I Am Immortal

Chapter 173: Dragon Slaying

  Chapter 173 Dragon Slaying

   "Yuan Shizu Qi"?

  Qi Wuhuo noticed the four simple characters above.

Taibai Xingjun took a sip of wine and said: "Yes, it is the direct-handed method of Yuqing Datianzun. According to the legend, there are a few of the Twelve Saints who have practiced this Qi-refining method, but not many, after all, Yuqing Datian Most of Tianzun's disciples are also innate metamorphosis, and they have been conceived by the essence of heaven and earth for a long time before they were born into metamorphosis."

   "As soon as I was born, it was a gathering of three flowers."

   "This kind of kung fu practiced at the time of innate qi is basically not practiced by many people."

"Yuanshi Datianzun didn't care at all. After asking for instructions from Tianpeng Dazhenjun, he allowed this object to be placed in the North Pole Exorcism Court. Anyone who said that he has meritorious virtues for the order of heaven and earth can practice this method and transform Yuan Qi into ancestor Qi. As for What kind of mystery is there? Haha, no one knows about such things."

   "I spent three to five hundred years of merit in slaying demons and eliminating demons."

   "Can't get anything."

   "I also slept soundly."

Mr. Taibai Xing sighed deeply. Obviously, the reason why he persuaded Qi Wuhuo not to change this volume of classics before was because he himself had already suffered a loss, and he gritted his teeth in hatred. Kailai said, "Well, I'm just a suggestion, but you have to choose carefully."

   "Because you fought so hard to overcome this calamity, you have this predestined relationship."

   "Don't make a mistake."

   "Ha, but this also needs to be done after the matter is reported to Tianqiong, so that there will be merits and virtues. I will show you right now."

  The young man said humanely: "After the incident?"


  Mr. Taibaixing lowered his eyes, and said lightly: "After the reward and execution."

  He stretched out his hand and patted Qi Wuhuo's shoulder, saying: "It's almost time, let's go."

The biggest problem that caused this catastrophe has been killed, and the remaining evil miasma was quickly eliminated. Since Tianyou is here, the rest of the Arctic Exorcism Institute has arrived at Zhongzhou. Among them, there will be a total of Thirty-four people, including four who died in battle, were all brought back in the form of Xuanbing Condensation.

   "The official of the Ministry of Thunder and the Five Thunders."

   "Huo Ling Wei Tiangong, Ministry of Fire."

   "Doubu Daylight Taiji official."

   "And Nangong Youqing, Minister of the Qing Dynasty."

The young Taoist saw that the body armor of these warriors was broken. Even if they died, the evil spirit on their bodies still remained. Apart from Zhongzhou, there are several other core nodes of the Arctic Exorcist Academy warriors.

  Qi Wuhuo faced Jidu.

   What they faced was the rest of the means arranged by the original Luo Hu and other Xingjun.

   and other high-level powerhouses of the same level.

The situation calmed down, but a price was paid in the end. Among them, Shangqing Siming's eyes widened with anger, and he had already lost an arm. Taibaixing Lord held a jug and poured the immortal wine obtained from the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor in front of these profound ice. With a free and easy look, he said, "Did you see it? Smash the demons, these may be the future destination of you and me."

   "The name of the Arctic Exorcism Institute will eventually be stained with blood."

   "The enemy's, or your own."

   "Si Ming, he is a disciple of Shangqing Lingbao Datianzun and my junior brother."

   "You can put the name of Shangqing in front of the Dao name, it is a true inheritance, better than me."

"After all, he is more talented than me. He was born with three flowers gathered at the top. He threw himself into the gate wall a thousand years ago, and it took him less than seven hundred years to cultivate the five qi dynasty. He is also very good at swordsmanship. This is the fourth catastrophe he participated in, and this time he finally fell here."

   "Come on, slugger, pour them a drink."

  Mr. Taibaixing threw the thing in his hand to Qi Wuhuo, his tone was cold and flat:

   "Tao died in the slaughter, and it is the destination of the Arctic Exorcism Academy."

   "Whether it is the Xingjun under the command of the Northern Emperor who was transformed by the innate, or the direct disciple of the Taoist ancestor of the Sanqing."

   "This death is inevitable."

"Masters will not make a move, even if it is the Supreme Heavenly Venerable. He may use the sword for some strange reasons, but only when the disciple chooses the way, and then walks on the way dignifiedly, and falls on the way. Not in the past, no matter which great Tianzun, he will only watch his disciple's final journey peacefully."

   "Only the weight of death can know the weight of life."

