I Am Immortal

Chapter 348: Jade is rough jade, which one is a carving knife

  Chapter 348 Jade is rough jade, which one is a carving knife

  The words of the Jade Emperor made the old Tianjun tremble, and he subconsciously opened his mouth to stop it—how could the majestic Jade Emperor, the great Tianzun, descend to the mortal world so easily and leave the heavenly court? Even though he didn't know the truth about the Jade Emperor's current situation, he still felt that this move was extremely inappropriate.

  So he hurriedly stepped forward to salute and said: "Great Tianzun, what the Great Tianzun did is inappropriate."

"You are the master of the six realms, the truth above the heavens, and the world will change as soon as you move. When there are thousands of spirits accompanying you, and the immortals will protect you, if you really descended to the earth so easily, wouldn't you have lost the rules? Lost your manners ?”

   "If that's the case, it's time for the old minister to come down to earth in person instead of Da Tianzun, and explain this matter clearly."

After a lot of persuasion from God, the Jade Emperor let the Jade Emperor put aside his thoughts of going down to earth in person, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and then sent a message to Master Yu Xuandu that Taiyi rescued Ku Tianzun, and at the same time, he was going down to earth. Go, let's go to find the real martial arts who didn't come here to be entrusted, and the auspicious clouds flowed, and first found the land only Yuanjun.

   After wandering around for a while, I finally found Qi Wuhuo who didn't know what to do and who was daring to act recklessly.

Old Tianjun saw that impolite person who dared to reject the Jade Emperor sitting on a stone, and was still flipping through a volume of documents, so the old Tianjun couldn't help but burst into anger. The indignation of the Jade Emperor, but not knowing the merits of the Jade Emperor, dares to idle here.

  But God still suppressed the anger in his heart after all, so he just let out a long laugh and said:

   "Green mountains and green waters, high mountains and far-reaching sky, Taoist leader, the old man is here."

  The young Taoist over there raised his head, first he returned the salute as gently as a young man in the world, and then saw the pure aura of the old Tianjun in front of him, so he asked: "The old man is..."

   "Immortal official?"

  Old Tianjun replied with a smile: "Exactly, I am an immortal official, Tianjun, who passed on the Dharma in the heavenly court, and now he is bothering the little layman."

   "There is something to ask."

  Always gentle and slick, the God of Heaven showed his sharp words today, showing his anger towards the person in front of him:

   "The previous edict of the Jade Emperor, sir, why didn't you go to heaven to receive the reward?"

   "If you don't go to heaven, why don't you refuse in advance?"

  Qi Wuhuo raised his eyes and said, "Can the old man give the poor man time to refuse?"

  Old Heavenly Lord's tone froze, Qi Wuhuo said again: "Besides, the Heavenly Court granted me, why should I go?"

God is well-informed and well-informed, plus he asked about the picture seen in the Jade Emperor Haotian Mirror earlier, so he knew Qi Wuhuo's thoughts, so he shook his head and said: "I know that the little layman is because of the world. I have a little misunderstanding about the Jade Emperor and the Heavenly Court, but I still want to say—”

   "How can you blame the sky for the catastrophe in the world?"

   "Don't you hear that eight thousand years ago, it was the agreement between your clan's emperor and heaven—"

   "Heavenly Court will never intervene in the affairs of the world!"

The Lord Tianjun stared at Qi Wuhuo, and took half a step forward: "I am waiting for the heavenly soldiers and generals, precisely because I am still thinking about the friendship with the human race, and I am still thinking about the agreement made eight thousand years ago. But I have no choice but to guard it in the heaven, and I can't move lightly."

   "The little layman should know."

   "But I really misunderstood us..."

  The young Taoist put down the scroll slightly, thought for a while, and asked, "Dare to ask the old man."

   "Siyu Gouchen, is it the heaven or the human world?"

  God God paused slightly.

  Qi Wuhuo continued to ask peacefully:

   "Dare to ask, does Emperor Donghua belong to the heaven or the human world?"

   "Dare to ask, Lord Siyin Yaoxing, is it the heaven, or the world?"

