I Am Immortal In The Cultivation World

Chapter 313: Horses stepping into the rivers and lakes

When Eunuch Yuan heard about killing harm for the people, he almost laughed out loud.

On weekdays, I envied Zhou Yi's domineering outside the palace, and I was so envious, but seeing the knight's assassination today, I suddenly felt much better.

It's a pity that the knight is not good enough, it would be great if Zhou Yi was killed on the spot!

"Eunuch Yi, don't get angry, be careful not to hurt the foundation!"

Eunuch Yuan suppressed the joy in his heart and said: "Our family is going to report to His Majesty, the rebellious officials and thieves of Tianjianmen dare to assassinate the important officials of the court, and they must be punished."

"Eunuch Yuan told His Majesty that our family is seriously injured, so we can't salute and say hello for the time being."

Zhou Yi winked, Xiao Yinzi nodded slightly, and had already collected money on the way here.

"It's easy to talk about."

Eunuch Yuan doesn't like Zhou Yi, but he is willing to do things for Zhou Yi.

Without him, only generous!

Go out of the palace, say a few words, start with a few thousand taels of silver, which is more than going to those noble families to announce the decree and return it. Thinking of this, I hope that Zhou Yi will live a few more years.

Xiao Yinzi bowed to send Eunuch Yuan away, and made a small report in the turning room.

"Godfather, this guy is too greedy, he always asks for money, if the amount is too small, he won't do anything!"

"What do you know."

Zhou Yi glanced at him, Xiaoyinzi was far less intelligent than Xiaoquzi in speaking and doing things, but personal attendants did not need top-notch abilities, and what was more important was a reliable center.

Xiaoquzi went to the south of the Yangtze River, and even had a private relationship with the aristocratic family, so don't blame her godfather for being cruel!

"Ping An, tell me, why did our family give Eunuch Yuan so much money?"

"Reporting to daddy, my son thinks it's easy to do things with more money. As long as Eunuch Yuan completes the job, the money sent out will be returned ten times and a hundred times."

When Zhou Pingan said this, he paused and continued: "Furthermore, the money is stored in Mr. Yuan's house. You can just get it back in the future, and maybe there will be interest!".

"Ji Jie Jie..."

Zhou Yi laughed strangely, and then scolded: "The kid is talking nonsense, our family and Eunuch Yuan are just acquaintances, and we have a deep relationship. They are brothers, brothers, dear relatives and friends!"

What Zhou Pingan said was good, but he shouldn't say it.

The struggle in the palace is worse than in the officialdom. It is always life and death. If Zhou Yi sent tens of thousands of taels to hundreds of thousands of taels to Eunuch Yuan, they would not read it well, but would miss your life instead.

You are dead, all the silver belongs to our family!

Zhou Ping'an bowed and said, "Your child is taught, think twice before speaking in the future."

When Xiao Yinzi saw this situation, envy and jealousy flashed in his eyes.

The governor of Dongchang has fixed eighteen cadres, which are called eighteen diamonds in the palace, and eighteen hells, evil spirits, etc. outside the palace. However, these cadres all have self-knowledge and are just tools for godfathers.

The most favored ditty in the past has never been mentioned by ear!

Xiao Yinzi's mind is changing, so he must pay attention to this son in the future, if he has the ability, he can join hands and rely on him, if he has no ability, find an opportunity to send him to die.

Zhou Yi climbed up step by step from godson, how can he not guess Xiao Yinzi's mind, but he didn't say anything.

The adoptive son of the governor of Dongchang brings not only power, but also many dangers!

Zhou Ping'an can't survive, that's what he deserves, everything in the world has a price, so don't blame others for the path you choose.

"Xiao Yinzi, the inspector will pass on our family's orders."

Zhou Yi ordered: "Investigate all the information of Tianjianmen, including the nine clans of the master and disciples. After our family recovers from the wounds, we must seize the family and exterminate it!"

Xiao Yinzi bowed and said, "Godfather, don't worry, not a chicken or a dog from Tianjianmen can escape."

