosphere.


half year later.

Zhou Yi left Qi Wu Shan.

The mountains, rivers and waters are under the control of disciples of the Heaven-Mending Sect, it is impossible to eliminate criminals, and the people will live a lot better on a macro level.

Good weather and good harvests.

Mountain God Hebo can easily do it, but few people in the world are willing to do it, even if they know that they will be rewarded handsomely if they persist in doing good for a hundred years.

Back to Daheng.

Qingyun Mountain went around for a while, condolences to the gods under the devil, and after checking the accounts, he went to Yongning Mansion for a banquet.

It's time to share the benefits again,

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Ten years is a long time in the eyes of ordinary people, and Yuanying Daojun will expire after a little retreat.

"May the Lizhu increase by 30% compared to the last time, which is basically the same as the number of the previous year, and the next time the profit will be much higher. Due to the fighting all over the territory of Daheng, many natural and man-made disasters have been caused, and the stable Qingyun Mountain has become the first choice for refugees. The population has nearly doubled!"

Zhou Yi put away the wishing beads, more than 200 of them of pure quality, originated from the worship of cattle under the autonomy of the population.

Coupled with the more than 100 pieces of lacquer Wushan obtained, it can be transformed into shape in about three hundred or so years, and the time has been shortened by 70%.

"Sure enough, to be bigger and stronger, not only will the accumulation speed be fast, but you don't have to take care of things yourself!"

Zhou Yi suddenly felt the happiness of a capitalist. He ordered him to go down and drink and retreat. He only needed to collect the bill once every ten years, which was much more comfortable than being a mountain **** himself.

"The capitalists are also worried that the people below are messing around, and the world of immortals will never appear. The last group of people who dared to deceive the top and the bottom have already lost their souls!"

Daheng stayed for half a year, and in addition to his daily practice, he would feast and celebrate.



Mysterious Iron View.

A flash of light fell, and Zhou Yi bowed and saluted.

"Disciple pays homage to Master, and I have to ask for advice on getting rid of demons!"

As I got to know Danxiazi, I heard a lot of news about Tie Guanxian, and in general, I got a clear understanding of Master's character.

It is rumored that Tie Guanxian was born in Weimo, and his clan was mutilated by demons and demons. He was lucky enough to escape with his life, and the passing disciples of the Heaven Repairing Sect brought him back to Tianshan.

After successful cultivation, he slayed demons and slayed demons everywhere, and made a name for himself.

After obtaining the Witness Immortal, he began to teach his disciples with peace of mind because of the respect of the seniors, or the unspoken rules among the Immortals.

Anyone who dares to provoke the Iron Crown Immortal Sect will immediately have a reason to flutter, regardless of any face and unspoken rules. If the Hundred-eyed Demon Lord hadn't taken shelter from the Heavenly Sect, Tie Guanxian would have found the trail long ago and personally came to the door to capture him.

Tie Guanxian's voice came from the Taoist temple.

"Come in.

Zhou Yi bowed in and said, "This disciple met the monster Jietian not long ago..."

Afterwards, he talked about his cooperation with Bai Suixin to slay demons and eliminate demons, to govern the people and to gather their willpower beads, and even to invite the two senior brothers to cast spells and deceive them without concealing them.

"Three birds with one stone, this is a good job.

Iron Crown Immortal is not corrupt, no matter if it is a conspiracy, it is a good strategy to be able to eliminate demons: "But there are only two gods, maybe the old monsters will see through it and wait for the teacher to cast spells."

While speaking, he clapped his hands on the tactic, and one after another aura fell on Zhou Yi, his breath blurred and changed until it returned to nothingness.

"Cover your heels and feet by casting spells for the teacher, and even if people make calculations, they won't find anything unusual."

"Thank you, Master!"

Zhou Yi bowed and saluted, his spiritual sense swept inside and outside, but did not find any traces of casting spells. Obviously, the realm was too different, and continued.

