I Am Immortal

Chapter 301: Fairy Yunqin has a lot of supplies!

  Chapter 301 Fairy Yunqin has a big supply!

   Uncle Niu's relationship, all through...

  Qi Wuhuo noticed the smoke and dust on Yunqin's body, she was obviously injured, but the girl was in high spirits, he said:

   "Get through?"


Yunqin sat cross-legged, but still couldn't settle down, sat cross-legged, swayed slightly, and smiled proudly: "I've heard about Uncle Niu's relationship a long time ago, so I took these jade cards with me when I left. Knowing from some people called Mingzhen Daomeng that you are being chased by many people now, Wuhuo, I thought, just relying on me and you, it must be easy to get into trouble."

   "So I went all the way to the Yaozu and sneaked in."

   "Then followed Uncle Niu's jade badge induction, and found them one by one."

  The young Taoist had a gentle voice, "you can know the elegance when you hear the stringed songs", and asked in the girl's voice:

   "Then, did they just obediently let Fairy Yunqin control them?"

"of course not!"

Yunqin vetoed it flatly, and then said: "They must not be convinced. The ones with a better temper just drove me out of the mountain gate, and the ones with a more tempered one, when they heard Uncle Niu's name, would carry such a big ax to beat me. Mine, there are many more traps to lay..."

   What the girl said was actually very easy.

so easy.

  The young Taoist looked at her: "Then Fairy Yunqin, how did you do it?"

  The girl smiled, she straightened her back, pressed the sword with one hand, raised her eyes slightly, and said with high spirits:

  "Since using sword tactics, using strength to win, making appointments with laws, and punishing with laws, people's hearts will gather under the sword's edge!"

  ! ! !

   Rewarding the good and punishing the evil, the body stiffened, and the pupils shrank suddenly.

   Great horror!

   This sentence seemed to be buried in the deepest part of their memory, and it resurfaced at this moment.

  In the distant years, the terrifying killer who whipped the world with a sword, fell in Haotian, and the Jade Emperor survived the calamity, used his own power to stabilize the order of the six realms and maintain the common people by killing, once spoke like this.

  Rewarding the good and punishing the evil, the pupil stared at the cold and peerless girl in the picture, but with a natural temperament.

  From his eyebrows and eyes, it seems that he can see the charm of the cold and peerless killer in the ancient times.

   I was horrified.

Looking down, I saw an accessory on the girl's waist. It was just an ordinary ancient jade with blue tassels hanging down. It was clean and comfortable, with a three-point elegance. When others saw it, they only thought it was a good accessory and praised it in their hearts. A few times, but these two ancient ghosts and gods were tense all over. If they were living beings, they would have already broken out in cold sweat.

  Peking Emperor's Sword Sui? !

  As veteran officials of the Northern Emperor, they knew that it was knitted by the Northern Emperor's wife.

  After the death of the Northern Emperor's wife, this Jiansui accompanied the Northern Emperor to conquer the world, which is of great significance.

   And now, this sword spike appeared on such a young girl.

   There is another lineage of the Northern Emperor.

  In an instant, a name appeared in the heart of Rewarding Good and Punishing Evil—

  North Emperor's son? !

Therefore, the young Taoist who has such a good relationship with the son of the Northern Emperor is indeed the envoy of the Northern Emperor without the slightest doubt, and even the current envoy of the Northern Emperor. According to the words of the Northern Emperor, this emissary may be his right-hand man in the future!

At this time, they were extremely lucky in their hearts. Fortunately, in Fengdu City, they did not really conflict with the envoy of the Northern Emperor. Otherwise, the consequences would seem to be too heavy. The two seventy-two Si Zhengzhang made countless thoughts and small fears in his heart surge to the surface.

The young Taoist looked at the girl, remained silent for a long time, and said: "You are too tired along the way, if you want to join forces with uncle Niu with 19 bloodlines, in the past half a month, can you be Hit one place a day, and then draw your swords all the way without stopping, did you finish it?"

   "Aren't you tired?"

  The girl pressed the sword, naturally, and said with a generous smile:

   "Because I miss you."

  Natural and natural, without the slightest personal affection, without the slightest sneaky obsession.

   In a word.

  This heart is innocent.

  The young Taoist quietly looked at the innocent girl, and replied with a smile: "I see."

