I Am Immortal

Chapter 350: The Jade Emperor is against the sky!

  Chapter 350 Jade Emperor Defies Heaven!

When writing these words, the young Jade Emperor seemed to have a feeling that he had tried his best, but he felt hearty. He retracted the fingers of his right hand, subconsciously stepped back half a step, and looked at the innumerable 'careful' , 'on guard', 'cannot be fully trusted', the only word [against the sky].

  These two words are among these careful, struggling to survive words.

  But it is indescribably sharp, like an old man who sees the spirit of a young man.

  The young Jade Emperor remembered the sentence that Qi Wuhuo said, which meant something, "Just like before you lost your memory, you already have a foundation, start from the beginning, and what's the problem with re-mastering it?" '

  It seems that it is because his consciousness is only newborn, like a young boy in a big day. This sentence fits his state of mind, and countless thoughts emerge in his mind. He exhales slightly, lifts his finger, and continues to write.

  【This move is naturally daring, naturally terrifying, and has its own obstacles】

  【It’s always different from our idea of ​​seeking stability in the past】

  【We all look at it from the top down, Brother Naqi sees it from the bottom up】

  【We see that it is difficult to maintain and suppress the gods and gods, so we try our best to support them; Brother Qi sees the gods and gods are corrupt, and they do whatever they want, they are like two sides of one body】

  【Although it is extremely dangerous】


  【Big deal, this body is destroyed】

[And thinking about it this time, we are the emperor of heaven, but we are puppets. Most of the true kings and above are not afraid of us. It is because of many things in the past thousand years that we have not been able to suppress them with thunder, so the prestige is getting weaker , it is extremely difficult to suppress it from the top down]

  【But even so, among the eight divisions of the Heavenly Court, there are 30% immortals and gods, and we still respect them】

  【Listen to what Brother Naqi said today, even vertical five directions and five realms】

  【The Northern Emperor also said that the chaos in the heaven can only be delayed but not completely resolved】

  【I suddenly have an idea—】

[We are puppets in the sky, and we cannot suppress the Quartet; but if we take the initiative to rebel, it means that we have the name of "orthodox", have eight tribes and three percent of immortals and gods as generals under our command, have Lingxiao Palace, Heavenly Book, and cover Tianqi, and the accumulation of several calamity treasures in the Haotian treasure house, is it the biggest force? 】

  【Isn’t it vitality】

  【The North Pole and the South Pole restrict each other, and we are like this, which is where the vitality lies】

  【Since there is no power to return to heaven, why not recreate the universe? 】

  Zhang Xiaoyu looked calm, raised his eyebrows slightly, and there was a glint of light in his eyes, which broke the increasingly dull and depressed mood after flipping through these jade scrolls. He paced around, pondered for a long time, and said to himself:

  【Since the meat is rotten, it is better to cut it off】

  【The covenant with Haotian is in the past】

"As for the top strength, at worst, I will take Lingxiao Palace directly to Empress Houtu. In the past, I said to be on guard against many people, but I never said that I should be wary of the Empress Dowager. Besides, Qi Wuhuo intends to fight in all directions. The five realms are isolated from the Heavenly Court, and I don’t know if it’s true or not, or if it’s a lie..."

   "If he can really achieve something, then we might as well just take Lingxiao Palace and join him together!"

   "Turn this old heaven into a cage."

   "From then on, this heaven is made outside the territory, and the six realms can be peaceful."

  Zhang Xiaoyu shook his right hand slightly.

All the gods, the Great Emperor Ziwei of the North Pole, and even the past self hoped that Zhang Xiaoyu would be the same as the Jade Emperor in the past, and be a good reincarnation of Haotian, but now he suddenly had a new idea in his heart, pacing around, looking at the jade plaques , all kinds of caution, caution, and alert are written on it.

  These are actually the attempts made by the Jade Emperor in the past, and they are the experience and lessons learned after the trial.

  It was just an attempt in the past, hoping to maintain stability by subduing these gods.

  But it has experienced many failures.

But now, almost all the high-level lists of the heavens are in this carefully guarded list, and no one can rely on it. After all, the Jade Emperor has lost his memory and power over the past eight thousand years, and many immortals are not stupid. From the clues, guessing that the Jade Emperor was at least injured, he had his own thoughts in his heart.

