I Am Immortal

Chapter 198: In the name of Taishang!

  Chapter 198 The name of the Supreme!

   There was such a story.

The person in the story is young and arrogant, a rich family in a place, some property in the family, but he was convicted because of the wealth, the family was killed by the enemy, and the whole family died, except for a few servants outside, and the young man from back then Gou survived and quenched his thirst with preserved fruits and spring water in the mountains, but he was so talented that he imitated the white ape in the mountains and practiced breathing.

  After taking revenge, he didn't know what to do. The old housekeeper hoped that he would continue to be a rich man.

  But a boy who is used to mountains high and far away can't be a master.

  So he distributed all the recovered Wanguan family wealth to the people.

   Lying alone on the restaurant, watching the clouds and chasing the moon, drunk and happy.

After waking up, I saw that all the gold and silver on the car was gone, only a few copper coins were left, which were not enough for the wine, but in the blink of an eye, even those three copper coins were grabbed by the little urchin and ran away to change them. Candied haws, the young knight was stunned, but then he just laughed out loud. The seventeen-year-old boy carried a knife and went to a restaurant to wash the dishes for three months. , to the rivers and lakes.

  In this life, I am happy and free, pressing the sword and screaming. I once invited the dragon king to drink by the banks of the mountains and rivers. I once entered a desperate situation to save an unknown person.

   When I was young, I couldn't help but smile when I thought of it when I was recruiting relatives.

  I also used to be angry with horses in fresh clothes, happy to be kind and enmity.

  Being less than a hundred years old and achieving the foundation of a real person, he was young and proud, and rejected the Jade Emperor's Talisman.

  Because of the catastrophe, he didn't want the girl to die with him, so he chose to knock her unconscious and hand her over to his companions.

  Go alone to face the devil who slaughtered the common people to make his own way.

  Until at last he abolished the Dao Foundation, and cut out a knife, that knife cut off the fiery lava, and also cut off his own path to immortality.

Countless pasts flooded into his mind, real and stinging. Chu Hongtu looked at his hands, these old wrinkled palms, and what he thought of in his mind was that he was old and dying in that life, but The young girl changed from her usual carefree and casual nature, only in more than a hundred years, she broke through the realm repeatedly, and at the age of more than two hundred years, she has broken through the realm of the human fairyland and achieved the realm of the earth fairy.

  But his knife cut through layers of Dao foundation, and he could only feel that his Yuan Qi kept spreading and could no longer condense.

   At the end of his life, what he saw was the painful and unwilling sight of the girl.

He is obviously a wild and heroic ranger by nature, but at this moment, big drops of tears are dripping on his wrinkled hands. He raised his head and saw a girl not far away, who looked like a thousand years ago. Still suffering and unwilling to reconcile, all the things of the past 800 years surfaced in his heart, his eyes were sad and sad: "You are again, why bother..."

  The young Taoist moved his wrist slightly, and raised the sword in his hand.

   This sword still looks plain.

  But it can crush the sword on the top of the earth immortal that has been practiced for eight hundred years.

Yumiao had tears streaming down her face: "I was the one who wanted to hunt down that devil back then, and I saw him kill the common people, but why you abolished Daoji in the end... It's all my fault." Chu Hongtu suddenly burst out laughing: "Wrong, I killed him, not because of you, but because of what he did. Since we are cultivators of the Dao and are heroes, how can we let him do whatever he wants, and kill him with a knife!"

   "A chivalrous hero."

   "If you only want your own safety, then live in a hut, what kind of chivalry, what kind of righteousness!"

  Chu Hongtu pressed the knife, raised his eyes, looked at the city he had once protected, and suddenly said:

   "Eight hundred years, what a long dream..."

   "Miao'er, what kind of deal did you make with Yinsi to allow me to be reincarnated as a human?"

  Yu Miao was silent, and replied: "...there are also big demons in the world, and the top ten yin commanders are sometimes incapable."

   "I carry the sword for them."

"Where to fight for eight hundred years, slay demons and eliminate demons, clear away ghost atmosphere, maintain yin and yang, and fix the gap between life and death, fight and kill in exchange for yin virtue, so that you can be reincarnated. The Yin Division Yan Luo doesn't pay attention to anything else, only looks at yin virtue, Even if there is a great yin virtue, it will never allow anything to return yang."

  Chu Hongtu said: "No wonder I always see you leave occasionally, and when you return, you often have unsteady breath."

   "However, do you think that the reincarnated me is really me?"

