I Am Immortal

Chapter 157: big thief! ! !

  Chapter 157 Big Thief! !

  The Seventh Prince's war horse galloped all the way to the front of the royal road before being stopped. Two guards bowed and said, "Your Highness."

  The seventh prince greeted with a big smile, and said the names of the two imperial guards, with a natural look on his face, his eyebrows raised and he said with a smile: "Why, even if I go to the palace, will I be searched?"

  The two imperial guards saluted and said: "It is the duty, and please forgive me, Your Highness."

   "Haha, I was just kidding."

The Seventh Prince got off his horse, spread his arms, and let these people search his body. The Jinzhou knife was hidden under the wrist of his left hand. When they came to search him, his fingers moved slightly and slipped silently along the large cuff of the Chinese clothes at the moment , and controlled it with strength, and removed his right wrist. This is a technique learned when he was torturing a snake clan spy.

  He once relied on this skill to sneak into the enemy camp and disintegrate an army of three thousand by himself.

   As for evil spirit?

  Soldiers and warriors are originally full of evil spirits.

If the gang of men fighting and rolling at the border, there is a high probability that they would have noticed something was wrong, but this gang of imperial guards is just running around the root of the imperial city, wearing luxurious armor, boasting everywhere, but they are like puppets guarding the gate of the royal family. However, if they fight in formation, a thousand imperial guards may not be able to beat three hundred frontier troops.

  The seventh prince passed the inspection safely, looking lazily, still riding on the royal road.

   This royal road is extremely long, with extremely high walls on both sides.

  There are towers in front and back.

As long as the front and rear gates are closed, it will be an urn city, with human energy suppressed, arrows raining down on both sides, Taoist real people will also drink their hatred, the horse of the Seventh Prince slowed down, and the young man in fresh clothes and angry horse turned his back on the way he came , waved at the two guards, and lazily said: "Wait for me to come back and have a drink with you."

  Go to the royal road, and then get off the horse.

   There were eunuchs who led him to the side hall.

Saying that the saint was in it, he went in again to send a message, and when he came out, he said that the saint declared that the seventh prince entered, and the seventh prince pressed his hands on the door that cost a lot of manpower and material resources, and with a sudden force, the door was pushed open. The main hall where he lives, even the side hall where political affairs are handled, is still extremely grand.

There are palace lanterns on both sides to illuminate the square inch. The Seventh Prince is standing at the door. The sunlight outside is like a sharp sword, shattering the gloom in the hall. The eyes of the young man are like torches. He was only in his thirties, and there were some simple meals on the table, and he was still processing memorials.

  The Seventh Prince's eyesight is sharp, but those who draw a heavy bow have excellent eyesight, and can see the content of those memorials.

  【Among the prefectures and counties, there is a great harvest, and the people all have surplus food in their families, all of which depend on the mighty grace of heaven, which is the grace of the saints. 】

  The following is annotated with cinnabar.

  【Know your heart of flattery, don’t do anything, if you do something to exploit the people, I will ask you for a trial】

  He also said [In the criminal law, there is a question about the number of beheaded people, please ask the sage to decide]

  The commentary is that [the criminal law, whether killing or punishing, should have laws, but there is a virtue of good life, submit the file]

There are many files like this, and the saint smiled slightly: "The year is approaching, and there are too many files, but when it comes to people's livelihood and criminal laws, we have to check them. There is no other way, so we have to eat some here." Can the emperor eat something?"

  He sniffed it, and cursed with a smile: "The wine and dishes of Zuicianlou, you, don't get too close to those Wu Xun disciples."

"All the families are entangled together like a net. If you get too close, you will inevitably be involved. At that time, even if you are a general at the border, there will be various things. And now, these Even if Wu Xun's children are not in power, they can still be brothers to each other."

   "In the future, you will become princes of different families, and each other's interests are mutually exclusive. If you start fighting, what should you do?"

   "If you don't take action, you will form a party, or a general will form a party."

   "Your father and I can still accommodate you, but your eldest brother may not, remember?"

He gave a few words of advice, stretched out his hand and swept all the files on the table down, and spread out all the things in the food box, and said with a smile: "But whether you have eaten or not, you should come and eat some with me." Things, just right, it’s annoying to look at these files in here alone, it’s a good thing to find someone to eat.”

