I Am Immortal

Chapter 267: Fairy Yunqin's Descend to Earth

  Chapter 267 Yunqin Fairy Descends to Earth

  Seeing the curious and yearning expression on the face of the girl in front of him, Qi Wuhuo almost immediately objected: "No!"

   This time, the rebuttal was extremely strong and serious, even stronger than before, which startled Yunqin. The young Taoist put his hands on Yunqin's shoulders and said, "Absolutely not..."


   "No but, Yunqin, you promise me that you will never come to me!"

  Qi Wuhuo himself, even if life and death are still uncertain, the demons appeared one after another before.

  Yaoxian, that is the level where three flowers gather at the top.

No matter how many immortal officials there are in the sky, more than 90% of them would not dare to take the road of three flowers gathered together to become immortals. will stand in the way, and this must be only the beginning.

   There are not many monster saints.

  But there are not a few demon kings, big demon kings.

  Qi Wuhuo bears the holy fetus, Dongyue seal, two peerless treasures pointing directly at the way of the great emperor.

And the rift to the human world has been closed, he can only choose to cross the monster clan area, after that, there will be so many fights, so many dangers, and even himself will be difficult to save, if Yunqin comes, wouldn't it be implicated She entered such a dangerous place?

  Qi Wuhuo would never agree.

  Yunqin had no choice but to obediently express that she would never come down.

   "Okay, okay, if you don't come, don't come."


  The young Taoist breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good..."

  But he never saw the delicate thought behind that girl's incomparably well-behaved face.

At this moment, Qi Wuhuo sensed the change in his vitality, as if there were monsters flying by outside, so he ended his contact with Yunqin. The young Taoist was in a calm state of mind, holding his sword in one hand and making a decision with the other, waiting quietly, but At this moment, he suddenly felt an understatement voice:

   "In the demon world, there is no escape."

   This voice is boundless, deep, and vast.

  It seems to come from heaven and earth and all things.

Then, with a single word, the rules of the entire monster clan realm and the boundless and vast land changed, as if a majestic force rose up from under the earth, and any creatures who tried to enter the earth by escaping the earth, They will all be sent out by this majestic but gentle force, and once they resist, they will be instantly noticed.

   "One word is the law of the world..."

   "Which great sage made the move?"

  The great sage, the supreme existence of the monster race.

  Qi Wuhuo's heart sank slightly.

In order not to be exposed in front of the Great Sage immediately, Dongyue Yin had to restrain his instinctive resistance, and then flew out of the ground in an instant. This reaction was extremely fast, but because of such a quick reaction, he didn't care about who was above him. Several monster clans were shocked by the changes here, and then recognized the young Taoist in an instant.

   Either ecstasy, or horror.

   There are guns on the former.

  There are people who retreat with knives.

They are all different, but all of them can only see the sword light flashing past in front of them, several heads soared into the sky, stirring up blood, Qi Wuhuo made a seal with his hands, and the blazing supernatural power burned all these monsters Turned into ashes, erased its traces, and then he was slightly relieved, but this breath could not be relieved.

  The Great Sage of the Yaozu knows the existence of Dongyue Seal.

  So it directly put an end to the earth's veins to escape the earth.

Qi Wuhuo looked at the earth, the realm of the monster race was also extremely vast, and the unknown great sage rewritten the land rules of the entire monster race lightly, and Qi Wuhuo would be noticed as long as he was hiding from the ground. Arrived, directly interrupting Qi Wuhuo's original plan.

   "It's possible now, we can only go head-on..."

Qi Wuhuo lowered his eyes slightly, swept away his sleeve robe, his face changed, and turned into a partly beast-shaped appearance, and the Taoist robe on his body also turned into a rough-looking monster clothing, and the Blood River Sword in the scabbard of Huangquan flickered slightly in his hand , it turned into a rough and wild sword, just like the monster that had just been killed.

   Then head towards the direction of the human world.

Since he practiced the realm and reached [Xi Ding], his skill of transformation has become much more accomplished. He has traveled all the way, swaggeringly, and has a very strong slang word for "country monster" that the old scalper had taught him before. Accent, all the way was safe and sound.

