I Am Immortal

Chapter 163: The Lord of the Big Dipper is dead, and the stars are calling!

  Chapter 163 The Lord of the Big Dipper is dead, and the stars are calling!

  Qi Wuhuo looked at the old Dragon King in front of him, and the latter also looked at him, with extremely complicated emotions in their hearts.

Suddenly there was a loud noise, and a monster roared and roared. It was a tiger with two wings. It opened its fangs and rushed towards this side. Within three feet of these two people, they were directly smashed to pieces by a force, turning into blood and smashing to the ground.

  Ao Liu laughed and said, "Is this direction, my friend, looking for Mr. Lingmiao?"


"Then you might as well go together. This incident is strange. The number of monsters that have appeared has exceeded the level that may be bred in the land of Zhongzhou. As the head of the mountain **** here, Mr. Lingmiao should stand up and kill all these monsters, but at this moment He never showed up, and he was probably blocked."

  Ao Liu's voice was also a bit solemn, and he noticed the demonic aura here when he rushed all the way back.

   Far exceeded what he had ever seen.

   There is even a hint of inspiration for what happened in Jinzhou that year.

Could it be that…

The old dragon king suppressed the distracting thoughts in his heart, and with just a sweep of his sleeves, there was water vapor hovering under Qi Wuhuo's feet, turning into water mist and clouds, lifting him up in an instant, and the skill of flying clouds and riding fog is difficult for even real people to do Such an understatement, the old dragon king is a **** of water, and a dragon clan that is close to the innate sacredness. He has traveled for thousands of years, and the clouds and mist rise and fall between his breaths.

   Qi Wuhuo stepped on the cloud and was led by Ao Liu, ignoring the terrain and the many beasts on the ground.

   He quickly rushed towards the location of Mr. Lingmiao.

The instant high speed made the young Taoist feel that his blood stagnated for an instant, and a strong sense of coldness made the blood stained on the young Taoist's sleeves turn into frost instantly, and then under the extremely high-speed movement Collapsed and scattered, Qi Wuhuo only felt that the sight in front of him changed rapidly, and the branches and leaves of trees swept past his eyes, too fast to react.

   Suddenly and suddenly the sound of the wind is broad.

The line of sight in front of him suddenly opened up, and he had already broken through the stratus clouds. What he saw in front of his eyes was endless and open clouds. Even the majestic Lingmiao Mountain was only partly above the sea of ​​clouds. The real body has appeared, and amidst the sound of long chants, rain falls along the way, suppressing the demonic energy and saving the common people.

The young Taoist saw the front, even in the air there were monsters that had dissipated and turned into monsters, but there were not so many birds in Zhongzhou. At this moment, he had already vaguely guessed that there were so many monsters this time, probably someone else Intervening in it, the huge gust of wind made him almost unsteady, so he could only half kneel on the cloud, pressing the sword with one hand, and the seal of Judge Wulei on his waist flew upwards.

  Purple noble and domineering thunder flows on the body.

   Ao Liu groaned and said, "Little friend, be careful."

   "Mr. Ao, what shall we do?"

  Qi Wuhuo was even a little unstable because of the high-speed movement, but the sword seemed extremely happy, whistling wildly, as if he wanted to fly directly to fight those monsters.

  Ao Liu, who showed his real body, had a deep and domineering voice:

   "Directly, rush over!"

   "Rush over?"

Before the young Taoist could react, Ao Liu's dragon ball radiated immeasurable light, directly enveloping the young Taoist in it, isolating him from the outside world, and the next moment, Qi Wuhuo just felt the speed increase suddenly, everything in front of him was like a streamer, and everything in front of him was like a flash of light. , Layers of thick white clouds exploded around, and the layers of white clouds accumulated, and crazily spread outward.

  Qi Wuhuo lost his hearing.

   Running at super high speed, the blood flow left the eyes and brain for a short time.

  If it is a mortal, it will die directly.

  Even Taoists feel that everything in front of them seems to be black and white.

