I Am Immortal

Chapter 186: Sword into the underworld!

  Chapter 186 Sword into the Underworld!

The young Taoist recognized these two black and white impermanence, and knew that they were the most famous gods in the underworld, and the chain in his hand seemed to be something extraordinary, rather extraordinary. It is a mortal who is under shackles, his hands and feet are trapped, and it is difficult to use it.

  Obviously, it is a method specifically aimed at practitioners.

  Bai Wuchang smiled and said: "You don't need to try it, little Taoist priest, this is the body of the hook, which corresponds to the rope that binds the immortal."

   "Practitioners cultivate only a little bit of true qi. Right now, your innate qi is in the physical body, but it hasn't [turned into one] yet."

"I didn't fall into your primordial spirit, so your primordial spirit doesn't have any great supernatural powers. Besides, even if you turn two into one, this chain can lock you firmly. If you don’t open it, the primordial spirit can’t move rashly, otherwise it will be like entering a thicket of thorns, causing unbearable pain.”

  The young Taoist never acted rashly.

  Black and White Wuchang continued to move forward, and he did not resist.

  But with five fingers clasped together slightly, he faintly felt that his primordial spirit had not been completely restrained.

  Pure spirituality, still struggling.

Compared with the black and white impermanence, Qi Wuhuo lowered his eyes and saw that his primordial spirit was still wearing Taoist robes, with the Northern Emperor mirror hanging around his waist, and There is also the exorcism order. These three items seem to be carried directly with his soul.

  Hei Wuchang's tone was serious, and he said indifferently: "There are still many souls to bring today, so don't delay any longer."

  Bai Wuchang agreed with a smile.

Holding the soul-calling guide, the golden bell hangs down, and with only a slight sway, he went to another place in the blink of an eye. Like a water official, he can walk with the water, but the land only has the supernatural power of escaping the earth. The gods of the netherworld, the secret of traveling thousands of miles in a single thought , It is also beyond the reach of heaven and earth.

  The young Taoist felt that everything around him became empty, as if he had stepped into another world different from the human world.

  As if entering a reflection, I have gone to another place in an instant, but there is a land only whose lifespan is also up.

That land just refused to die like this, and hid in the mountain, but said: "The old man has been in charge of this mountain for six hundred years, and he is at ease. My soul is still awake, the power of the earth's veins is circulating in my heart, and the opportunity to break through is just around the corner. Now, why do you say that my lifespan is exhausted, and my lifespan is exhausted?"

   "The Yin Division is impermanent, how overbearing you are!"

  Bai Wuchang smiled and said: "Mountain God, you should have died more than six hundred years ago, and you have borrowed the power of the earth to survive for six hundred years."

   "You should be satisfied."


  Heiwuchang looked silent, and waved his hand.

  The chain went straight into the mountain.

Then with a pull of his right hand, the soul of the mountain **** was pulled out, bound with chains, and thrown directly behind Qi Wuhuo. He was a pale old man with a rather unwilling expression on his face, but once the chains were bound, he could no longer struggle and was caught With a pull of Black and White Wuchang, he stumbled forward with it.

   Then they arrested a few cultivators, a big demon, some high-level sects, and some dragon descendants from Shuiguan.

   Only a few hours later, Black and White Impermanence was followed by a bunch of primordial spirits.

  All cultivators scolded one by one, unwilling to do so.

  Hei Wuchang said indifferently: "Quiet."

  The big demon said angrily: "Quiet your mother... ah ah ah!"

Before the words fell, he was directly bombarded by a domineering thunder, and the primordial spirit was almost scattered. After that, everyone fell silent. Seeing that Hei Wuchang, who is a Yin god, has used such masculine and domineering power, He murmured: "When the yin essence is gone, it is the Yang god, the realm of the earth fairy..."

  Hei Wuchang said indifferently: "It happens every time."

  Bai Wuchang smiled and said: "If it weren't for that, you and I wouldn't need to come, an ordinary seducer can do it."

Afterwards, the whole journey was safe, until finally, black and white impermanence flew up on the clouds, went to the heavenly court, and directly hooked the souls of two heavenly officials. Seeing that the gods and spirits had to be tied up, the practitioners in the world turned pale. Bai Wuchang raised his eyes and looked at Hei Wuchang in the sky, who had manifested thousands of feet into the real body of the Dharma, holding a chain, and faced the heavenly officials who were unwilling to enter the underworld with one enemy and two.

  A majestic old man with white hair murmured:

   "Difficult, can't you live forever if you become a fairy?"

  Bai Wuchang replied: "Of course."

   "But immortality is not immortality."

   "Eternal life is easy to practice, but eternal life is difficult."

"Three flowers gathered at the top, the real person was in the oldest era, and he asked for a real character, and he was free and unrestrained, but he hadn't stepped out yet, and the soul had never been pure yang, so he couldn't bear the suffering of the years, and the soul would live a long life The limit of life, the limit of lifespan does not mean that the physical body cannot survive, but that the soul cannot bear the years..."