   It's just that this journey made Qi Wuhuo's heart sink slightly.

Too much!

   There are too many members of the Yaozu who are looking for him outside...

  Its strength is so weak that there are even little demons who have just turned into demons.

   There are also monsters like Taoist masters who are against the world.

  Even Qi Wuhuo saw here and there a big monster that was comparable to a real person.

   It's just a short road.

  The monster clan is so huge, how many roads like this are there? If his identity was discovered, Qi Wuhuo's heart would be slightly depressed by the horror of the imminent pursuit—he was naturally not worried that these monsters were not as good as his, but only a few monsters were needed to slow him down.

   Once the speed slows down and the position is exposed, there is no need to say anything about the great sage, the great demon king at the level of a true king.

  Only need to be a demon king at the level of the earth fairy to align with Wuzhuo and pose an absolutely deadly threat.

   Need to be careful at every step.

  This is the only way.

It would be best to transform into a monster, successfully blend in all the way, and then get close to the border between the human race and the monster race, and then take advantage of the situation... Qi Wuhuo thought in his heart, blending in with the shouts of the monsters, pretending to be a dull man The monster walked into the monster city, and at this moment, the whole monster world seemed to shake.

  Terrible oppression swept across the sky and the earth.

  The group of monsters all showed horror.

Some kind of existence in their blood made them bow their heads subconsciously, their bodies trembling endlessly, while Qi Wuhuo felt the violent and terrifying changes in the Yuan Qi in the entire world, Yuan Qi was rising, converging, and then It was violently drawn away into the sky, suppressed, converged, reached the extreme and then spread out violently!

  Boom! !

   An invisible wave swept across the entire sky.

Visible to the naked eye, the rich Yuan Qi gathers to the extreme, and the bright and majestic light continuously spreads in all directions, sweeping across, the pure Yuan Qi changes, set off a strong wind, stir up thunder, and shake the earth. It fluctuates and flows quickly in a way that makes people feel confused and terrifying.

  All creatures subconsciously looked in that direction.

I saw a beautiful figure, that figure was set against the sky, eclipsing all things, wind and thunder surrounded him, clouds surrounded him, everything was his footnote, lonely and domineering, a domineering aura of every point in the world came naturally , but also openly spread out.

   "The Demon Emperor!!"

   "It's His Majesty the Demon Emperor!"

   "Your Majesty the Demon Emperor!"

Cries of fanaticism erupted in the entire monster clan world, one after another, the group of monsters around the young Taoist shouted loudly, a frightening frenzy burst out from the eyes, as if that figure was more important than everything else , can make them sacrifice everything, let them die for Him, even at all costs!

   The dull monster transformed by Qi Wuhuo appeared extremely abrupt among the extremely fanatical group of monsters.

  But at this moment, these fanatical monsters no longer have the mind to pay attention to the dull monster next to them.

  The young Taoist looked at the strong man who deliberately showed his true face.

  The pinnacle of the demon clan.

  One of the pinnacles of the Six Realms.

  Yaohuang's eyes were dim, as if looking into an endless distance, and his voice was flat, saying:

   "The Northern Emperor of the Heavenly Court suddenly visited our clan. I should do my best as a landlord. Why leave so early?"

   "And stay."

   "Let me also try the method of killing the number one."

The voice fell flat, and the group of monsters became wild. They knew that the Northern Emperor, the former lord of the Heavenly Court, appeared here, and His Majesty the Demon Emperor wanted to keep the Northern Emperor. Connecting with a peerless slaughter master in the heavenly court, my heart was surging, knowing that I was going to witness an unparalleled battle!

  Yaohuang, to Beidi!

   "Your Majesty the Demon Emperor, you will never lose to Beidi!"


  The demon clan is extremely fanatical, and the demon emperor also shows a tyrannical realm that can be called a great emperor.

  And since it is an existence that is close to Yu, invite a battle.

  Then even Beidi cannot ignore it, and cannot ignore it without responding.

  The existence above the vast sea of ​​clouds lowered its eyes and said lightly—


   So the world was dead silent, and a kind of passionate anger broke out immediately!

  The Yaohuang narrowed his long and narrow pupils slightly, and took the initiative to strike.

