I Am Immortal

Chapter 226: Weaver Girl will visit

  Chapter 226 Vega will visit

  Seeing the appearance of her father and Uncle Niu, Yunqin was stunned for a moment, and then noticed that both of them were giving her wild winks.

  The girl was puzzled: "Behind?"

   "Is there anyone behind me?"

She turned around, and what she saw behind her was still a landscape filled with clouds and clouds, and she didn't see any difference. When she turned around, she saw that Uncle Niu's thick cowhide was turning white, and said with a dry smile: "Ahhh , play, play...is to relax after completing the training, and then come back, right?"

   "I understand, I understand. Uncle Niu knows. When he saw you, he came back after practicing hard."

   "Hahaha, are you tired?"

  Yunqin laughed and said, "No."

   "I found a secret base, had a good time playing, and learned a few tricks."

   "When I really learn it, I'll show you!"

  Jun Niu Xing couldn't bear to close his eyes.

  The old scalper still wants to struggle hard.

  Yunqin suddenly said: "Speaking of which, Uncle Niu, why didn't you join in the fun today?"

   "I heard that this generation of Beidizi has been selected."

"On the way back, I heard someone mention it. I saw the star official Pleiades. He said that this generation of Beidizi is a peerless genius who is hardworking, diligent in cultivation, fierce and ruthless, and behaves majesticly and domineeringly. Come, they are all missing, and they are amazed by the star officials."

   "It's really strange, why haven't I heard of such a peerless genius?"

  The girl rested her chin in one hand and folded her chest in the other, curious.

  ? ? ?

  The old scalper's mouth twitched.

  Niu Xingjun turned his head away, his shoulders shaking slightly.

  The dignified atmosphere seemed to disappear in an instant.

  Yunqin was puzzled.

  Lightly pressed a palm on her shoulder, and said, "So, you escaped from the instrument?"

The girl froze slightly, then turned around, wrapped her arms around the waist of the woman behind her, and said affectionately and coquettishly: "Mother, you know, the rituals are so boring, what's the point? I don't want to be here It takes a whole day to stop there, woo woo woo, mother—"


   "Didn't that peerless and arrogant son of the Northern Emperor also go?"

   "Well, if he doesn't go or I don't go, what does that matter?"

   "This is called the upper and lower effects."

  The old scalper couldn't help laughing.

The same is true for Niu Su Xingjun, the laughter gradually became louder, and the two men who just because of [the Northern Emperor disobeyed the Northern Emperor, refused to go to the imperial ceremony and disappeared] felt that they had a problem with their own training and stabbed Lou Zi, and now they are intimidated. Relaxed, laughed and sat loosely on the ground.

  The old scalper had a stomach ache from laughing.

  It turned out that they were frightened and angry here.

  Yunqin didn't even know that she was the Northern Emperor's son.

And this little girl said the whole sentence as a matter of course before Mr. Vega was about to get angry, which made Zhinu feel that she was hitting the cotton with a fist, neither angry nor not angry, and the girl is too good at it Acting like a baby to her mother, in the end, she could only knock her on the head angrily, and said, "Okay, how old are you, and you're still like this!"

   "Leave it alone, and you won't be afraid of being laughed at."

   "Don't be afraid!"

"You...forget it, there can be a next time." Weaver Girl had no choice but to let her daughter go to change clothes, saying that there are things to discuss later, while Niu Su Xingjun has lost his previous weak appearance and good looks Yiyi said confidently: "Look, I just said it, Yunqin has such an ignorant personality, it's just that Beidi never told her."

   "There is nothing wrong with Yunqin."

   "As for the escapism?"

"Hey, didn't you and I dislike things like Key Rituals back then? Besides, Yunqin never held any priesthood, and she didn't have any responsibilities in Key Rites. Daughter, do you have to force her to participate in those boring things?"

  Yun Zhiyi hugged his wife and pleaded for his daughter.

Zhinu just takes the matter of being the son of the Northern Emperor and leaving without telling the Northern Emperor very seriously. She was deposed because of this incident in previous years, and she did not want her daughter to repeat the same mistakes. Losing such an opportunity because of playing, as for safety, the inside and outside of the heavenly court is still relatively peaceful, for nine days and ten days, everyone knows this girl from Niu Su's family, so there is no danger at all.

   After a burst of consolation and persuasion, Zhinu sighed slightly and let the matter go.

  Yun Zhiyi asked with a smile: "However, Qin'er just came back, why don't you let her take a rest? If you have something, you must talk about it now."

   Zhinu said: "It's about Qin'er's friend."

  Yun Zhiyi said: "Are you worried?"

The identity of the young Taoist follower can be understood when he doesn't care about it, but once he wants to tell others, he will forget it in an instant. It will resurface like driftwood that fell into the bottom of the water, so I can't explain it to Zhinu, so I can only say: "He is a good boy, don't you believe me?"

   Zhinu said: "I naturally trust you, Brother Yun."

   "However, since that is my daughter and the person she gets along with, am I not qualified to identify it as a mother?"

   "Be friends with kind people, be close to gentlemen and stay away from villains. Which parent doesn't want their children to befriend worthy people, and which parent doesn't want their children to stay away from those who are not kind? I want to see it with my own eyes."

  Yun Zhiyi pondered, and said: "Then you can't use force."

   Zhinu smiled and said: "What you say only depends on his personality, and I will never do anything to him."

  So Yun Zhiyi just felt relieved, chatted with his wife, and talked about things after parting.

After a while, after the girl took a bath, she changed into loose clothes and came over. After greeting her parents, Zhinu smiled and said: "Qin'er, mother heard that you have a friend, and she is also curious, and wants to meet him. If you have free time, let mother see how he is doing today..."

