I Am Immortal

Chapter 175: Only kill but not limit!

  Chapter 175 Only kill but not speed!

  Taiyi rescue suffering?

Qi Wuhuo didn't have much impression of this name. In this era, this person only recently proved the Tao. With a slight salute, he said sincerely: "Thank you, senior, for your help..."

  The Taoist who called himself Taiyi replied: "It doesn't matter, I never rescued him, it was his own choice."

   "There is a cause and an effect, and everything is predetermined."

   "As for whether he can live or not, it depends on his own good fortune."

He sat in front of Qi Wuhuo, put down the nectar in his hands at will, and the white cat also lay on the stone table, yawning lazily, Taoist Taiyi stretched out his hand to caress casually, so the cat Squinting his eyes comfortably, he watched the young Taoist in front of him look up and down with a pair of eyes. Seeing that his realm was low, he seemed to be a little hesitant.

   But heels are worthless.

   There are so many geniuses who have perished in the millennium, and I don’t know how much they follow the extraordinary people.

   I just yawned and didn't care anymore.

   Taoist Taiyi looked at the young Taoist in front of him.

He was looking for his master because he was infected by the aura of calamity. He also saw that the young man cast a spell in the Xuantan. It is to cut off everything, but cutting is not cutting, it is a calamity of calamity.

  The young man in front of him is not practicing the supernatural method.

  However, he was able to use the mysterious altar to use the sword passed down from the Shangqing Dynasty, and also to use the means of "killing as protection".

  Also understands the word with the highest status in Taichi Lingwen.

   This is really too familiar.

It must be related to my master, the Daoist Master of the Qing Dynasty, either he was fancy, or he got some fate. My master has done too many things like this, but right now The young Taoist relied on the half-baked Xuantan Dharma, and had a good relationship with the local water official, so he forcibly relied on the Xuantan to form a grand ceremony, and cut his sword out.

   It can be said that he came out completely on his own.

  Taoist Taiyi thought of his own experience.

  I feel that it is very similar to what my Taoist master who is not responsible at all would do.

   I have a good impression of this young Taoist.

  Qi Wuhuo said: "Senior..."

   "It doesn't have to be."

   Taoist Taiyi said indifferently: "Everyone walks on the Dao, just call Dao brother."

   "Based on what you have done, it is enough to call me a Taoist brother."

  The lazy white cat's narrowed eyes suddenly widened, and the very human shock appeared on the face that looked easy to touch.

  That sentence, which is popular in the human world, almost spat out.

  Qi Wuhuo calmly cupped his hands and replied, "Brother Dao."

Taoist Taiyi looked at him for a long time, and didn't ask about Daoist Lord, but said in a gentle tone: "It seems that you still have some doubts? It's a rare encounter. Before the rain falls, what confusion do you have? What can I do for you? One or two puzzles, although I can't answer them all, but it can also let you understand a little bit."

  The young man was silent for a long time, he was confused, he seemed to be seen through by the Taoist in front of him, he was silent for a long time, he just said:


  Why was there the disaster of Jinzhou?

  Why is there a difficulty in Zhongzhou?

  Why saving people started at the beginning, but ended up like this in the end.

  Why? !

   Taoist Taiyi said peacefully: "Because the Heavenly Court is not harmonious."

  ! !

The white cat blew its hair directly, feeling its scalp tingling, but Taoist Taiyi said in a flat tone: "It's a very simple matter, even the world is full of contradictions and conflicts, why do you think that the Heavenly Court is in charge of the head of the Six Realms?" Will the place be a clean and comfortable place?"

  The young Taoist was silent for a long time, and replied: "Maybe it's because they are all monks?"

  Taiyi smiled and asked: "Then all officials in the world are scholars."

   "They all came from poverty."

   "Are they all on one mind?"

"People are all of the same family, and if they can't be of the same mind, let alone immortals and gods? There are people who practice Taoism and become immortals, and there are innate things that are transformed from essence, and there are all things that are called demons. How could it be that there is one mind? What people pursue is desire, but the dispute between gods and gods is bigger than you think..."

   "For example, what you saw today, what happened in Zhongzhou."

"Some immortals believe that all things are natural, and disputes are one of them. The strong eat the weak, and the weak should die, so don't worry about it; What do I do if I think that everything in this world is dead? In other words, everything that blocks my way will be killed."