"The reason this disciple is asking for advice is to ask you for advice. Does my teaching have any top secrets that seem to be important but are actually useless? After all, the disciple is a secret spy, and he has to use valuable information in exchange for the trust of the Jietian Sect!"

"Well, it's easy to talk about"

Tie Guanxian pondered for a moment, and said, "Before I was a teacher, I fought with Ao Guang, and I can tell Jietian Sect that I will teach my disciples to kill evil Jiao everywhere, and I have long been in a bad relationship with the Dragon Clan."

Zhou Yi suddenly realized that this matter informed Jietian Sect that they would try to join forces with the Dragon Clan, which seemed very valuable.

"Master, will this matter affect you?"

"My teacher has been itching for a long time, so I wanted to wait for them to join forces and set up an ambush for me to jump in."

Tie Guanxian sighed and said, "Since I was promoted to return to the virtual world, I have looked around invincible. A personal immortal is a tortoise with a shrunken head. Instead, it is better to dare to fight and fight in the spirit-transforming realm. Find yourself some fun!"


Zhou Yi felt a strong force coming towards his face, and asked: "Master, you have to participate in the news that is either true or false. So as not to arouse the suspicion of the monster in the sky."

"You elf ghost, it's a pity that Linggen is talented."

Tie Guanxian said: "A few days ago, there was a shock at the sky leak. It is suspected that the seal established by the ancestors has been too long, and the power has begun to weaken. I am afraid that there will be another sky leak in the future!"


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It's true, it's too appalling! "

Zhou Yi's eyes widened, and he only felt that there were too many crises in Dongsheng Shenzhou, and he could maintain it until now, and his luck was indeed at its peak.


Tie Guanxian said: "It's true that the seal is weakened, and the disaster of the sky leak is false. Back then, when I taught Patriarch to fight with Patriarch Jietian, we won by a margin. This is a shame for Jietian, and they will definitely find their way back when they have a chance."

Zhou Yi said worriedly: "The seal of the patriarch has become weak, so it can still prevent the leakage of the sky forever?"

"Of course not.

Tie Guanxian said: "If the seal will be broken one day, I will repair the sky for the teacher, and the natural disaster will never come again!"

Zhou Yi was silent for a while, then bowed and saluted.

"Disciple got it!"

The Patriarch of Repairing Heaven is a Void Returning Immortal, and the Iron Crown Immortal realm is also not weak. However, after practicing for thousands of years, it is one step away from Xia Ju's ascension. Which Void Return can make this determination?

After all, after the ascension, what is the calamity in the world to do with me!

Seeing Zhou Yi's dejected expression, Tie Guanxian felt a little warmth in his heart, and said, "You should be clear about your background as a teacher. If you hadn't passed by, you would have frozen to death and starved to death."

"After that, I had to enter the Immortal Dao, avenged the blood revenge, and earned thousands of years of life for nothing."

"Such a great kindness, not to mention the use of one's body to make up the sky, even if it was wiped out on the spot, it would still be difficult for me to teach in case!"

Leave Xuantieguan.

Zhou Yi's expression was a little lonely. Originally, Tie Guanxian was just asking for a backer, but now he feels quite close and can really be regarded as a master.

The master and apprentice in the immortal world are like father and son, and their relationship far exceeds that of blood clans.

"I hope that there will be no problems with the seal of the ancestors before the master's ascension, and there are more than one immortals in the Heaven-Mending Sect, but can the other ancestors be as magnanimous and decisive as the master?"

The doctrine of mending the sky is just a written rule, and whether or not to follow it is entirely up to the heart.

The cultivation base has reached the Void Returning Immortal, and the world is the best. Even if the teachings are forcibly changed, the disciples in the sect must obey!

"These things can't be mixed with Nascent Soul. It's the right way for the poor to cultivate into the real dragon and nine transformations earlier. At the same time, I will find a way to find the other three kinds of rare treasures and cultivate the great five-element escape technique!"

Zhou Yi returned to the Golden Light Hall and was about to retreat when he received a message from Daojun Xuanhong.