Watching everything recede like a bystander, and seeing that the monsters have not approached, they seem to be shattered by some invisible ripples, directly blasting layers of blood, he turned around, The sword screamed, but he couldn't hear the sword cry, as if the sound was left behind, Ao Liu groaned, the golden vertical pupils were cold and indifferent, showing the domineering side of the dragon.

  The dragon sings for thousands of miles.

  The creatures of Zhongzhou raised their heads, only to see a stream of thunder rushing away, only those with cultivation base saw the long chant of the dragon, the sound was like thunder, rolling and exploding, and thick clouds seemed to appear in the sky.

  Qi Wuhuo's previous location was at least a hundred miles away from Lingmiao Mountain, the head of the Zhongzhou group of peaks.

  Combined with the attack and killing of demons, it may take several hours for him to travel by himself.

  But it arrived within a few breaths.

  Yue Mo Aoliu brought his speed, directly exceeding six thousand miles in an hour.

If it weren't for the endless light emitted by the dragon ball that enveloped Qi Wuhuo, the young Taoist would feel that his body would stiffen in the high-speed moving wind and cold wind, let alone the sword, at that time even I can't hold the sword anymore, and death is possible at such a speed.

  The sudden acceleration turned to slow down, and the picture in front of Qi Wuhuo regained its color.

  The voice that seemed to be left behind also caught up with him.

  Zheng! !

A loud and domineering sound exploded, and immediately there were sparks falling in front of him. Standing on the mountain, the young Taoist raised his head, and saw Mr. Lingmiao, who was as tall as a mountain and was as tall as a thousand meters, had retreated from his original benevolent features and was wearing heavy armor. , holding a long-handled war knife, and fighting a huge monster.

When the blade collided with the weapon, there was a clattering neighing like thunder, and an immeasurable flame burst out. When the flame fell, it was almost like a meteorite. When it fell to the ground, it was a huge crater with a radius of several meters. The hole made the ground tremble, and the thing transformed by the filth of the world on the opposite side was also not to be outdone, roaring and roaring, directly shaking Lingmiaogong's weapon.

The endless energy in the void is surging, faintly revealing the weather of the sky, deriving many wonderful methods, turning into arms to grab Lingmiaogong, and thunder, flames, rolling down, all extremely huge, emitting blazing light, Suddenly there was a dragon chant, the clouds were thick, and a huge dragon claw stretched out, directly crushing the billowing thunder flame.

  Ao Liu's real body protruded out of the sea of ​​clouds, with a length of one thousand meters, hovering in the sky, and then let out a long chant.

   "Demon, kill me!!"

Duke Lingmiao screamed in anger, the knife in his palm radiated golden light, as if illuminating the heaven and the earth, he slashed down fiercely, the demonic energy dispersed, and gathered thousands of divine soldiers, the energy mechanism collapsed, and the flames visible to the naked eye almost overwhelmed everyone. The temperature rose a little for a hundred miles around. Standing on the top of the mountain, the young Taoist felt the blazing wind sweeping towards him, and his sleeves fluttered.

  The thunder around him turned into a barrier.

   "This is, fighting at the level of immortals and gods..."

  Those with all three talents need to set up a Dharma altar to practice the Dharma.

   Those who are born with one energy, their thoughts are supernatural powers.

  Real people walk in the world.

And this is a joint battle between the head of the land and the head of the water official in Zhongzhou Fangyuan. It really belongs to the fighting and power of immortal gods, and it is almost completely different from the power of practitioners in the human world. Qi Wuhuo suddenly thought of Senior Sister Yu Miao, He even reached the sky with his sword, and he needed the God of Thunder to intercept him.

  The young Taoist exhaled slowly and calmed down.

   Sweeping the sleeve robe, the Northern Emperor Mirror is suspended in the void.

