I Am Immortal

Chapter 272: you go

  Chapter 272 You go

  The young Taoist closed his eyes, and the primordial spirit rose up, reappearing the scene of the Northern Emperor staring at him with the stars rising and falling behind him.

  Boundless, terrifying, overbearing!

  In the face of such pure and terrifying power, it seems that everything is like dust, without the slightest threat.

Qi Wuhuo tried to imitate this move with his own primordial spirit, to feel the vastness, thickness, and incomparable silence and vastness that belonged to the stars. Slowly, Qi Wuhuo seemed to have turned into a star. As soon as he moved, Qi Wuhuo's complexion suddenly turned pale, and then he collapsed from this visualization situation, and naturally disintegrated.

   Yuanshen burst into tearing pain.

  My heart is my nature, like a mirror, reflecting my heart, all things can enter my heart.

  But Beidi's move, even if it's just a mediocre raise of his hand, is extremely domineering and tyrannical!

  Contains the power of supernatural charm, just thinking about it will damage Qi Wuhuo's soul.

If you want to continue to visualize, you need at least a month of relaxation time, which is why there are many true cultivators of Taoism who have the opportunity to see the scene that contains the avenue of heaven and earth, but it always takes several Jiazi to comprehend it. To comprehend the magical powers of Shen Yun is actually based on my heart, body and heavenly heart. I naturally need to contact this kind of divine will, and I will be hurt by the divine will, warming and nourishing the primordial spirit, at least for a month, and at most for several years.

  This has led to the longer and longer time to comprehend these exercises.

  Qi Wuhuo frowned slightly.

   It is necessary to continue to deduce regardless of the injuries of these Xu Yuanshen.

But at this time, an extremely cold and icy aura suddenly emerged from his soul, and he quickly recovered from the slight shaking of his soul. Qi Wuhuo was slightly surprised, and felt that his soul was extraordinary. Injury, and because of the process of injury and recovery, there is a slight improvement compared to before.

   "It's that glass of wine..."

Qi Wuhuo understood, he understood that it was the Northern Ghost Emperor who was extremely proud just now, and the wine brewed from the water at the core of the Underworld played a role. Immediately stop hesitating, continue to deduce, within a day, keep trying.

Even sometimes, it is intentional to 'look' at the divine will, which exists in the depths seen by the primordial spirit, and it will not be aroused if you don't remember it, but at this moment, it is like feeling what you see personally. How could the primordial spirit not be injured in those attacks?

  Qi Wuhuo tried until the pure coldness of Huangquan wine gradually dissipated, and then slowed down his attempts.

   Sitting on this futon, this place is the side hall where the former Zhongtian Beiyin Emperor lived.

   Very empty, very cold.

The young Taoist was thinking about his own movement. Fortunately, Qi Wuhuo had the experience of practicing "Ziwei Emperor Qi Jing", and he had figured out some traces. The breath and fur of this move may have a glimmer of life when the time comes.

  Although that move is probably just a casual move by the Northern Emperor, it carries a strong Northern Emperor's aura after all, and this aura can naturally be used as an ironclad proof of the identity of the Northern Emperor's envoy, or in other words...

   is the side of Beidi who killed Senran.

   This is the only way to save Qi Wuhuo's own life.

Qi Wuhuo touched the ground slightly with his fingers. The ground was hard and cold, and his fingers brushed it slightly. At this moment, his soul was exhausted, and he replayed in his mind the five ghost emperors he had just seen, and the seventy The two envoys in charge of the Yin Division, Fengdu City, surrounded the city for 2,700 miles, and the coldness is boundless. They are forces that appeared after the third robbery period.

  The ghost emperors of the five directions were all heroes of that era.

  The kind that requires the presence of the Northern Emperor to be able to hold it down.

  At this moment, can it be said that a mere envoy from the Northern Emperor can make the ghost emperors of the five directions bow their heads and obey their orders?

Qi Wuhuo recalled that the great emperors and great sages he had met, whether it was Donghua, Zhuling, Dongyue, Tianpeng, whether it was the enemy or us, each had their own pride, and they had a great commonality. The point is that he has an extremely pure way of believing in himself, and has an arrogance for himself that surpasses ordinary people, and Wufang Ghost Emperor, a hero who has fought two robberies.

  A token, an identity, make them bow their heads?

   Absolutely impossible!

  When the Northern Emperor left, letting this place be sealed into the deepest part of Huangquan is an ironclad proof.

The head of the four emperors actually thought that except for himself, no one could suppress the five ghost emperors, no one could make them bow their heads honestly, even if it was the canopy, it was impossible, so when he needed to leave, He would rather seal this place and give up his control over the underworld...

   And why not kill him, one is that the five ghost emperors are probably very shrewd, and the other is that the five ghost emperors have special characteristics and cannot be killed easily.

  So, the purpose of the Central Ghost Emperor.