The old Tianjun's expression paused, knowing that Qi Wuhuo was questioning him-the heaven will not interfere with the affairs of the world, when the gods of the heavens do things wrong, they don't pay attention to this, but when the heavens want to stop the gods under their command, they will Bringing up this heavenly world does not interfere with the human world.

  Although he didn't say any mocking words, it also made God's expression no longer fierce as before.

  Qi Wuhuo said:

   "These are the only things I want to ask."

   God hesitated for a long time, and finally sighed complicated: "But, this, this heaven has its own complicated situation."

   "The Jade Emperor, the Great Heavenly Lord, controls and balances the immortals and gods."

   "Although this huge heaven is magnificent, there are also difficulties."

   "It's all for the overall situation of the six realms."

  The young Taoist put away his brother Xuanzhen's scroll, then stood up and said, "I know."

  God was stunned: "Huh?"

   "...Old gentleman, come with the poor."

Qi Wuhuo went forward. Although God didn't know why, he also followed him, riding the clouds and fog. Looking from a distance, he saw the vastness of the world and the vastness of everything. Among them, there are human cities scattered here and there. When you look down from the sky, you can see that these cities are far less luxurious than the heavenly palaces, but you can also see white flags moving.

  Like clouds floating all over the city.

   It has a bit of a heavenly palace, with white auspicious clouds flowing, and a sense of cleanliness and grace.

Lord Tianjun was surprised, although Qi Wuhuo was still angry at this moment, he could suppress it, smiled and admired, and asked: "This kind of scenery looks wonderful, and it feels a bit like heaven. Could it be today? Is there any holiday in the world?"

  Qi Wuhuo replied: "...these are funeral banners."

   God's smile paused slightly.

  Qi Wuhuo replied: "Die in the Gouchen Rebellion."

"The deployment of the demon emperor and the battle between the world, there are 150,000 cavalry participating in the battle, among which there are more than 300,000 auxiliary soldiers with heavy logistical burdens, killing all the demon clans, and many people died in the battle; Jinzhou has now recovered its vitality, and some people continue to fight Hurrying back, they hope that the souls of their relatives who died here will return to their hometowns, so they hang up mourning banners calling for souls, hoping that they can come back..."

   "Of course, it's just a wish."

  Jinzhou Rebellion—

  Donghua and Siyinyao did it.

Lord Tianjun saw from a distance that every city, every town, and every village on the road in Jinzhou had white mourning banners hanging on them, swaying slightly in the wind. It looked like the clouds in the sky had fallen on the In the world, the scenery seems to be beautiful, but God can no longer continue to have a half-hearted appreciation, and the greeting-like smile on his face slowly sinks.

  Finally, they came to Qi Wuhuo's residence.

  In a small courtyard, there are three white spirit-calling banners hanging.

  God's heart trembled slightly.

  The young man in front said humanely: "Please follow me."

Here, under Jinzhou, a place like an underground palace was opened up by means of land only. Qi Wuhuo walked down slowly. God was silent for a while, and followed him down, step by step in the cold On the secluded steps, I saw a sudden light in front of me, but the cold air was even heavier. God's footsteps trembled, and he stopped in place, unable to move forward.

Stone steles, one after another huge stone steles spread out like a forest below, with names engraved on them, the list of the victims of the Jinzhou disaster, the Zhongzhou disaster, and the Gouchen Rebellion is here, engraved on the stone steles , was recorded, and at a glance, it is almost inexhaustible, and it is unknown how many people died.

Hundreds of thousands?

Hundreds of thousands…

   Or millions?

Every stone tablet stands silently, and in front of it are lights one by one. People come here to find the names of their relatives—this is the list that Qi Wuhuo made with the help of Fengdu. Those who died in disasters and catastrophes, those above are all dead, not missing.

   Those who found the names of their loved ones howled loudly, while those who did not find them were ecstatic, laughing and bitter. The number of them made Tianjun's heart tremble.

  God Heaven wants to say that this is the emperor acting as a thief, and the demon clan causing chaos.

