I Am Immortal In The Cultivation World

Chapter 349: I am the only one

The latest website: The Emperor of Heaven was silent for a long time, and asked faintly. "Who is your master?"

Sun Changsheng talked about Shizun, but never revealed his name and Taoist title, making it impossible for the gods in heaven to find out. Now that the past life is exposed, he is the devil blood demon, but he has learned the magical powers of the three religions!

Sun Changsheng asked back, "Who is Your Majesty?"

Not long after the Heavenly Court took office, the Heavenly Emperor Huashen came to the door and determined that Sun Changsheng was not the reincarnation of the Heavenly Master. The Emperor of Heaven said, "I am the true God!"

"Master Pindao is the true immortal of the upper realm, the ancestor of the longevity!"

A light flashed in Sun Changsheng's eyes. When he used the Heaven Severing Technique back then, he only got the word "God", but it was supposed to be on the Emperor of Heaven.

"Upper Bound."

The Emperor of Heaven stared at Sun Changsheng for a long time, and his strength had retreated to that of an ordinary immortal due to his self-destruction of the boundless sea of ​​blood. At this time, with the help of the endless incense in the heaven, nine out of ten can suppress the seal!

Sun Changsheng said with a smile: "Your Majesty wants to go back on it, but it must be early, the movement outside will be over soon."

The six dragon rings and the sea of ​​​​blood blew themselves up at the same time, causing a void in the radius of 10,000 miles. From a distance, there was a dark hole in the sky. The three immortals and many true gods were trying their best to block the aftermath.

"Fellow Daoist is joking, I've never said anything."

The Emperor of Heaven knows the essence of the blood sea better than anyone, and its core has been promoted to a true demon, and it is difficult to completely annihilate the mortal means.

Even if the seal is suppressed, when the aftermath of the self-destruction ends, Sun Changsheng will be able to sue the Emperor of Heaven! "Hey hey hey."

Sun Changsheng scratched his ears and scratched his cheeks and said, "If that's the case, then the poor way is arrogant!"

While speaking, he used his mana to manifest the golden body of a thousand-zhang Luohan, and smashed Lingxiao Hall into pieces with one palm. The Emperor of Heaven fell from the dragon chair, and most of the dragon robe on his body was broken.

"Splash monkey."

Before the Heavenly Emperor could finish speaking, a few more palms fell, knocking him into the ground several hundred feet deep. “Fun and fun!”

The depression in Sun Changsheng's heart dissipated immediately, and just as he was about to continue beating the Heavenly Emperor, the void cave in the sky was visibly dissipated.

The three immortals stood in the sky, their breath fluctuating.

Dozens of true gods are even more miserable. They were originally conferred gods based on the heavenly court. If the court is in ruins today, the mana breath has almost fallen into the gods.

Duke Shoushan said in a cold voice, "Monkey monkey, disturb the heavens, be punished!"

Sun Changsheng had no blood sea to rely on, but he still had an indestructible body, and sneered: "Old man, Grandpa Sun is standing here, can you kill it?"


Dajue Luohan proclaimed the Buddha's name: "The donor has caused a big disaster, and there is infinite karma in his body. It is better to follow the poor monk to Lingshan to resolve it."

Sun Changsheng was about to ridicule the thief, when Ming Zhenzi's voice rang in his ears.

"Fellow Daoist Sun, please accept it when you see it. If you really ask Butian to ask the real immortals to come down to earth, you won't be able to do well. Why don't you make a request, and the poor Daoist will definitely support it."

Sun Changsheng raised his brows, secretly saying that Jietianjiao was indeed neither right nor evil, and he did whatever he wanted, and the words softened when he reached his lips.

"Pin Dao went back to his hometown, Monkey Mountain, to retreat and cultivate, without asking about world affairs, what do you think?" "There are countless disciples of the three sects, so I just want to leave like this."

Duke Shoushan sneered and said, "The only thing you can do is to capture it with your hands and return to the magic tower to make yourself self-proclaimed, or else you will definitely be killed!"

Ming Zhenzi spat out a mouthful of blood, which was three or four feet away, his mana aura instantly dropped and underestimated, and his voice was as low as a mosquito.

"Shoushan Gong, Pindao is seriously injured, but he can't fight!" "You"

How could Duke Shoushan not know that Ming Zhenzi was pretending, but he couldn't find a reason. He just suffered from self-destruction head-on, and even he was hit hard.

At this time.

A divine light flew out from the ground, and the world was unkempt and tattered. "Splash monkey!"

