I Am Immortal

Chapter 264: Zhu Xian (eight thousand four two in one!)

  Chapter 264 Zhu Xian (Eight thousand four two in one!)

Qingshi Qingjingwei distributed invitations widely for his own breakthrough ritual, and invited all the heroes. The momentum was huge, and the personnel and forces were extremely complicated. Therefore, after being stirred up by Lu Chunyang, it was extremely chaotic. The Lion Clan, Jade Scorpion Clan, Flood Dragon Clan, Bear Clan, all clans are fighting and stirring up here.

  The monster race is bloody, and its eyes are red, how can it calm down and think?

Almost wielding a weapon, he killed all the alien races he saw. The sword in Lu Chunyang's palm chopped down several monsters like melons and vegetables. On the ground, the monk with a sluggish breath, although his sword energy was magnificent, was crushed by Qing Jingwei's move.

  The latter is full of fighting spirit at this moment, even if he is not a great sage, he is still a great demon king who is against the top true kings.

   Lu Chunyang was not an opponent, so after several fights, the monk shook his head.

The sword fairy remained silent, turned into a sword light and floated back, toward the direction of the monk, cupped his hands away, and then turned into a sword light to envelop several beautiful female monsters who were familiar with each other in the past few days, and then wanted to With Siyou again, but was forced to retreat by his cold eyes, smiled embarrassingly, and said: "Then, you and I will also run away quickly."

   Siyou glanced at Xiao Pengcao who was brought by Huang Yao.

  Knowing Qi Wuhuo's arrangement and the blood of the Fuxi clan, he will never have any hostility towards Xiao Pengcao.

   With a shake of his body, he turned into a ray of light and went elsewhere.

But at this moment, the group of monsters are fighting each other fiercely, and the Qingshi clan is fighting alone, becoming weaker and weaker. Qing Jingwei, the great sage of the Qingshi, looks at this scene, and the bravery and bravery that was able to fight with the Dongyue Emperor before turned into a kind of sadness and joy. The feeling of powerlessness, seeing this scene, seems to be no different from the fighting and disputes of my own clan thousands of years ago.

   It seems absolutely impossible for a group of monsters and spirits to empathize with each other.

  Then my demon clan may truly be integrated into one, turning into the light of the ancient demon court.

   Instead of being so humble and weak now.

  But Qing Jingwei immediately lifted his spirits.

   It is the most majestic, most incredible, and most impossible cause in the world!

   have the value of conquering.

He raised his weapon, intending to step into the battlefield and subdue others, but suddenly he heard a burst of high-pitched chirping, the clouds on one side of the sky seemed to be burning, and some kind of brilliant golden color was engulfed in white, and then the clouds and the water vapor in them , were all ignited by the extreme high temperature, and finally burned above the sky.

  Qing Jingwei's eyes were slightly surprised: "This is..."

"Could it be that…"

  Boom! !

  The flame burns, and the cloud disperses.

The golden flame wings smashed through the sea of ​​clouds, then turned around suddenly, like a ball of flames, swept the soaring monster into the flames, was swept by the flames, burned, and turned into blood, and the **** rain was ignited, turning into blood. The blood-colored cloud was filled, and the cloud suddenly fell down.

   It was like a fire that ignited in Qing Jingwei's eyes.

  He couldn't help but burst into laughter from the bottom of his heart under such circumstances: "Hahaha, little guy, why are you back again?! Did your master treat you as an abandoned child?!

   "No, Aqi is not my master."

   "I am not considered an abandoned child!"

   "Help Aqi to distract the enemy, but uncle, you have taught me a lot, and I have to repay you once."

  Because Qi Wuhuo lured almost all the pursuers away, Qi Yuntun was already seriously injured, but at this moment, there seemed to be flames burning in his eyes, Qing Jingwei said: "Even if I am an enemy?!"

  The head of the little peacock cannot have as many considerations as those creatures who have experienced many things.

   So its thinking is simple and straightforward:

   "Whether it is kindness or hatred, it must be clearly calculated."

   "It's me, Qi Yuntun said it!"