   "Come on, give my son a pair of bowls and chopsticks, and then make some dishes."


  The Seventh Prince's heart was slightly shaken, and then he cupped his hands and said: "I have seen the saint."

So the smile on the emperor's face paused slightly, and he raised his head to look at the tall son who was just in his prime, his voice paused, he put down the eating utensils, sat on the chair, shook his head and cursed with a smile: "I am a minister, Don't say it, it seems that I came here today for some serious business."

"Tell me, what trouble did you cause again? Did you beat the son of a distinguished family? Or did you have a quarrel with an adult from the Hanlin Academy? They couldn't see you, and they wanted to read a copy of you in the court? Say Bar."

   "You caused me a lot of trouble when I was young."

   "But now, their father is not as powerful as your father, so even if you get into trouble, this time father can cover you."

  “However, don’t hurt the people, don’t do evil, don’t oppress the good.”

  The Seventh Prince was sitting opposite the emperor, and said in a slow voice: "I am studying today, and I am puzzled by something, thinking about the words of the sage, so I come here to ask, hoping to get an answer."

  The emperor laughed and scolded: "You can even read?"

   "It's really strange."

   Then he leaned back on the chair and said, "Just ask."

  The seventh prince was sitting and asked: "What should I do as a younger brother?"

  The emperor couldn't help but replied with a smile: "Brothers and brothers are respectful, it is for filial piety, to respect elder brothers, this is the same way as filial piety."

   "This is the truth that a three-year-old child will understand."

"What? Did you have a conflict with your brothers? After all, you are blood relatives, like palms and backs, but you need to support each other. In this world, after your parents are gone, you are the closest. What's the matter?" , you can spread it out and talk about it, don’t fight.”

  The Seventh Prince lowered his eyes and said, "I see."

   "What about the father?"

  The emperor frowned slightly: "As a father, you should teach your children and grandchildren by precept and example."

   "There are those who are not sons, and there are those who are not fathers."

The Seventh Prince stepped forward, because he was sitting in the court hall, so he walked a few steps on his knees, and was only a table away from the saint, while the saint frowned slightly, and the Seventh Prince lifted his When he raised his head, his eyes were shining brightly, and he asked hoarsely: "Then what should I do for the king?"

  The smile on the emperor's face had already disappeared, and he looked at the seventh prince who was only three steps away.

The Seventh Prince didn't get violent, like a dormant beast, and the emperor didn't immediately get up in anger, and didn't yell loudly. The air was like a bowstring being stretched. Both sides were restraining. Such restraint came from the blood in their hearts and the last Fortunately, the emperor replied: "The way to govern the country is to love the people."

   "Love the people, love the people."

  The Seventh Prince suddenly laughed a few times, and said: "The husband is a general, protecting the country and the people, sweeping away the country's dirt, what I'm asking—"

   "If a brother betrays his brother and kills his brother, can he be killed?!"

  "Can those who commit great sins as fathers be killed?!"

   "Those who kill people for the sake of glory and wealth are allowed to kill those who are kings!"

The Seventh Prince stared at his father in front of him, word by word, his aura became more and more fierce, and the emperor's complexion finally changed suddenly, he stood up suddenly and shouted: "Are you here today to go crazy?! Qilang, if you want to go crazy! , Go to the frontier, go find those monsters who are crazy, don’t come here, I have to deal with the memorial.”

  The Seventh Prince said: "Jinzhou."

  The emperor's body paused slightly, his eyes were sharp.

  The Seventh Prince said: "Did you do what happened in Jinzhou..."

  The hall was eerily quiet, and the Seventh Prince asked in a hoarse voice:

   "Son just wants an answer, Dad."

  The emperor panted heavily, sat down again, stared at the seventh prince in front of him, and said:


  The Seventh Prince's heart was finally dispersed by luck, the soldier was so brave, he almost gritted his teeth and asked, "Why!"


  Emperor said: "Why?!"

  The Seventh Prince stood up abruptly against the desk table. The military strategist has been brave since ancient times, and facing the despair and pain of his father in front of him, he did not back down, and said angrily:

   "That's millions of people, how could you do such a thing! Why!"