Lin Fu said: "Grand Du, during the interrogation, the assassin bragged that Tianjianmen is a well-known sect in the Jianghu. It has a long history and has good friends with many righteous sects."

"It's just a group of mobs, and they rely on force to bully and bully ordinary people."

Zhou Yi said coldly: "Would he be able to fight against the imperial court no matter what sect he is in?"

"Of course I dare not."

Lin Fu reminded: "The lower officials are worried about those masters. They jump over the wall and come back to assassinate. Last night, they were just the juniors of Tianjianmen, who had already injured Duke Du. That day, the master of Jianmen was the top master in the world, so he needs to be more careful!"

Ever since he gave up to join Zhou Yi's command, Lin Fu became a traitor of the academy, despised by scholars.

Now Lin Fu can only go to the dark one way, hoping that Zhou Yi will live a few more years, and when he climbs up to the top of the Supervisory Department before he dies, he will not have to care about other people's opinions when he is high and powerful.

"Extreme master? Come and kill as many as you want!"

Zhou Yi is very disdainful of the masters of the rivers and lakes. Those guys are all famous, such as sword gods, sword masters and sword immortals.

He boasted that entering and exiting the palace was a breeze, but in fact, except for Lengtouqing, very few people dared to break into the palace, and there were countless secret books in the Sutra Pavilion, and no master of the rivers and lakes dared to steal them.

"However, it's always right to be cautious?"

Zhou Yi pondered for a moment and ordered: "Two hundred servants will be transferred from the supervisor on duty, and they will change into the supervisor's fan's clothes to accompany our family."

The servant on duty is practicing the Epiphyllum Book of Epiphyllum, the infuriating energy gained by expending his life, and there are countless secret books of exercises in the Sutra Pavilion, all of them are masters in the world.

"The governor is wise."

Lin Fu was a little relieved, if the Dugong was confused by the power and lost his caution, then he should have found another backer earlier.

The so-called loyalty is a joke in the Supervision Department!

All the members of the Supervision Department gathered under the command of Duke Du for the sake of power. When the tree of Zhouyi fell, it would inevitably turn into birds and beasts, or fly away before it fell.

Zhou Yi knew this well, but he didn't care much.

"Our family doesn't need anyone to be loyal, and we don't believe anyone will be loyal!"


royal palace.

Palace of Qinzheng.

Eunuch Yuan knelt on the ground and reported what he saw and heard last night.

"Eunuch Yi was reunited with his parents and clan, and adopted his adopted son who inherited the incense. He couldn't help eating too much wine, so that the assassins could take advantage of it..."

It sounds reasonable, and with the supporting evidence of Dr. Liu's diagnosis, no one can find out the problem.

Emperor Zhengtong asked, "So, Xiao Yizi was seriously injured?"

Eunuch Yuan replied, "Indeed."

"The thief in the river and lake, you should be punished!"

Emperor Zhengtong said: "Give out the elixir for healing from internal funds, give it to Xiao Yizi to take, and pass on my will, so it can be done cheaply."

"Follow the order."

Horror and envy flashed in Eunuch Yuan's eyes. What His Majesty said was to do things cheaply, but what fell below was the power to act decisively and act decisively. In short, he just killed whoever he wanted.

After Eunuch Yuan exited the palace, Emperor Zhengtong said suddenly.

"Mr. Wei, you fought against Xiao Yizi before, is it true that he was injured this time?"

Eunuch Wei's figure was erratic, and suddenly appeared in the hall, and he bowed back: "Eunuch Yi is extremely talented, his true energy is like a sea, and his strength is comparable to that of innate talent. That assassin must not be close."

"So it's fake."

The orthodox emperor frowned slightly, even though he had already guessed, he was unhappy about cheating on his subordinates.

"Xiao Yizi has always been decisive in his actions. He even dared to slaughter Yuntai Academy. This time he was ordered to investigate the case in northern Xinjiang, but he pretended to be injured and declined politely. The north has really become a den of dragons and tigers!"