Looking at the monster clan who would fight each other when provoked by words and interests, and at the young peacock with clear ties, the green lion suddenly laughed out loud as if he had discovered something extremely important , and finally his pupils were as bright as flames, and he said loudly:


  Holding the spear in both hands, he swept across suddenly.

   Behind the back, the real body of the lion appears.

  The little peacock fell from the sky, flames rose, and then opened its mouth, and its own qi erupted.

  The two figures shouted at the same time, using the same great supernatural power.

   "Swallow the sky!"

The terrifying devouring power erupted, swallowing all the Yuan Qi within the involved range into the belly, and then using it to temper itself, to restore its strength, and to show off all the weak meat and strong food that it saw when climbing from the bottom step by step, The brilliant golden flames swept across the place, enveloping the rest of the monsters who were enemies of the Qingshi clan. Some monsters could be burned directly, while others could not be dealt with. They would be killed by Qingjingwei.

   This is the end of a battle. The holy land of the Qingshi clan is extremely vast and there are many monster clans.

  But it didn't take too much time.

Qing Jingwei, who finally recovered the big man Ang Zang, held a spear in one hand, looked at the little peacock in front of him, with a smile on his face, and said: "I didn't expect that you would come back to save me, hahaha, you too If you don’t want to think about it, what is your cultivation level, what is my cultivation level, do I still need you, a little bird, to worry?”

  Little Peacock took it for granted: "Because you taught me supernatural powers and gave me fish to eat."

   "Without supernatural powers, I can't save Aqi."

   "I want to save Aqi, and I can do more things."

   "So I want to thank you."

  Qing Jingwei said with a smile: "This is the so-called 'little etiquette but more affection'."

He looked around, the entire Qingshi clan had changed, lost its original cleanliness and beauty, and the members of the Qingshi clan also suffered a great loss, but this time Qingjingwei's foundation was damaged, but he also showed his potential and Strength is definitely the existence most likely to become a great sage, and the name of the blue lion will also change. He looked at the peacock and suddenly said with a gentle smile:

   "So, do you want to stay?"

   "Be my adopted son."

  Yu Zhizhang, who survived miserably, was shocked: "?!"

  The faces of the rest of the Yaozu changed.

  A great sage with potential and strength qualified to become the most powerful sage, the sword refers to the existence of the demon emperor.

  Accept him as a foster son? !

You know, even the previously gifted nine-headed lion worshiped the green lion under Manjusri, but Qing Jingwei just accepted it as a disciple and adopted son, that is, the young master of the entire blue lion clan. He is the disciple of the future great sage, and he is the little sage. The nine-headed lion Yuan Zun must be considered as his peers.

   There are earth immortals protecting them when they go in and out, and they are accompanied by fairy generals.

The sky and the earth should give it three to five points of respect. It can enter the ancestral court of the demon clan, which can be seen from the demon emperor's guidance, and can get all the inheritance of the green lion. If the future is not unexpected, with its talent, it may be another great sage , and many other resources and benefits are countless.

  The little peacock flapped its wings and shook its head: "No."

   "I just came here to repay you for teaching me supernatural powers."

   "Now I have returned it to you."

  The green lion looked at it and said with a smile: "So, do you think I'm wrong?"

  Qi Yuntun shook his head, and replied in doubt: "I don't know."

   "So I'm going to see for myself and think about it for myself."

   "Then you will know whether you are right or wrong."

   "If you're wrong, I'll beat you, just eat the world!"

The green lion couldn't help laughing loudly: "Hahahaha, it's really childish to use the magical powers I created to defeat me... But, this kind of demeanor is very good, this is the monster clan, the real monster is not someone else His mount is not a true demon who succumbs to his instinctive desires."

   "Then, I'll be waiting for you!"

   "Then, beat you!"

The green lion's eyes were domineering and peaceful, watching the little peacock suddenly turn around, but it didn't leave immediately, but rushed towards the monk who fell on the ground, the little peacock grabbed the skinny, black body all over his body The monk who sealed the formation was also very kind to him, so Qi Yuntun took the opportunity of getting close to Qing Jingwei and fished him out.

   Then without hesitation, he flew towards the sky.

The little peacock's wings were violently exerted, and the skinny monk seemed to be slowly opening his eyes because of the warmth of his feathers and the wind blowing across his face. The eyes were already pure black, revealing a kind of evil spirit. In the midst of this evil, there are still strands of Buddha's light still struggling.

