I Am Immortal

Chapter 114: Peacock swallows the sky

  Chapter 114 The Peacock Swallows the Sun

The little peacock seems to have slept too long and too comfortably, and only after waking up did he find himself stuffed in this small dark bag. Young creatures are full of spirituality, the most lively, and the most irresistible. So, rubbing Qi Wuhu's hand from this small place, the young Taoist untied the secret bag, held it in his palm and brought it out.

"you're awake?"

  The peacock makes an ugly and noisy call.

  In the palm of the young Taoist, he walked with his head held high and his chest held high.

  Spiritually lively.

But because of this, it was very noisy. Qi Wuhuo's spirit still had no way to reflect his spirit as before. The young Taoist thought for a while, held up the peacock with his left hand, raised his right hand, stretched his fingers naturally upwards, and turned his palm outwards. Buddhism [Shi Wuwei Seal], the peacock's state of mind instantly becomes like the spirit of a young Taoist.

  Qi Wuhuo thought deeply.

  The imprint of fearlessness is based on the initiation of the heart, so that the soul of the self is at peace, and then the person who is imprinted is also at peace of mind.

   Going a step further, it seems to be a bit like [He Xintong] from Buddhism.

  Buddhism has the five aggregates, and many bodhisattvas also have the five great mudras. Are they all related to the five supernatural powers of Buddhism?

This kind of thought just passed by in a flash, and it was never studied deeply. After applying the fearless seal, the spiritual thought of the peacock flashed in the heart of the young Taoist. asked:

   "You said, you had a dream?"

   "What kind of dream?"

  So the little peacock raised his head and chest, strode across the desk, and talked about his dream.

big cat! bad! Nine heads!

eat me!

   It's dark, I don't know where it is, like an eggshell!

   Don't want to go back inside!

  Eggshells are edible!

   Finally pecked open the eggshell!

   Eat while pecking!

  Finally the big cat disappeared, but he was still very hungry. In the dream, there was a ball of light in the sky.

  It is bright, round and glowing.

   It's like the rice grains that Aqi gave me.

   Peck it down!

   eat full—

The little peacock patted its belly with its wings, which were so flexible that it was not like a bird, but found that the belly that had been full before was deflated again, and its two eyes were stagnant, which made people feel dazed at first glance. Then there was an arc of thought:

   "Are you full?"




   "Azie, hungry, hungry!"

It ran to Qi Wuhuo's side, opened its mouth wide like a real baby bird, Qi Wuhuo laughed, and took the sesame seed cake that it liked very much today, but the little peacock was very happy, holding the thing with its flexible wings, and ate a few mouth, but did not continue, just raised his head, puzzled, and then 'asked' Qi Wuhuo—


   Don't be hungry!

  Still hungry!

  Qi Wuhuo was slightly surprised, and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, there are others, come and try this."

  He took out the leaves left over from today.

  The little peacock pecked several times, then turned around and coughed everything out.

When he was just born, he was obviously a little guy who didn't pick anything and could eat anything, but now he has become like this, Qi Wuhuo has tried many things for him, even the preserved peaches Yunqin made himself I tried it, but I didn't eat it, I didn't eat the vegetable leaves, I didn't eat the rice grains, and I didn't eat the meals.

  In the end, I ate everything, even came to the stove, leaving only the raw pork strips prepared by the little Taoist.

The little peacock's eyes lit up, impatient, and jumped off the young Taoist's shoulders, fluttered its small wings a few times, and landed on the stove, dangling in the air, and then pecked it off. In winter, the weather is very cold, and it is placed in a cold place. The blood in the pork is frozen and hardened.

  It is enough to pick up and knock a brick, and even pick it up and smash a nail, which is better than a hammer.

   If it is rounded and smashed towards the top of the head, it can also overturn three or five strong men.

  But the little peacock made a hole when it went down, and when it looked up, it tore out a large piece of pork and swallowed it.

  Qi Wuhuo didn't even see how it swallowed such a large piece of pork with such a small mouth.

   It's like being hungry for days and nights without eating.

  The little peacock pecked and swallowed quickly, as if it would starve to death if it was slower for a second.

   But tea time.

   Qi Wuhuo's large piece of pork, which was thick and thin and long and short, had already bottomed out.

  The little peacock wobbled and fell down.

   The belly is round.

  The young Taoist really didn't know how such a big piece of pork got into such a small belly.

  He squatted down, stretched out his fingers and poked the little peacock's belly, it felt good.

   "How did you eat so much?"


  The little peacock raised his head hard.

   But a plump stomach makes it hard to do.

  Try it a few times.

   Pat, lie down.

give up.


   Then, the soul, which was still as blank as a blank sheet of paper at this moment, replied as a matter of course——

  Because I am Peacock Dalun Mingwang!

  The young Taoist smiled warmly.

  Where is the blood of Peacock King Ming who will be full after eating such a large piece of pork?

