I Am Immortal

Chapter 106: To be a buddhist friend and a half-teacher of the buddhist

  Chapter 106 is buddhist friend and half teacher of buddha

  The former pharmacist Liuliguang Tathagata, now the old monk, clasped his hands together and recited the wonderful scriptures in his mouth.

  So all living beings quietly listened.

  The scriptures are not long.

   It can be said that it was just a point of view put forward by the young Taoist priest when he was discussing with him.

   Repeat the Four Noble Truths.

   Then he sighed, and ordered a few words to Moonlight All-Zhao Bodhisattva, and finally said:

   "After I leave, there will be a catastrophe. Among the thirteen branches of Buddhism, there are also those who are obsessed with killing others, and there are also those who are greedy, angry, and ignorant for the sake of the Dharma, and there are those who enter all kinds of suffering."

   "At that time, Buddhism and Taoism must have disputes."

   "If you can resolve the catastrophe, you should walk in the world, and you must not be taken advantage of by others and be bewitched by others."

   "Do not do evil."

   "Thou shalt not lust, nor covet and steal."

  "May all disciples, do all good things and refrain from doing all evil things."

  The old monk was already on his deathbed, and he just said some simple blessings and hopes, and finally held the palm of the Moonlight Bodhisattva and said:

   "My disciples, when you see the real Taishang Xuanwei, you should put your hands together and put your five fingers together upwards."

   "Shabuku's arrogance."

   "See the good and think like the same."

   "Repent and get rid of karma."

   "Never appear to be respectful, but in fact harbor arrogance or defraud your prestige for the sake of reputation in practice."

   "Do all disciples know?"


But in Yuqinglei Mansion, the old scalper chatted with the three or five generals of fire spirits about the past, while waiting for the batch of disasters to temper the spiritual materials brought by them with their thunder and fire. It's just that after waiting for a long time, even Fudou vomited several of them, but the materials were still the same as usual, and now even the three or five Huoling generals who had a good relationship with Lao Niu couldn't sit still.

   "I said, Brother Niu, what kind of materials are you bringing here?"

   "I, Huo Dou, can be regarded as an ancient alien species. It feeds on thunder, and what it eats is the most masculine and powerful power. All the flames in this world are his food."

   "But now even Fudou is tired and throws up."

   "Why hasn't your material changed at all?"

  Thirty-five Huoling general held a wine glass, full of doubts.

  The old scalper laughed.

   Drank the fine wine in the glass in one gulp, then put his arm around Lei Jiang's shoulder, and replied with a smile, "Didn't I already say it?"

   "Just ordinary objects."

   "It's just that there is a junior who raised a bird, and I gave him some things to cultivate vitality, that's all."

   "Just so?"


  The old scalper has a simple and honest face, which makes people feel trusting at a glance.

  Then General Sanwu Huoling just said: "Then it's probably because these trouble fights are a little lazy and slippery."

   "Hahaha, it's okay, it's okay, I just ignore it if I'm lazy for a while, I forgive them, Lao Niu."

"Besides, I also have plenty of time. I happen to have two more glasses with you, brother. Come on, I'll fill you up, fill up!" The old scalper laughed and poured him wine. The thunder and fire rolled, but the effect was quite weak, and it should be so. The old scalper paid a lot of money to get these materials.

   One by one, the so-called invulnerability to water and fire, invulnerability to weapons and weapons is nothing but commonplace.

   Rolling in the magma is like taking a bath.

   Even if the Leihuohua group rolls up and down on the fur, it's just polished to make it more radiant.

If it weren't for the fact that these materials have been removed and their spirituality has been restrained, the mere thunder and fire of the disaster fight would not be able to temper and melt them, and would only make them more alive. However, this old scalper has made up his mind today to take He finished the matter with a pot of wine, so he just ignored the poor pup who was so tired that he was about to vomit, and only smiled and urged General Lei to drink.

  Half a day has passed.