   "Ah, big bald head, are you awake too?!"

   "...Wantun little benefactor...?"

   "Yeah, it's me!"

   "Are you okay?! I'll take you to find Azie now!"

   "He will definitely save you!"

  The little peacock tried his best, the monk smiled weakly, and said: "Thanks for the little benefactor, but the poor monk... the poor monk has demonic energy entering his body, and the Wuhu benefactor, I am afraid there is no way to stop it..."

  The little peacock was at a loss: "Ah? Then, what should I do?"

The monk closed his eyes halfway, felt the wind blowing on his face, and said softly: "Please send me to the bottom of the bodhi tree..." That is the origin of Buddhism, and the current Buddhist teachings of more than ten lines are all taught by the predecessors here. He realized it under the Bodhi tree. After he said these words and gave out the location, he fainted again, and in the fainting, he babbled a lot in his sleep.

   Talking about the past of the Bodhi tree, saying that the Bodhi tree has gone through so many kalpas and finally grew again.

  It is said that maybe there will be Buddhas of various lines coming here to discuss Buddhism.

   It is said that the bodhi tree enlightens Buddhism.

And these Buddhas and Bodhisattvas discuss the Dharma and Taoism, and they will feed this bodhi tree in reverse, nourish its growth, let it gradually have branches and leaves, gradually blossom and bear fruit, and grow a bodhi seed, and this bodhi seed After another six kalpas, thirteen Buddha veins, countless bodhisattvas, arhats, and even Buddha's discourses, this is about to mature.

   Said that he wanted to return to the place where he left, and return to the Tathagata to achieve consummation.

  Qi Yuntun couldn't help being curious: "A bodhi seed that grew after five or six kalpas?"

   "Or is it the fruit of the bodhi tree that originated from Buddhism?"

   "Is it a fruit?"

   "Can I eat it?"

  The monk was shocked by this sentence, and the Buddha's heart was moved. He woke up from the struggle, and immediately smiled wryly:

   "This is probably inedible."

   "Ah? Have you eaten that big bald head?"

"It took only a few kalpas to grow a bodhi seed. It is the essence of this bodhi tree that has enlightened countless Buddhas in more than ten veins. How can I eat it? Little benefactor of wonton, don't get delusional. yes."

  Qi Yun swallowed the decision: "It's not that you can't eat it, it's that you haven't eaten it!"

  The little peacock thought to himself.

   After all, he is still young.

  Extremely greedy, just thinking in my heart.

  Go to that hidden place of Buddhism first.

   You must taste it, this bodhi seed is gathered from what kind of bodhi tree, a few kalpas and thirteen veins of Buddhism!

  But there is only one, I will lose it after eating Aqi.

   Forget it, I am a generous little peacock.

  Bring it to Ah Qi!

  Yes, just like Tunqin and Sword before.

   Wrapped whole with Xiantian Qi, then swallowed it in the stomach, and flew over to show Ah Qi to eat!


Qi Wuhuo opened his eyes. He restrained his aura along the way, avoided the enemy, tried to hide himself as much as possible, and tried to avoid conflicts and fights with the monster clan. He also designed many backhands along the way to mislead For possible pursuits, I used the method of evasion and restraint that Yunqin had obtained from Mr. Daoist in black to move.

  He was cautious and did not encounter any danger along the way.

safe and sound.

It's just that when Qi Wuhuo was thinking quietly, he noticed the holy fetus in his sleeve robe at the moment, and suddenly there was a slight streamer, Qi Wuhuo's eyes narrowed, sensing the abnormal changes of the holy fetus, Qi Wuhuo pressed his right hand Living in the holy fetus, on the twilight of the holy fetus, it seems to 'see' the picture that happened in a distant place.

  'I saw' a group of demons dancing wildly, seeing big monsters with the same realm, and at the cost of their hearts and blood, they formed rituals and formations.

  And this ritual is directly pointing to this holy fetus!

Qi Wuhuo 'seeed' that these monsters seemed to have discovered something, and the light above their ceremonies suddenly flashed rapidly, and the holy fetus in the palm also changed rapidly with this movement, and the Qi machine rose to form a ceremonial instrument. The pale monster's face was slightly startled because of the loss of heart and blood, and then showed extreme ecstasy!