  Di just said unwillingly: "It's so nice to say, isn't it the order of your Yin Division!"

  Bai Wuchang couldn't help laughing out loud and said, "Is our Yin Division settled?"

   "How high do you think we are? Do you increase the lifespan of the cultivator at every turn?"

   "No and no."

"It's not that we decide your lifespan, but we know that your lifespan is about to run out, so we deal with it in advance. It's better to call it the envoy of souls, but it's just to clean up some unstable things for the order of the six realms. Just a scavenger."

   "After all, the primordial spirit can't bear the injuries of the years, it will collapse and annihilate, and that is the real death."

"Of course, to be honest, it doesn't matter whether you die or not, but you cultivators, the collapse before the annihilation of the primordial spirit will often directly turn into an unconscious madman. The matter of giving up, the living is not alive, the dead are not dead, struggle and confrontation, the era of imbalance between life and death is a headache."

   Bai Wuchang, who was always smiling, opened his eyes, and said in a flat tone:

   "We are just following the oldest covenant to divide the gap between life and death."

   “Sustains the dignity and distinction of life and death.”

   "It's all about bringing these souls and primordial spirits that will explode at any time into the Netherland."

The battle above the sky seems to have reached a certain level. The physical bodies of the two immortals have already decayed, but the three flowers have already gathered together, and a little real energy has fallen into the primordial spirit. Even the primordial spirit is no different from having a physical body. In the end, the immortal official was unwilling to shout angrily: "The old man is young and vigorous, he has traveled the world, accumulated eight hundred external skills, subdued demons, and practiced Taoism for three hundred years, how dare you ascend to the ascension!"

   "My life is up to me, why was it..."

  He was about to pay the price with a wry smile, and he wanted to fight to the death with his burning soul.

For a moment, my heart was clear, but I suddenly glanced in one direction. I saw two strands of white hair behind Bai Wuchang, a pair of eyes that were so peaceful that they were almost indifferent, and saw a young Taoist raise his eyes, with white hair on his temples slightly raised. Including heaven and earth, but indifferent and almost ruthless, Dao Xin stagnates, and a sense of fear and terror almost instinctively arises.

  That, that is! !

  In an instant, the Dao heart was out of balance.

  A gust of cold air exploded directly from the back of the spine, and the limbs felt cold.

  The next moment, the soul-hunting rope became immeasurably huge, circling the void, and the chain roared like a black dragon that suppressed prisons, covering all the sky and the sea of ​​clouds, and then shrank suddenly, directly binding the Tianguan.

   was directly **** clean.

  The immortal rope tied him up like a zongzi and brought him back.

  The primordial spirits were as silent as cicadas.

And the fairy official saw what he saw before, it was just an ordinary young Taoist, judging by the clarity of his soul, he hadn't really entered into the spirit, he hadn't reached the realm of [planting lotuses in the fire], he was just an innate qi Forget it, he couldn't help but smiled wryly: "Ah, really... Is it true that the old man is really dying today, is he truly ignorant?"

   "I actually mistook you for that..."

   "That's the true king of the Zhongtian North Pole Exorcism Academy, with three flowers gathered on the top, and five qi towards the Yuan."

   "How can you be such a little doll?"

  The old Taoist is decadent.

   Hei Wuchang pulled the chain, raised his eyes slightly, and said lightly: "Misidentified someone?"

   "No wonder there was no resistance in the end."

   "Are you scared?"

  Bai Wuchang wondered: "With your means, it's only a few steps away from Wuqi Chaoyuan."

   "It can also be regarded as a blessed official with a name and a surname."

   "Let me see, the position is the leader of Qiling Feibu Immortal Official, Master Yutiandongjing, and he is promoted to the Great Immortal Official in the palm of Shenxiao Palace."

   "Because I saw the wrong person, I was too scared to do anything."

   "But who?"

The Great Immortal Official of Shenxiao Yufu sighed, and said nothing more, while Bai Wuchang smiled, and said with a smile: "It's a coincidence today, everyone, I finished the things I was waiting for early, and I can go to **** early today, which is a good thing , let’s go, you all follow me to the underworld.”

  In an instant, the mind travels thousands of miles, from the heaven to the human world, and through layers of earth veins, into an extremely cold and gloomy place.

  Qi Wuhuo faintly felt a sense of breaking through barriers, and had reached the Netherland.

Looking up, I can see that the surroundings are dim, the sky is not visible, it is dark and gloomy, only the cold soul comes and goes, cold and quiet, there is no life vitality, there is no vegetation on the ground, but there are dim clouds and mist that surround the four directions , looking up, looking from a distance, you can only see the cold and endless land, vaguely, with its own palace rising, full of oppression.

  The underworld is dark, free from heaven officials, water officials, and earth officials.

   has its own system, which is for the underworld.

  Everyone saw it from a distance, and there were teams of soul ecstasy messengers bringing their souls.