  But then remembered that the monster clan Taixiao was dead, the great emperor Donghua was dead, and more than a million people from the monster clan died in this calamity.

  The sword edge of the young Taoist in front of him was calm, cutting through everything slowly but without hesitation.

  The young man said humanely: "I know, the Jade Emperor has difficulties."

   "Heaven has a problem."

   "Maybe in your eyes."

   "Heavenly Court has a reason to do this, but..."

Stepping sideways, looking at God, there are stone tablets one after another, with the names of more than a million people on them, lights one after another light up in this cold and secluded place, howling, laughing, crying, crying The sound, compared to the magnificence of the heavens, is like a dirty and turbid purgatory.

  Qi Wuhuo said: "There are also poor people."

   God's throat rose and fell, and said:

   "... Heavenly Court enshrines the emperor as a true martial arts, exactly, precisely expecting to solve these problems."

   "Thank you for your kindness, I thank the Jade Emperor for his favor."

   "Pindao doesn't think, what can I do when I enter a heaven where the overall situation is always emphasized."


  Qi Wuhuo stood beside Old Tianjun, looked at him and said softly: "If you can seal it, you can seize it."

   "If you cultivate the Tao and seek the truth, the word truth, if you are poor, if you seek the truth, you will prove yourself."

   "Why do you need others to seal it?"

   "I haven't finished carving this stele yet, God, please come back..."

God looked at the countless steles in front of him and was dazed. Some children who were only thirteen or fourteen were crying at the steles, but there were also children who were less than ten years old and stood there blankly. A beggar-like white-haired old man in shabby clothes cried out suddenly, and when he found all the names of his relatives, he burst into tears and slammed into the corners of the stone tablet.

  But the young Taoist suddenly pointed his fingers on the acupuncture points, and a wisp of breath stabilized the old man's mind.

  He gently hugged the white-haired old man with his eyes tightly closed, and walked past the jade crown and brocade gown, the white-haired and childlike God.

  Brows were calm and indifferent, and he didn't take a look at this powerful old man.

  God Tianjun faintly lost his mind.

   After all, he is not Tianshuyuan, he never said that the lives of mere mortal creatures can know the overall situation of the Six Realms, and the grand plan of thousands of years! Do you know the difficulties of the Jade Emperor and the gods? ! I never said it, and the immortals and gods don't want to do this. Seeing you like this is also sad in my heart, but this is the necessary price for the long-term plan and the stability of the six realms.

  Heaven and the Six Realms will remember your sacrifice, if so.

   He was even not sure, if the Tianshu Academy was here and said such words, the young Taoist who walked away would have a river of blood on his waist.

  Will it come out of the sheath immediately?

After a long time, the old Tianjun who sighed and sighed suddenly realized one thing - I am afraid that all of this matter is under the Haotian mirror of the Jade Emperor Tianzun. Wouldn't he be directly moved by seeing the things in the six worlds and go down to earth? !

  Lao Tianjun's expression changed suddenly.

   That Jade Emperor doesn't know why, but in recent days, his temperament seems to have become active and youthful!

Thinking of the Jade Emperor sneaking down to earth, the old Tianjun's scalp was numb, so he had to pray in his heart for the Jade Emperor to have a stable mind, and prayed that Taiyi Tianzun and Xuandu Master had arrived, then turned around to control the clouds, and headed towards the heaven. Seeing the old man with a jade crown and brocade robe, with white hair and a childlike appearance, and seeing the old man riding the clouds and fog, he knew that he was a god.

  So suddenly someone knelt down and cried loudly: "God, the **** who saves the suffering."

   "I beg you, please give back my little granddaughter's life."

   "I beg you!"

   "She is still so young, a **** who saves the suffering, you take my life away and bring her back!"

   There was a burst of shouting, and people knelt on the ground, sad and desperate, longing for the protection of the gods.

  God is speechless.

And these scenes pierced the young Jade Emperor's heart like knives. He pursed his lips, lifted the Haotian Mirror, grabbed the sword next to him, and picked up the protective shield given to him by Xuandu and Taiyi. The thing on his body pursed his lips. Now that the South Pole is sealed and the North Pole is the balance of the fairy gods, he can leave for a short period of time.