The sword in the girl's hand was placed beside her, and she sat cross-legged on the blue stone, shaking it up and down, with her black hair in a ponytail, shaking it from side to side, and said, "Uncle Niu really has a lot of relationships! Now there are nineteen road monsters. What about the king, plus their subordinates, as well as the idle masters mobilized by the chamber of commerce using their background and human feelings, and gathered a total of thirty demon kings, plus other subordinates, it is very big, very big a force."

   "No wonder Uncle Niu was called the Eighth Great Sage back then."

   "No confusion, no confusion, where are you now?"

   "Dang Dang Dang!"

   "Xuanwusu Yunqin Fairy is coming to find you!"

Thirty demon kings and many demon tribes are already a luxurious background. Qi Wuhuo knew that this should be because all the favors of Uncle Niu had been completely exhausted, even Uncle Niu's Taurus Chamber of Commerce was exhausted. The savings and background of these thousands of years have also been exhausted. With this power, if used properly, it is enough to tear a hole and let Qi Wuhuo escape calmly.

  However, this will kill and injure Uncle Niu's friends.

  Let Uncle Niu's Chamber of Commerce background disappear in one day.

  It will really set off a massacre.

   It will also make the girl in front of her fall into a real death.

  The young Taoist said gently: "Speaking of which, I really have a big problem, and I need your help, Yunqin."

   Yunqin said: "What what?!"

Qi Wuhuo flicked his wrist, and a picture scroll appeared in his hand. On this picture scroll, there were the ups and downs of mountains and rivers, and the circulation of land veins. The criss-crossing and criss-crossing were extremely real. The power of mountains, rivers and land is gathered together, and the picture scroll is achieved by the method of Lingbao.

The young Taoist brushed the picture scroll with his palm, and all kinds of things in the past came to mind. Finally, with a flick of his wrist, the picture scroll was taken back, and then passed it to Yunqin with the method of rites and altars, saying: "Yunqin , you go to Jinzhou."

"Go to find the land there, and ask them to still follow the method of this painting scroll, and put the trajectory of [Jinzhou]'s land veins into the painting scroll, and help me complete this painting, just say—but remember, when the sunset rained on Jinzhou, Qi Wuhuo ? I think, after you say this, they will help you."

Yunqin looked at this picture scroll, and she could also feel the connection between the pictures in this scroll and the real veins of the earth, she nodded a little ignorantly, and said: "This way I can help you?"

  Qi Wuhuo nodded: "Yes."

"As for Uncle Niu's dozen or so relationships... I'll draw a scroll later, and you ask them to bury all the traces of me in the mountains of the Monster Race, and set up a formation. There is a head-on conflict with the allied forces of the Yaozu." Qi Wuhuo looked at the map of the Yaozu's topography, and his eyes swept across the layers of mountains and the river that rushed straight into the East China Sea.

  The [Tai] Mountain system opened up still has only three branches.

  Qi Wuhuo didn't think he could take all the seventy-two ghosts and gods away when he went to Fengdu this time.

The previous gain was only because Zhou Qi, the central ghost emperor, was frightened by the prestige of the Northern Emperor and was unwilling to immediately conflict with the Northern Emperor represented by Qi Wuhuo, so he would choose to retreat. If it is empty, Zhou Qi, the central ghost emperor, will definitely turn against him. Even if the Northern Emperor comes in person, he will choose to directly throw the table and fight to the death.

  Because these seventy-two ghosts and gods directly touched his bottom line.

   On the other hand, even Qi Wuhuo could bring back several Yin gods.

   It is impossible to complete all the leylines in a short time.

With Dongyue Seal leaving Qi machine, many monster races will directly imprint this seal seal Qi machine into the veins of key mountain ranges in various formations, although it is impossible to immediately integrate the land veins and mountains of these monster races into [Tai] Mountain is a series, but it can be mobilized and used for a short period of time, so that Qi Wuhuo can exert greater power.

  Yunqin was thoughtful, with an expression of 'I see that's the case' on her cold and peerless but natural face. '

  ‘Oh, I see! ’ expression.

   And showing a well-behaved, I am very obedient expression.

  But he made up his mind in his heart, to finish these things immediately, and then lead the thirty demon kings with his sword to ambush.

  The young Taoist looked at this seemingly well-behaved and harmless friend, and sighed:


  The girl looked at him suspiciously: "Huh?"

  Qi Wuhuo said: "Be obedient..."

  Yunqin widened her beautiful eyes, she couldn't reason but said with a strong voice:

   "I obviously listen very well..."