"What's more, if you want to go back to the road of Haotian and break the heavenly court, doesn't it mean that these eight generals, the leaders of the heavens, will lose their status and power? These high-level immortals will inevitably will not recognize us."

   "Emperor Ziwei of the North Pole has doubts about his position, and he cannot be completely trusted."

   "He recognized Haotian after all."

   "Not us."

   "And now, as the reincarnation of Haotian, we want to break Haotian's previous foundation. In his opinion, it is a bit deviant..."

   "In the Ministry of Thunder, there is the Nine Heavens Yingyuan Leisheng Puhua Tianzun under the command of the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor, it is not allowed..."

   "The Ministry of Plague and the Ministry of Water are inherently unstable."

   "Doubu, although Emperor Gouchen has proclaimed himself in Tianwaitian, there are also his remnants in the Doubu."

   "The rest are all following the orders of Emperor Ziwei of the Arctic."

   "The Ministry of Fire, the Lord of Huo Yao is missing, and most of the Ministry of Fire today enshrines Emperor Zhuling under the command of the Antarctic Longevity Emperor. No."

   "The Third Hospital of Heavenly Court and the Heavenly Hospital are just assistants, and they don't have much fighting ability."

   "Tianshuyuan is controlled by the four heavenly kings..."

   "The Exorcism Court directly respects the order of Emperor Ziwei of the North Pole, and it is impossible to conspire with me. The Buddhas are outside and do not respect the heaven."

The Jade Emperor, who already knew that he had tried countless times in the past, was silent for a long time, thinking that if he really wanted to break the situation, who could be his comrades and who could be his accomplices, the jade cards in front of him seemed to be stirred by wind, slightly There was a collision, and the sound was crisp—

  Master Xuandu is locked by many eyes. Taiyi Tianzun is a member of the Shangqing sect and has entered the heavenly court. He will protect him by his side. They must not move.

   Don't just listen to what he says.

   It is necessary to observe its actions.

  When the Jade Emperor was concentrating on contemplation, it seemed that all the immortals and gods surrounded him, their jade crowns and Taoist robes were clean and free.

With a respectful smile on his face, his eyes were peaceful and his expression was natural; the young Jade Emperor lowered his eyes, as if he was surrounded and surrounded by countless gods and gods. It was the same as when it was time, and the jade slips lit up, so the appearances of the gods and gods were all scattered.

   It was unbelievable. In the end, the eight immortals and gods all dispersed. The Jade Emperor raised his eyes and saw the back of the only Taoist left in front of him.

  I saw him throwing the noble seal of the Nine Heavens into the river.

  When all the suspected names are crossed out one by one.

   And the other, the only, trustworthy existence is highlighted in a very direct way.

  Jade Emperor Zhang Xiaoyu was silent for a long time, exhaled slowly, and said to himself:

   "Stop measuring calamities, help future generations, and break through the gaps."

   "Reject the name of true martial arts, and abandon the nine-day ritual."

   "He is hostile to Heaven, does not receive favor from the Northern Emperor, and is not a close friend of the Northern Emperor."

   "Qi Wuhuo."

   "And his growth, we all see it..."

   "Only he is credible, at least, now is the most reliable."

Zhang Xiaoyu closed his eyes and meditated. The goal that emerged in his mind at this moment was to walk the road of Haotian from bottom to top. In the countless attempts of more than 600 generations, it has been proved that these high-level immortals are not trustworthy.

   And right now, he has rejected the imperial edict of heaven in a straightforward way.

   Qi Wuhuo, who also rejected the name of a true martial artist, is instead a fellow in the eyes of the Jade Emperor.

