I Am Immortal

Chapter 344: Real Qi, the empress is looking for you

  Chapter 344 Qi Zhenzhen, the empress is looking for you

The woman who appeared in front of Tai Xiao was once considered to be the weakest of the four imperial gods, and also the weakest among the three pure and four imperial gods. Now that the Empress Dowager who has betrayed the Heavenly Court, Tai Xiao felt the chill in his heart for an instant.

  I teamed up with Gou Chen, and only shot with Hou Tu.

   This is a death feud!

   There is absolutely no mortal enemy with the slightest room for change!

  Hou Tuhuangdi only said indifferently: "Taixiao?"

   "Gouchen's ally, the leader of the monster clan who only declared war on our land?"

  The tone was calm, but it made the chill in Tai Xiao's heart even worse.

But in an instant, Tai Xiao had already cut off the chill, and instantly used a method that rivaled the Taoist sect so close to the end of the world. He opened the distance, and a magic sword in his palm screamed violently because of the fighting spirit. Sometimes, running away is not a good option.

   In Tai Xiao's heart, although there was a little bit of shock, there was also a stronger fighting spirit rising.

  Yeah, a feud...

   But, so what? !


   One of the weakest kings!

  The weakest god!

   Or, at least, the Yu who is the least good at killing and fighting!

And just finished the fight with Gou Chen, Tai Xiao could see that Hou Tu's left hand covered under the sleeve robe was continuously flowing with golden divine blood, and it seemed that he had suffered a rather difficult injury, even if the Tu Huang land only It cannot be cured in a short period of time.

  Hou Tu is a body that has been fighting for a long time, and his body is injured.

   And I have been recuperating for a long time, and I am also gaining momentum for several days.

  It can be called waiting for work with ease!

  If you want to reverse the attack first, there is no better opportunity than this!

   There is no better opponent than now!

Tai Xiao felt the crisis, felt the oppression of those in a stronger realm, but at this moment, he, who had always cherished his life, chose to face the powerful enemy in front of him, suppressing all distracting thoughts, doubts, worries, and cautions, so this time Only the clearest fighting spirit and Dao heart remained in his heart.

   Be cautious for thousands of years!

  Take the treasure of life, seize the innate, break the four righteousness, participate in the three elements, gather the five qi, and overcome the eight difficulties.

  Finally reaches the realm of great products.

But dormant this heart, wishing to be the Dragon Emperor's assistant, and then kill the Dragon Emperor, split all spirits, to unite the world, to drink wine, willing to use the life of the common people to achieve the overall situation, and indeed almost to achieve the overall situation. Uncommon, with a solid Dao heart, breaking the situation step by step, after thousands of years, countless honing, countless survivals, and finally achieved something——

   Practiced step by step to the limit of Dapin.

   Now what I have been longing for all along is right in front of my eyes.

   There may be danger, there may be crisis.

  But everything in this world is a matter of great controversy, and there is no need to fight for anything! ?

   Is there anything that is not dangerous? !

  Do you still want to refund?

   No more refunds.

  Tai Xiao made up his mind to let go of Qi Wuhuo, who had a great hatred against him and who had a great hatred behind him, and faced the Houtu in front of him, and said with a calm smile:

"I never imagined that that mere Qi Wuhuo, just a real person, would disrupt the rituals of Emperor Gouchen, make him suffer a backlash, and make Houtu you the winner. The preparations and momentum that Zuo made to kill Na Qi Wuhuo will actually be applied to you."

   "I thought it would be a huge loss to act this time."

   "But I never thought that if I lost the east corner and harvested the mulberry elm, I would have the opportunity to learn the methods of the four emperors!"

   "Speaking of it, I should also thank Na Qi Wuhuo. If it wasn't for him, how could I have met the Empress Dowager who was seriously injured at this moment? So, it can almost be said to be a great favor..."

Tai Xiao held the magic weapon in his palm, and the blade screamed endlessly. It was formed by the remaining materials when Tai Yi God casted his magic weapon, the bell. Its murderous aura was full of murderous aura. After casting the Tai Yi magic weapon, it turned into a bird hovering in the sky. Among them, it was captured by the Taiyi God and turned into a knife, which is full of legendary characteristics, and because it is cast as one with the Taiyi Bell, the material has reached the extreme.

   Not inferior to respecting Shinto soldiers!

  At this moment, he seems to realize that the opponent in front is the god-level powerhouse who once caused Taiyi to fall.

   This magical weapon unexpectedly exploded with a charm that exceeded the limit of the past!