But when she saw the peace in the eyes of the young Taoist, for some reason, she slowly became unable to continue, and finally retreated, a little 'depressed', without shaking her body or ponytail, and said: " Okay, okay, I won’t go looking for you, can I not go looking for you?”

   "However, you can't take everything by yourself just because you don't want to put me in danger."

   "I warn you, Qi Wuhuo."

   "I'll be mad if the two things you want me to do don't work."

   "At that time, I..."

  The girl originally wanted to say two harsh words, but after thinking about it, she didn't know what to say at this time, so she grinned, showing her white teeth, and said, "I'll bite you hard!"

  Qi Wuhuo said: "Once a word is spoken, it is hard to follow."

   "I won't lie."

   "Hmph, that's okay."

Yunqin received the picture scroll sent by Qi Wuhuo, and then said: "Wait a minute, Wuhuo, don't end the ritual, I still have some things to send to you..." The girl suddenly moved out a huge one from nowhere. The package fell to the ground with a bang, filled with smoke and dust, making Qi Wuhuo a little dumbfounded.

  Then the girl opened the package, squatting there and rummaging through it for a long time.

   Ended up putting a whole bunch of stuff on the ritual.

"This is a medicine that can strengthen the foundation and cultivate the vitality. I am afraid that you will use the moves that directly consume the foundation like before. I originally wanted to persuade you, but I guess, if I advise you, you must still not listen. So I don't advise you!"

   "If you take this elixir, it can heal your wounds."

   "There is also this, this is a formation chess, which can cover your tracks. I know that you will also restrain your breath in Wuhuo, but this thing can save some effort, plus..."

   "There is also this, which can be used to resist some lightning—"

   "This, this is a kind of spiritual grass, which can regulate Yin and Yang!"

"and this-"

Yunqin piled up all the things she borrowed from her parents here, and then sent them to her friends who were in danger, wiped off the sweat that didn't exist on her smooth forehead, and then treasured them again A small package was taken out, and there was another small package among the various treasures.

The young Taoist was stunned, and then saw the girl's expectant eyes, so he stretched out his hand to open the package. Inside were small oiled paper packages of different categories, with the names of places written on them in sharp pen, and some were sesame cakes from border towns. , some are dim sum sold by the owner of the third lane of Changqing Lane in Qingliu City.

   Reward the good and punish the evil

Um? !

What's this? !

  With so many treasures on top, how could it be a dim sum? !

  Did His Majesty the Northern Emperor make a mistake?

They subconsciously looked at the young Taoist over there, and saw that the decisive and fierce young Taoist had created the [Tai] Mountain by himself, and the brows and eyes of the Fujun who had opened up the two worlds suddenly softened. Maybe this is him Something that I hadn't even noticed, the spring of a young man has a long wind, he is romantic and gentle, the young Taoist picked up a piece and put it in his mouth, saying:

   "Well, it tastes good."

   "The sesame seeds in this place must be very good. Compared with the sesame cakes in Zhongzhou and Jinzhou, they will be more mellow and more fragrant."

  The girl's eyes lit up, and she was full of smiles:

   "Yes, yes!"

   "Hey, I knew you would like Wuhuo!"

  The young Taoist thinks the taste is very sweet.

Then he noticed the sight of rewarding good and punishing evil and the Dragon Emperor. The young Taoist was slightly stunned, then passed the dim sum in his hand over there, and said in a gentle voice, "The dim sum brought by Yunqin tastes very good." , it should be protected by magic spells, the meringue is still crispy, but the inside is very soft."

   "Would you like to try it?"

  The corner of Dragon Emperor's mouth twitched.

   "Fellow daoist, you are welcome, my seat, my seat—"

   "Ahem, I'm full."

   Rewarding the good and punishing the evil subconsciously said: "I am also full of waiting, ah, the subordinate said."

   "It's originally a Yin god, so it doesn't need to eat."

  Qi Wuhuo said: "Really? What a pity..."

Yunqin watched the young Taoist tasting these snacks one by one, satisfied, then thought of something, frowned, and said: "Since I'm going to Jinzhou, then I can't meet you immediately, so If you don't, I can't give you what uncle asked me to give you, so I'll just tell you here."

   "Anyway, Wuhuo, you learn quickly!"

  Qi Wuhuo said: "Uncle?"

  Yun Qin took it for granted, "Yes."

   "Wuhuo, do you have an impression? It's the uncle who always wears black clothes. Let me bring you three words."

   "Well, it can be connected with what you have learned."

   "Tai Chi Lingwen!"

  (end of this chapter)

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