  The emperor swept his sleeves and robes, and knocked all the food on the table to the ground, staining the file, his eyes were like knives, and he said angrily, "What is your choice?!"

   "What is it? It's something you can think about over and over again?!"

   "That is a once-in-a-lifetime fighter!"

   "The opportunity will disappear in a flash!"

"There is only a moment to make a decision. Do you know that in a moment? You are also a human being, and I am also a human being. Everyone knows that when emotions come up, there is no way to control yourself. When making a decision, the decision is very thoughtful. Well, who hasn't regretted it afterwards?!"

  The emperor pulled his son by the collar, pointed directly at the files that fell on the ground, and said:

   "Come and see these memorials!"

   "Look at this world again!"

   "The palace is full of blue and purple doctors, the world is full of literary clothes, and the world is full of ordinary people!"

"A thousand pieces of gold can make friends turn against each other, a mere inheritance of a family, and a few houses can make blood relatives stay away from each other forever, and the position of a county magistrate can be snatched by scholars who have studied sage books for more than ten years or decades." All the dog brains are blown out, what do you think will happen to them in my position?"

   "Back then, I was facing the biggest position in the world, right in front of you, as long as you nodded, it would be yours."

   "Ask yourself, who can resist?"

   "Even a sage has his thoughts, but when he is in a daze, he has no chance to regret the decision he has made."

"It was delivered at the fastest speed. When I wanted to reverse it, it was already too late. Do you know if it's too late?! If I made a mistake in that step, I would be doomed. At that time, the 600,000 cavalry had already stood still. If I dare to turn back again, I can only die to thank the world!"

  The emperor stared at his son.

  The Seventh Prince said: "That's millions of people..."

   "Millions, yes."

   "But for anyone, who can exchange his own life for another's life?"

  The emperor let go of his hand, and said in a gentle tone: "I would rather teach the world to die and I live alone. The emperor said that he is lonely and widowed. He is the biggest single husband in the world. If he doesn't have such awareness, what kind of emperor is he?"

"Those scholars said that a gentleman stays away from the kitchen because he can't bear to see his death. He said this is benevolence, hahaha, what a joke, don't they also eat meat? If they don't see the appearance of cooking sheep and slaughtering cattle, they will eat meat Even if it is benevolence, then I have never seen those three million people, and eating their flesh and blood is also "big benevolence"!"

   "So we can know that the common people in this world, and millions of scholars, are nothing but those magnificently dressed beasts."

   "The blame on me is just because they are not the ones who eat meat."

The emperor said again: "If those people in Jinzhou were in front of me back then, I would definitely make the same choice as my elder brother; if I make the decision at that time again now, I will let that cavalry enter Jinzhou, because I know that cavalry will inevitably The loss is huge, I don't have to be here, spending so many lives to wear down big brother, but no."

   "But no, what was in front of me at that time was only the supreme position and a number."

   "At that time, I didn't have the experience and tolerance I have now."

  The Seventh Prince said: "Number?"

   "Yes, numbers, in exchange for supremacy."

   "Even if there are more than three million bones under your feet?"

  The emperor scolded: "My son is stupid!"

  His words were arrogant: "Since ancient times, which hero's feet are not full of bones?"

  "Only by standing here can I realize my ambition."

   "They are willing to die for this, and they should, and have no regrets."

   "No more regrets? Lots of bones?"


The Seventh Prince murmured several times, and suddenly laughed several times. He was furious. A military strategist judges the situation, knows how to advance and retreat, and knows how to forbear; The table was lifted openly, and it was only three steps away, but it was already crossed in one step. The anger, injustice, despair and pain in my heart gathered together like a furnace, and finally turned into an angry roar:


  The luck behind him suddenly roared, turning into a tiger, and the tiger roared and roared again, faintly becoming more and more real.


  Bingjia Xuesha exploded suddenly.

   Cut off the kindness of father and son, and the love of flesh and blood.

  In an instant, with the sound of the blade resolutely entering the body, blood spilled on the file.

   Dazzling bright red.

  (end of this chapter)

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