I Am Immortal

Chapter 134: One more person to exorcise the gods

  Chapter 134 Exorcising evil gods with one more person

Yunqin stared wide-eyed at the little peacock, the latter was not to be outdone, her pair of black eyes were also looking directly at the girl in the mirror, but it was obvious that she was a bit aggressive, and one wing had to hang on the temple of the young Taoist, The fluff all over his body exploded, trembling slightly, and he was much fatter than before.

   So the girl identified it.

   Naturally said: "Is this the legendary three yellow chicken?"

  The little peacock hesitated, looked at the young Taoist next to him, and said doubtfully, "Aqi Aqi."

   "This mirror recognizes me?!"

Because the little Taoist priest Mingxin called the little peacock like this, so the little peacock thought that he was a [Peacock Big Wheel Mingwang Three Yellow Chickens]. When the young Taoist couldn't help laughing, Yunqin on the opposite side of the mirror suddenly said: :

   "Huh? Is it really three yellow chickens?"

   Such voices directly sounded in the souls of the little peacock and the young Taoist.

  Little Peacock is the first time he has seen anyone who can do such a thing.

  In the past, it only felt that Aqi was the only one in its own world who could hear its 'speak', so it was so frightened that it almost slipped off the young Taoist's shoulder.

Turning her head to 'stare' at Yunqin, because her heart was beating violently, so although she looked calm and calm, her body still moved slightly, like a ball, Yunqin said: "Of course I can hear it, this Isn't it natural?"

  The young Taoist was surprised.

Immediately thinking about it a little, I can understand that the girl in front of me may have no distracting thoughts because of her extremely pure and peaceful spirit, or even if there are distracting thoughts, she will leave easily like flowing water and her mood is not hindered, so if she There is no way for the little peacock to do this, and Yunqin will hear only simple spiritual communication.

  The young Taoist explained the origin of the little peacock.

  So Yunqin's eyes lit up: "Is this the egg that hatched?"

   "Peacock Bird!"

   "Dalun Mingwang!"

  The little peacock supported the young Taoist's temple with one wing, and puffed out his chest.



  Dalun Mingwang!

The girl stretched out her fingers to touch the mirror, and really wanted to touch the fluff of this little peacock bird, but unfortunately, although they could see each other's appearance, they were actually separated by a long distance from each other, so they could only sigh regretfully , and then raised his head to look at the young Taoist, "Wuhuo, have you named it yet?"

   "Is the surname Kong? Or should the surname be Que?"


  The young Taoist stretched out his finger to gently tease the little peacock, and explained: "It also said that its surname should be Qi."

   "Pfft, it's as if you already have a child, Qi."

   "Ah, no, no, I want to play like this too. Obviously, I also watched this bird egg hatch, and I also helped, so add my surname or first name!"

  Yunqin seems to have discovered something extremely interesting.

   So it must be done.

  After deliberation, I shared the word cloud very generously.

  The young Taoist was thoughtful: "Qi Yun?"

   "It feels worse."

   "Ask if it wants to add another word."

  The little peacock was at a loss.

  Yunqin rested her chin on one hand and said: "Obviously it doesn't understand, but Wuhuo, think about it, what other words can be added later?"

  The young Taoist thought about it, but still felt that there was no good name, so he asked:

   "Then what name will Yunqin take?"


  The girl rested her chin in one hand, and blurted out: "If you want me to take it, then call it Qi Yuntun!"


  Qi Wuhuo couldn't help laughing.

  The little peacock looked at the young Taoist in doubt.

  The young Taoist thought for a while and explained, "It's a kind of food."

"Is it tasty?"


  So the little peacock became happy and said: "She is a good person!"

"I like her!"

  The girl nodded solemnly and pointed to herself: "He is a good person!"

   "And she is a great beauty and a good person who will definitely look beautiful in the future!"

   Then pointed to the little peacock.


   "You are very discerning!"

   "Peacock Dalun Mingwang!"

  The little peacock let go of the wings that were pressing on Qi Wuhuo's temples, very happy.

   "Peacock Dalun Mingwang!"

   "Qi Yuntun!"

   "Wonton! Swallow!"

Yunqin teased the little peacock, and the old scalper slowly came to life, silently calculated the time of his 'sleep', looked at this pillar made of wood, and sighed: "This pillar of wood It's not very easy to use, there will always be so much room for doing it yourself."

   "However, it should be okay."

After a little calculation, the old cow knew that there should be no problem, and then he pretended to have slept, and walked over while yawning, saying, "What are you talking about? Oh, it's this peacock bird, How was it? What was the name?"

  After knowing what the young Taoist and Yunqin named the peacock.

  Especially when seeing the little peacock who claims to be the Peacock Dalunming King also looks triumphant.

  The old scalper finally couldn't bear it anymore and laughed out loud.

  I just think such a young appearance is really interesting.

   It would be better if the peacock was not famous.