   It is to kill the life of the "Northern Emperor's envoy"... so that the seventy-two envoys will follow them to attack the ten temples of Yan Jun?

  Such a tyrannical hero, already rebellious, all that remains is killing, and the rest are means.

  Definitely not a character who will obey orders.

  The Northern Emperor's order and past prestige are no longer enough to restrain the ambition and hatred in the hearts of the five Great Yin Division Emperors.

   That is to say, no matter whether the Beidi emissary is true or false.

   There is only one end.


  Even higher-level existences than the Beidi Lingshi will have their sacrificial flags cut off here.

  The Yin Division is independent of the Six Realms, and it was Yuqing Datianzun who nodded.

  The internal forces of the Yin Division alternated, but Yuqing Tianzun might not care about it.

However, other forces other than the Yin Division of the Six Realms participate in the control of the Yin Division, and Tianzun will inevitably respond. Since the Northern Emperor left this place eight thousand years ago, he must not intervene in the Yin Division. What's more, with the character of the Northern Emperor, since he left the Yin Division, he would no longer want to control it.

  Qi Wuhuo didn't feel that his life could be shot by Beidi.

  Qi Wuhuo rested his forehead with one hand, his eyes were peaceful, and he seemed to have only a dead end.

And the only hope he can see is to imitate the Northern Emperor's moves, and use the Northern Emperor's killing atmosphere to temporarily frighten the ghost emperors of the five directions, just like in the human world. Coming with letterheads is completely different from coming with the emperor's weapon.

   And with the help of seventy-two commanders to check and balance the central ghost emperor, so as to barely escape from this place of death.

  The only ray of hope is a crisis every step of the way.

  Qi Wuhuo continued to close his eyes, deducing the supernatural power.


The northern ghost emperor left the palace of the great emperor of Beiyin, and then strode directly to find the central ghost emperor and other four other ghost emperors, and pushed open the door. Suddenly he said angrily: "Brother, why are you so persecuting the Northern Emperor's emissary? Isn't it a little too much?"

  The central ghost emperor frowned, and said lightly: "Old Wu, you don't understand, that kid is not the real envoy of the Northern Emperor."

  Northern Ghost Emperor didn't believe it: "He is so confident, brother, you still say that he is not the envoy of the Northern Emperor?!"

   "You guys are lying to me."

"I know, you are all very unhappy because the Northern Emperor left suddenly eight thousand years ago and never came back, but the Northern Emperor may have his own reasons? Now that he has sent this emissary Come back, isn't it a proof that the Northern Emperor has not given up on us?!"

   "Brother, at this time, if you treat Beidi's envoy like this, won't it make Beidi feel disappointed and angry?"


  The anger in the central ghost emperor's heart gradually rose, and suddenly he punched heavily on the seat, and said angrily:


The voice raised slightly, and there was already great anger. The northern ghost emperor froze, and the central ghost emperor got up and approached step by step. He looked at the brothers who fought with him back then, and said: "Northern Emperor, Northern Emperor, He was our enemy and opponent back then, you have already made him a slave for two robberies, do you still plan to continue to welcome him back and become his subordinate?!"

  Northern Ghost Emperor dared not say anything: "Brother...you..."

   "We killed too much back then, and it was because the Northern Emperor was willing to give us a chance to reform ourselves that he didn't kill us. Have you forgotten?"

  The central ghost emperor looked ugly.

  The cold firelight flickered on the pillar.

The scenes from the past seemed to reappear in front of his eyes. He shattered the images in his mind and said coldly: "Kill us, hmph, he just needs us to be his dogs to suppress other Yin gods. We fought for a whole Jieji, and in the end we were granted the title of emperor based on merit, but he turned into Beiyin and suppressed us, never letting us go to the yang world."

   "What's the point?!"

The Central Ghost Emperor spread his hands, and said: "The size is comparable to that of the Shenxiao Yufu. Fengdu City, which is 2,700 miles away, is luxurious and beautiful. There are seventy-two divisions in it, and there are countless things that we captured with our own hands. The evil gods and ghosts, this is said to be the palace of the netherworld rewarded to us, let us suppress and suppress these evil gods and ghosts."

   "But how is this not using these evil gods and ghosts who cannot be killed in the Third Tribulation Period to suppress us!"

   "Is this a palace?"

   "No, this is simply a prison!"

   "And now that the Northern Emperor has left, all he has to do is sink Fengdu City into the Underworld, and completely seal us here forever!"

  The central ghost emperor was faintly angry with the northern ghost emperor.

   Or extremely unwilling to the current situation!

  It is only these brothers who have been born and died in the past, that he will say these things from his heart.

Immediately, he took a deep breath and suppressed his anger. After a long time, he comforted him: "You don't have to worry, it's just that the eldest brother lost his temper just now... If that person is really the envoy of the Northern Emperor, we will naturally treat him well and send him back In the world, there will never be a single bit of disrespect."