   "The disciples of the Sanqing and their masters only have the relationship of [preaching, imparting karma and solving doubts]."

   "It's only the fate of this life."

   "When the body dies, the destiny dies."

   "So, this is also the mercy of Tianzun."

Tianyou Dazheng looked at his subordinates and colleagues calmly, closed his eyes, and turned around. For tens of thousands of years, he watched them step into the North Pole Exorcism Court when they were as immature as the young Taoist behind him , and finally sent them away with his own hands. The weight of the five characters of the North Pole Exorcism Court has only become cold and majestic under the fighting and blood of this generation.

  Placing his palm on the ice coffin, his voice was calm:

   "The lands only come forward."

Many generals of the North Pole Exorcism Academy had introduced each other before, and at this moment they spread out on both sides. Qi Wuhuo originally wanted to avoid it, but Tianyou Dazheng looked at him and asked him to stand beside him. Putting his outstretched hand on his shoulder, Qi Wuhuo had already expected it.

  He saw Duke Lingmiao, Ao Liu, and the young man in white were there.

  Besides this, there is still the land of Zhongzhou, the spirit transformed from the spirit in the mountains, and the **** of all directions in the heaven.

   Even the local city **** of the underworld.

  But all the demons, ghosts and gods in the Three Realms when this catastrophe happened, all came here.

When Ao Liu and Ling Miaogong saw Qi Wuhuo standing on the side, they were slightly startled, but not surprised, while the young man in white was slightly startled, his eyes widened, showing an expression of extreme disbelief , it seemed that he couldn't believe that the young man who played chess with him before was actually standing among this group of gods and generals of the North Pole Exorcism Academy who were exuding murderous intent.

  Tianyou Zhenjun raised his eyes slightly, Duke Lingmiao, Ao Liu and many other lands and lands headed by him saluted.

Among the Heavenly Court and Earth Officials, there is no direct relationship, but only the North Pole Exorcism Court has the power to directly supervise the Heavenly Officials, Local Officials, and Water Officials. It only kills but not saves. The Northern Emperor is directly under the leadership of the Northern Emperor. Tianyou Zhenjun said slowly: "This catastrophe depends on your lords. When I return to heaven, I will go to the Northern Emperor and report the truth. Those who fight to the death and fight hard will all be rewarded by the Northern Emperor."

   "Mr. Lingmiao, Ao Liu, should have the merits of the North Pole Exorcism Academy, and he can enter the North Emperor Zhongtian North Pole Ziwei Palace, and choose various skills, spirit treasures, those who have the heaven, and within the merits, can choose."

  Mr. Lingmiao, Ao Liu all thank you.

  Tianyou Zhenjun counted the names one by one, but all those who fight will be rewarded.

   All rejoiced.

   Then most of the land only left their names and then retreated.

   Zhenjun lowered his eyes and said lightly: "The merit has been done, and it is time to judge the crime."

When these words fell, the previously relaxed atmosphere suddenly became icy cold. Ao Wulie's head was lowered tightly, and he could only feel the sense of fear that made his body stiff. The generals hold weapons, and one of them holds the judge's file, and reads the reason:

   "The 3,600-year-old formation of exorcising evil spirits in the Heavenly Court, due to the selfishness of the Dragon King of Jinghe, caused the rain to fall out of balance, and the formation was broken."

   "Zhongzhou fell, and everything died."

   "The sin is first."

   "Is there anything to add?"

The **** holding the file raised his eyes, his expression was extremely cold, there seemed to be the sound of swords whistling in the void, and the killing intent was so strong that it almost turned into reality, everyone was dead silent, and they had already guessed what the dragon king in front of them would face. , and Ao Liu looked calm, but there was pain and regret in his eyes after all, which was extremely painful.

  In the dead silence, the young Taoist standing beside Tianyou was silent for a long time, then stepped forward and said, "I have it!"

   One after another looked at him, some of them belonged to the Arctic Exorcism Institute, and some belonged to the earth.

  Ao Liu looked at the young Taoist standing in front of him, as if surprised that he would stand up.

  The young man said humanely: "There is still a reason for the incident of Ao Liu, the Dragon King of the Jinghe River. Seven years ago, there was a catastrophe in Jinzhou, and Ao Liu, the Dragon King, diverted water to make it rain..."

He told what Ji Du Xingjun said before, and it was precisely because of Ao Liu's rain that he saved the common people that year, which attracted Ji Du's revenge, and then turned into Yue Lianqing, went to Zhongzhou, and bewitched the young Ao Wu The heavy rain was out of balance, and this is what happened next. Everything was implicated because of saving people back then.