Yan said that he thanked Zhou Yi for arranging the clan. After the banquet, he received another invitation from another senior brother, and he stopped after eating and drinking for more than half a month.

It's all over.

Zhou Yi began to retreat and practice in the Golden Light Hall.


Time is like water.

The sun and the moon are like water.

In the blink of an eye, nine years have passed, and True Dragon Nine Changes is a good entry point, and it will take decades to complete it.

This method is a process of water grinding. Each change takes decades. Fortunately, all changes can be practiced at the same time.

The blood essence of monsters needed for cultivation, there are a large number of disciples of the Heaven Mending Sect, and Zhou Yi can easily exchange it with the Willing Power Orb. Only the number of mirages is rare, but Senior Brother Xuan Hong went out and found enough from Taiyi Sect.

Taiyi sect is one of the great sects in Dongsheng Shenzhou, and it ranks among the authentic sects of Xuanmen.

"It's easier to travel with more friends!"

Zhou Yi couldn't help sighing, if it weren't for Xuan Hong's way, he would still need to catch the head mirage and raise it in the Kunlun cave.

this day.

Winter is coming to spring, the wind is warm and the sun is shining.

There are many guests in the Golden Light Palace. Their clansmen are operating in Qiwu Mountain. Today is the day to share the wishing power beads.

After Zhou Yi Nian, he went to Qiwu Mountain, first made unannounced visits to the cities and towns at the foot of the mountain, and then asked Wu Qiong, the temple blessing, and learned that the new mountain **** Hebo was not at fault, so he collected the wishing beads and returned to Tianshan.

"Senior brothers, this is your share.

Zhou Yi waved his hand, and more than a dozen storage bags fell into everyone's hands, saying, "There are more Hebos and less mountain gods, but there are spiritual mines in the mountains to supplement them, and the overall difference is not bad.

"Of course, the number of people under their respective jurisdictions will also affect the amount of wishing beads. It's definitely not that the junior and senior members deliberately divide more and less!"

"What are you talking about, brother?"

Xuanhong's spiritual sense swept over and saw more than a hundred wish power beads in the storage bag, and immediately smiled: "This foundation is to take advantage of the junior and junior brothers, and there are other requirements."

Others said yes, hundreds of wishing power beads fell from the sky, and there will be an endless stream in the future, which is a great good thing!

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Zhou Yi said with a smile: "Senior brothers can send messages to the clansmen, let them open up more fertile fields, accommodate refugees, and the population will increase, and the incense will naturally gather more power."

"It should have been.

"Pindao is sending a message here, as a person from the Heaven Repairing Sect, he should bless the human race!"

"Don't worry, junior brother, they dare not work, and the poor will be punished!"

Everyone really benefited, the atmosphere in the hall was very cheerful, and the conversation with Zhou Yi became more and more close.


The news spread all over the Tianshan Mountains, causing huge waves.

After the propaganda of the incense and the gods, the price of wishing power beads rose, which caused many disciples on the mountain to have their minds floating, and they wanted to go down the mountain and occupy a mountain to be called a god.

Now I know even more that the small place summoned by Dongsheng Shenzhou Tejiao has such great benefits. If it occupies several mountains and rivers, wouldn’t it be possible to transform God?

The Golden Light Temple where Zhou Yi was located~www.readwn.com~ was full of guests, who all inquired about the mountain **** Hebo.

The dignified Xuanmen's authentic true biography is also a famous Taoist, but he will not directly ask how to earn the wish power beads, but say that his family is true, and there is no place to stay in the continent of Nuo Dadongsheng Shenzhou!

When Zhou Yi heard this, he immediately patted his chest and assured.

"Senior brother, don't worry, there will be another chance soon, and your clan will have a foundation to settle down!"

Bai Suixin shared the wishing power beads in Qiwu Mountain this year. He had already said that the next devil was chosen, and he had something to do with the Hundred-eyed Devil, and the two devils were secretly friendly.

Wu Ming's body is gone, and Bai Suixin will find a way to lure the devil and go down the mountain for revenge!

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