Yumiao replied: "Cultivators have a long lifespan. As long as they can enter the realm of immortality, it can take thousands of years. Reincarnation is just a loss of memory. Could it be that people in the world will leave their partner behind because of a serious injury and amnesia?" ?”

  Chu Hongtu was so sad that he didn't know how to refute the girl in front of him for a while, so he just said:

   "However, you have suffered so much in the past eight hundred years..."

   "Not bitter."

  Chu Hongtu looked at Qi Wuhuo, and asked, "Little friend, after reincarnation, is he still the same person?"

  The young Taoist thought for a long time, but could not get the answer, because Yuyangzi had been smashed to pieces and erased those memories.

   But Yuyangzi is still Yuyangzi.

  Yu Miao and Chun Yang were given jade cards by the teacher, and the related memories were temporarily sealed, but their dispositions remained the same, and they never became other people because of this.

So after a long time, he just replied: "I don't know. If it is said that it is still that person, but it is no different from the short-term memory of ordinary people, then the true reincarnation of the immortal Buddha who sealed himself up will not be called [Calendar] ; But if it is really not a person, then there will be no such ending as [Return from Tribulation].”

   "I think, whether a person is a person, should look at the last me, whether it is still [me]."

   "If I sink into all the painful memories, then I am no longer me, but if [I] remains unchanged even after thousands of years of reincarnation, then it is just a period of time, a period of experience, and it does not hinder me."

  Chu Hongtu murmured for a long time, then laughed loudly: "Hahaha, what a me for me, what a return from calamity."

   "It seems that these 800 years are indeed a big dream reincarnation."

   "Okay! That's all for now. Don't think about it. My brain has never been very good."

"Little friend, I know that there is evil in the underworld. When I saved people and died, it can be regarded as some evil, right? Hahaha, I gave it to you, but now I want to ask you for something." The old man stretched out his hand, He picked up the cup that was lifted by the innate qi in the void, and there was clear water without a trace of impurities in it.

  The old man took out the wine jug from his waist, poured out all the wine in it, and then poured half of the Wangqing Water into it.

  The other half lifted it up and handed it to the girl in front of him.

  Yumiao looked at him.

  The old man has a bright smile, just like the young hero who laughed and fell down in the past, and he is also like the young man who once fought fiercely for someone who met once until he wore 18 wounds, drank under the moon, and sang with his sword, full of vigor.

  Looking calmly at the still magnificent girl in front of him, he said, "Come on."

   "Drink this love water..."

   "800 years of persistence, 800 years of confusion, let go of them all. When you wake up from a big dream, forget these, and then go back to the sword fairy who held a sword at ease, and everything in the world is invincible."

  Yu Miao looked at Chu Hongtu in front of her, seemed numb but seemed to have expected this, and took the cup.

  But he was stunned and unable to speak.

Chu Hongtu held the water of Wangqing and looked at the water in it, the love at first sight when he was young, the noise and noise when walking in the rivers and lakes, the calmness of life and death, the length of eight hundred years, and the eight hundred years of his existence to the girl in front of him. The blockade, the complexity in his eyes, the young Taoist still couldn't understand, it was nostalgia, and it was also a sigh. In the end, the old man raised his neck and drank the water of forgetfulness.

  The flagon fell to the ground.

   This is something that acts on the primordial spirit. Chu Hongtu closed his eyes and suddenly realized for a long time.

  He woke up.

   This is an old man in green shirt, sitting on the ground.

  He doesn't know where he is, he doesn't know why he's here.

  He was at a loss, he was puzzled.

  He didn't know why there were tears in the corner of his eyes.

  But he seemed to feel that his lifespan was coming to an end, that he was going to die.


   So, what to do before you die?

He raised his head and looked at the sky. The sky was so far away and empty that people couldn't help being intoxicated by it. He looked at the mountains and the vast land in the distance. He suddenly stood up, his blood seemed to be boiling, and his life span was about to end , he thought, but this world is so wide and beautiful, he saw someone leading a horse, saw the lion-patterned saber next to him, and raised the saber.

Then he flew up instinctively and landed on the horse. The horse neighed. He raised his hand and threw all the gold and silver on his body to the horse dealer. The old man raised his hand and hit the horse with the scabbard. The horse neighed and ran forward. The old man had white hair, but he laughed loudly like a young hero.

   "The situation in the world is out of my generation, and it will remind you once you enter the rivers and lakes."

   "Among the jokes of Hongtu Dominance, life is too much to be drunk."

  The tone changed again, and the voice was desolate and free and easy: "Raising the sword and straddling the ghost rain, the bones flew like a mountain bird."