  Qi Wuhuo's heart sank.

His technique of hiding and hiding has never been noticed, but the holy fetus created by the demon clan's taboo method will be forcibly locked by the rituals that put the monster clan's painstaking effort into it. Qi Wuhuo gave up hiding, and the holy fetus in his hand was restored Converge, and then no longer hide, no longer hide, and turn into a sword light, flashing across the sky in an instant.

   A group of demon clans in front saw the young Taoist, with ecstasy on their faces:

"found it!!"

  The next moment, the sword light exploded, and a group of sixteen monsters were all killed!

   Bloody spread across the grassland.

  Turn into light and hide from form—golden light on the ground!

In just two breaths, a figure had already appeared in the place where Qi Wuhuo was hiding just now. It was the General Teng Snake who had suppressed Qi Wuhuo from the Qingshi Clan. Wuhen...no, Qi Wuhuo!!"

  The demon fairy with three flowers gathered on the top screamed angrily, turned into a streamer, and chased the young Taoist in an instant.

No longer concealing, no longer hiding, the majestic qi made his speed soar, and with the realm of "immortal", he chased Qi Wuhuo in front of him. The young Taoist held a sword in one hand and formed a seal with one hand, using his own blood The method of sealing the connection between Buddhism and Taoism was engraved on this holy fetus. Qi Wuhuo himself created a dharma altar pointing to him, so he has a very high understanding of rituals.

   Sensing the gradual weakening of the sense of this holy fetus, General Soaring Snake was furious, and a sense of impossibility rose in his heart.

  This Taoist.

  How could it be possible to have such attainments in formations!

   Was it possible to reversely seal the tracking method of the monster clan's great taboo technique immediately after being noticed once? !

   This exclamation instantly turned into a killing intent.

   Such a human race must not be left behind!


  When Qi Wuhuo applied the seal, the rituals of the monster clan far away from here were completely cut off, and the two big monsters spewed blood and collapsed dejectedly. The young Taoist breathed a sigh of relief—

   "That's fine."

At the same time, both the body and the primordial spirit felt a sense of wind, frost and coldness, and felt the heavy cold air descending from the sky, and the celestial phenomena in a radius of hundreds of miles changed accordingly. It was already spring, but at this moment, it seemed to return to the twelfth lunar month and the midwinter The trace, the white snow here is as big as a mat, and the pieces are swaying down, and a stronger murderous intent rushes down.

  Qi Wuhuo put the holy fetus in his sleeve robe.

   Turn around and hold the sword.


  【Jie Jian·Three】—Pull!

Without hesitation, when the sword rises, it is called the existence of the robbery sword. The sword energy is mighty and boundless. There was a sense of disbelief in the general's eyes. In the previous confrontation when he entered the city, this person never had such means!

   Shun drew the gun in his hand, and the spear made of black ice collapsed layer by layer.

   turned into snow and frost, and this sword energy just dispersed.

   General Teng She stretched out his hand and wiped his cheek, traces of blood flowed down.

His vertical pupils were icy cold, overlooking the young Taoist who was stopped by the sword, Qi Wuhuo held the sword with one hand - precisely because the power of the three moves of robbery sword, gossip, and heaven-changing is too great, beyond the moment Every time he makes a move, it seems to gather all his strength, and Qi Wuhuo's original body movements will be disturbed, so he doesn't use these moves.

General Teng Snake sneered and said: "I was unable to use all my strength in the city before, and now I am going to perform the duties that I failed to complete before, capture you, behead you outside the city, retrieve the holy fetus, and send it back to the great sage! "Thinking of the shame, anger and unwillingness of a period of time when a real person retreated in full view under the eyes of everyone, it was ignited at this moment.

   "Die to me!!"

   Teng She let out an angry roar, and stepped forward.

The move is fierce and domineering, with a sense of control, when it is swung, the weather in a radius of a hundred miles changes, the ground freezes, the same is true for the rocks, swept away by the sword energy, and then the rocks collapsed and shattered as if they had turned into frost , Turned into powder, it can be seen that this supernatural power is overbearing and ruthless.

