I Am Immortal

Chapter 234: Empress Dowager's gift!

  Chapter 234 Empress Houtu's gift!

Empress Dowager only looked at the young Taoist's cultivation as a matter of course, and he broke through to the level of real people in this era. If the fire does not burn, ordinary people break through, they all meditate and practice qi, and retreat for a hundred years.

  A disciple of Yuqing's sect, a direct descendant of Sanqing, and a disciple of Siyu, as long as they are not innate creatures.

Then in this level, you need to meditate quietly, take pills and breathe energy, and concentrate on meditation in order to break through and advance. At least, the Empress of the Empress Dowager Land was surprised by this, and then Gu Yuanying Yuanjun laughed and said:

   "Be able to break through the situation by doing something or not."

   "His road to the top three should be relatively smooth."

  Yuanying Yuanjun nodded slightly: "It should be so."

"When the real person's realm is stable, he will be considered a real real person. If he has a fairy fate, he can receive the emperor's amulet. As a fairy official in the sky, he can eat pills, flat peaches and the like, and prolong his life. It is not uncommon for a person in the realm of immortality with three flowers gathered at the top to live to be one or two thousand years old."

   "However, his roots are basically broken. If he wants to stabilize his realm, it should take ten years of practice."

  Yuanying Yuanjun made a judgment.

  The young Taoist saw Hou Tuhuang's land, then got up and walked.

   Slowed down and walked, not disturbing the creatures who were immersed in the teaching at the moment.

   At the first step, the qi in the body is still scattered due to its perfection.

   At the second step, the air mechanism has already begun to converge.

After three steps, his qi has been completely restrained inside, his divine light is hidden, his aura is gentle, like an ordinary person, standing in front of Houtuhuangdizhi and Yuanying Yuanjun, and the level of a real person needs years of retreat to polish , it has turned into harmony and stability in these short three steps.

  Yuanying Yuanjun's voice paused slightly.

   A slightly surprised look appeared on his face.

  Within three steps, it is already ten years of work.

  The realm of real people, reaching a solid foundation?

  Yuanying Yuanjun said: "Have you practiced the polishing method of a real person before?"

The young Taoist looked at the heroic sword-wielding woman in front of him, and replied: "If I have really cultivated to this level, then this energy is what I have mastered. How can it take so long to fully master it? If I have practiced to this level, but I can't control my qi, just like a person who grows up but can't walk."

   "That means that I am in a hurry to break through when I have not practiced at the previous level and reached consummation."

   "The so-called tempering is just the practice before mending."

Yuan Ying Yuanjun frowned slightly, and felt that what the young Taoist said seemed to be slightly reasonable, but those who broke through to the real world, all of them need to spend time to control the skyrocketing qi, so as not to leak their own qi. Gong, how can it be covered in one sentence? Can't help saying:

   "What kind of secret method is this?"

  The young Taoist thought for a while and replied, "Probably the foundation."


  Yuanying Yuanjun was speechless.

  I don't know how the word "basic boy" came out.

   It can be seen from his appearance that he clearly thinks so, and for a while he just feels unable to speak.

  But I saw the young Taoist bowing his hands to the majestic and elegant woman, and said in his mouth: "Poverty Taoist, I have seen Yuanying, Yuanjun, empress..."

  Yuanying Yuanjun was stunned, then came to his senses, and looked at the woman with clear eyebrows and dignified temperament.

   Just speechless, sighed, and said calmly:

   "My Lady."

'Yuanying Yuanjun' glanced slightly sideways, pretending that he had never seen Yuanying Yuanjun's gaze and sight, only looked at the young Taoist, and said with a smile: "Naturally, it will happen when conditions are ripe, such a breakthrough is rare. Things, boy, come here."

  The young Taoist looked at Yuanjun Yuanying, then at the 'mother', and sighed.

  The Daoist Daoist, who is peaceful and talented, still has to come here obediently.

   Then the woman rubbed the palm of the young Taoist's head, and said with a smile, "Good boy."

Immediately he said to himself: "The Tao you have enlightened and the method you taught are higher than what I thought. If this is the case, I should also give you some gifts as a gift for you to break through the realm. Don't worry Refused..., you are now, after all, still my only branch."