The young Taoist stepped forward, holding the sword and pulling it, doing the Northern Emperor's method. In an instant, the huge and boundless, there were three heads, the left head was ferocious and angry, the right head was joyful and compassionate, and the peaceful and indifferent demon in the middle seemed to have sensed something, and all three heads melted He made an angry face, opened his eyes, with fangs on his lips, forced Lingmiaogong back, and a long spear in the palm of his right hand was about to smash down.

  The sound of dragon chant is loud.

   Ao Liu's real body wrapped around the spear directly, the real dragon hovered, and both claws struck into the demon god's shoulder at the same time, piercing deeply into it.

Mr. Lingmiao took a step back with his right foot and stood firm. Amidst the roar, the long-handled knife in his palm stabbed forward, directly piercing into the demon god's chest. He didn't seem to care, he lost his weapon, and just possessed himself with anger, raised his right hand, his eyes were bigger than Qi Wuhuo's, his right hand was huge like a hill, and slammed down on the young Taoist.

   "Little friend, back away!"

  Qi Wuhuo was covered by this palm.

Suddenly, the Demon God let out a scream, his palm was tingling, and he instinctively raised his hand. The Yang Lianjian sword broke free from Qi Wuhuo's palm and pierced through the demon's palm, but only because Qi Wuhuo said something to it. :

   "And do whatever you want!"

It seems that the crazy killings along the way finally awakened part of the sword's ability. Layers of thick clouds obscured the sky, but at this moment those clouds dispersed at some point.

   Or, it was broken by the power of the stars.

  The Big Dipper stars in the sky lit up one by one.

  The starlight is falling, being drawn by the Arctic exorcising five thunder judge seal on the waist.

The Zhongtian North Pole Exorcism Academy is not just a group of simple wandering soldiers, it is an existence in the Heavenly Court, which directly competes with the Tianshu Academy of the Shangqing, except for the God of War who fights, and naturally there is the Heaven who is in charge of the rest. Officials, or checking cause and effect, or tempering weapons.

   And at this moment the light of the stars falls.

  The young Taoist exhaled slowly, the starlight of the Big Dipper flowed like water, and there was a faint change of starlight on his Taoist robe.

  Holding the sword in both hands, I sense the power that can be borrowed for a short time.

Pure power is nothing to these organized heavenly courts, one mansion and two courts. The stars and thunder, all can borrow your power for a short time, but the realm is the core, but even so, the power of the Big Dipper It was just to keep Qi Wuhuo from being killed by the aftermath on such a battlefield.

  On the wooden hairpin, there is a hidden jade light, headed by Tianshu, protecting the soul.

  On the sleeve robe, the stars flow, and the giant gate of Tianxuan covers my body.

  There are stars all over his body, and the last **** long sword fell into his hand, and an incomparably overbearing starlight flowed down.

   Shaking light to break the army, this sword injects spirit.

  When the starlight in the North Pole Exorcism Court scattered, something strange happened suddenly.

It seems to be the pull of Beidifa who is the lord of the stars. Perhaps it is because of him that the originally stable human dynasty has discovered a change. Suddenly, the star power reception formation, which was supposed to end, was still running, but they had obviously stopped.

   "This, is the formation itself changing?!"

"How can it be!"

The heavenly official who was in charge of formations and was not good at fighting was almost so anxious that he cursed angrily, but when he raised his head, he suddenly froze. Jade bi, on which the light of the stars and constellations of the week are manifested, the brilliance circulates and has its order, which can be used by the Arctic Exorcism Institute to kill demons and demons.

  At this moment, the Big Dipper has dimmed.

   But there was another dim star faintly glowing, and then there were strands of fire flowing.

   Fierce as fire, this thought of subjugating demons.

  Xingguan's eyes widened: "That one is..."


  Glowing fire, leaving without confusion.

  A little bit of fire, forcibly participated in the reception of the power of the stars.

   suddenly fell into the world!


   Recently, the contradictions of this volume have exploded, so the promotion is relatively slow, and the update may be slightly unstable.

   is trying to overcome

  (end of this chapter)

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