   As a result, the expressions of all the locals changed slightly, and the generals in the Arctic Exorcism Academy also raised their eyes.

   "Being targeted for helping the common people..."

   "In this case, it is indeed sad, and he is also a victim."

"His son is just a young dragon, needless to say about him, no matter how high his morality is, and his state of mind is not enough, it will be difficult to resist the bewitching methods from Jidu. It is possible to make a mistake in a single thought The original thing."

Mr. Lingmiao was silent for a moment, he also took a step forward, cupped his hands and said: "...Ao Liu has worked hard for thousands of years, and has never made a single mistake. Even if there is no great credit, there is hard work. Being able to exercise a little discretion...even if he deserves the credit."

   "I would like to hand over my previous merits in order to pay for Ao Liu's slight crimes."

   Another big land in Zhongzhou sighed and said: "I am also willing."

   "Ao Liu acted for the sake of the common people, and then he was framed by others. It really shouldn't be like this."

Many people were only silent for a while, they were willing to hand over their merits in exchange for a slightly lighter punishment for Ao Liu. In silence, he retreated back to his previous position.

  Ao Liu looked at him, but slightly arched his hands.

At this moment, the rest of the generals of the Arctic Exorcism Academy have also pulled the power of the dragon-slaying platform, and here they have turned into a weapon that is indistinguishable from the Heavenly Dragon-Slaying Platform. It is obvious that the punishment of the Arctic Exorcism Academy is not a simple killing. Yes, but to cut off the three souls, and the seven souls are cut off to finish. I don't know how many demon dragons have been killed on the Dragon Slaying Platform, and the evil spirit entangled in blood rose into the sky.

  Tianyou said in a flat tone: "Will merit be punished?"

   "What do you mean."

   "As long as you have credit before, you don't have to be punished if you do something bad later."

"do you mean this?"

   "Because I saved thousands of people in the past, but now I almost destroy the common people at once, causing the order of the world to be out of balance, can I not be held accountable?"

   "Saving one person before, and now killing one person, can they cancel each other out?"

  Everyone was silent, Elder Lingmiao sighed: "But, Zhenjun also needs to know that they are also victims."

   "And He has never made mistakes in the thousands of years, but he was only designed by the enemy."

Ao Liu shook his head, and signaled to Mr. Lingmiao with his eyes that there is no need to say anything more. Mr. Lingmiao opened his mouth, but he could only sigh helplessly, with a complicated expression on his face. He watched the old dragon king who was injured in the previous fight stand up calmly, spread his arms, and planned to let him go. The chain stretched out from the dragon-slaying platform to hold him, but at this moment, the chain changed and directly locked Ao Wulie who fell on the ground.

Both Ao Liu and Lingmiaogong were stunned by the change of this scene. The former was stunned, with disbelief in his eyes, the joy that his son seemed to have finally awakened and the despair in an instant, while Lingmiaogong's eyes were only complicated. , just sighed, Ao Wulie raised his eyes slightly, he closed his eyes, and said word by word:

   "Jinghe Dragon King."

   "Ao Wulie."

   "Punishment and death."

Ao Liu reacted in an instant, grabbed Ao Wulie's collar with one hand, and made the chains on his body let out a chilling sound. There was sadness and despair in the eyes of this Dragon King, which shattered the joy in his eyes. With force, he glared at the son in front of him: "You!!"

  Ao Wulie said: "Father, you know."

  His face was pale, and he forced a smile: "I never obey your arrangements..."

   "Let me disobey one last time this time."


Ao Liu's blood surged up. He had been fighting endlessly before, his body was covered in blood, and his scales were cracked. At this moment, he loosened his son suddenly, then turned around and bowed down abruptly. Cha, the Dragon King of Jinghe has always been me for the past seven years, and it was my son who wanted to control Jinghe in advance, so he had to go to Penglai Division to bribe Zhenjun and change his name in these few days!"

   "True Monarch clearly observes, I should be the one who should be punished."

   "Old man, what are you doing? I am the Dragon King of Jinghe!"

   "Don't be hypocritical here, you are a dragon, you don't ask for people!"

Many people just couldn't bear to look at it, but Tianyou was holding a judge's order in his hand, pointing at Ao Liu, and pointing at Ao Wulie, as long as he made this order, the person pointed at would go directly to the dragon-killing stage, and the three souls The seven souls scattered cleanly, and when the crowd was dead, Tianyou Dazhenjun moved his wrist suddenly, and the Ling flew directly into Qi Wuhuo's palm.

