I Am Immortal

Chapter 208: The old man is safe, the blood nourishes the holy fetus

  Chapter 208

The young Taoist came down the mountain, first distributed the firewood to the people who had agreed to ask for it before, and then bought some meat and rice noodles, and put them in the back basket. Falling asleep, the young man stepped on the remnant of the evening light and walked towards his home.

   What I heard in my ears was a familiar local accent, talking about the family's short stories, and there was nothing important about it.

  It's also relaxed and leisurely.

The young Taoist walked gradually, and the road in front of him gradually became dark. The place where he lived was in the remote part of the town, and the ground was extremely muddy. People seldom light such extravagant things as oil lamps after nightfall, but the young Taoist saw it. A light came on, as if waiting for me.

Qi Wuhuo slowed down and saw in front of his door, a middle-aged man in a simple scribe robe standing quietly, holding a lamp in his hand to illuminate the left and right, his eyes were gentle, as if he had been waiting for a long time, this time The door to the yard was only open, but he never opened the door to enter, but just waited quietly outside.

  Qi Wuhuo said: "Mr. Su."

This is exactly when he came to the mountain outside this town not long after he came to Zhongzhou from Jinzhou, and gave lectures. Young people can be said to be talented people, and because of this, many people are attracted to this mountain to study.

   He also maintained a tacit attitude towards the young Taoist who quietly listened to lectures.

Su Shengyuan looked at the young Taoist in front of him who used the technique of transformation to cover up his strangeness. He saw that his face had lost the weakness caused by poverty before. Already a young man with a quiet demeanor, his eyes are as deep as before, and he smiled and said, "Yeah."

   "It seems that Wuzhuo you have a good time outside, which is a good thing."

The young Taoist opened the 'door' and said: "Mr. Su, come in and have a seat." He invited Su Shengyuan in, and it was still the same as before. However, there was light, and tea was made again. Su Shengyuan put the lantern pole he was carrying on the table, and held a square of iron to press the pole to fix the lantern.

Watching the young Taoist man boil water and make tea, Su Shengyuan spoke in a gentle manner, "Where has Wuhuo been for more than a year, do you have some insight?" The young Taoist replied: "I have seen many people. I have also seen a lot of scenery, and I have indeed gained something, but I feel that I am getting smaller and smaller."

Su Shengyuan asked some more questions, took out a stack of scrolls from his sleeve, wrapped them in oiled paper, put them gently on the table, touched the scrolls with his fingers, and said in a gentle tone: "You are traveling abroad, is it The so-called study tour, hard work every day, probably does not have much time to read books and classics, this is the dossier of the township examination last year, if you have free time, you can read it."

   "I have written comments on these files, you can use it as a reference."

   "There will be an exam in a few days. If you want, I will report your name and place of origin for you."

  Su Shengyuan's voice is gentle.

  The young Taoist was quiet for a while, still looked at this gentleman, and replied softly:

   "I don't plan to take the exam."

  Su Shengyuan froze slightly, then looked at the young Taoist in front of him.

   It was quiet for a while, only the crackling sound of the candle burning inside the lantern.

   After being quiet for a while, Su Shengyuan saw that his expression was calm and calm. He didn't say much, didn't have any anger or unwillingness, but just smiled a little lonely, and said: "That's it, that's fine."

   "This scholar's reading cannot save the world and help the people, and it is useless."

"It seems that Wuhuo you have some insights when you go out, but no matter what, you still need to read books. If you don't read books, you can't understand yourself and others. I'll take these things away first..." He stretched out his hand , Pick up these books that I have written by myself, and put them away again.

Then he put some money on the table, raised his hand to stop the young Taoist, and said gently: "You just came back, the winter has not passed yet, and most of the firewood prepared before the Chinese New Year in people's homes is still less than half, you can use the money yourself Come and spend it first, treat it as a loan from me..."

   "Have a good time."

   "Don't forget to read."

  He put down the silver and got up, smiled gently, and said:

   "It's getting late, my wife is still waiting for me at home, so I won't stay here."

   "Wuhuo, Mr. is leaving first...

  " Su Shengyuan came out, carrying a lantern, and walked out of this alley step by step. He seemed not quite used to the road conditions here. He stumbled a little while walking, the lights were shaking, and his back was lonely.

  The young Taoist wanted to see him off, but he stopped him, so he had no choice but to watch him leave. The lady next door was squatting on one side with a bowl of rice.

Inside the rice bowl was the leftovers from the New Year's Eve, covered with green vegetables, some leftover pieces of meat that I was reluctant to throw away, and a chicken, which was fully covered, and said: "Mr. Su really came to look for you. "

   "Sir, when did he come?"

   "He? He probably came after he knew you were coming. He stood here for more than an hour."

   "Why did you leave so quickly?"