  Go down!

  Although he doesn't know why there is such a strong drive and desire.

  But he wants to leave here to have a look, he doesn't want to sit in this high place overlooking the common people anymore.

  He wants to see for himself.


   "Wuhuo came a little late today."

There is a wooden house on a small hill in Jinzhou. When Qi Wuhuo went up the hill with the things he bought in the slightly prosperous town below, he heard the gentle voice of Empress Dowager, who smiled and looked at Qi. Wuhuo, Qi Wuhuo gave a hum, and said, "I met the heavenly king from the heavenly realm."

   "Oh, my God."

  Hou Tuhuangdi only knew who it was immediately, and said, "Are you here to ask you for the Jade Emperor? You don't have to worry about it."

  Watching Qi Wuhuo start to tidy up the house and cook some simple meals, he just thought about it and said:

   "It's you, what are you going to do next?"

   "Are you practicing on this mountain?"

   "...I will complete the secret record of luck left by my senior brother, and then go to the Shenwu Dynasty in the human world."


   "When perfecting the secret volume of air luck, I hope to help the human world and unify the countries."

"Then, pass on all the methods of luck, and connect it with all walks of life in the human world. As long as we, the human race, do the right way, have great achievements in the world, and have great achievements in the world, we can get the feedback of luck. Everyone can practice, reproduce the grand occasion of Senior Brother Xuanzhen, and then go further."

   "In this case, even the immortals in the heavens will no longer be restrained, and they will go down to the earth to 'seek the Tao' and 'prove the Tao'."

   "There is no need to be afraid in the world..."

   "In this way, the world doesn't need to rely on any gods, the Northern Emperor, or the Exorcism Academy. We can deal with these by ourselves. This is the scenery that Senior Brother Xuanzhen saw back then. I will complete it."

  The young man said: "Don't bet your hopes on the benevolent Shengming of the immortal gods."

   "To prove, don't be given anything, I will get it myself."

   "May my human race be like a dragon."

   "May this world of mortals be prosperous and splendid, not inferior to the sky."

   While the young Taoist was saying these words, he was squatting in front of a dustpan, peeling a radish with a knife.

  Because the empress does not like this taste.

  Hou Tuhuangdi only empress looked at him, and asked jokingly, "And then..."

  She actually didn't think Qi Wuhuo had other ideas.

  But the young Taoist paused, and said softly: "Heaven, earth, human, demon, ghost, and water are divided into six realms."

   "Your Majesty, if the land, people, demons, underworld, and waters are all connected by the same Qi, they are all accomplished by luck."

   "If you form another system of luck, and use it as a practice, what will happen if you don't receive the favor of the heavens..."

  Hou Tuhuangdi paused with only a smile on his face, his pupils constricted violently, and looked at the young Taoist over there.

   There was a great turmoil in my heart.

   Within the six realms.

  Five directions and five realms, do not respect heaven, claiming to be a system!

She suddenly understood Qi Wuhuo's train of thought, and what he had always thought - in just ten years, there have been several catastrophes, countless deaths and deaths, and after experiencing these ten years of Qi Wuhuo's verification before her eyes, the Heavenly Court may have become A piece of rotten flesh in the Six Realms, he has no intention of solving the problems of Heaven itself.

   Instead, they intend to directly solve the Heavenly Court.

  Hou Tuhuangdi just wanted to laugh and say the kid was joking.

  But suddenly realized.

Qi Wuhuo, the master of all kinds of monsters regards him as his elder brother, the great sage Canglong of the dragon clan has a very good relationship with him, he opened up the Taishan mountain system on the ground, and he is the master of Fengdu below, and he proves himself the king of Mount Tai, and the monster clan has six great sages , the three great sages of the dragon clan, the water **** of the earth, and the two ghost emperors of Fengdu—

  The elder brother of the Lord of All Kinds, the friend of the Lord of the Aquarium, Emperor Taishan, Lord of Fengdu Prefecture.

  In addition, after defeating Gouchen, the Land of the Emperor.