"I want you to die!"

"Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals listen to the order, form a formation, and join forces to kill this beast!"

The remaining heavenly gods are less than 10,000, and they were lucky to escape the aftermath of the self-destruction.

After the command, they all looked at the Three Religious Immortals.

"Your Majesty, the bigger picture is the most important thing!"

Dajue Luohan's spiritual sense swept over, and he didn't know whether it was strength or luck. The Buddhist disciples survived a lot, so he quickly persuaded him: "To find out what happened today, it's still Heavenly Court that blamed Fellow Sun Daoist."

Duke Shoushan is also slow (this chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue)

Calm down slowly, and continue to fight and fight, not to mention whether Shenzhou will collapse, he himself will not even think about flying to the upper realm.

He snorted coldly, but did not refute.

"The great monk is right. Pindao will often go to Lingshan to play in the future."

Sun Changsheng slapped his palms and praised, fortunately, today's fighting method is good at Buddhism, otherwise it would be difficult to domesticate the Arhat relic, and he would definitely fall behind Buddhism.

Master is right, the more you hate Buddhism, the more you want to understand Buddhist scriptures!

If you really want to completely destroy Buddhism, you must be able to revise its scriptures, distort its teachings, and fundamentally turn it into another sect.

Dajue Arhat folded his hands together and said with a smile, "Young Daoyou Sun has the Buddhist tradition and is also an Arhat in Lingshan, so he should come to recite the scriptures and debate the law."

At this time, Ming Zhenzi no longer vomited blood, and cupped his hands: "Fellow Daoist has cultivated the technique of cutting the sky, but you can come to the Hall of Heavenly Secrets to learn the method of divination."

When the True God of Heaven saw this scene, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

If they fight again, the three immortals will be fine, and the true gods will surely lose a few. "Good talk, good talk."

With a full smile, Sun Changsheng glanced at the Emperor of Heaven provocatively: "Your Majesty, Pindao is leaving now?" "Go away!"

The Heavenly Emperor's eyes were filled with resentment, as if he hated Sun Changsheng very much. "Mozu, wait for the disciple."

A voice came, but it was the yin and yang Taoist, and behind him were the demons and ghosts. Sun Changsheng wondered: "The poor road will let you out, why are there so many left?"

Yin and Yang showed grief and grief: "The magic ancestors are powerful, they were swept away by the aftermath of the battle, and all of them died."

Sun Changsheng calculated with his fingers, and immediately knew the whole story.

The eighteenth-level prison's formation prohibition could not stop the aftermath of the self-destruction, so Yin Yang teamed up with several god-transforming demons to resist those low-strength blood sacrifices, and barely survived.

"Poor Dao is the authentic sect of Xuanmen, how can it be complicit with you?"

Sun Changsheng didn't care about the stunned demons, he kept in mind the teachings of his master, not to be in the company of demons, and disappeared into the light of darkness. "Magic Ancestor/Great Sage"

No matter how Yin Yang, Yingkong and others called, Sun Changsheng didn't turn his head, and suddenly he felt a terrifying pressure coming.

The group of demons glanced at the immortals and the true gods, and consciously returned to the prison, closing the door skillfully. The Heavenly Emperor had no time to take care of the demons, and looked around the ruined Heavenly Court with a gloomy expression on his face.

"In the current situation, can it be considered that the catastrophe has passed?"

"Heavenly court is too much, but it lacks the catastrophe in the world."

Dajue Luohan frowned. According to the original plan, Sun Changsheng couldn't get the Witness Immortal, and then Heavenly Court framed him for secretly releasing demons.

Sun Changsheng was irrefutable, and could only fight against the gods of heaven.

The gods thought of the old feelings of the heavenly masters, and kept their hands everywhere, so that Sun Changsheng fled into the mortal world with demons and ghosts.

The demons were born, the mortal human race suffered disaster, and the heavenly court sent troops to conquer again, until a sufficient number of righteous gods and mortals died, and three more immortals surrendered to Sun Changsheng to end the catastrophe.

It was a good plan, but somehow it went wrong!

Duke Shoushan was annoyed that Buddhism attracted Sun Changsheng, and mocked: "If Arhat didn't admit the wrong person, how could there be such a consequence?"

Dajue Luohan frowned and defended: "The poor monk just thinks it is similar, and he deliberately asked Jietian to teach divination. It's not that the divination made a mistake!"

Mingzhenzi has lived for more than 2,000 years, and he is not easy to be provoked, he retorted.