   "Such a group of people with different backgrounds, different experiences, strong cultivation bases, and steadfast Taoism exist."

   "What do you think will happen?"

  The young Taoist replied: "Attack and kill each other."

  Tai Yi said humanely: "Of course, this is the first stage of this world."

"The three realms are chaotic, and life and death are impermanent. There are powerful people who do what they want in order to seek the Tao, which leads to changes in the order of the world, and all living beings are pawns on this table. To reverse the rules arbitrarily, or to create a world where the weak are preyed upon by the strong, or to create the fruit of all beings without suffering, some are absolutely equal, while others eliminate desires.”

   "They all have their reasons."

   "They recognize such a world."

  “But when you tear down and rebuild, there must be a fight.”

  He stretched out his hand, and in his hand, it turned into a teacup. The teacup contained the rain falling from the sky.

  When the young Taoist looked over, he saw that in the teacup was a prosperous mountain and river, among which there were people, dragons, and all living things.

   "That's fine too."

  He turned the cup around so it was still lying flat.

  A teacup is still a teacup.

  The water in the teacup fell to the ground, and everything in the illusion collapsed and dissipated.

   "This is also a kind of order."

"Turn over a table full of things, the table is still a table, and it is also a kind of order, but the things on it are chaotic. At that time, disasters like Zhongzhou were not uncommon. For the gods at that time, the death of the common people was nothing more than reshaping the soul."

   "Haotian suppressed all of this."

   "Afterwards, Haotian Dao fell, and returned from calamity, turning into the Jade Emperor."

"And everything that happened back then was because of these cultivators who had great wishes and great abilities. They had no respect for order. It would be better to say that being bound by the heavens was not what they wanted. Who doesn't want everything to follow my will, who doesn't want to see the supreme scenery?"

   "So in the battle for the way, they will fight thoroughly, and then from top to bottom, they will subvert the order, kill all things, and devour blood and flesh."

   "The North Pole Exorcist House exists to maintain order."

   "They shelter no one, they protect no living beings."

   "Because they know that if the inviolability and majesty of order are broken."

   "Then what happened back then will repeat itself."

  The young man said humanely: "In the heavenly court, do you disagree with each other?"

  The bones of the white cat's body are already tightly stretched.

   A trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

  The Heavenly Venerable Taiyi Saved Kuku naturally said indifferently:

"Naturally, but not selfish desires. They all have big wishes, they all see the world they expect, and they naturally think that their choice is the best direction, but this big wish may not be the same. Since the way is different, what they see Naturally, the scenery is completely different.”

   "As for the Sanqing Datianzun, they will not be born to participate in this matter."

"Sentient beings long for life, but is death also an end of the order of all things? Birth, old age, sickness and death, and many fears, do they also exist in this world? The compassion of the Heavenly Venerable lies in treating everyone equally; and the lineage of the Northern Emperor is to restrain the gods who are full of heaven. The way of the Buddha turns itself into a ruthless knife."

  Taoist Taiyi asked again: "In other words, why do you think the Supreme Emperor has so many four imperial powers?"

   "Among the four princes, are they of one mind?"

   "Si Yu, will the future and order they see be the same?"

   "Furthermore, in the oldest era, the Heavenly Court appeared."

   "Do you think the Four Royals are used to assist the Emperor of Heaven, or to check and balance?"

   "How many people are standing with the Emperor?"

   "The gathering of the gods and gods of the heavens is an extremely dangerous existence in itself. The three cleans can't be seen. Only the one whose personality and realm are above the four royals can control these many avenues and directions."

   "However, the Jade Emperor God respects Him..."

   "Fuck!! Tianzun!!"

   "Heavenly Venerable!!"


The white cat was already furious, terrified in its heart, and suddenly yelled in human language, even yelled out the monster language learned when drinking with a certain big scalper, and then saw that Taoist Taiyi was interrupted Talking, eyes fell, so the white cat trembled and stammered: "Heaven, it's better not to talk nonsense about things at the level of Tianzun."

   Taoist Taiyi said gently: "I didn't intend to say anything more, but I have said enough today."

   "Heaven is not as boring as you think. It may be as powerful as it is, and even stronger and stricter than you think."