The hissing sound of the knife erupted, tearing the sky, and the whole sky seemed to be turned into a red cloud. The light of the knife reflected the vast world, as if you could glimpse the scene of the ancient heaven of Taiyi in the prosperous age, and the crowd of immortals arrived, with a magnificent momentum , and all of them have turned into sword lights, which are even more vast and domineering.

   Taixiao exhales.

  The current battle is different from the previous confrontation with Beidi.

  He no longer has to worry about his appearance and image.

There is no need to maintain that graceful posture in front of the subjects as before, so the body swells, and hideous scales appear on the body, even the scales pierced the skin on the originally handsome and gorgeous face, and the double His eyes are blood-colored vertical pupils, and his long dark green hair dances wildly like a snake, his aura soars, and he stares coldly at the empress.

   "Wait for me to defeat you and become the emperor."

   "At that time, when I attacked Qi Wuhuo, I would give him a good time."

   "Using your power to kill Qi Wuhuo can be regarded as a sentence, with a beginning and an end! But I don't know what kind of expression he will have when he finds out that the one who killed him was the strength of his own preservation."

  Want to shake the mind of Houtu with words.

It's just that he couldn't see the slightest emotional fluctuation on the gentle woman's face, and the next moment, Tai Xiao had already made a move with all his strength, the world was frozen, and the rules in this world seemed to have lost their original meaning, and the earth began to move. Floating towards the sky, the sky is towards the bottom, water can burn, fire becomes gentle, and all things lose their original concept.

   Chaos of Tao.

  In this chaotic world, under the four imperial powers, Tai Xiao broke out to the limit of the Dapin realm.

   Everything about him, his ten thousand years, his countless powers of painstaking efforts, are all here.

  Everything is silent.

   When the knife was cut, a black line seemed to appear directly.

The line is so deep and dense that it seems to be able to absorb all light, and when everything touches this black line, it seems to be crushed without any weight, absorbed, and turned into smoke and dust. Forge everything into one stroke—

  【Fa Tian Xiang Di】! !

  Then the great sun becomes the yang, the lunar yin becomes the moon, and the qi flowing in the void of spirit, energy and spirit turns into a body.

  Boom! !

  It was as if the heavens and the earth were shaken.

  The top-notch Fatian appeared.

  Thirty-three heavens above the head, and ten layers of the nether world under the feet!

  It is tens of thousands of feet tall, its head is like Dongyue, its waist is like a mountain, its eyes are like lightning, its mouth is like a blood basin, and its teeth are like swords and halberds.

Seeing that Taixiao's red hair was like fire, and his eyes were like sun and moon, the fairy **** was so startled that he fell back and sat down, his clairvoyant eyes bled blood and tears, and his wind ears fainted. He only listened for a while, and his soul was almost shattered The mounts of all the gods and gods in the sky were all limp on the ground, even Jiuling Yuansheng's body was numb, unable to move, and infinite fear rose in his heart.

  In the netherworld of the Yin Division, the city of Fengdu is shaking, and the water in the underworld will be overturned.

  This level of Fatianxiangdi is ten times stronger than the ordinary real body?

  The sea of ​​clouds in the nine heavens is completely flat, and the Buddhist scriptures in the ten directions are broken.

Tai Xiao's furious roar aroused thousands of miles of wind and thunder. With a step, the ground shook thousands of miles. The sea of ​​clouds, and then the light of the knife reflected three thousand worlds, and the magic soldiers of the past and future slashed down towards the back soil!

   This move has almost reached the limit of Dapin!

   Defeat her, don't retreat, don't retreat, all the accumulation of patience for thousands of years is all for this moment!

Tai Xiao bit into pieces the ancient elixir in his mouth, it was the last one in the furnace of elixir that Tai Yi invited Tai Shang to refine in the initial era, before the **** and slaughtered Second Tribulation Era, in the era when all things were peaceful. , his strength soared again, his eyes were scarlet, and his blood was burning. From this level, he had indeed surpassed the full strength of the first disciple of the Sanqing.

  Thousands of years of accumulation.

   Just ask for one move!

   Cut! !

  The magic soldier screamed, and slashed at the woman in front who had been peaceful until now. The magic soldier was cheering, but he couldn't cut down—

   In other words, it has already been cut off.

   But the knife, the knife made of the same material as the Taiyi God's weapon, broke.

  It was broken from one-third of the way, and the blade with sharp edges and sharp arcs circled in the void, and also crossed the final arc in Tai Xiao's eyes, and then, there was a clanging sound in the void.

  Tai Xiao's body paused slightly.