Emperor Zhengtong sighed quietly: "Is this northern border still the territory of Daqing?"

Eunuch Wei remained silent, and now northern Xinjiang has become a new border problem.

Back then, when the King of Zhenbei surrounded the Golden Tent of the Wolf King, the late emperor announced the decree of destroying the country and making him a king. Eunuch Wei was very puzzled by this.

The first emperor explained that he knew that a king with a different surname would affect the stability of the country, but if he didn't make the king, the wolf king's golden tent would never be broken, and the foreign border troubles would never end.

Another emperor might disregard the front-line battle, change commanders and call Marshal Zhang back to the capital.

The first emperor once recognized the wolf king as his father, and regarded it as a lifelong shame, and would rather shake up the kingdom than to wipe out the kingdom of Sirius.

"That's all, Xiao Yizi's work is in line with my wishes. Let someone else go to the north to check."

The orthodox emperor knew of course that no one else could find out anything, so he must report that there is no war in northern Xinjiang, and then fabricate a few natural and man-made disasters, behead a few officials, and explain clearly to the refugees in the capital.

Those dead officials were either upright or loyal to Daqing.

On the contrary, Emperor Zhengtong became the knife of Zhenbei King. He used the investigation of the refugees to clean up the officials who opposed him in northern Xinjiang.

"I heard that the people talked about the emperor, saying that everything they want will come true, and that everything will go well, but who knows my difficulties. I know that there is chaos in northern Xinjiang, but I have to pretend not to know it, so that I can reform the taxation safely!"

Eunuch Wei said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty can use the innate law to order Eunuch Yi to go to the northern border. With the power of the supervisory department, it should be able to delay the King of Zhenbei."

Although the king of Zhenbei controls the military and government of northern Xinjiang and has the fief granted by the former emperor, he is still a court official in name, and will not really raise troops to rebel unless necessary.

No matter how tyrannical the soldiers of Northern Xinjiang were, it would be difficult for them to compete with the whole of Daqing, not to mention the Western Expeditionary Army with the power to destroy the country in the hands of the orthodox emperor.

"Mr. Wei, Xiao Yizi is different from your single-minded martial arts. His eyes are full of power. I have checked everything that Xiao Yizi has said and done since he entered the palace. It can be said that he is always thinking about climbing up."

Emperor Zhengtong shook his head and said: "With such a temperament, even if you break through the innate, I will not be able to control it!"

The implication is that the knife should not be too sharp. One day I want to break the knife so as not to cut my hand!

Eunuch Wei frowned slightly, such actions chilled Eunuch Yi's heart, but considering the authority of the Third Division Admiral and the East Factory Governor, His Majesty did nothing wrong.

Eunuch Hai and Eunuch Wei have high status in the palace, and His Majesty both call them Mr. However, they do not really hold real power.

In addition to taking turns to personally guard His Majesty, the rest of the time is dedicated to practicing, exploring and deducing the realm above the innate.

Eunuch Wei reminded: "Your Majesty, you need to be careful. Eunuch Yi was able to draw a tie with our family before he was promoted. Such evildoers of martial arts will never be willing to be trapped in the day after tomorrow, or they will find another way to break through."

"Sir, there is no need to be ambiguous. Apart from the two gentlemen in this palace, she is the only one who has a way to break through."

A haze flashed in Emperor Zhengtong's eyes: "Last year, Mrs. Cui Gui had a miscarriage for no reason. Although I have no evidence, I can guess that it was her who did it. It also coincided with the fact that the Cui family was involved in a clique case..."

"There will never be coincidences in this world, if there are, it must be designed by someone with a heart!"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, with our family and Eunuch Hai as personal guards, no one can get close to Your Majesty."

Eunuch Wei also doesn't want to comment on this matter. The man in the harem saved His Majesty's family back then and married the exiled prisoner with innate respect.

The risk is high, the investment is large, and what you want is naturally extraordinary!

"There is one more thing to trouble Mr. Wei."