  Hou Tuhuangdi only raised his hand to stop the young Taoist's polite refusal, and asked with a smile:

   "However, without confusion, can you know the path of practice?"

  Qi Wuhuo said quietly: "I know."

The Tiger Mountain God left Helian Mountain only after he reached a higher level and gathered the three flowers. Qi Wuhuo once watched him condense the three flowers, so he knew that the three flowers were actually three flowers, but later he learned the way from his teacher. Although the specific practice methods and acupoints are not informed, the direction has been pointed out.

  The young Taoist raised his right hand, and the majestic qi circulated.

   Has been full of energy.

But the practice of Daoism is not simply to accumulate strength. The core is actually to comprehend the Dao of heaven and earth, which has brought oneself closer to the Dao. It will make you get further and further away from the Tao.

  It is for Qian Gua·Shang Jiu, Kang Long has regrets.

The young Taoist said: "If you want to shed it, you must strengthen it. If you want to be weak, you must strengthen it. If you want to destroy it, you must strengthen it. If you want to seize it, you must firmly give it. This is called twilight. Weakness is better than strength. A fish cannot escape from the deep, and a country's sharp weapon cannot be shown to others."

   "Now that my qi is strong, it's time to restrain it."

   "In Taoist practice, [Hua Qi] is the first pass, which means turning the three into two, and one can be born with one Qi."

   "And [Hua Shen] is Zhongguan."

Empress Dowager only gave birth to the heart of the school exam, so he smiled and directed Qi Wuhuo to follow him and let him stand beside him, but only now did he realize that this woman is quite tall, but extremely natural and calm, like a smile Fei smiled and asked him, "Then, what is Zhongguan?"

  The young man said humanely: "The essence of human beings, the three souls and seven souls, are the primordial spirit."

   "Since the qi is full, then it is necessary to practice together with the primordial spirit."

   "Returning Qi to God, turning two into one, is to gather the top."

   "After this step, strictly speaking, there will be no more Yuan Qi. After Zhongguan, only God will remain."

   "The **** at this moment can no longer be called the primordial spirit, but contains qi, a completely pure aura, and the Taoists call it the realm of [Yangshen]."

  Hou Tuhuangdi only smiled and said: "Yes, but there is nothing to say, it's just the first step."

   "It's for 【October Pass】."

"It is a metaphor to enter the gods with qi, and it is the real return to the innate. The first pregnancy of the Yang God is not inferior to the important thing of pregnancy and birth. Because of the ten-month pregnancy in the human world, so your seniors in the Taoist sect called it the October Pass, but You must know that this October is just a metaphor for the importance of this step, but it cannot be completed by the work of October."

   "Therefore, your Taoist sect calls it [Zhongguan] because too many disciples are obsessed with the number of October."

  Hou Tuhuangdi only said: "This pass is extremely difficult, the movement of the soul is no small matter, this first step is called [Yi Ding]."

  The young Taoist pondered and said: "In the alchemy, qi is used as the cauldron. This move of the cauldron is to move a little soul into the [Danding cauldron], isn't it?"

  Hou Tuhuangdi only knew the comprehension of a young Taoist, smiled and nodded, and said, "That's right."

   "But the soul is extremely important."

"Ordinary practice is to protect, don't even let it move, for fear of damage to the primordial spirit, but this step is to condense a little aura of your primordial spirit, and then fall into your qi, and use it as Furnace, refining it with a bang, just moving this step, a mistake will cause damage to the primordial spirit, not to mention a breakthrough, I am afraid that it will be seriously injured on the spot."

   "This step is to fade away from Fan Dengxian."

   "Since every step is difficult and dangerous, if one is not good, the body will die, the road will disappear, and even the body will die."

"Even the first step is so difficult. There are many dead and injured, and many people who have broken their way. That's why the Antarctic Longevity Emperor was sympathetic to the suffering of the common people, so he created the [Law of Heavenly Emperor's Talisman]. Those who cultivated their way and their way collapsed can ask for help." A talisman can also ascend to immortality, and although it cannot be immortal, it can also obtain immortality."

   "The Antarctic Changsheng Emperor has a different style from the Northern Emperor. He will leave a glimmer of life for all living beings."

   "Thus, those who are confident that they can break through the road should abandon the talisman and become immortal step by step."