The aunt ate a piece of green onion, then took a big bite to eat, and said: "Speaking of which, when you left without a word, the most anxious person in the town was Mr. Su. He was in a hurry and had been looking for you for several months. We also found our own friends, and only then did we know that this Mr. Su seems to have been a high-ranking official, or something, some staff or something."

"I have been searching in Zhongzhou for several months, but I have not found any trace of you. Everyone thinks that you may have fallen into the mountain, or been eaten by a tiger or something. Only Mr. Su himself was still waiting for you. At that time, he The whole person has no spirit, always staring at the place where you eavesdropped in a daze."

   "I thought he would ask you to talk more..."

  The lady next door was very curious.

The young Taoist held silver in his hand, but it was as heavy as a thousand catties. Looking at the back of Mr. Su leaving lonely, the young Taoist knew Mr. Su's regret and loss, and also knew that a gentleman is not a gentleman, but it is a pity that he will not be able to do it again Now that he was studying, the young Taoist recalled in his mind the records when he read the Jinzhou dossier in the Mingzhen Daoist League.

  Former Prince Donggong Zhan Shi Su Shengyuan.

  This is the master and one faction.

But because of the Jinzhou incident, he strongly advocated the impeachment of the current emperor, and he was a firm pro-democracy party. He believed that how to protect the people of the world if one people cannot be protected, and urged iron cavalry to enter Jinzhou. Inside the cracks in Jinzhou's demon kingdom, only those who fight with force can protect the people of the future.

  If the enemy attacks me and I don't move, the enemy will become more rampant.

   Become the main combat faction to show off their prestige in battle before they can establish a country.

   It is okay to seek peace through war.

   To seek peace with peace is to fight the fire with salary.

  In the event of Jinzhou, the prince changed, and the East Palace changed hands. He was dismissed as the direct descendant of the original prince.

   Because of his wife's family, he is a member of the Cui family.

   To be saved from death.

  Give a noble Hanlin position.

  Being disheartened, he didn't want to be that Hanlin, so he resigned from office and went into seclusion, and came to a remote place in Zhongzhou to teach his disciples.

Holding the silver, the young Taoist chose to walk on a different path from Mr. Su, so he was unable to respond to Mr. Su. He was quiet for a long time, watching the little light go away, and then returned to the house and took the silver. Gently put it on the table, and there is a plan in mind.

  Su Shengyuan hopes to cultivate disciples, so that there are enough young people with ideals and aspirations to reverse this turbid era.

  The young Taoist felt that if the top is not right, the bottom must be distorted.

  It’s just up and down.

   I just don't know if the woman from the Zhou family has arrived in the capital at this moment, and if she has delivered his letter to King Qin.

Qi Wuhuo thought for a long time, the lights gradually went out, he restrained his emotions, but saw the little peacock and the little Yaoling hugging each other, sleeping soundly, carefree, without worries, and smiled slightly, Holding the lamp made from caught bugs, he pushed open the door, went outside, sat in front of the stone table under the plum tree, and opened the door.

  Thus, those little firefly bugs flew into the sky, and the boy opened the letterhead he brought from the black bear.

  With the help of the moonlight, looking at the letter paper of the Tiger Mountain God, the words that catch the eye are free and easy, which is the style of that friend.

  'How about no confusion? '

'After I left the mountain, I traveled all over the world, and only then did I realize the vastness of the world, which is amazing. It is not comparable to just sitting in one place and practicing Taoism. But I found that communicating with others can stimulate my unaware self, so I understand more about "I" as "I". '

  ‘I am the one who is not alone and quiet, I am the one who is angry, and I am the one who sees everything and rejoices. '

  ‘What I am is the aggregation of countless me in my memory, how can I understand it when I sit alone? '

  ‘Therefore you can see the common people, see the heaven and the earth, and see me’

'Actually, when I met the common people, I had the joy and reaction of meeting the common people. I sighed when I saw the vastness of the world. Written on paper, I hope to talk to you one day'

When writing this line of text, the tall man in a black suit was sitting in the secluded woods, his long gun was stuck upside down on the ground under the moonlight, and next to him was a man in his battle robe, surrounded by him The rescued child, while the corpse of the famous big monster fell around, under the moonlight, like a tiger after hunting, quietly wrote simple and clean words.

  There are corpses all around.

  The young Taoist read letters from his friends under the moonlight with the help of flying fireflies.

   This letterhead doesn't seem to be done all at once.

And the following text is calm: "However, I originally planned to chat with you when I saw you one day, but today I rescued the daughter of a tiger general, and I learned a lot from her mouth, which seems to be with no confusion. Your experience is related - after the fall of the great sage of the tiger clan, the city was also slaughtered, just like Jinzhou."

  The pupils of the young Taoist shrank slightly.

  While Tiger Mountain God's handwriting is sharp.