The old scalper also drank to his heart's content, and saw that those things were almost tempered, so he patted General Sanwu Huoling on the shoulder, and was about to say goodbye, when he suddenly saw boundless glazed Buddha light flowing faintly in one direction, Immediately annihilated and collapsed, the old scalper was stunned, and then saw from a distance, the two brothers Shunfenger and Shunfenger were coming from the front, and they were talking to each other.

  The old scalper dropped the jug, took a few steps, and flew directly in front of the two generals.

  He is tall and strong, and he can almost wrap these two directly.

  Embrace the two with one arm.

   Hehe laughed and said, "Isn't this clairvoyant, Shunfenger?"

   "It's rare to see you coming down from Lingxiao Palace. Where are you going in such a hurry today?"

   "Come, come, I have good spirit wine, good food and drink here!"

   "Drink as many as one pot."

   "Drink a pot, just a pot!"

  The two gods are about to struggle.

  But they are not the type who are good at fighting.

And this old scalper, although it seems that he is just a scalper who has gained the Tao, is nothing, but he is really extraordinary. He once became the king in the demon country, and he once worshiped Emperor Ziwei. He has a reputation, is extremely strong, has rich fighting experience and is very dirty, and with this grab, his fingers directly locked a porch on the shoulders of the two gods, making them unable to struggle.

   Had no choice but to half push and half let the old scalper half pull and half embrace him, and they started drinking together.

  After drinking some spiritual wine, the chatterbox started to open up. The old scalper laughed and said, "I just saw that there was a glazed light shining brightly in the west, and then I saw two brothers coming over. Could it be that something happened?"

  Clairvoyant hiccupped and said, "Brother Niu, you really like hearing these anecdotes."

The old scalper scratched his head in a simple and honest manner, just smiled and said: "The age is long, but there is nothing else good. Although the star officials in the sky are a good thing, they are somewhat lonely. It is better to fight and drink in the realm of the monster clan. Only willing to listen to some fun, Let's chat to relieve boredom."

  The two generals laughed and said, "That's the case, so I should tell Brother Yu Niu to know."

   "It's the eastern Buddhist country, the pure glass world. For some reason, a Buddha has fallen."

"Originally there were city pavilions and towers that surrounded the world for hundreds of millions of miles to prove the boundless implication of Buddhism, but for some reason it suddenly broke from the middle, leaving only countless light fragments, like glass jade fragments scattered down one after another, I don't know where they are. Where did it go?"

   "There are lotus flowers all over the ground, and the pharmacist Liuliguang Tathagata once preached before his death."

   "It shows the different appearances of flowers falling from the sky and golden lotus springing from the ground."

   "And at this moment, the head of the Eastern Buddhist Kingdom is about to close."

  The old scalper was stunned, and said: "The Buddhist Kingdom of the Pure Glass World is broken?"

  The generals said: "Yes."

  The old scalper asked: "Do you two know the reason?"

  Clairvoyance took a sip of wine and sighed deeply: "I dare not look."

  Shunfeng smiled wryly: "I dare not listen."

"The rest of the two of us have ordinary supernatural powers, and we are only sensitive. One can see the smallest flowers blooming in the three thousand worlds, and the other can hear the sounds of thousands of subtle places, but they are also spiritual enough. When I wanted to spy earlier, My spirit is almost about to jump out, I can only know that if I go to listen, it may not only be the Buddha Kingdom that was cut off."

  When he mentioned this matter, he still had a look of lingering fear.

  The clairvoyant next to him did the same, saying: "If I take a look, I'm afraid my eyes will be destroyed."

  The old scalper murmured: "Is that so?"

   "The old monk has also perished."

Holding the wine glass, he seemed to be in a state of disappointment. The three gods looked at each other without opening their mouths. Suddenly, seeing the scalper, he seemed to think of something strange. After collecting the materials, he cupped his hands hastily, strode out of the Thunder Mansion, then staggered a few steps, riding the clouds and mist, and headed towards the Pure Glazed Buddha Kingdom.

  General Sanwu Huoling couldn't help sighing: "After all, they are sentient beings."

   "Although the monk has converted him."

   "But no matter what, I have been with him for a long time. Hey, even if it is Brother Niu, even if he hates him, he still feels a little sentimental in his heart, right?"