  The northern ghost emperor looked at the central ghost emperor and said, "...I believe in you, big brother."

He turned around and left. The Southern Ghost Emperor looked at his back and said, "Old Fifth, he has always been straightforward and reckless. The Northern Emperor once fought him one-on-one and defeated him by wrestling. I am very convinced of Bei Di, and I didn't mean to say that to you, big brother."

  The central ghost emperor closed his eyes and sighed, "I know him."

   "But, this is the best chance..."

  The Southern Ghost Emperor said: "The best chance? Why did the elder brother say that?"

The central ghost emperor said indifferently: "Although I am not in the human world, I also know what happened in the human world... The Emperor of Humanity is a coward. The situation seems to be stable, but in fact it may explode at any time, I have already calculated it..."

"This year, there should be a great sage from the monster clan, and the balance of the monster clan will be broken, and then it will seem like a continuous reaction. The six realms will eventually be involved in the vortex, but I don't know what happened. The great sage of the monster clan There seems to have been no successful breakthrough, resulting in this balance, which has always persisted."

  The central ghost emperor Baodushan Zhou Qi looked ugly, and punched heavily on the heavy bronze pillar next to him.

  The entire city of Fengdu seemed to tremble several times.

  His complexion is extremely ugly.

He has been waiting, waiting for this day, until the Great Change of the Six Realms is the time when their five ghost emperors will reappear. However, although this balance is precarious, it is so stubbornly maintained. The central ghost emperor Zhou Qi hated him deeply, but he was helpless.

   After two calamities of dormancy, ten thousand years of patience, at this moment there was finally a little bit of struggle and shaking.

  He couldn't help it.

   "The six realms have reached the point where the balance is most likely to be broken."

"If the Houtu recovers, the Human Emperor recurs, and the Buddha is born, then the Six Realms will probably usher in a balance period of at least ten thousand years, at least ten thousand years, and there will be only the battle between the human race and the monster race, and there will be a battle between the Buddhist and Daoist sects." If we fight, but will not create a vortex that involves everything in the Six Realms, then we will continue to be imprisoned here!"

"I can not be reconciled."

   "I have practiced to the highest level, why should I be bound by this so-called boundary of life and death!"

   "Since the six realms are not chaotic, then this balance will be broken by us."

"Behead the envoy of the Northern Emperor, and then annex the Ten Palaces of Yama, causing chaos in the six realms, so that we can go further! Only then can we regain our freedom, instead of being bound here by the name of the so-called Ghost Emperor In the cold and sunless Fengdu City, you are not allowed to take half a step!"

  The central ghost emperor's tone was calm, and there was a kind of madness and domineering in it that set off troubled times.

  The Southern Ghost Emperor hesitated and said: "...Brother, if this causes trouble..."

Zhou Qi looked at her and said, "Are you worried that after we break this balance, we will burn ourselves and die without a place to die? No, the six realms have their own checks and balances, and the balance is messed up. Even the Great Emperor Ziwei of the North Pole must To replace the current Jade Emperor to suppress the order of the Six Realms, many of his enemies have gone..."

   "And only when the world is in chaos, we will have a chance."

"Instead of being sealed here by the underworld and never see the light of day, it's better to fight to the death, and you will be happy if you succeed. Even if you die here, it's better than being sealed here forever, hahahaha, even if I die, I will set off a war in the six worlds The raging waves turned the world upside down and made all living beings lose their colors, so, even if you die, what regrets do you have!"

   Zhou Qi laughed.

  The Southern Ghost Emperor hesitated, and said, "Then why wait for the Northern Emperor's envoy?"

Zhou Qi said coldly: "Things need to be done step by step. We have also suppressed the Yin Division for two eons of life and death. We are far more qualified than the eight thousand years of the ten temples of Yama, and took the seventy-two Yin Divisions to annex them. Of course, losing these seventy-two divisions is not the case."

  Southern Ghost Emperor said: "So that's how it is."

  She said: "Then why didn't you take action against this envoy in advance and abolish his cultivation base."

   "In this way, it can also save the trouble after ten days."

  Central ghost emperor Zhou Qi thought for a while, nodded and said: "So, it is indeed possible."


  The young Taoist once again failed to comprehend.

But at this moment, he has already glimpsed the mystery of those subtle changes in the stars, which is so profound and mysterious that it makes people addicted to it, but the benefits provided by the yellow spring wine have become less and less. Suddenly he heard footsteps, and he saw the northern ghost The emperor came step by step, with a rough face, but he lost the previous heroic spirit, his thick eyebrows were tightly locked, and he came with the wine jar.

  Qi Wuhuo recognized the ghost emperor who captured him, and asked calmly:

   "Northern Ghost Emperor, I don't know why you came here to find poverty?"

  Northern Ghost Emperor was silent for a long time, then suddenly stepped sideways, got out of the way, struggled for a long time, let out a long sigh, and said:

   "You... let's go!"

  (end of this chapter)

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