   "But it's not that simple."

   "Little Taoist friend, there will be a destiny in the future, and we will meet again in the end."

  He put away the horrified white cat, stood up, looked at the young Taoist, and asked, "One last question."

   "Is what I said today the whole picture of the Six Realms?"

   "Little friend, you can guess."

When the words fell, Taoist Taiyi turned and left. After a few steps, he disappeared. In an instant, a Taoist appeared above the nine heavens, and the white cat turned into nine lions. , raised his head and asked the Taoist on his back, and said: "Here, Tianzun, you tell him these things, this, this..."

   "It's okay, just look at him."

   "I'm full of robbery, even if I don't say it, he will investigate. So many things have been involved this time."

   "Tell him in advance that he will be prepared so that he will not fall into certain things."

   "Besides, I also gave him a direction."


  Nine-headed lions shook their heads and said, "Tianzun is talking about the last question?"


Tianzun Taiyi Saved Ku said indifferently: "There is no answer to this question, just like the cup of talent, some people see the cup, some people see the tea, some people see how much it is worth, some people see it is just soil, and some people see its original There is nothing but everything, and there is never a specific answer.”

   "The important thing is never the answer, but the people you see and the things you experience on the way to find the answer."

   "The setbacks I experienced, the world I saw, and the self I shaped in the end."

   "He has been robbed. Although I am a disciple of the Sanqing, I have to endure the greatest temper. I will die on the road, and I can't help him."

   "Although jade is rough, it cannot become a great tool if you don't cut it."

  “But I have walked his path, and talking a little bit about it can also let him walk out step by step, which is not too much.”

  The nine-headed lions were silent for a long time, and asked, "Is he a member of the Shangqing sect?"

Taiyi rescued Ku Tianzun and said: "I don't know, but judging by his aura, he has the air of being too superior; and his behavior into robbery is the style of Yuqing, but the great supernatural power he masters is also the method of the superior. But no matter who they are, they are all fellow travelers on the road, as it should be.”

   "Let's say goodbye today, and hope to meet again in another year."

   "Hope not to perish."


  Longzi seeks to live.

Many people only think that with the style of the North Pole Exorcism Academy, it must be cut off, but this time, the North Pole Exorcism Academy actually lenients the net, but this so-called lenient net makes the rest of the body feel a little pain, I just felt an indescribable chill rushing over my face, making it hard to breathe—

   "Remove the priesthood! Block the access to the leylines, and assume the responsibility for the circulation of the evil spirit remaining in the leylines of Zhongzhou."

   "Being killed by five thunderbolts every three days, and suffering from thousands of swords piercing the heart every seven days!"

"After being tortured for eight hundred years, you can enter the North Pole Exorcism Academy as the vanguard of the warrior, slaying demons and demons, killing evil spirits, until your body perishes in the slaughter. Don't beg for mercy!"

   Youdizhi's face was extremely ugly.

   "Five thunders strike the top, ten thousand swords pierce the heart."

   "After eight hundred years, do you still want to be cannon fodder to go to the North Pole Exorcism Institute to fight against the crazy demons in the world?"

  It might as well die and be reincarnated.

   Reincarnation is painful, but it is impossible to be so decisive!

  But they can’t say anything, there are laws in the "Shangqing Bone Marrow Spiritual Law of Ghosts and Gods"—

All the dragon gods and tree gods of the City God's Society who neglect their duties for personal gain, misrepresent the performance, and endanger the six realms will be punished according to the law. When the members of the North Pole exorcist left, after all, some people couldn't help but whisper angrily: "It's just bullying, bullying the weak and fearing the hard!"

   "Just because you are directly under the Northern Emperor, come and bully us!"

   "You, keep your voice down!"

Everyone stopped him, but although the voice was not loud, with the method of killing the embryos of the Arctic Exorcism Academy, even if they thought about it, they might not be able to escape their ears, but they discovered that the Arctic Exorcism Academy The warrior was just indifferent, with a peaceful expression, but he didn't bother to respond to them at all.

   has left.


In the heavenly court, the dispatch of the North Pole Exorcism Academy has become a big deal. Among the eleven obsidian kings, Si Yinyao has been directly captured and killed. Everyone in the heavenly court is in danger. When these killer stars are dispatched, It must be bloodshed. The last time something happened to make the North Pole exorcism go out, it was hundreds of years ago.