   "It shall be so."

  "If it is not a plant, who can be ruthless?"

But seeing the old scalper running wildly all the way, even disgusted that his speed was not enough, shook his body, and turned into his true form in a flash, such a scalper, it was thousands of feet high, galloping with its feet, riding the wind to control the sky, and circulating the air of stars all over its body , as if trying his best to speed up, his eyes were red.

   "What a disaster, what a disaster!"

   "The bald head is gone?!"

   "Damn it, it was smashed to pieces by the sword, and then the Buddha Kingdom was sealed off, good guy, how many treasures must be scattered here! How many treasures must there be!"

   "Waste, waste!"

  The eyes of the old cow are red!

   Gather up your courage and step on the clouds and dust with all four hooves.

  The nose is slightly opened, and two puffs of white air are expelled.

   "Chasing the house, raiding the house!"

   "Fuck! Old cow, why didn't I grow a pair of wings! Fly faster!"

   "The old monk is not here, and the moonlight shines at most will be a tie with me. It would be a good thing to take advantage of the old monk's absence and quickly take his hometown of the Glazed Buddha Kingdom!"

   "Then add two to one to make five, and share with Xiao Yunqin and Wuhuo!"

   "Walking in the rivers and lakes, loyalty is the first, and those who see it will have a share!"

The old scalper was full of starlight, with a face full of gangsters and rushed away. Clairvoyance and Shunfeng Ears behind him saw the old man's words clearly. He was just drinking, laughed out loud, choked, and coughed violently again, but Even so, he still couldn't stop the helpless laughter, looked at each other, and only sighed:

   "Ha, what a scalper!"

   "It still looks like that big monster back then."

  Thirty-five Huoling General was also helpless, and said with a smile:

   "But speaking of it, the two of you came to Lei Mansion from outside, do you have something important to do?"

  Clairvoyant, Shunfenger both restrained their expressions, looked at each other, and said, "It's something that happened in Leifu."

   "At this time, someone broke through the 3,600-year-old formation, and the evil air flowed, and the plague was rampant. But today, in the vast area around Zhongzhou, someone cast a spell to create rain and fog, breaking the evil spirit..."

   "The person who did this seems to have [Peking Emperor]."

   "That's why Doubu, Leibu, and the North Pole Exorcism Institute noticed it."

"And the thing held by that person has [Northern Emperor's breath], but it does not belong to Leibu or Doubu. It seems to be suspected that it was made by a member of [Arctic Exorcist Academy] outside, but I am very puzzled. The Arctic Exorcist Academy itself I don't know when a character who can move clouds and rain in a single thought will appear, so I want to wait and see."

   "Then you are going?"

   "No, never, just to shirk this responsibility."

  Clairvoyant and Shunfenger looked at each other, feeling full of melancholy, then smiled wryly and sighed:

   "Don't dare to look."

   "Don't dare to listen."

   General Sanwu Huoling was astonished and speechless.


But he said, a good scalper, because he was worried about money and eager to pick up leaks, he went straight to the Jingliuli Buddha Kingdom. The scalper is originally good at strength and endurance. He is good at wearing heavy armor and holding an extremely heavy and extremely domineering heavy axe. The speed of swinging to fight is not his forte, but today he really showed his unprecedented potential, which is one-third faster than before.

   Sweating profusely, but it was still half a step late.

  Looking up, you can see that the Jing Liuli Buddha Kingdom has been closed, and endless light flows, but it is isolated from the outside world, and it can no longer enter half a step.

  The old scalper lamented repeatedly, but it was more painful than everything in the world.

   "Ah, why is this one step short?!"

   "Smelly bald pan, why don't you hold on for a few more breaths?"

  Suddenly a voice came: "My Buddha, the World-Honored One, has counted the time, and the star officials are here."

The old scalper raised his head and saw the lotus platform in front of the Buddhist kingdom. A man was stepping on the lotus platform. His skin was all white. He was wearing a scarlet Buddhist robe with a streamer. There is a half-moon shape on the lotus, and the posture and expression are very peaceful and comfortable. Before this Buddhist kingdom, it faintly shows the aura that surpasses the great Bodhisattva and is close to the Buddha.