   "Destroy the devil, you previously led the five thunder judges here."

   "The case."

   "You decide who to kill."

   Tianyou Dazhenjun's eyes were calm and cold.

Holding the talisman, the young Taoist felt his gaze fall down, Ao Wulie's relaxation, Ao Liu's struggle and pleading, the gazes of the members of the Exorcist Academy, the gazes of the ground, and the gazes of his past self. He stands here , Standing on a high place, looking at the blood-stained Dragon King kneeling on the ground, what he thought of was the boy who fell to the ground seven years ago and the soaring real dragon.

  Back then, his life was in the hands of the Dragon King, and rain fell to live him.

   And today, His life is in His hands.

  It rained in Zhongzhou, and more than 7 million people died.

The heartiness of the first meeting and the joy for the world, the young Taoist looked at the old man's plea, and the scenes that happened in the past flashed before his eyes. In the end, in his memory, the flames of Jinzhou burned from his eyes to Zhongzhou. See, I have known it all the way, and I have traveled all over the world. It was true that Jinzhou saved people back then, and now his dereliction of duty is also true.

  The dead people seen along the way are true, the places where they died are also true, and the desolation of Zhongzhou is also true because of the dereliction of duty.

  The young Taoist closed his eyes and said softly: "Ji Du has died by my sword."

   "I will find out what happened back then, and whoever hurt you, I will also find out."

   "Shangqiongbi falls to Huangquan, even if I die on the way, I will definitely do it."

   "Old Mr. Ao Liu, thank you...sorry."

  The young Taoist turned around, cupped his hands to face Tianyou Daojun, the sleeves of the Taoist robe rose and fell, and without any hesitation, he replied:

   "One who dereliction of duty is responsible for negligence!"

   "One is arbitrarily, willfully and recklessly, arbitrarily using divine power!"


   "All beheaded!"

  Both, both cut...

  The four characters are calm, but they have a cold and murderous, yet aboveboard aura.

  Mr. Lingmiao only felt suffocated, but felt that he couldn't say anything about this treatment.

   Tianyou suddenly laughed loudly: "That's right! Both of them should be cut off!"

   "It's good for you to show the deep love between father and son, and it's good to cover up for an old friend."

   "Then after the order of the world is reversed, what will happen to the common people after death? Only you are merciless, and everyone else is ruthless?! Ridiculous!"

   "Wishful thinking, we know that the Arctic Exorcism Institute only kills but not saves!"

   "The master sinner, behead and punish him, destroy the three souls, strangle the seven souls, and never be reborn!"

   "For the second time offender, behead and punish him, cut off the dragon soul, and enter the **** for reincarnation!"

The dragon-slaying platform has been opened, with murderous aura, and countless faint blood. As the Dragon King who personally rains, and now the Dragon King of Jinghe, Ao Wulie opened his eyes, got up and took the initiative to die, but heard a chuckle next to him Ao Liu, the old dragon king on one side, looked at the young Taoist on the other side, but he didn't have any resentment, he just sighed:

   "I was blinded by the relationship between father and son...you are the one who is sober..."

   "However, the Lord of Heaven and Earth, all living beings seek to survive, who said that the relationship between father and son is wrong?"

  Ao Wulie suddenly felt a pain in his neck, unable to speak, his pupils shrank.

  Ao Liu suddenly showed the body of a real dragon.

  With just a flick of the dragon's tail, Ao Wulie, who was supposed to be clean, was repelled, and hit the wall heavily.

  Amidst the long chants, many generals of the North Pole Exorcism Academy were forced to retreat for a while, and they couldn't believe it when they saw Ao Liu rushing straight to the dragon-slaying platform.

   Tianyou Dazhenjun never stopped him.

Let this true dragon who has saved countless lives voluntarily bump into the killing magic weapon amidst the long chants, face the great terror, and behead himself on the Dragon Slaying Platform. Ao Wulie knelt on the ground and struggled to stand. He got up and opened his mouth to say something, but staggered twice, but just knelt on the ground, his body trembling, unable to say anything, as if he forgot to even cry.

   Just walked forward in disbelief, tears streaming out uncontrollably.

  Ao Liu's soul was destroyed, and his real body fell heavily to the ground. His eyes lost their divine light, and he just stared at Qi Wuhuo, and he sighed in a low voice, "It's a pity... the spring will be good."

   "But I can't finish that game of chess with you."

   Ao Liu.

  The body dies, the soul dies.

  (end of this chapter)

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