   "And those who fail in seeking the Tao can also leave behind the last glimmer of hope, which can seek longevity."

   "This is [Yi Ding]."

  The young man said humanely: "The Antarctic Longevity Emperor..."


Hou Tuhuang only said: "In his eyes, there is no category of good and evil. In other words, it is a kind of narrow-mindedness to describe him and the Northern Emperor in terms of good and evil. Even if he is an enemy, he will stay. There is only a chance of life, and if the Northern Emperor thinks it is an enemy, he will immediately bring down boundless slaughter, and he is also the one with the best temper, even if you yell at him, you will not get angry."

   "It was born in the first kalpa."

   "Before the Taoist ancestor, there was life, immortality and immortality."

   "I once slashed against the front of Jiejian without dying, and killed Shangqing's decomposed body."

   "Among the four imperial powers, one side has reached the extreme, even above the Sanqing."

   "The killing of the Northern Emperor, the longevity of the Antarctic, and the fighting of Gouchen."

  The woman smiled, then raised her eyes slightly, and said, "Ahem..."

   "And, the great virtue of the Houtu, carrying all things, motherly compassion, cycle of life and death..."

  Yuanying Yuanjun coughed and said, "Your Majesty."

  The woman with bright facial features blinked her eyes and said naturally:

   "It's just that the strength of Taoist ancestors lies in the absence of weaknesses."

   "The four emperors all have a certain aspect that is even higher than the Taoist ancestors, but the Taoist ancestors of the Three Qing Dynasty are all perfect."

   "Seek the way and get the whole."

   "But the four emperors seek the extreme, miss the circle, make mistakes, and they are different in the end."

   "There is no confusion to remember."

Yuan Ying Yuanjun was not surprised that Houtu Huangdi only told these directional things to young people, because Taiyi saved Ku Tianzun back then, and was taught by the Empress of Houtu Huangdi in this way, her personality is gentle and calm , covering everything, no matter how far these younger generations can go, the direction will be pointed out to them.

  The young man said: "Then, what about Emperor Haotian?"

So Houtuhuangdi only looked slightly paused, and after a long time, said: "He? He doesn't have a single step that is the strongest. He is the kind of seeker who will take action for a certain idea, and he is also practicing on the road. The Taoist priest above, his path is different from ours, he is "proving the Tao with strength."

   "The reason why the Heavenly Court is the Heavenly Court is because Haotian is still there."


  Hou Tuhuangdi only retracted the topic and did not continue.

  The young Taoist asked: "Emperor Donghua, who is under his command?"

After a long time in Houtuhuangdi, he sighed with a smile: "It is the Doubu, but it is not the Northern Emperor. The Northern Emperor is now inclined to enforce the law, and the Doubu has a high probability of being biased towards the Gouchen Great Emperor's camp. That is the main faction." The emperor who is in charge of the war, he is the one who used to check and balance the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor and the North Pole Emperor Ziwei at the same time."

   "Among the four imperial powers, it is used to balance and adjust the north and south poles, and at the same time, it is in charge of the three talents of heaven, earth and people."

   "The master controls the spirits, and holds the picture of the gods."

   "Recently, he should also be in retreat."

   "Eight thousand years ago, after Gou Chen retreated, Donghua should have had the idea of ​​proving to a higher level, and then replacing his personality, and achieving the honor of [Royal]."

The young Taoist was quiet, and then the empress of the earth emperor smiled and said: "Just to say, if you have the heart, you can also receive the emperor's amulet from the Antarctic longevity emperor, and you can also seek a road to longevity if you become a fairy official. If you are interested in the Dao, you must continue to practice hard."

   "After the realm of [Yi Ding], your primordial spirit has fallen into the cauldron of Yuan Qi, but you have to temper it with your [True Fire]."

   "This step requires doing nothing, self-entertainment, observation and gradually reaching the effort of doing nothing."

   "There must be four positives."

   "Sympathy is followed by rebirth, matchmaking is followed by rebirth, tranquility is followed by rebirth, and rest is rebirth after rest."

"Therefore, in your cauldron, there is a [Fire Bead], which only moves inward and never moves outward. This step, in Taoism, is called [Yuan Shen Jizhao], and in Buddhism, it is revered as [Yin and Yang are not ignorant] ], it is the state of [obtaining the realization of the vacuum], and then the mind will not arise and perish.”