  As the top of the Doubu, Eleven Obsidian Lord and Twenty-Eight Mansions are the most stressed.

The Doubu Leibu Yaozun Beidi is the head, and the two departments also have their own leaders. The one who really belongs directly to the Siyu Beidi is the Arctic Exorcism Academy, and the leader of the current Shiyiyao is even more important. As [Sun Palace Taidan Yanguang Yuming Sun Emperor], and also received the priesthood [Donghua Shaoyang Emperor] from afar, he has a very high status, and he is also sighing when he hears it.

   "The North Pole Exorcism Academy's attack is still too ruthless."

   "Siyin Yaoxing Lord, even if it should be dealt with, let me know that it is... and even cut off the ground."

   "Even if it is to maintain order, it cannot be so cold and ruthless."

   "How can there be no room for change?! Miao Ye!"

  Under the command of the Great Sun Emperor, there are thousands of gods and officials, all of whom practice the way of Yu Yi to run to the sun.

The sun is the palace of Dongyang, but it is not a blazing place. In this palace of the sun, a forest of emerald green jade is naturally formed. Essence of energy is better than giving birth to golden crows, and these golden crows are in groups, living in the forest of the great sun.

The Sun Emperor is directly under the current Doubu. He is in charge of the twenty-eight constellations of the week, Tiancao, and the division of Lushou. The qi of the nine lights, radiant to all nations, is named Yuyi in Japan. Today, when traveling, there should be immortal officials and hundreds of immortals accompanying them. There are strange beasts driving the divine chariot, which was driven by the ancient **** Xihe.

  When there are immortal officials on both sides to accompany the emperor.

  Suddenly there was a noisy sound outside, and then the noise became louder. A fairy official stepped forward and scolded, "Who is it?!"

   "Do you know where this place is?!"

  Push open the door and go.

   But only a dead silence remained.

Outside the Great Sun Palace, on the side of Zhulin Miaoshu, a star official had fallen to the ground, a man in armor slowly pulled out a knife from the star official, wiped the blood on the battle robe, cold and indifferent, the rest of the immortals The officials were about to reprimand, but they recognized the identities of these masked gods, and their complexions suddenly changed, they were extremely pale, and they backed away step by step.

  The chilling air-conditioning machine dissipated.

  A blood-stained **** will come step by step.

  The leader pressed the knife in one hand, held the file, and said:

   "Emperor Da Ri, who is also in charge of this generation of Emperor Donghua, is the head of the current Doubu, with the upper management of the twenty-eight constellations, and the lower management of the Tianxian Ji of Zhou."

   "The Siyin Yao under your command violates the order of heaven and earth."

   "Entering the lower realm is a disaster. The North Pole Exorcism Institute tortured his soul, and we know your crime."

   "There is dereliction of duty, designed to break the order of the three realms, in order to make the sun dominate; and designed to use, frame the world only, in order to achieve the way of self, etc., violate the law of heaven and order, all three hundred and twenty-one..."

  The Taibai Xingjun of the previous generation held a sword, and behind him, those generals pressed their palms on the weapon without any hesitation.

  Even if he knows that the emperor in front of him is resisting, he and others will surely be killed or injured.

  Even if you know that once you die in battle, you will lose your soul.


  Belongs to the North Pole Exorcism Institute, even if it is just a general, even if it is not at the level of Xingjun.

   All draw their swords!

   Murderous aura exploded.

  The North Pole Exorcism Institute, inspects the ghosts and gods of the Three Realms, only kills but not saves!

  Anyone who has grievances, hidden feelings, and assassinations, who is only above this position, and involves disturbing the order of the six realms, is dereliction of duty.

   Regardless of private affairs, behead them!

  After beheading the dereliction of duty, the North Pole Exorcism Academy will investigate the details, and if there are bewitchers, deceivers, or assassins, they will be listed as the top culprit—

  Go up to poor and blue, go down to Huangquan.

   All beheaded and killed! !

  The so-called bottom line of order is achieved only by killing.

   There was a dense sound of swords, and the general of the North Pole Exorcism Academy raised his eyes, knocked on his sword, and said indifferently:

   "Emperor Donghua."


  (end of this chapter)

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