   "Actually, I have always wondered why there are monsters who practice cannibalism."

"Every wild beast walks in the mountains. There are rumors in the world that wild beasts hurt and cannibalize people. But for wild beasts, the human race has too many bones but not much meat. They have weapons. They gather people to come and go. They have strong endurance and can hunt. In fact, they are extremely advanced predators."

  “Just as a pack of wolves will not attack lions, tigers and leopards unless they are in desperate situation, even fierce tigers will avoid bears.”

"Most beasts are not hungry enough to go crazy, so they won't attack humans. Therefore, normal monster races are not aggressive towards humans from beginning to end. Some even fear humans, just like lions and tigers, and avoid them; but if beasts Psychics are inclined to spiritual fruits, elixir, absorbing the essence of heaven and earth to transform themselves."

   "Instead of drowning in the killing."

   "And the sentient beings died unexpectedly, and the resentment dissipated. I guess, devouring such flesh and blood will harm the practice."

   "So during the time of Jinzhou, the Yaozu would start killing the human race in large numbers, which violated the character of the Yaozu and all spirits."

"I have always had this doubt. I went to the Yaozu city and looked through the classics. I found that these records are hard to find. After I joined the Tiger clan and saw the secret files, I discovered that there were taboo schools of practice in ancient times. Their theories Among them, it is believed that emotion is the sound of the heart, and the heart is the nature, which is the power of the primordial spirit, and strong emotional changes and grief belong to the agitation of the primordial spirit."

   "So there is a breakthrough in the power of the soul that stimulates the state of mind of the common people and swallows the despair of the common people."

"This kind of method seemed routine ten thousand years ago. According to legend, it was related to the blood river. It was the path walked by the first spirits in the distant years, watching the blood-colored river in the sky and realizing the Tao. This group of cultivators of the evil way were initially The Demon Emperor purged and repressed it wantonly, and a large number of cultivation methods with this concept as the core were burned to ashes."

"Later, the Blood River Sword Sect that the human race also followed this ruthless swordsmanship was destroyed. Such methods gradually became taboo and gradually disappeared in this world. However, eight thousand years ago, the king of the demon clan suddenly fell, and without the suppression of the demon emperor, The great sages of the monster clan are facing each other **** for tat, even if someone is using this forbidden technique, as long as the clan of the great saints of the monster clan is not used as a blood sacrifice, no one will care."

   "So, the Yaozu tribe that lost the protection of the Great Sage; as well as the human race, became their targets."

"Among these kinds of forbidden arts, there are countless records of killing common people and refining fathers to kill children for bone demons; and this seems to be in line with what you mentioned to me about [Vegetable Market] - if one wants to go out, one must die Entering the vegetable market, and then killing each other for survival, using each other, and even killing each other, there are by no means a few, and the despair and madness among them are unimaginable."

   "Instigate the common people, kill the same kind, in order to create chaos, and use the blockade of a state as a furnace."

   "I think one of the possibilities is to use this despair and grief to temper some kind of weapon."

   "Blood sacrifice is required to start."

   "Otherwise, the enchanted are cultivating."

   "There are only sentient beings in the world, full of joys and sorrows, and the human race is the leader among them."

   "Everything is bleak, nothing is better than [Human Cannibalism]."

   "And the third possibility, which is also the biggest possibility, I found in the taboo books of the Tiger Clan."

"Based on this practice concept among the monster clan, there is a supreme secret method, which is feared by the monsters. It is for [raising a holy fetus]. What blooms below belongs to the courage and determination of sentient beings, to sacrifice, to die, to fight to the death, all belong to this."

   "What this method really cares about is not the madness of despair."

   "It is the kind of brilliance that belongs to human nature that burst out under the desolation and despair of this kind of cannibalism."

   "It is the number of [from evil to righteousness] [yin and yang changes]."

"Then, guided by the blood of the common people, the sorrow of all things, and the lament of heaven and earth, based on the most brilliant and valiant nature of those creatures, devouring foreign objects to achieve self-foundation, and forcibly stepping on the legendary land The [Great Sage] realm is based on fierce killing as a weapon, and the road to sanctification with fearlessness and armor, is exactly the same as what happened to you Wuhuo."

   "I'm worried that you broke through and left Helian Mountain."

   "That's why I figured out a way to let that bear quickly deliver the letter to you."

   "Hope it's not too late."

  The young Taoist quietly looked at the letter, subconsciously clenched his palms, and felt empty in his heart for a moment.

  The pain and sorrow of so many people is deliberate...

  It's not temperamental, it's not an upright fight between two races based on hatred.

   It was deliberate torture and killing.

   And those countless people, all the struggles and efforts to survive, the courage and determination of humanity.

   is but one part of a vast ritual.

that is it.

  (end of this chapter)

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