I Am Immortal

: Summary of Volume 1

  Summary of Volume 1

  Here is Lao Yan, the author of the retreat code, thank you for following the story and seeing this, bow.

Originally, I never had the habit of writing a summary at the end of the volume, but after thinking about it, whether it is a summary or a reflection, it is a good record. At least it can clarify the previous outline and It can be regarded as a link between the past and the next, a preview of the next volume.

  The name of this volume is [Going to the Red Dust]

In fact, there are multiple lines, and the mood of the protagonist Wuhuo is also changing. Although the boy in the town at the beginning was in the world of mortals, it is hard to say that he has entered the center of the vortex of this era. Arriving at the teacher, and then embarking on the road of practice, to see many scenery, this period of time, in fact, is in an extraordinary state.

   Then the teacher took him to meet his senior brothers and sisters, and sent him into the world of mortals.

  At this stage, although Qi Wuhuo entered the human world, he was actually only in the world of mortals and his heart had never fallen.

It wasn't until the things in Jinzhou were gradually revealed in front of him, and the past grievances spread out, that these past story lines were like ropes, allowing him to truly go to the world of mortals and the world, until the past grievances were cut off with a sword , Emperor Donghua bestowed the head, the authority of the emperor in the world was broken, and now he is in the world of mortals.

  Finally, he left the turbulent Zhongzhou and wanted to return to the small village where he lived.

  But now even though he is in the small village, he is already in the world of mortals, which is different from the one who left the mountain village at the beginning, but is still in the outside world.

I try to complete the first volume of the whole novel with the structure of a novelette, and draw out the characters one by one, but I don’t just use it as a pure stepping stone. I try to shape richer characters and find out the characters and the characters. A point of balance between stories.

For example, it is the Seventh Prince who enters the ban with a knife. It is his personality that can do such a thing, and the tension of the plot itself will strengthen the sense of existence of the character itself. I am not too young. I always want to write more textures in writing books. Of course, this road is still long and far away. (laugh)

  Back to the novel, this book intends to hold on to the story and characters to promote it, and it will be about six to eight volumes.

   It should be about 300 to 4 million words.

  The first volume wrote 660,000 to 670,000 words, which took about three months.

  And the first volume is actually just an [introduction].

   is the start.

  Go to the world of mortals.

  A young man enters the world of mortals, presses his sword and sings a long song.

   Leads to the existence of many existences in the heaven, the world, and the monster race.

  Know that the heaven and earth are divided and ruled separately, there is the demon country, the dragon clan, the land only, the water official, and the Penglai division.

  There are the Four Royals, the Human Emperor, the fierce killing star of the North Pole Exorcism Academy, and the organization of practitioners such as the Mingzhen Daomeng.

   It also allowed Qi Wuhuo to walk from the mountains into this era of immortals, heroes, gods and demons.

   It seems that the culprit has been executed, but this is just the beginning. Jinzhou, Yaoguo, Renhuang, the past is not over yet, and the new identity will bring new changes.

What will be encountered during the trip to Jinzhou, reactions from all walks of life, the legend of the dragon girl, who are the three attracted demon kingdoms, the fate of the emperor, the experience of the seventh prince Li Di, the turmoil in the world, the chaos of the six realms Heroes, and even Qi Wuhuo's own basic compensation, the movements of Chunyang Master Lu Dongbin, and even the Demon Slayer Lord who suddenly appeared like a star in the Zhongtian North Pole Exorcism Academy, have an impact on the entire Six Realms.

   They all start to stretch out in the next volume.

  The foreshadowing is enough, and you can probably guess the name of the next volume.

  I once thought of Jinzhou Chapter, Yaoguo Chapter and so on.

  But it’s still not as straightforward as this volume name—

  The detailed outline will be revised today, and the second volume will start tomorrow.

  【Taishang Xuanwei real person】

   It will be next month soon. By the way, please ask for the monthly pass for the next month.

  Everyone, tomorrow we will enter the story of the second volume.

   Hand over.

  (end of this chapter)

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