The majestic qi seemed to rise against the trend, devouring the heavenly emperor and the northern emperor flicked his sleeves, the sky seemed to darken suddenly, the sun was dark and the moon was gone, only the endless stars above the sky were shining brightly, the sky was boundless, full of murderous intent .


  Yunqin ended her contact with Qi Wuhuo.

  She knew Qi Wuhuo was worried.

  But this only increased Yunqin's desire to go down—

  If Qi Wuhuo is not in danger, then he can travel with Qi Wuhuo for a period of time and see the scenery of this world when he goes down by himself, but if Qi Wuhuo is in danger—

   If Wuhuo is in danger, of course she will go!

  Where is there any reason to know that a friend is in danger, and I want to eat sweet-scented osmanthus cake on this day?

   Besides, Wuhuo is the real person.

  Ben Yunqin Fairy has three flowers at the top, although it seems that it has been difficult to progress to the next level.

  But three flowers gather at the top or three flowers gather at the top, the higher realm is the higher realm!

  However, ahem, you must never be arrogant, and you must never become a burden without confusion. Isn't that not helping, but a waste of help? must! Ben Yunqin Fairy, Bingxue is smart, courageous and resolute, how can she become a burden? Absolutely not!

  The girl originally wanted to find Uncle Niu, but the old scalper is still kneeling firmly in Ziwei Palace.

And Yun Zhiyi and Zhinu are also preparing for the possible initial confrontation with the Yaozu. In the Niu Xing Palace, she is the only one left, so the girl became bold and slipped to Niu with a package. In the treasury of my uncle and parents, I wrote down the IOU of Fairy Xuanwu Su Yunqin, and then I started to pick up things.

  She knows the importance of being prepared!

  Being blamed by parents is the first acceptable point compared to my lack of preparation and being in distress together with Wuhuo.

   Let’s talk about it, my mother said that she would allow herself to play with Wuhuo.

"Hmm, Wuhuo's primordial spirit seems to be injured. This elixir, huh? Uncle Niu's, it seems to be Uncle Niu's elder brother, Uncle Qingniu 'taken' out of Tushita Palace, good stuff, bring it with you! "

   "This is a magic weapon for defense, um, bring it with you!"

   "This is... an array flag that can help hold your breath. Although Fairy Yunqin can do it herself, you can be lazy and bring it with you!"

   "And this...offensive disposable talisman? Bring it!"

   "This is... the Light Escape Talisman, bring it with you!"

   "Take! Take away!"

  The girl was finally ready, and she could guarantee that she would never become a burden, so she wiped off the sweat that didn't exist on her forehead, lifted all these things up with a hey, and stuffed them into a small bag on her waist.

  Finally, he raised a sword, ready to complete.

  Today seems to be particularly good luck!

  Yunqin obviously felt that she would definitely encounter the Northern Emperor's will to prevent her from going down to heaven.

   Just like the old days.

   But it's very strange that he came out quietly today, without being stopped by Beidi's spiritual consciousness.

  The girl was puzzled, the girl was thoughtful, the girl had an epiphany, and said in surprise:

   "So, Beidi also agrees that I can go down?!"


  She cheered and turned around a little.

  I left a message to my parents and Uncle Niu.

   "Dear father, mother, and Uncle Niu, I'm going...I'm going to study!"

   "Like last time."

   "So, please don't worry about me."

  Reading the message she left, Yunqin nodded in satisfaction, and then jumped out of the heaven in one step.

   flew in one breath for a long time.

Then she suddenly thought of something, the girl thought about it, and went to Shangqing Zangshuge in a turning point, walked to the second floor with ease, and saw the black-clothed Daoist lazily dozing off, so she had no scheming, but was very happy The invitation said: "Uncle, Uncle, I can go down to find my friends!"

  Mr. Dao was sleeping on his side with one hand propped on his cheek, and lazily replied: "Ah, it's a good thing."

  Yunqin stretched out her hand and said, "Then uncle, do you want to go together? How boring it is to stay here."

   "Let's escape and play together!"

  Mr. Da Dao stretched his hand while supporting his face, and almost hit his eye socket with a stick, his face was dull:



  (end of this chapter)

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