   It was as if he was passing by something thin and sharp while he was moving forward rapidly, and his body stopped.

  The arrogant and domineering Fa Tianxiang, who was going all out for the final battle, slowly dispersed.

  Tai Xiao suddenly understood.

   It is said that the joint efforts of the three chief disciples of the Qing Dynasty can check and balance a prince for a period of time.

I see…

   It's not the three of them who can check and balance Yu...


  The three behind the three of them.

  Yu, it's really different.

Tai Xiao finally thought about eight thousand years ago, the Taishang Xuanzhen who was already in the realm of greatness, did not seek longevity, and had unparalleled combat power in the world. In order to respond to the robbery head-on, he also died under Gou Chen's sword.

   Just, one trick.

   This is Yu.

   is to respect God.

  Whether it's me, others, or Qi Wuhuo, they are all just assisting the performance of Yu...

  Boom! !

  The strongest under the four imperial powers, the demon emperor Taixiao, who needs the help of six great sages to retreat, slowly fell down.

   The body that lost consciousness could not be controlled, and the knees fell heavily.

  The head has disappeared.

Under the heavy sound of piercing the sky, the heavy and domineering mace shook violently. The blood stained on the dark golden weapon flew out, leaving a harsh arc on the ground. The weapon was covered by a white and soft palm. Holding it, the sleeve robe rolled down and fell down, the brows were peaceful.

  Yao Huang, Tai Xiao.


  Cause of death—[Frontal attack] Houtu.

   smashed the Niwan Palace for the mace of Hongtian.

   One move was destroyed.

  Just now, one move directly broke the weapon made by Taiyi, and then it continued to move away. With the power of thousands of mountains and rivers, all the land and mountains, it wielded the weapon transformed by the mountains, gathered all the power at one point, and then—

   lightly tapped on Tai Xiao's forehead.

Everything was lonely, and the fairy face was pale, but he remembered the master of the Plague Department. He fought against the Northern Emperor. Within three moves, the Northern Emperor conceded two moves, and then made a move. With just one move, he defeated the Plague Department. Master beheading, after Gou Chen's defeat, Houtuhuangdi only proved Yu's terrifying and oppressive power in the most direct way.

  The huge shadow of the Second Tribulation Era covered everything in the world again.

  Only Zunshen can check and balance Zunshen.

   And now,

   Houtu is no longer Yu.

   No need to abide by the many agreements and restrictions with Haotian!

   "Joining forces with Gou Chen is already a Dao enemy."

   "Only shoot the ground."

"as well as…"

   "You shouldn't have murdered that kid."

  After that, Tuhuangdi only loosened his five fingers, and the thundering mace transformed by Bu Zhoushan disappeared invisible:

   "If you are my enemy, I don't have to kill you, but for the other two reasons, I must seek justice."

   "The monster clan and all spirits are fighting. The second reason is that I will suppress you under the mountain for 50,000 years."

   "Another reason, but it's more personal."

   "I can't let that child move for me, but because of me, it has attracted so many murderous intentions."

Houtu Huangdi only walked slowly, with slightly rolled sleeves, black hair like ink, and a gentle and compassionate expression. Tai Xiao's body slowly spread out and sank into the earth. Finally, with the ambition of ten thousand years, Ten thousand years of killing, ten thousand years of determination and prudence, all disappeared, only the woman's peaceful voice echoed and fell.

   "May you be under the earth."

   "Sleep at last."



   "What's going on? The murderous intent just now doesn't seem fake, why did it suddenly disappear?"

Long Sheng's heart palpitated unceasingly. Both he and Qi Wuhuo could feel the murderous intent before, and then he saw Fa Tianxiangdi, Qi Wuhuo, Long Sheng, and even Di Ting and Qi Ling were moved together, and Qi Ling directly Picking up his own body, he was about to jump into the clouds and flee for his life.

  No matter how hard his body is.

   He was hacked down by wielding a weapon made by Tai Yi in a very blatant manner.

   also had to be broken into eight pieces on the spot.

Truth Ting even took a breath of territory, and the strong man of the extreme limit of the big rank shot with all his strength. This incident is an extremely rare and terrifying incident in the Second Tribulation Era, not to mention this, but for some reason, that move The young Taoist seemed to realize something, but Long Sheng seized the opportunity instantly.

  Directly transformed into a real dragon, grabbing Qi Wuhuo's shoulder.

It turned into a flash of light in an instant, and it passed a very long distance in an instant. The scenery in front of him was just mountains and mountains, but in a blink of an eye, it had already turned into the vast and thick waves of the East China Sea. Long Sheng did not Without the slightest hesitation, he rushed directly into the East China Sea, only then he heaved a sigh of relief.