  The scalper frowned and said, "Yuejing! Is that you?"

   "Are you here to wait for me, Lao Niu?"

   "Where is the pharmacist Liuliguang Tathagata?"

  Moonlight shines all over the palms of Buddha's seal, lowered his eyes and said compassionately: "My Buddha, the World Honored One, has gone."

  The old scalper was silent for a long time, then sighed: "Is he really passed away?"


   "My Buddha, the World-Honored One, has finished explaining the last wonderful dharma, and passed away and returned to samsara."

The scalper didn't know what was going on in his mind, the past was too complicated, he had seen the old monk proving the Buddhahood from a bodhisattva, and he had also seen him gradually becoming paranoid, he had been annoyed by him when he had nothing to do, and he had ate him I know a few lotus seeds in the lotus pond, but there are many past events, only one voice remains: "So that's how it is."

  So the two thousand years of grievances are nothing more than that.

  The old scalper's body flickered, and he turned into the original human form, wearing star official armor and a splendid battle robe, holding a sword in one hand, and hanging down a jade pendant.

  The black hair is messy, the eyes are wide open, and seeing the appearance of the moonlit Bodhisattva, he couldn't help scolding:

   "Buddhism says that all things are formed, lived, broken, and empty, and he cannot escape."

   "You can't escape!"

   "I can't escape!"

   "The kalpa of dependent origin and extinction, it should be like this."

"If he is in such a state, if he is unwilling to die, no one will let him reincarnate. If he can go to death, he will be self-realized. If he is like this, he is not passing away, nor is he dying. It should be called Nirvana. It is a great thing, Yue Jing You have been by his side for thousands of years, and you can't even bear this, how ridiculous!"

   "It's better to give me his mantle and relic."

   "You can also sell it, get some money, and have a drink in front of his grave!"

   "It's worth meeting once in this life."

  The Moonlight Bodhisattva had no choice but to be overwhelmed by the Buddha nature of this old scalper. In a blink of an eye, this guy showed such an appearance, so he said:

   "But the World-Honored One did leave a post for the Star Official."

He took out an object from his sleeve robe, held it up by the Buddha's light, and the object disappeared. The old scalper grabbed it without paying attention, just looked at it, and couldn't help but yell at the old bald lady three times .

   There is a line of text written on it—

  【There is nothing when you come, and there is nothing when you go】

  【If you want my mantle, an old bald gourd】

   "You old bald!!"

   "It's the last time to entertain the old cow, you stinky bastard!"

  The old scalper first cursed angrily, and finally got tired, but laughed again.

   "He should have realized it."

   "I can't do it, but I can see it faintly."

"It's his old bald ladle, he's not happy, but he gave it to me. The bald ladle of the pharmacist Liuli Guangrulai was put in the demon kingdom, but the matter that even the demon emperor would shake may be due to this matter." , also give me a [Great Sage] position to do it."

  The old scalper murmured brokenly, three sentences never leaving money, and never giving up, said: "What else did he say?"

  Moonlight Bodhisattva clasped his hands together and replied:

   "The teacher has an order at the end, but I can't do it."

   "Officer Niu Xing, you have a very wide network of contacts. I want to ask you about the whereabouts and whereabouts of someone."

   Lao Niu waved his hand, and said proudly: "Ask someone? Who?"

  Moonlight shines everywhere Bodhisattva said slowly:

   "It's a little friend, a buddha's long-awaited friend, a friend of the pharmacist Liuliguang Tathagata, and a half-time teacher of the World Honored One."

   "He is the one who points to the Nirvana of the World Honored One."

  His expression gradually became respectful and solemn.

   Exhaled a last breath, put his palms together, leaned forward slightly to show respect, and asked:

   "Do you know, [Taishang Xuanwei real person]?"

   Lao Niu's expression froze.

ha? ? ?

who? !


   "The Sutra of Enabling the Top and Uprooting the Sins of Life and Death" says: "There are two Bodhisattvas, one named Riyao, and the other named Yuejing.

  (end of this chapter)

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