  Although he is young, he is not dull.

  The words of the old scalper can fool others, but it is difficult to fool him who gets along with the peacock day and night.

  But he probably knew that Uncle Niu didn't want them to spoil the fun, so he said that, but the old scalper didn't know that the young Taoist felt extremely happy that such a little bird could survive.

He put the little peacock in the palm of his hand, closed the kitchen door, apologized to the little Taoist priest, thinking that the next morning, he needed to get up earlier, and went to the city square to buy some new meat Come back, otherwise, the little Taoist priest will be sad. He walked slowly in the quiet Taoist temple, and said with a smile: "By the way, you were just born, do you want a name? I can't call you little guy again and again, right?" ?”

  Little Peacock: "What's the name?"

   "You can eat it!"

  The young Taoist laughed and said, "Of course you can't eat it."

   "The name..."

  He thought of someone who once said, 'May my son live a life of peace and prosperity', his voice paused, and said:

   "It is a kind of hope, sustenance, and blessing, and it is a name that belongs to you alone."

  Qi Wuhuo explained to the immature little peacock what is a surname and what is a first name, and then said:

   "According to Uncle Niu, you are a peacock, or else your surname is Kong?"

   hole? !

   Hey! No, don't!

  The young man said humanely: "Don't you like it?"

   "Then 【Finch】?"

  The little peacock shook his head again and again.


  噫, not good, not good!

  It naturally replied—

   I'm going to use the same last name as Aceh!

the same!

A slight smile emerged from the corner of the young Taoist's mouth, and said: "Okay, then you will follow me from now on, with the same surname, as for the first name, it is agreed to think about it with Yunqin, and then make a decision later. "

  The little peacock was already very happy, it climbed to the top of the young Taoist's head and nestled there.

   "You are Aqi, and I am Aqi."

   "Big Aceh, little Aceh."

   "Ah Qi is big, Ah Qi is small."

   After making a fuss for a while, he fell asleep. The young Taoist gently picked it up, put it on a soft cushion, and watched it sleep soundly.

My mood has also calmed down a lot. After meditating for an hour to get my breath out, and after washing up, I lay on the bed, with the moonlight shining all over my body, thinking about the matter of Mingzhen Daomeng tomorrow night, and unconsciously fell asleep like this So the next day, the old Taoist priest and the young Taoist priest saw a fat little bird on Qi Wuhuo's shoulder.

  The little Taoist asked in confusion: "Ah? When did you buy a little chubby chicken, uncle?"

   "It still looks like three yellow chickens."

   The little peacock was puzzled and looked at Qi Wuhuo.

  Three yellow chickens?

  The young Taoist replied: "It's delicious."

  So the little peacock was very happy, and waved its wings at the little Taoist Mingxin.


But it is said that there is Miaoyan Palace in the Qinghua Changle Realm, and there is a Taoist man wearing a crown on his head, dressed in Xiayi, with a wonderful Taoist body, and a purple-gold auspicious appearance. He is reading the Taoism by himself. I also read "Dongxuan Lingbao's Wonderful Sutra for Rescuing Suffering and Exorcising Sins", the wonderful method circulates, but when he sits down, the nine lions are sound asleep.

   Suddenly opened his eyes.

  Then the Taoist stopped talking, his eyes were calm, and he said, "What's the matter?"

  Nine-headed lion Yuan Zun yawned, and then replied respectfully:

   "Forgive me, I was asleep, and suddenly there was a strange scene in my dream, but I woke up."

  Taiyi saves Ku Tianzun with a flat voice, and said: "What dream?"

Yuan Zun, the nine-headed lion, recalled a little, and said: "It was a strange dream. The disciple only remembered swallowing a peacock in one mouthful, and then fell asleep. Tianzun should know that the spirituality and foundation of peacocks are ordinary, so he just swallowed a peacock in one mouthful. Even the Peacock Great Wheel Ming King should not be swallowed by his disciples in one gulp, the so-called "Peacock Rectification" is nothing more than stopping rain, praying for rain, and eliminating disasters."

   "Even the next volume [can get rid of terror, enemies, and all adversities, not to mention that if you can read, recite, accept and hold, you will be happy], it is only ordinary."

   "Although the cultivation base is tyrannical, it is just a method of the sect Yuanjun."

   "With the talent and strength of the disciple, he may not lose. If he is prepared enough, he can swallow it in one bite."

   "But this dream is quite mysterious."

  He was very respectful, looking at the scriptures placed next to Taiyi Save the Suffering God.

  It is the inheritance of Taoism, and it is also the classic of [Taiyi Dharma Pulse] developed by Taiyi Save the Suffering Tianzun.

   "Taiyi's Wonderful Sutra of Rescuing the Suffering and Protecting the Body", "Sansheng Jieyuan Wonderful Sutra".