  The frantically beating heart stabilized.

  He was even terrified in his heart, never thought that Demon Emperor Taixiao would have such a method, but such a method had never been used before, could it be a move that was only used when he was fighting for his life?

  Who is he up against?

After entering the East China Sea, Yecha and other water officials saw a true dragon of the great sage level, and Qi Wuhuo was there, so they would not stop them. With a serious look on his face, Qi Wuhuo breathed a sigh of relief, and introduced Long Sheng to meet him. Cang Long glanced at Long Sheng, and said succinctly:

   "...The cultivation base is not bad, but the foundation is a little bit worse."

  That look made Long Sheng's body stiff.

There was a hint of fear in my heart, and I finally knew the horror of the fierce ancestors who had achieved a great reputation in ancient times and could only be suppressed by Sanqing's intervention. At this moment, I am a little glad that I chose to agree with Qi Wu Otherwise, this dragon is so ferocious that killing him is just a simple matter.

   After that, only the Empress Dowager's entanglements remained.

   Canglong said: "The aura on your body... has escaped?"

   "Who is hiding?"

  Qi Wuhuo told all the things just now, Canglong frowned slightly, and said, "Demon Emperor?"

   "I've seen him before. With his strength, I can protect you, but he can't kill you."

   "But I'm afraid it's unnecessary now."

   "No need?"


   Canglong took a look at Qi Wuhuo, and said: "The queens of the previous and later land emperors have returned from thirty-three days away."

   "With the mace of thunder, Tai Xiao was killed in one blow."

   "The demon emperor is also gone."

  ! !

  With one move, the spirit and soul will be wiped out!

  Long Sheng's complexion changed suddenly, and a cold air rose from behind in an instant—all six great sages could only force Tai Xiao back, and Tai Xiao was bombarded to death with one move after using all his strength! The huge gap in strength made him feel a sense of despair.

  How terrifying!

   This is the Emperor of Heaven!

   is a **** who can stand shoulder to shoulder with Sanqing!

  Fortunately, fortunately...fortunately, he chose the condition of Qi Wuhuo.

Long Sheng felt extremely fortunate, but at this moment, shouts came from outside, and he saw Yasha Xunhai looking pale and embarrassed, rushing madly with an iron fork on his shoulder, the originally black-faced Yasha almost became With a pale face, he didn't know what happened, he staggered and lay on the ground, running too fast, he just swiped over the white jade floor and swiped over.

  The dragon and female water officials couldn't help laughing when they saw this.

  Yasha was not annoyed either, but bowed his hands pale and stammered, "It's not good, no, no, yes, it's great..."

  Donghai Dragon King said: "It's good or bad, but you can tell me clearly!"

  Yasha recovered his breath and saluted, "Yes, it's a good thing."

  He stabilized his expression, took a deep breath, and said:

   "The mother of the ancestor of Wanshan, Xukongdi, followed the example of the heavens, and the empress of the land emperor came to visit!"

   "Right now, it's outside!!"

  All the dragons changed their colors, joy emerged, but the Dragon Sage turned pale with shock.

  ? ! !

  I just came to Donghai.

  The Empress Houtu who killed Tai Xiao just now appeared here? !

An indescribable panic emerged, and Long Sheng couldn't help but lose his former composure. It wasn't because he wasn't in a good state of mind, it was because this move to kill Tai Xiao was too terrifying. He immediately panicked and grabbed Qi Wuhuo Holding his arm, he lowered his voice and said anxiously: "Really! Didn't Empress Houtu come here for my family? What can you do, real?"

   "My family is all coerced by that Taixiao, and it is not my intention to be an enemy of the empress, real man!"

   "Huh? Real people?"

   "Why is your body frozen?"

   "The face is also a little white?"

   Qi real person?

The voice in Long Sheng's mouth fell into his ears, and Yasha, who was rushing all the way to return, blinked, and finally recovered from the previous ecstasy, remembered something, and quickly added: "Ah, yes By the way, Master Qi, when the empress asks the little one to report, there is still a word to bring."

  Everyone looked curiously.

  General Yasha squeezed his throat.

   Then he changed his voice, using a graceful and peaceful voice.

  As soon as he opened his mouth, he read the three-point tone of that person, especially the last three words, which almost had a three-point cadence, which made the young Taoist's body stiff for a while—

   "Just stay there this time."

"Did you hear that?"

   "Qi, Wu, Confused!"

  (end of this chapter)

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