Emperor Zhengtong said: "Go out of the palace tonight and tell Eunuch Yi not to hide in the Supervision Department, deal with Jianghu Zongmen earlier, and take back the mountains, rivers and fields that belonged to the imperial court!"

"Follow the order."

Eunuch Wei understood that the front was a warning to Eunuch Yi, and the latter was something to be done.

Most likely, His Majesty knew that you were pretending to be poisoned, and because of your past achievements, you didn’t expose it. After receiving such a great kindness, why don’t you go to work quickly?

At the same time, asking Eunuch Wei to deliver the decree also meant a warning!

Orthodoxy for four years.


Supervision Division.

After recovering from the injury for more than a month, Zhou Yi sat on the grand teacher's chair again, and carefully read the news of Tianjianmen.

"There are more than 300 official disciples, and thousands of registered students, all over the surrounding counties and towns... It is really a bold move to change the original name of Kunshan Mountain to Tianjian Mountain!"

After the sect occupies one side, it usually changes its name, which can be regarded as an unspoken rule of the rivers and lakes.

Lin Fu, who was waiting next to him, said, "Mr. Du, the mountains and rivers are the land of Daqing. Tianjianmen changed its name privately. It is obvious that they want to separate one side and seal off the territory. They are suspected of treason!"

"That hat snaps on well."

Zhou Yi instructed the scribes: "Remember it, the crime will be reported to the world afterwards."

The King of Zhenbei who really cracked the soil and sealed the border, Zhou Yi did not dare to take care of it, this fake rebellious heaven

Jianmen, just used to destroy the door and stand up!

Wen Tongzhi said: "The Heavenly Sword Sect is the righteous way of the world. Exterminating the sect with this crime alone will make the other sects share the same hatred, and it will be much more troublesome to do the following things."

Zhou Yi nodded slightly, advocating rebellion was also deceiving the people, and other sects knew it was framed and framed.

"What's the plan sir?"

One Heavenly Sword Sect is easy to deal with, but the alliance of ten or a hundred orthodox sects~www.readwn.com~ will cause a lot of trouble for Zhouyi even if it is far from being an opponent of the imperial court.

His Majesty's request is to take back the land and let the gang pay taxes, not to kill a lot of people.

Wen Tongzhi said: "While destroying Tianjianmen, all the devils and murderers in the vicinity were arrested to the Supervision Department, and then designated as disciples of Tianjianmen. Once this matter was publicized, Tianjianmen became a demon sect! "

When the imperial court destroyed the evil faction, Jianghu Zongmen had no reason to obstruct it, and responded with strong support.

"Ji Jie Jie..."

Zhou Yi laughed strangely, and said, "Our family has people exorcising demons and defending Taoism. By doing this, the world will see who is the real demon!"

According to the investigation by Fanzi of the Supervision Department, Tianjianmen is indeed the right way, and there must be strict rules.

The disciples in the sect occasionally oppressed the common people, and the Tianjian sect would punish them severely according to the sect's rules without the yamen sending people to arrest them.

However, who is the right way and who is the evil spirit is completely written by the winner!

For example, the matter of family rules, in the writing of the clerk of the Supervision Department, has become a crime of violating the local county government, obstructing the laws of the country, and setting up a criminal hall without permission, which is enough to beheaded at Caishikou.

"Remember to print the accusation, when our family comes back, post it and spread it everywhere!"

Zhou Yi gave an order, got up and walked out the door.

Eunuch Wen, Eunuch Yu and other old eunuchs followed behind, surrounded by 18 cadres, aggressive and domineering. The destruction of Tianjianmen this time can be said to have touched most of the experts in the Supervision Department and given them enough face.

out the door.

Fanzi had prepared the horses a long time ago, and the first one was as black as ink, but his hooves were snow white.

This is a famous horse for thousands of miles, riding on the snow with dark clouds.

Zhou Yi got on the horse, his true energy stimulated the horse's ribs, and he raised his front hooves with a loud sound.

"Set off!"

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