And from his master's inheritance, "Taishangdongxuan Lingbao Tianzun Said the Wonderful Sutra of Rescuing Suffering and Eradication of Sins", "Taishangdong Xuanlingbao's Sutra of Rescuing Suffering", "Taishangdong Xuanlingbao" and "Taishangdong Xuanlingbao" Xuanlingbao Tianzun Three Paths Five Sufferings Raising Life and Death Wonderful Sutra" Inheritance.

  The one who is too supreme is also the one who is supreme, and the disciples of the Sanqing will add the word "Taishang" before their names when they call their respective masters.

   It is one of the most famous Taoist Tianzun.

  Tutored by one of the Three Purities, the Lingbao Datianzun of the Shangqing.

   is the great disciple of the great Tianzun of the Shangqing sect who opened the mountain.

  His cultivation is tyrannical, far surpassing the rest of the Shangqing disciples.

  Inherit the spirit of Lingbao Datianzun to save people, and incarnate Tenfang Tianzun.

   It is said that the Great Heavenly Venerable personally tempered the magic weapon, the Willow Jade Pure Bottle.

   "The Complete Works of Qingxuanji Refining Iron Pots and Giving Food" contains: riding a nine-headed lion, holding a willow and sprinkling fine wine to save suffering and death.

   This is the Taiyi Save the Ku Tianzun.

The "Huangluzhai Ten Heavenly Venerables" that Yunqin took in the Shangqing Zangshu Pavilion earlier, the ten Tianzun pointed to in it are all his incarnations, and it is only in the Zangshu Pavilion of the Shangqing lineage that he can directly transfer this Wait until the rituals of the ten incarnations of Taiyi to save the suffering Tianzun are directly taken out and read.

  At this moment, the Taiyi Rescue Ku Tianzun laughed, lowered his eyes and asked, it can be seen that the nine lions are more respectful, and replied:

   "The little peacock was in the belly of the disciple. He tried countless times, but all failed. His character is extremely tenacious."

   "In the end, he directly pecked at the disciple's belly as an eggshell."

   "He actually devoured the disciple in his dream."

   "Then it seemed that he was still not satisfied, so he opened his mouth and ate up that big day."

   "But a greedy little guy."

  Taiyi saves Ku Tianzun lowered his eyes, and said lightly: "[Peacock] swallows the image of [Great Sun]?"

The nine-headed lion Yuan Zun respectfully said: "This disciple has entered the realm of transformation, and he can be called Yuan Zun. He is a demon clan who has attained the Tao. Although the state of the world is still a little short, but the spirit is also unified, and the thinking of the dream is stopped early, but any dream is a reminder of the spirit of heaven and earth."

   "It's just that the disciple is stupid, I beg the Heavenly Venerable, I don't know what to explain this phenomenon?"

   "The peacock is nothing but ordinary, even if it is the Peacock Ming King, disciples can fight and kill it, swallow it and eat it."

   "His talent is nothing more than praying for rain, warding off evil spirits, and sweeping away evil spirits, but he never has the power to devour."

  Tianzun Taiyi Saved Kuku replied: "Everything in the world has its own rotation and its own laws, so don't worry about him."

   "Recently, I seem to feel that Master has appeared."

  "When you have a chance, go to him."

   "Back then, I was only given a jade bottle, and let me go to Purdue the common people and transform the worlds of the ten directions. Now I have achieved consummation and proved the Taoism of the Ten Directions, but he is still hiding."

  Tianzun Taiyi rescued Ku Ku with a sweep of dust, put it on his arm, and said calmly: "Master can give the disciples instructions."

   "A disciple should always ask the master."

   "What does it mean?"

   So far, Fang is still the Taoist Tianzun, then looked into the distance, and whispered lightly:

   "Master, no matter how much fun you have, no matter how good the seeds of cultivation are."

   "Don't be itchy, don't go out."

   "Don't be blocked by the disciple [blocked]."


It's night again, and the moonlight is also very good today. The young Taoist took the little peacock with him, then took out his waist card, raised his head, saw the full moon, got up and left the Taoist temple, followed the water, followed the After hearing what the fortune teller said, he raised his hand and pointed his waist card at the moon. Seeing the moonlight flow, a road emerged from the water under the moon.

  Qi Wuhuo put away his things.

  Even though the state of mind has been extremely peaceful for more than half a month, there are still ripples at this moment.

  The young man whispered softly:

   "Mingzhen Daomeng..."

  I hope that fortune teller will not make anything happen.


   "Taishang Dongxuan Lingbao Rescue Suffering and Exorcise Sins" is one of the cores of Taiyi's method of saving suffering Tianzun.

  In addition to this, there are many titles of [Dongxuan Lingbao].

  That's why in this book, I list Taiyi Save the Suffering Tianzun as the great disciple of the Lingbao Da Tianzun of the Shangqing.

  There is Xuandu in Daozang, because he is listed as Jinghuimiaole Tianzun, the Great Emperor of Wuxian Lingguan, but there is no treasure...

  (end of this chapter)

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