"What does it have to do with Pindao? Isn't it because the Heaven Mending Sect didn't guard the Suppressing Demon Pagoda well, so the Gorefiend escaped?"

The three immortals looked at each other and snorted. "Humph!"

Immediately it turned into three rays of light and disappeared into the sky, obviously not wanting to care about the mess of Heavenly Court. The Heavenly Emperor said faintly, "Aiqings, what are you going to do?"

The true gods of the three sects remained silent, with dissatisfaction flashing in their eyes, but they did not dare to slander the immortals behind their backs. Maybe those three pretended to leave and secretly monitored them with their divine senses!

Sheng Yang, however, has no scruples, and said solemnly: "We must collect the incense and wishing power as soon as possible. If we drag on like this, the heaven has not yet been rebuilt. I will wait for the body of the true **** to collapse and die."

Incense Fengshen took a shortcut, and it has its own flaws.

One of them is that the fighting skills are not as good as those of human beings, the other is that their strength is related to the rise and fall of heaven, and the third is to consume a lot of incense and wishing power at any time.

Just like a monk needs aura (this chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue)

If the true **** cannot be replenished with incense, the body will dissipate on its own.

Sheng Yang pointed out this matter, Yang Zi and others would not object, they nodded in support, it is more important to life and death than soaring.

"It's not difficult."

Heavenly Emperor said: "Continue to follow the previous plan, let the demons ravage the world, and then let Heavenly Court clean up the mess." Yangzi said: "Ninety percent of the prisoners prepared in the Heavenly Prison have died. Where can I find the devil?"

"The remaining thousand will be enough."

The Emperor of Heaven said: "To punish mortals, you don't need to transform the demons of the Nascent Soul into the gods. Ordinary qi-refining demons are enough. For the demons in the Tianjing, just accepting some disciples is enough to cause trouble for the mortals of the Divine Continent!"

Sheng Yang shook his head and said, "It's hard! It's hard! Those demons didn't go to the Immortal Slaying Stage, they were all cautious. Now that they don't have the backing of people and immortals, they don't dare to commit crimes when they are released."

"Heaven doesn't allow it, they dare not do evil"

Heavenly Emperor's voice changed: "If Heavenly Court allows it and makes a deal with them, the demons will only accept apprentices, and Heavenly Court will be responsible for encircling and suppressing them!"

The expressions of the gods changed, but they did not object. "Amitabha!"

The legal face showed bitterness: "Heavenly Court joined hands with demons to harvest the incense of mortals. This move is different from the evil gods?" "I am also helpless. The current situation of Heavenly Court is that the gods are dead."

The Emperor of Heaven said: "Once the Heavenly Court collapses, the thousand-year stability of Dongsheng Divine Continent will be broken, and the world of immortals will no longer be bound by the heavenly rules. If the monks act recklessly, they will surely return to the chaos of the past."

"Although this move is a joint effort with demons, it is for the sake of giving up the little ones to protect the big ones, and it is also for the stability of hundreds of millions of lives!" The gods bowed and saluted: "What Your Majesty said is very true!"

Obviously, the gods of heaven are willing to give up the right path for the sake of incense and power, or in order to survive.

Yangzi and other true gods of the Heaven-Mending Sect, with the phrase "for hundreds of millions of living beings", can be regarded as following the fundamental teachings. "Hahaha"

Only the legal Arhat didn't bow down and saluted. Instead, he raised his head and laughed wildly, waving his hands to tear up the monk's robe, leaving his upper body naked.

"It's about giving up the little ones and keeping the big ones, I'm really tired of listening to this!"

"The left and right are just for selfishness, why do you say that you are so upright?"

"This Heavenly Court has entered the Devil's Way, so it's not a matter of being a god, and Lingshan has entered the Devil's Way, so it's okay not to recite the Buddhist scriptures!"

"I have recited Buddhist scriptures for a thousand years and kept the heavenly rules for a thousand years. As a result, I lived in a devil's cave, and I simply went from a Buddha to a devil. Why do I have to put on the hypocritical face of a god, a Buddha?"

The Buddha's light and the divine light on Fu Jing's body reflected each other, and began to change in the voice of the voice. From the golden light, it turned into a billowing demonic energy, and strands of cobweb-like magic patterns were revealed on his forehead and chest.

The gods blushed when they heard it, and the legal words completely revealed the hypocrisy of the heavenly court.

The so-called tiantiao, the so-called immortal books, keep saying that it is for the stability of the Divine Continent, for hundreds of millions of living beings, but in fact it is to maintain the status of the heavenly court, so that the gods can enjoy the incense offerings in peace.