Ordinary ecstasy envoys also bring some mortals with no cultivation base, but among their group, there are great immortal officials from the Shenxiao Palace, so it is necessary for the top ten yin commanders from the majestic yin gods to come out, saving the cost Troublesome matter, the Great Immortal Officer sighed, looked at the scenery, and said: "The Yin Division is dark..."

   "I never thought that I have practiced Taoism for thousands of years, but I still came here after all."

  The young Taoist turned his body sideways, looked at the great heavenly official, and asked, "Yin Division...Hasn't the heavenly official come here?"

  The Great Heavenly Official has already seen that the young man in front of him is just a monk with one innate energy.

  Again, I saw him distracted earlier, so I was captured miserably.

   Originally, I was extremely resentful.

But when he saw the white hair on the temples of the young Taoist, and saw his peaceful eyes, he didn't know why his heart weakened by three points, and he could only sigh. On the third heavenly stage, he saw the great master who swayed demons The gentleman held the sword and slowly went up, the battle robe fluttered with the wind, and the white hair on the sideburns was raised, so magnificent, how could he be distracted by this little Taoist who died in one breath today.

   But still sighed and replied: "Yes, Yin Si."

   "The Yin Division is actually not in the three realms of heaven, earth and man."

"I have my own means, I don't go out at all, the purpose is only to maintain the gap between life and death, and to determine the order between life and death, the old man knows that life and death are serious, and we must not show any mercy, but, but I am not that A crazy person who will wantonly take away others, and there is no need to..."

  Hei Wuchang said indifferently: "Every ghost king who committed a heinous crime once said that."

   "When you die, you die."

   "The big deal is reincarnation."

  Da Tianguan was helpless, ignored Hei Wuchang over there, looked at Qi Wuhuo, smiled bitterly, and said, "What can I do?"

   "If you don't enter the realm of the Yang God's clarity, you will have a lifespan after all."

"It is rumored that there is a treasure in the underworld, which can determine the demise of the soul in advance, and there are ghosts from the underworld who are responsible for bringing these souls into the underworld. For these, they are mainly protecting; while for us, they are vigilant."

   "Hey, this system takes maintaining the reincarnation of the six realms as its mission."

   "With the ten palaces of the underworld as the core, ten top true monarchs such as Taisu Miaoguang Zhenjun, Yinde Dingxiu Zhenjun, Dongming Pujing Zhenjun preside over Netherworld, but this Zhenjun is only a realm..."

  Da Tianguan sighed.

  The young Taoist understood what he meant. The gap between the True Monarch and the True Monarch was so great that it made people despair.

  Bai Wuchang smiled and said: "The ten true kings are just true kings."

   "That is, in this netherworld, the soul of the emperor can be left behind, and then kicked into the reincarnation platform."

   "Does the Great Heavenly Official want to give it a try?"

  Tianguan smiled bitterly, shook his head again and again, and laughed at himself:

   "I'm just a heavenly official. It is said that the emperor of heaven will leave here through all calamities."

   "If Emperor Donghua is not..., the soul should also go here."

  Hei Wuchang said lightly: "I went that day."


   "I watched the head roll to my feet."


   "The three souls and seven souls disappeared on the spot."


Bai Wuchang laughed and said: "Everyone, don't be nervous. What he means is that the opportunity to seduce an emperor is extremely rare. It may not happen once in tens of millions of years. In fact, he squatted there in advance, but he didn't expect it to happen." The gang of exorcists in the North Pole always compete with us for business, and this time is no exception."

   "They want to kill the emperor."

   "We just want Dijun to go to **** for three thousand years."

   "So, seeing the North Pole Exorcism Institute, it is better to see our brothers."

   Everyone looked dull.

Da Tianguan smiled stiffly, the ten underworld palaces suppressed, even if Donghua was beheaded and thrown down, he might have to go back and forth in the eighteenth floor of the underworld for an era, so he had to find a new topic and sighed. :

   "However, I heard that the underworld is dark, extremely cold, and there is no light in the sky, but I am here today."

   "Is it not bad?"

  The person also said: "It seems to be true, is it still warm?"

I don't think there is any difference in black and white. Those who have just been pulled down find that the underworld is much better than they imagined. The young Taoist suddenly felt something strange. He subconsciously turned his head to look, and was slightly startled. Extremely cold and domineering, with layers upon layers of underworld, the underworld is in charge of everything.

   And in this place where the sun doesn't see, it's called 【幽】.

  A sword was floating there slowly.

   Not far behind the young Taoist, the sword is slender, with a streak of blood on the spine.

  Because of beheading Donghua and drawing the blood of the emperor, the sword body is shining golden, like a newborn sun.

   Just followed quietly, floating faintly not far behind Qi Wuhuo.

   It seems to be shocked by so many souls and flesh and blood here.

Too much!

   There were so many Blood Rivers that I was shocked—how could there be so many!

  Then the sword intent of this sword gave birth to a line of words in the young Taoist soul——

  【Can I eat it? 】

  (end of this chapter)

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