Otherwise, if we meet someone in the future, we will say a few words of long admiration to each other, this one is about a famous tuba, and this one is about the great sage Qi Yuntun, or in other words, the one on the shoulder of the real Taishang Xuanwei. A spirit bird, whose name is [Wuntun], wouldn't it make me laugh to death if I told it?

   But seeing that little peacock seems to like this name especially.

  The old scalper just smiled and didn't say much.

  I just remembered that I named myself Gold back then, but now I am a bull Taurus.

   "Uncle Niu, I need your help with something."

  Qi Wuhuo opened his mouth, and told the old scalper about the three major demon kingdoms before. The old bull looked a little dignified, and said, "Is it a demon kingdom that is a disaster for the world? This is a bit troublesome."

  Yunqin asked curiously: "Uncle Niu, don't you know a lot of monsters in the Yaozu?"

  The old scalper did not answer, but pondered for a while, and asked: "Does Wuhuo know what the Yaozu is like?"

  Qi Wuhuo shook his head.

The old cow thought for a while, and said: "The demon clan is different from the human world. It is said to be a demon country, but in fact it should be the major tribes. There has never been a unified situation among the demons. The major tribes occasionally have covenants. Part of the time is spent fighting and killing each other, and these monster clans have gathered six big core bodies with the [Great Sage] as the core."

   "Actually, Wuhuo can be understood if you think about it."

   "Tigers eat sheep, wolves devour tigers."

   "There is a relationship between hunting and killing among all things. How can it be possible to make them twist into one heart?"

   "In fact, they are collectively referred to as [demons]. It's a human term, but they don't recognize it."

The old scalper gave another example and said: "For example, today a mosquito became a spirit and cultivated supernatural powers, and brought hundreds of millions of descendants here, saying that he would make a covenant with you humans. Let his hundreds of millions of mosquitoes who have mana and become fine live in the territory of your human race."

  The face of the young Taoist became slightly stiff.

  The old scalper laughed loudly, and then said: "Understood?"

   "I don't think you guys are going to be happy and let this batch of super powerful mosquitoes in?"

   "There is a high probability that everyone will wish to slap these mosquitoes to death on the spot."

   "This is part of the relationship among the monsters."

   "So first of all, we must figure out which great sage did it."

  The old scalper said: "Some great saints don't like fighting, but some are especially keen on fighting."

  Qi Wuhuo said: "Hasn't the Yaozu ever been unified?"

Lao Niu replied: "There was a brief period of unification, which was done by the Dragon Clan, but later the Dragon Clan discovered that the hatred between these group of monsters could not be put down at all, it was just maintained by their external force. , and felt that these monsters were all coveting the dragon's blood, so after several battles, the dragon clan left, and because of the differences caused by these several big fights at the beginning, after leaving the demon world, the dragon clan was divided into three branches. "

   "I still feel that although I am not the demon emperor, I still belong to the group of demons and stay in the demons."

   "I thought it would be better to go to the empress of the land of the emperor after the four emperors. I wanted a clean and comfortable place, so I went to the land of mountains and rivers."

   "The dragons in this part account for the vast majority."

   "The empress's place is really clean, and the dragon family Yushui is really an excellent choice for the position of the water god."

"There are also some people who feel that they are too lazy to go through the many twists and turns when they are like the demon clan if they want to find a stable enough backstage; Messenger of clouds and rain."

  The young Taoist learned about the history of the demon clan, and asked curiously, "Dragon blood essence?"

The old scalper said: "Naturally, the dragon is the head of all spirits, and it belongs to the top kind of acquired creatures. Its blood is full of extremely strong power and will, and any creature that falls into the body will bring a considerable degree of damage to it." Ascension, and even comprehend some supernatural powers of the dragon clan, and correspondingly, it will show a part of the appearance of a dragon."

   "For example, scales grow on the body, and dragon horns protrude from the forehead."

   "Or become irritable and irritable in character."

"But the group of monsters don't care about this. They only know that this can make them stronger, faster, and even extend their lifespan. Therefore, even though the dragon clan once brought them from the chaos of fighting to stability, they Still only clinging to the primordial blood of that body, hehe, speaking of it, Wuhuo knows that there is a big feast in the heavenly court, which is [Dragon Liver and Phoenix Marrow], heh, Wuhuo knows what it is originally?"

  The young Taoist shook his head.

  Old Scalper said: "Actually, it's just that the dragons use their own energy to drop into the water, and the fish in the water can turn into dragons."

   "That's why it's called 【Dragon】."

  "The name of dragon liver and phoenix marrow is just that after a dispute between the gods and the dragon clan, they said angrily that they couldn't beat them again and again, so they could only eat something. They said this was dragon liver and this was phoenix marrow."

   "You're not welcome."

   "The dragon kings of the four seas are all means for the true king to rise up, not to mention a large number of dragons among the messengers of the thunder department."

   "Who dares to eat?"

   "Besides, eating the liver of a living being that has spirituality, can communicate, has emotions and pain, and also has joy, anger, sorrow and joy, just to satisfy the appetite of the stomach, how is that different from a demon?"