In the past, there was no shortage of incense, so he wore a fairy mask.

Today, without incense, I did not hesitate to conspire with the demon. "Demon talk to confuse the public!"

The Emperor of Heaven snorted coldly: "The law has already entered the devil, and Zhu Aiqing joined forces to surrender it and send it to Lingshan to be transformed by Arhat, so as not to bring disaster to Shenzhou."

The gods looked ashamed, but they moved their hands without ambiguity, and instantly surrounded the law in the center. "There is no need for you to wait, this seat will be extinguished on its own."

Legal standing on the black lotus, glanced at the gods with cold eyes, and his voice was cold as if it came from Jiuyou.

"It's no wonder that Senior Brother didn't want to be the Emperor of Heaven back then. He must have seen through the hypocrisy of you and others, and would rather end his life and die than be a snake!"

"The poor monk is greedy and returns to the realm of emptiness. Compared with the big brother, it's not enough!"

"Today's annihilation is actually karma. Back then, I shouldn't have promised that **** bald donkey to commit a thousand-year-old catastrophe. It's not too late to have an epiphany when I die. When I reincarnate in the next life, the law of heaven will be established!"

After all, the black lotus ignited a raging flame and burned the legal demon body. The soul is scattered, the ashes are gone, and there is no hesitation!

The Emperor of Heaven used his hand to pinch the magic formula, calling the only remaining incense in the heavenly court. "The legal death is what the monster monkey did. If it hadn't shattered the heavens, it wouldn't have caused legal demons. This is a certainty!"

"Your Majesty said it very well."

The group of gods are in a relationship, and they have found a loan (this chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue)

Mouth immediately bowed in agreement. "So, no one will stop me from rebuilding Heaven!"

The Emperor of Heaven stood in the sky, and behind him stood the frail group of gods. The remaining righteous gods on the ground were also seriously injured. It can be said that the strength of the heavenly court lost most of it, but he laughed happily.

"How powerful the Heavenly Court was in the past, it has nothing to do with me!" "After today, the Heavenly Court will be the only one to honor me!"

at the same time. Xuanyuan Mountain. mountain top.

Zhou Yi suddenly opened his eyes, pressed his chaotic mana, and looked up at the sky. "What's going on? Pindao always feels that something big is happening!"

There is infinite karma in the sky, condensed on the top of Zhou Yi's head out of thin air, the sky that was originally cloudless, gave birth to dark clouds of ink color out of thin air, and the rumbling of thunder was endless.

"What kind of sin did Pindao do? It attracted God's thunder!" Boom!

A thunderbolt landed, not at Zhou Yi, but at the main hall of Xuanyuanzong. "It turned out to be the Little Four Nine Heavenly Tribulation!"

Zhou Yi breathed a sigh of relief immediately, and pinched his fingers to learn that Xuan Yu had crossed the tribulation, but he was still uneasy, and he always felt that there was something on his head.

"Pin Dao has been keeping his own feet for these years, and he didn't even go down the mountain to celebrate. There should be nothing wrong with everything, right?"

The thunder tribulation continued to land, smashing the Xuanyuanzong palace into pieces.

Zhou Yi's consciousness sensed the tribulation thunder, trying to distinguish the strange magical powers mixed in it. After all, the strange spells that can increase the power of the robbery have never been recorded.

In the future, we must take precautions.

"Huh? Why did the robbery become normal this time?" Half an hour later.

A ray of divine light descended, indicating the end of the calamity, and Xuan Yu successfully condensed the golden elixir.

Lingweizi's hearty laughter came out, and he was happy for the successor of the sect.

Xuan Yu had seen Lingweizi, and rode the light to the top of the mountain, his eyes were deep and calm. "Junior Brother, when are you going to form the pill?"

"Soon. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

Zhou Yi cupped his hands and said, "Congratulations, Senior Sister!"

A trace of remorse flashed in Xuan Yu's eyes, and he quickly recovered from the ancient well, even a little cold. "Remember, Xuan Yuanzong is the root!"

"Sister taught that."

Zhou Yi nodded slightly and watched Xuan Yu leave. Since she used the secret technique to recall her past life memories, she really couldn't tell whether she had survived the calamity of reincarnation.

"Reincarnation, it's really weird!"

At this moment, an aura flew from the sky and fell into Zhou Yi's hands. "Cow's message."

After a while.

An angry scolding came from the top of the mountain, and he was quite annoyed. "Sun Changsheng, your uncle's!"

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