  "The heart does not arise and die, so as to shed its yin and fully transform its yang."

   "Before this, you were refining Qi to make it more powerful, but this step is going to work in the opposite direction."

   "Qi gradually converges from perfection, and completely dissolves from slight movement to immobility.

"When the spirit of Qi is settled, the yin qi will gradually decrease and the yang qi will gradually increase. If one can enter [wisdom without use, turning consciousness into wisdom], then the fetus can be proved, and the yang spirit can be achieved. At this step, it is already extraordinary. gone."

   "Buddhas call it Liutong, which proves the six supernatural powers of Buddhism."

   "The Daoist Gate is the Yang God, and the Yang God can be used for outdoor scenes."

  The young Taoist listened quietly, and then asked: "Can you be an immortal?"

  Hou Tuhuangdi just shook his head and said, "No."

   "At this moment, the spirit of Qi is in your cauldron, you should move it to the dantian above the Niwan Palace with the method of moving."

   "At this moment, the upper dantian will turn into a great void, and the sun **** will shine on it silently."

   "If it can be done, it will be for the gathering of three flowers."

"Sanguang land sinks, the yin energy is completely receded, and then the changes of the heaven and the earth are naturally induced. With the thunder power of the heaven and the earth, the yang and the rigid, the last yin energy of oneself is receded, and it becomes the pure yang dao foundation, the root of the immortal. You can know the difficulty of this practice. No? On this road, every step is murderous, every step is death, and I don’t know how many people with strong foundations died on the road.”

   "It's better to say that the foundation is strong, and the yin and yang are abundant. If you want to get rid of the yin quality, you can get its pure yang."

   "There will be greater difficulties."

"The avenue of heaven and earth, drinking and pecking is like hitting water with a stone. The stronger the force, the bigger the stone, the bigger and heavier the splash will be. If you seek the highest, you will be the most important. There is no such thing as a strong foundation." A strong foundation means more bodies that need to be transformed, and a thicker vitality is needed, which means that Lei Ting will become purer, stronger, and extremely domineering."

  Hou Tuhuangdi only sighed and said: "Therefore, all real people seek talismans."

   "It is difficult and difficult for those who can prove the Dao."

   "The road to practice is only the road but the hard ear."

  Hou Tuhuangdi only smiled and said:

   "No confusion, is it possible?"

  The young Taoist bowed his hands and said seriously: "Thank you, senior, for pointing out doubts."

  The woman smiled and said, "Senior?"

  The young man said humanely: "...Thank you, ma'am."

   "So, what about the name?"

  So Master Taishang Xuanwei sighed, and could only say: "Wuhuo, thank you for your guidance..."

  Hou Tuhuangdi only smiled and said: "I said earlier that it depends on how well you teach the Fa, and I will be rewarded."

   "Then, are you satisfied with this gift?"

  The young Taoist replied: "If you want to hear the Dao, you don't have anything to ask for."

  Hou Tuhuangdi only nodded her head and left with satisfaction.

And many mountain gods and lands were all grateful and generous, which made the young Taoist leave, still reluctant to part, but Qi Wuhuo returned home that day, but there was a message from the girl, and after opening it, but It was the old scalper who heard some news and came to look for him. The old scalper said straightforwardly: "Wuhuo, I heard from Yunqin that you might be going to the demon country?"

  The young Taoist nodded.

  So the old scalper had a look of embarrassment on his face.

After several times of questioning, the old cow said: "Ahem, Wuhuo, you also know that Uncle Niu, I was also in the realm of the demon country back then, and was captured by that old bald donkey rotten egg. I finally got out. He has been blocking the door for thousands of years, and the contact with the people below is getting less and less, ahem, if you are going to the demon country, can you help Uncle Niu see the situation there?"

   "Always know what's going on with those old brothers."

  The old scalper said: "Besides, you can also use monsters when you go to the monster country. If you help them, it will also help you."

  The young Taoist agreed without any objection.

  The old scalper laughed loudly and said, "Hahaha, I knew Wuhuo you were reliable enough."

   Then he felt relieved, no longer shy and shy, and said frankly:

   "Uncle Niu is in the demon country, there are about a dozen ways."

   "Choose one?"

  (end of this chapter)

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