   "The dust is like the tide, and the people are like the water, and only a few people in the rivers and lakes will come back."

With a knife in his hand, a horse under his crotch, the road ahead, where is the end of the world, the old man's chest was wide open, and suddenly there was a shock, and the innate one-qi realm that had stagnated for a hundred years was pushed forward, and naturally, he broke through and became a real person, his white hair turned black, and his appearance Wrinkles dissipated, the steed neighed loudly, and the hero who returned to his youthful appearance pressed his sword, and the horse galloped. I felt at ease and laughed out loud.

  The Heartbroken Grass is domineering, even if it breaks the realm and becomes a real person, it only has a lifespan of three days.

  But three-day lifespan, so what!

   Hold a sharp knife and ride a fast horse!

   To follow the end of the sky to run wildly.

   Go all the way.

  Go chase to the end of my heart.

  Until death is on the road, bones are buried in the wilderness, the ground is the mat, the sky is the quilt!

The young Taoist and Yu Miao stood on a high place, watching the old man ride away on a fast horse, watching him break through, seeing that even though he only had three days left to live, he still didn't feel sorry for him, watching his bright eyes, that kind of The unrestrained and unrestrained feelings make people sigh and regret. The young Taoist holds a sword, and seems to understand why the senior sister Zhi Xiaoyao was accompanied by such a person back then.

  Yumiao held the Wangqing Water in her hand.

   This is such a story.

The protagonist of the story is a girl who was abandoned by her parents. She was sold to a prostitute and almost became a prostitute who sold herself with laughter. However, she cut her face with a hairpin, disfigured herself, and was beaten half to death and locked up in the woodshed. , Looking at Fengyue outside, struggling to survive, when I climbed out, I felt that the world outside was vast and beautiful.

   Then I met an old man and was taken to travel around the world.

  Holding the sword freely, anyone who has practiced the way of the sword for thirteen years, there is no one who cannot be broken.

   But he met a handsome young knight again, but he was not tempted. He just walked along the road without knowing it.

  Ride horses in the desert together, fight and fight all the way, but life and death follow each other.

  Yumiaodao: "Love does not know where it comes from, just like the wind blows from the end of Qingping. Although this kind of emotion is not as good as the great wish of saving the world, it unknowingly entangles the body and mind... I really don't know whether it is persistence or affection."

   "Speaking of which, fellow daoists, is there anyone you care about?"

  The young Taoist shook his head, and replied calmly: "No."

  Yumiao said: "Really?"

   "You are young after all."

She smiled and said: "Eternal life is lonely, so there must be a Taoist partner. I have always felt that the practice of Taoism and longevity is against the sky. This day is not the way of heaven, but the way of the Tao. One, two in one life, and then all things in three." , I can only be regarded as a fairy after I practice, reverse the three and return to the two, reverse the two and return to one, and the three flowers gather on the top."

   "Practitioners, like walking on a precipice, need to join hands with each other to move forward. This is the Taoist couple."

   "He acted chivalrously, fulfilled the Dao and fell, and he shouldn't just cut off the Dao."

"It's like a fellow traveler falling off a cliff, but I'm still on this road, so I hold his hand, hoping to pull him back. No matter how painful it is, I can't let go, and I can't just watch him fall. Boundless cliffs, if you don’t know this heart, may fellow Taoists understand?”

  Neither love nor desire, but the friendship of a Taoist couple.

  The young Taoist looked at the sky in the distance, and said: "I have a story, don't know if you listen to it?"

   Yumiao looked at him with her eyes.

  The young man said humanely: "The spring is dry, and the fish are on the land, and they are wet with each other, and they are wet with each other."

The spring water has dried up, and the fish cannot survive on land. They use breathing and spitting to keep each other's bodies moist, so as not to dry out. They support each other hard, just like Yumiao who has been fighting for the yin master for eight hundred years with a sword, maintaining yin and yang On the balance, in times of life and death, saving the common people in exchange for yin and virtue is just to let Chu Hongtu reincarnate, I hope he can become a witness to immortality.

  Yu Miao was touched and said: "Longevity..."

   "The story of this sentence is indeed appropriate."

   "Like my eight hundred years."

  The young man said: "And there is another sentence in this story."

  He looked at the young and youthful senior sister next to him, and said:

   "It's better to forget each other in Jianghu than to be in love with each other."

  Yu Miao lost her mind in a daze.

  Even if they use spitting to keep each other's bodies moist and struggling to survive, it's better to wander freely in the vast rivers and lakes.

  Suddenly feel heartache and emptiness.