   It is indeed more than twice as strong as before in the city!

  But he found that the young Taoist was no worse than himself!

  The difference between Ming and Ming realms is the difference between immortals and mortals!

  Obviously, the means of strength are all stronger!

But the young Taoist wielded his sword, but he didn't let the wind fall. His moves seemed ordinary, but his method was fierce. He forcibly used this natural change and method to confront himself, splitting his supernatural powers and slashing his mana. It was extremely cold, but the grass was rushing under the feet. The young Taoist and the thousand-year-old snake confronted each other in it.

   After fighting for more than ten times in one breath, it was a tie.

General Teng Snake saw that he couldn't take it for a long time, and he even had a faint posture of being invincible. He gritted his teeth, the three flowers gathered on the top, and the outside scene of Yangshen was revealed, pulling Qi Wuhuo tightly. After more than a dozen rounds, in fact, there were not even a dozen breaths, which could be called a blink of an eye. Qi Wuhuo forced General Tengshe back with a sword.

  General Teng Snake wants to chase and kill.

  Suddenly, he saw the young Taoist seem to be retreating, his eyes became deep and empty in an instant, as if encompassing everything.

  Holding a sword in his right hand, with white fingers in his left hand, he slowly raised it.

  So it seems that the world is frozen, as if everything is stagnant, as if all laws and principles are in my palm!

  General Teng Snake is clearly an immortal, but the person in front of him is clearly ordinary.

  At this moment, I actually feel an indescribable, heavy, oppressive feeling!

  He felt his body trembling.

   In fear.

I held my breath for a short time, like when I was still a snake in the mountains and forests, I saw the sky was pressing down, the rolling dark clouds were getting thicker and thicker, and the strong wind was blowing up, as if something was about to burst out, but it didn't come for a long time , that terrifying sense of oppression.

   And that thing finally arrived after a short but long period of saving and waiting.

  Teng Snake saw it when he was young, the thunder that seemed to crack everything, seemed to merge with the movement of the Taoist in front of him, and his wrist was turned, so it seemed that the sky turned over! The young Taoist's eyes were high and dim, as if hiding above layers of clouds, and his wrists seemed to be transformed into the thunder light, pressing down flatly.


  Teng Snake's mind was frightened, his body was dazed, and he watched helplessly as the palm was pressed down.

  My eyes are tearing apart!

Suddenly there was a boundless thunder fire, turned into a unicorn, and rushed towards the young Taoist abruptly. If he made a move, he would be knocked out and severely injured. Therefore, this move could only be flipped in the air, and he pressed his palm on the thunder fire In the midst of it, the flames exploded, the young Taoist's temples and hair flew up, and his clothes were stained with mess.

  Teng Snake was terrified and swept back instantly.

  In an instant, I heard a loud laugh: "Hahaha, I finally found this kid!"

   "Teng Snake, I have known you for five hundred years, and this is the first time I see you in such a mess, haha!"

  The young Taoist swept his sleeves away, and all the fire clouds dispersed, his eyes were calm, and he looked into the distance.

  A unicorn came with big strides, shaking its head.

  The flames rose, and the purple fire seemed to be invincible, burning the sky.

  It directly opens the real body, and the three flowers gather on the top, which is exactly the level of the fairy!

   Participated in the battle situation.

   "Kirin blood... demon fairy..."

Qi Wuhuo exhaled slowly, holding the sword, the Qilin laughed loudly: "Sure enough, a real person can destroy the existence of the Great Sage Ritual, and he can beat Teng Snake so badly, what a pity, what a pity Ah, if you hand over the treasure, we can talk about heroes over wine."

   "Today, I can only kill you!"

   "Teng Snake, you and I will kill him!"


The two demons are both three-flowered, and both have thousands of years of Taoism, the thousand-year-old soaring snake, and the ancient blood of the unicorn, both of them are arrogant and overbearing. Burning everything, the two seem to be very friendly, and the cooperation with each other is smooth and incomparable.

  Qi Wuhuo is alone with sword, only one real person.

   For a while, it has begun to be a little stretched.