   "However, there is another gossip..."

The old scalper approached quietly, lowered his voice so as not to be heard by Yunqin, and said: "It doesn't have to be the Dragon King, it is the blood of the Dragon Prince, just find a small pond and let the fish in it die the next day. It will give birth to dragon horns and dragon beard, which is also a [dragon], so I will definitely not eat this kind of dragon liver and phoenix marrow, the ghost knows what kind of dragon it is made of."

   "Yunqin, and the guys I know well, I told them not to eat this stuff."

   "Don't touch it in the future."

   "Although there is nothing wrong with ninety-nine out of ten, but cough cough..."

The old cow raised his head, laughed a few times, passed the curious Yunqin vaguely, and then said to Qi Wuhuo: "Don't worry, Wuhuo, I will leave these matters to you, Uncle Niu, and you can just wait for the old cow and me." Going to contact old friends and brothers whom I haven't contacted for a long time, it happens that the old bald ladle of Medicine Master Liuli Guangrulai is gone, and no one is blocking the door, so I can go out with confidence."

  Old cow is very comfortable.

  After exchanging pleasantries, the old cow really couldn't hold on anymore, and this ended the 【Circle Light Appearance Method】.

  The old scalper breathed a sigh of relief.

  I feel that I am getting closer and closer to 'pretend nothing happens until everything ends'.

  Thinking that I have maintained the image of a reliable and trustworthy elder, I finally feel at ease.

  The cold sweat on his forehead is not so severe anymore.

  After that, you can go back to lie down.


  Ha, as it is now, only by holding on to the state of being able to forcefully not make a fuss, and still watch the excitement?

  Maybe it will become a scene by itself, and tomorrow it will be rumored that Niu Taurus will lie down on the spot.

  Then when the time comes, Lao Niu and I have an old face, where should I put it?

   Yunqin bit a piece of sesame cake in her mouth, felt the sweetness of that snack, and suddenly said: "Uncle Niu, where is the classic that weaves the stars and clouds as my mother said?"

   "Huh? At the bottom of the library, what do you want that for?"

   "Wuhuo was injured. I remembered that my mother said that the cloth woven with stars and clouds can make the injury recover quickly."

  The old scalper almost laughed, so why did he just recover from the injury quickly?

  Mr. Vega is the granddaughter of Beidi.

   Although his descendants are not many, they are also quite a few.

But only Mr. Vega is quite famous, because she can weave the magic door with the light of stars and constellations. Even the morning and evening glows are only woven by Mr. Vega when she was young, and sprinkled in the world. How could such a method be so simple, he asked with a smile, "This is very difficult."

  Yunqin suddenly laughed and said, "Uncle Niu, you are so strange."

  The old scalper was stunned.

  The girl put away the sesame cake and said:

   "I want to do this, not ask how easy it is."

  "Since you have to decide, just study."

   "Could it be that it's difficult, so I won't learn?"

  The girl got up and jumped off the rock she was sitting on, clapped her hands, and said thoughtfully:

"The world is not the same as the sky. Wuhuo said that he just cut something but was shocked. He must have fought with someone. He just didn't want to tell me that it made me worry. Humph, worry is just because of powerlessness. This girl is not like that, worrying in vain, what's the use? If you are worried, just find a way so that you don't have to worry anymore. "

  The old scalper laughed and said, "Xiao Yunqin is so caring."

  The girl gave him a puzzled look and said, "Of course I care about my friends."

   "Uncle Niu, are you acting weird today?"

   "Uncle Niu, let's go."

  The old scalper agreed with a smile, and took a step, but his legs suddenly became weak.

   Slap on the ground.

  The girl stared suspiciously at the old scalper.

  Old Scalper: "..."

   Without changing his face, he replied: "Uncle Niu suddenly felt that it would be good to rest here on his stomach."

   "It's okay, it's okay."


Qi Wuhuo ended the [Circle Light Appearance Method]. The sword wound on his right hand came from the backlash of human luck. Even if the main body was dispersed by the power of the sword, Qi Wuhuo was still torn apart by the backlash, The congenital qi that can restore broken bones is extremely slow to repair. When the spiritual light on the mirror gradually dispersed, there was a slight pause suddenly.

  On the mirror surface, new changes have been added.

Qi Wuhuo saw the talismans around the mirror light up one by one, and then vaguely outline them into extremely complicated and vast words. Before the young Taoist had time to get a glimpse of what the words represented, there was a deep and deep sound. The voice sounded, and said: "So, all the participants of [North Pole Exorcism] have come here?"

  The voice read the past one by one.

   "Dragon and tiger riders, four spirit gods, Nanchang refining immortals, **** tigers chasing officials, thunder justice gods, meritorious Cao talismans."

   "Huh? Why is there one more person?"

  Everyone was puzzled, their spiritual senses were all coming in the direction of the young Taoist.

  (end of this chapter)

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