  The young Taoist looked at the girl next to him: "Fellow Taoist, don't you want to drink this cup?"

Yumiao was quiet for a long time, holding the water of forgetting love, and then suddenly poured it over. The Netherworld Treasure of the Nether Division fell on the ground like this. He made a different decision from Chu Hongtu, but the young Taoist saw the calmness in her eyes and sensed her His aura has changed, it's not ruthless, it's not forgetting, but it includes many things.

  Smiled and sighed, then slightly cupped his hands, without further words, turned and left.

  The little peacock sat on his shoulder, and the medicine spirit was hidden in the collar of his chest, curiously said:

   "Why did one drink while the other didn't?"

   "Did they think differently?"

   "No, they all think the same."

  The young Taoist replied: "It's all been put down."

   "Huh? Then why, one drank and the other didn't?"

  The young Taoist thought for a while and replied:

   "Probably, one drank this water of forgetting love because he let go."

   "And one because put down."

   "So it doesn't make any difference whether you drink Wangqing Water or not."

   "Simply stop drinking."

"Oh, that's how it is…"

  Little Peacock and Xiao Yaoling are both ignorant, but the young Taoist understands that even if they are in the same state of mind, the unrestrained heroes of the rivers and lakes and the free-spirited Taoist swordsmen will make different choices.

Walking with a sword in hand, the senior sister behind her closed her eyes, and her body's aura has also changed. The Taishang is a direct descendant, with unparalleled talent, fierce swordsmanship, and less than three hundred years of cultivation. Human nature, but can break through the world within three hundred years, and because of the utmost love and nature, it is difficult to enter the catastrophe for eight hundred years.

   Now, it's time to break through.

The young Taoist passed by the blessed land of the senior sister. Before seeing that blessed land, there were quite a few people. These people were waiting for the return of the sword fairy here, but they were slightly shocked when they saw the young Taoist. Hong Tu brought it back, but was forced to retreat by the young Taoist, so he came to look for Yumiao, but was horrified to see this young Taoist.

   They all backed away with a clatter.

The young Taoist raised his eyes slightly, but he saw those people horrified. When he turned sideways, he saw a ghost messenger walking out of the void. For many other reasons, the possibility of becoming a wandering ghost is due to the appearance of the two handsome men with a bull head and a horse face.

  When everyone saw the two yin handsomes, they were terrified and felt chills in their hearts.

But I saw these two well-known handsome men, who looked very polite to the young Taoist, even cupped their hands and said: "When I noticed the heartbroken grass, I was still wondering who it was, it turned out to be you, Taoist chief..., but , Heartbroken Grass is the poison of the primordial spirit, and the primordial spirit of ordinary people cannot bear the medicinal properties, and there is a possibility that after falling, it will quickly turn into a ghost, so I will wait in advance."

   "After three days, we will go and take his soul away."

   "Thank you, both of you."

   "The Taoist priest is polite."

   The bull head and horse face gave a slight salute, and then left.

But all the gods of Yin Division, the top ten handsome men of Yin, are methods at the level of earth immortals, and they don't even care about immortal gods. But they are all treated with courtesy, and there will never be any waste of etiquette. It is the so-called being proud and not deceiving the good, walking the right way for others, and not afraid of ghosts and gods coming to the door.

   Instead, he bluffed those many people so much that the hairs on his back stood up in fright.

The young Taoist reached into his bosom, and took out two stacks of paper, on which was written the way of swords that he had realized. He originally wanted to help his senior sister a little, but now it seems that it is no longer necessary. After one thought, the world is wide.

  My generation of ascetics, why stick to it.

  The young Taoist let go of his palm, and the sword formula was blown up by the wind, scattered away, and flew into the secret realm of the blessed land.

   Then naturally, it collapsed like snow.

  The young Taoist waved his right hand, and the jade tablet left by the teacher was thrown out, hanging in front of the Blessed Land Formation.

  There are blue tassels hanging down like sword tassels, blown by the wind, swaying endlessly, but Qi Wuhuo turned and left, his temples were already white, with a piano on his back, and no obsession. Only then did everyone feel relieved, and watched the jade tablet shaking curiously, seeing that there was nothing on it, but mysterious words suddenly appeared.

   White jade is flawless.

  【Therefore there is always nothing, if you want to see its beauty】

  Give you the Taoist name—


  The wind blows past, just like riding a horse and walking across the desert grassland.

  The jade tablet seemed to be smudged with sword energy, trembling slightly.

  In front of the word Yumiao, there are two characters that are more simple and simple.


  (end of this chapter)

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