   Coupled with the unification of the human race, the realm of all souls.

   If the core of Taishangxuan's true luck is used as the core, and the heavenly court system is abandoned, what about the heavenly court?

  That will become a real cage surrounded by the five realms.

  People from all walks of life do not respect the sky, but seek themselves. Is the sky still the sky?

Houtu Huangdi was just dazed, as if he saw another figure on Qi Wuhuo, that was Haotian who suppressed the ambition of the heavenly gods with his own power, and after several calamities, another person took over his Ideas are no longer suppressed by one's own strength, but surrounded by five directions and five realms, completely destroying [Heaven].

   Turned into a prison!

  Her eyes paused slightly, and she looked outside the door. She sensed a huge wave of qi before.

  ! !

  Jade Emperor? !

But the young Taoist couldn't detect this subtle and worrying fluctuation. He skillfully chopped off the root of the radish and put it on one side. This root can continue to be planted and can bloom flowers. Inside a basin, he continued to think: "In this case, the Jade Emperor can relax, right?"

  Afterwards, the emperor's land and the atmosphere outside the door all paused.

  Qi Wuhuo said: "The teacher asked me before, but now I feel that the reincarnation is not the same individual."

   "If the common people can be independent, they can deal with the ambition and malice of gods and gods."

   "The Jade Emperor doesn't have to be tied to the Lingxiao Palace by Haotian's last wish, right?"

"He can do what he wants to do, to see the flowers blooming in the world, to see the beauty of the world of mortals, to listen to the evening wind and watch the rain, instead of being locked in his life by the will of the previous emperor, Why bother if you don't accompany the ambitious **** who is afraid of the Northern Emperor to go to every house?"

   "He is not Haotian after all."

   "It would be too sad to be bound by Hao Tianzun's last wish."

  Hou Tuhuangdi only glanced at the door, and said strangely: "It seems that you don't hate the Jade Emperor, but the Heavenly Court?"

  The young Taoist asked suspiciously: "Didn't the empress already know, why did you ask?"

   "The Jade Emperor failed to suppress the Heavenly Court, but he should have tried his best, otherwise Emperor Ziwei of the North Pole would not help him."

   "I just don't know."

"Why do you have to tie him back just after he was reincarnated? He just reincarnated, and there is nothing. You brought him to a place full of wolves and ambitious people. Haven't you ever thought about not relying on the Jade Emperor and Haotian?" method?"

  Hou Tuhuangdi sighed without words.

  Qi Wuhuo thought for a while, and said: "I also took it for granted. The situation back then was complicated."

   "But if one day, the Jade Emperor resigns and comes here, I might give him a bowl of noodles and tell him."

   "Your duty has been completed."

   "You tried your best and you gave your best."

"Although it is not so perfect, but you can rest and sleep well, the flowers will still bloom tomorrow, I can take you to climb the mountains in the world, look at the world of mortals, and then laugh loudly and do whatever you want I am not the shadow of Haotian, nor the township stone that the gods need."


The wooden door suddenly shook, as if something had hit the door, the young Taoist was surprised, got up and walked, then pushed the door open, and saw a young man in commoner clothes, but looked pampered, his eyes It was flushed red, as if being bullied very, very hard, crying like pear blossoms with rain, still wiping away tears indiscriminately.

  Qi Wuhuo felt for the first time that a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy could be described as crying like pear blossoms and rain.

   Crying so hard.

  Who bullied him like this?

   What a cruel heart.

  The young Jade Emperor stared wide-eyed.

With dim eyes, I saw a young Taoist in plain clothes and an apron, holding a knife in one hand and a big white radish in the other, and the young Taoist in front of me strode into the place in a very unreasonable way. In his world, holding a carrot-splitting knife is like breaking the chains around the Jade Emperor.

  Qi Wuhuo leaned over slightly, looked at the young man, asked with a gentle voice, doubting:

"……Who are you?"

   "Ah, I, I, I lost my memory!"

  The young Jade Emperor froze for a moment, and said:

   "I, my name, my name..."

   "My name is Xiaoyu."

  (end of this chapter)

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