  Yunqin nodded, smiled brightly and said: "Okay, Wuhuo is very smart, mother, you must..."

   Suddenly realizing something, the girl's eyes widened slightly, and her face turned pale.

   Zhinu raised her eyes to look at her, startled slightly, then frowned, and said slowly: "You have something to hide from me."

  Yun Zhiyi put his arms around his wife's shoulders and exerted a little force.

  So this cold fairy had no choice but to sigh, and said with a smile: "Forget it, my daughter has grown up, and there are some little secrets, as long as they don't affect you, it doesn't hurt. Mom won't ask again."

   "Qin'er, where is the Northern Emperor Mirror? Take it out, I also want to see the Wuhu you mentioned."

  The girl trembled.

  The atmosphere froze for a moment.

   Zhinu looked at her daughter, her palms trembled slightly, and said, "Where is the Northern Emperor Mirror..."

  Yunqin lowered her head, not daring to speak.

   It was the first time she saw her mother in such a dazed state that even Yun Zhiyi's expression changed.

Zhinu and him, originally one was the son of the Northern Emperor, and the other was the guardian **** general of the Northern Emperor, but because of the Northern Emperor's style, they had to go through life and death during the training, and life and death depended on each other, so they finally fell in love. There were faults, at least the matter of bearing the title of son of the Northern Emperor, which aroused the wrath of the Northern Emperor.

  Yun Zhiyi was shattered and re-entered reincarnation, and Zhinu also bears the same guilt.

  So her generation of Beidizi has never had the title of Beidizi for thousands of years.

   That's why she was angry this time, but it was actually even more sad.

   And the mirror was cast by Lingbao himself and handed over to the Northern Emperor. It was said to the outside world that it was a gift from the Lingbao Tianzun to the wedding of the Weaver Girl and Niu Xun.

  But in fact, the Pak Tai mirror was once the Pak Tai's magic weapon.

  The Weaver Girl's favorite thing when she was young.

  Back then, Beidi came to the wedding in person as a grandfather, not as the head of the four imperial courts, and gave this mirror to his granddaughter.

Sending this object means that the Northern Emperor finally forgave what the Weaver Girl did back then, forgave the Northern Emperor's son for failing to live up to his expectations, and also recognized the legitimacy of their marriage after reincarnation. Letting go of the regrets and attachments of the past, the weight and significance it bears is far beyond what a treasure can describe.

For Zhinu, the value is unparalleled, so she didn't take it with her when she left for work, and because of its importance, she gave it to her daughter. She looked at her daughter, her lips trembling slightly, Then he quickly restrained himself and calmly said, "Did you break it up? Or...you sent it away..."

  Yunqin realized that she had caused a lot of trouble, and lowered her head: "I, sent it out..."

   Zhinu said: "Who did you give it to?"

   "You said, mother wants to know."

  The girl was silent for a long time before she said in a mosquito-like voice, "Wuhuo."

  So the atmosphere slipped towards a colder place.

  The young daughter gave the most precious treasure of her parents to a friend she had not known for a long time. Zhinu looked at her daughter quietly, and after a long time, said: "You know, is that mother's thing?"


   "You know, don't you have the right to dispose of things that are not yours?"

  Yunqin lowered her head and said in a low voice, "I know."

   "Then are you wrong?"

  Yunqin felt the emotion in her mother's tone, it wasn't anger, it was very complicated, and her tone was a little flustered:

   "Daughter is wrong."

   "Well, go to retreat."

Unexpectedly, Zhinu didn't really get angry, she moved her fingers slightly, and the girl's hand was hanging down from her waist. Another magic mirror, which was used to communicate with Qi Wuhuo, was taken away and flew into Zhinu's hands. At the beginning, he said: "Mother..."

   Zhinu calmly said:

   "Go to retreat."


   "Hahaha, Yunqin, come on, come on, haven't you just practiced cultivation? Come and chat with Uncle Niu, just to sort out your thoughts."

   "You too, Zhinu, calm down."

  The old scalper dragged the girl away with a haha.

While Zhinu was holding the mirror, what she thought of was the mirror that illuminated everything that she saw her grandfather when she was young, and what she thought was that when she got married, the Northern Emperor came in person, and then used this mirror as the dowry of the woman. Sent, to be ceremonial, this is the end of past wrongs.

   And now, it was sent out understatement.

   "It was me who neglected to discipline my daughter."

   Zhinu put away Yunqin's mirror.

  Yun Zhiyi was speechless, but saw the former Northern Emperor put down his sword and said, "Are you going to find Wuhuo?"

   Zhinu said: "It's my thing, I want to get it back, of course."

   "But, Ke Yunqin was sent out after all."

   "That's her business."

   "Besides, I also want to check the character of that person. Is it Qin'er's fault and sent him off on his own initiative, or is it that he bewitched Qin'er and gave him the mirror? It's not clear at the moment, we need to see it."

  But she didn't run away immediately, but put the sword in the sheath in her hand, sat down again, closed her eyes, her aura was cold, Yun Zhiyi looked at her, and said: "How long do you want to meditate..."

   Zhinu said calmly: "This matter has something to do with Qin'er."

   "It's about what is most important to me."

   "At this moment, my heart is not calm. If I see the words of no doubt, I must have a prejudice in my heart. If I have a prejudice in my heart, it will be difficult to treat it fairly."

  “If it is not fair, it is deceiving.”

   "The one who holds the sword has a sincere heart, and the one who cultivates the Tao has a sincere heart. This cannot be the case. I will meditate for seven days."

   "After seven days, my heart is at peace. I will go and see for myself what kind of person that so-called Qi Wuhuo is."

  (end of this chapter)

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