When a sword is slashed at this monster, the other monster will immediately strike, and attacking the other is the other's ice attack. With one enemy and two, the situation gradually becomes embarrassing. One is unguarded, and the young Taoist shoulder Already injured, blood flew out, and at the same time, the sword energy was criss-crossing, slashing at the demon fairy, the scabbard scattered, Huang Quan protected the body!

  The Blood River Sword is fierce, the sword energy is strong and extremely restrained, it forcibly splits the unicorn's scales, and let him roar, the scales split and blood flowed horizontally.

   With one enemy against two, the sword energy is so strong that it is still enough to make people palpitate!

  The young Taoist's eyes were cold and calm, but his heart never despaired.

   There is still a chance to get out of here.

  Suddenly burst out laughing: "Hahaha, the two brothers are so interested, so how about I join in?!"

  Thunder roared on one side, and a huge one-horned and one-legged cow flew up to ride the thunder.

   Three flowers gather on the top.

  Ancient Thunder Beast Kui Niu!

The third demon fairy stepped into the battlefield, directly using water, fire, and thunder, forming a formation of three talents, besieging and killing the young Taoist, each of them did not hold back. Even Yangshen directly went out to the location, showing the state of three flowers gathering, and fighting with this young Taoist, the situation gradually became depressing, and Qi Wuhuo was gradually suppressed.

  The injuries on his body gradually increased.

   "Hahaha die!"

   "As a real person, you are proud enough to be able to fight us three demons!"

   "Qi Wuhuo?"


   "But, that's it, you have to die here!"

"For the sake of the Great Sage!" General Teng Snake let out a long cry, and slammed his spear down with a domineering edge. The young Taoist lifted up the sword in his palm and forcibly held back the fall of the spear. Teng She didn't know why, but suddenly felt a palpitation in his heart, seeing the young Taoist stepping forward, Qi Wuhuo said to himself silently—

   Bagua Furnace!

Self-created supernatural powers, reversing all kinds of qi, this qi of flying snakes, was forcibly collected by Qi Wuhuo into the gossip furnace that left traces of his footsteps in the battle just now, sharpened it suddenly, and then exploded with a bang, killing Qilin, Kui Niu Qiqi forced a step back, while the young Taoist stepped forward fiercely, as if desperate for his life.

   Qilin sneered: "How could it be as you wish!"

   Kui Niu said: "Stop him, this is the end of the battle, he is the last pounce!"

   General Teng Snake said angrily: "Go!"

The three monsters unfold their strongest posture together, the three flowers gather on the top, and the real body of the demon race is displayed behind, flying snakes thousands of feet, swinging the wind and snow, flashing scales, unicorns stepping into the air, and flames rising In the lotus pond, the Kui Niu raised the sky, thunder bursts, pressing down the sky, the wind and snow swept everything, and the flames, thunder and fire came in parallel, filling a hundred miles.

  Qi Wuhuo gritted his teeth, pushing himself to the extreme, his eyes were like burning flames, and the sword in his right hand was sharp again.

  The three Yaoxians felt a thump in their hearts, but they felt relieved again.

   "It doesn't matter, there is only one trick left."

   "He's dead!"

   Right now.

  Na Teng Snake saw the young Taoist's dark eyes, and raised his left hand again.

   That majestic aura rises, forcibly mobilized!

  General Teng Snake lost his voice: "Be careful! His left hand—"

   Qilin blurted out: "How is that possible!"

  The left hand is turned upside down again!

  The right hand is Jiejian San, and the left hand is the seal of turning the sky!

  The sword is strong, the sky and the earth are covered, and they go hand in hand to kill the enemy together!

On top of the move, the strong move was reproduced, and the three demon immortals felt a terrifying murderous aura. They shot with all their strength, but they were abruptly shaken, and were abruptly blocked by a real person of a lower level. The three demon immortals had already fought hard. With all his strength, his pupils contracted and Leihuo ran.

   Block it!

   Block it!

   Block me! !

   block, block...

   General Teng Snake had cold sweat on his forehead, but he saw the boy suddenly take another step forward!

  Hands up, face like white paper, eyes like cold stars, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, but he said:

   "All things come from one."

   "Ancestor Dao, the same is true!"

  ! !

  The three demons had a sudden cardiac arrest, but they saw a change in the young Taoist's skills.

  Yin and Yang reversed sharply, pointing with the left hand and pressing the sword with the right hand!

  The left hand holds the Heaven-shattering Sword, and the right hand presses the sword like an Earth-shattering sword.

  Shangqing Yuqing, unique skills and compatibility!

The yin and yang rotate and change again, the previous energy has not dissipated, and the opposite but the same domineering energy is superimposed. , the young Taoist priest's sleeves were rolled up, and he was already on top of the group of demons, and he stretched out his sword, calmly.

   General Teng Snake has three flowers on top.

   Cut off with one sword!

   Immediately, he pressed his backhand palm on the forehead of this demon fairy, directly hitting his body into a fleshy paste, and his soul flew away!

The young Taoist flew into the air against the wind, panting rapidly, his eyes were cold, he looked at the two terrified demons in front of him, and in the midst of the formation of three extraordinary demons, he forcibly broke them and beheaded one of them , the body is messed up, the arrogance rises terrifyingly, the Qilin and Kui Niu are all terrified.

  The qi in the young Taoist body was almost exhausted, but it fell to the ground, and the qi of the earth crazily made up for the body.

   This is the supply of the earth veins, so that he will not fall down immediately.

  He looked at Yaoxian.

Qilin and Kui Niu were all shocked, but they laughed loudly again. However, two monsters came rushing across, both exuding a majestic and terrifying aura, and said: "Did you kill the flying snake? Good method, good method!" Awesome, worthy of being the real Qi Wuhuo of Fangcun Mountain, but how much can you fight?"

   "This place is the hinterland of my monster clan!"

"Now we are waiting for the demon fairy, the demon king, and the big demon king to check and balance each other. If it really moves, can you kill a soaring snake with all your might? Can you kill the demon king? Can you kill a big monster like a real king?" Demon king?!"

  Behind this demon fairy, there are other monsters with insufficient realms coming indistinctly.

   Its strength is insufficient, but its quantity is too much.

   Oppression, murderous intentions, and the fear of being an enemy.

   are manifested at this moment.

The heart of the young Taoist was beating vigorously, holding the sword, the seal of Dongyue was naturally stimulated and sent out wisps of power, Qi Wuhuo's eyes were cold, and he wanted to learn his skills again, but the fairy said lightly: "Go!" Ordinary monsters rush forward to consume Qi Wuhuo's energy and strength with the blood and lives of these monster races.

  The hydra stood with its hands behind its back, and said lightly: "No matter how strong you are, you are still a real person, and..."

   "After all, you are the only one..."

  Qi Wuhuo held his sword and said indifferently: "I am a poor man, do you want you to mobilize thousands of troops?"

   "Yaozu, that's it?"

The group of monsters is full of monsters, the young Taoist charged forward sharply with a sword, and suddenly there was a thunderous roar in the sky. The terrifying dull thunder almost made the faces of the monsters pale, and the whole body went limp in an instant. Only then did everyone realize that, The strange appearance of the three demon immortals just now was dispelled!

   A heavy drum sound, dull, domineering, endless!

   That's the drum of war!

  Drums of war from heaven!


The sound of the drumming of the banner tore through the void, a huge banner smashed through the sea of ​​clouds, and more auspicious clouds slowly fell. On each auspicious cloud was a battle drum, with thousands of guards, heavenly soldiers and generals, standing like rain, thunder Budoubu holds a gun on one side, the general of the Huobu draws his sword, and the thunder and lightning mothers all hold magic weapons, soaring to one side, there is a Leibu giant, smashing the hammer heavily, and the sky explodes!

  A huge general, carrying a flag, the general itself exudes the terrifying oppression of a god.

   "Giant Spirit God Dazhenjun?!"

The auspicious clouds rolled in, bringing terrifying pressure, and the one carrying the big banner turned out to be a giant spirit god. The Qilin Yaoxian, who was a little aware of something, looked around and saw layers of clouds surrounding this place, surrounding everything, spreading to the Extremely far away, layer upon layer, upward like a whirlpool, and under the banner of the giant spirit god, an indifferent gaze looked down flatly.

  The giant spirit carries the flag.

  Bei Di, dear!

  (end of this chapter)

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