  He took a deep breath and wrote:

  【My future self, and remember, Qi Wuhuo, temporarily trustworthy】

【He doesn’t like the current Heavenly Court either, and he also hopes to do something for the common people, but we also need to know that if we only watch his words, he will only fail like he did in the past and get another lesson; we need to continue to watch his actions , He said that he wanted to unify the world and lay out Kyushu. 】

  【But let us see if he really has the heart and strength to do so】

  【Let's see how Qi Wuhuo will do it】

  【Remember, when addressing Qi Wuhuo, use Brother Qi】

  【And our name is Zhang Xiaoyu】

  【The sky above the sky, the jade in the rough】

  【In front of the Empress Dowager, if Brother Qi is there, he will call him 【Sister】; if he is not there, it is better to call him Empress honestly, her finger hit her head, it really hurts】

  【In addition, he seems to have a way to master power, but it will probably stimulate his body and hurt his soul and body, which is not allowed by Mr.】

  【It's really a pity】

  At this time, the Jade Emperor paused for a long time, and was silent for a long time. He immediately erased the regrettable thing and wrote it down instead:

  【However, I will continue to go down to earth, go to find brother Qi Wuhuo, and then try what he said, try the method he said】

  【Try to control the power bit by bit, or in other words, practice again】

  【In the past, I all felt that I needed to control my body to extend my consciousness, but what's the use of living? 】

[In this way, firstly, you can try to see if you can withdraw your power; secondly, to see how Qi Wuhuo behaves, to make friends with him, to see if he is on the same path as me; thirdly, to have a good fight with Empress Dowager relation】

  【If you really join in the future, it won't be so abrupt】

  【As for the price...】

【It has been recorded since eight thousand years that it is wrong to try many methods. It is difficult for the primordial spirit to control the kung fu. The fluctuations and ripples of the kung fu will lead to the shattering of one's own soul. The soul fluctuates, it is a foregone conclusion that this body will die early, but it doesn't matter, after my death, there will still be you and others]

  【And after you dissipate, there will be another us, the next one, before we completely perish】

  【I will eventually find a way to repair my body】

  【I will find it eventually, the merit of saving the world】

  【Let’s die, why not? 】

Zhang Xiaoyu raised his head, looked at the jade slips around him, and saw the words on it. Over the past eight thousand years, more than six hundred generations of jade emperors have explored here. They are really cautious, but they are also brave and diligent. The road, Zhang Xiaoyu made a decision, continue to go down to earth, even if it will lead to the rapid disappearance of this body consciousness, then—

   "If you don't have this heart, how can you achieve anything."

   "How to save the world."

   "Why, call the sky!"


  The young Jade Emperor let go of his fingers, and the jade talisman was suspended in the air. He was a little tired today, but he felt that it was different from the tiredness in the past, so he closed his eyes again.

  Qi Wuhuo, after seeing off the Empress Dowager, was flipping through the secret volume of luck left by Xuanzhen.

  In my heart, I recalled everything that the young Zhang Xiaoyu said earlier.

   Tapping the table with his fingers, he lowered his eyes.

   ‘It’s too coincidental’

  'I can't detect his breath...'

  'Lost memory, walking in the wilderness, surrounded by wolves, tigers and leopards...'

  There are words in the words, and his cultivation base is not afraid of wild animals, which is a false finger.

  The Empress Dowager seems to know each other.

  Powerful and uncontrollable power.

  The Jade Emperor is sick...

  Qi Wuhuo felt inspired, stretched out his fingers, and calmly wrote the three words of Zhang Xiaoyu on the table.

   Zhang, Shi bowstring also.

  Like the rain and snow, gather the graupel first. Grain, mixed with ice and snow, is called Xiaoxue.

  Xie Gua said: This body is like a bow, and the arrow is on the string; life is like snow, melting at sunrise.

  Suddenly there was a slight knock on the door.

He raised his head and saw that the empress of the Empress Dowager had already walked over, and Zhang Xiaoyu had disappeared, replaced by a tall young Taoist standing behind her. A little lazy, with lazy eyes.

  Qi Wuhuo looked at him and the latter also touched his chin, looking up and down Qi Wuhuo who was flipping through the classics.

  Looking at this little junior who made himself explode many potions of pills.

  How many stoves did you fry?

   Have you got seven or eight furnaces?

  Empress said that he was asked to meet Qi Wuhuo, and Xuandu had already planned to do so, so he sent Taiyi to the Jade Emperor.

  Taiyi ah Taiyi.

   After all, you are poor, one step ahead of you.

  伱Senior brother or your senior brother, want to rob my junior brother?

   Let’s eat the ashes of Dao Lord!

   Sighing slightly in his heart, the Grand Master Xuandu cupped his hands slightly, and said lazily:

   "The poor Taoist Xuandu."

   "Taishang Xuandu."

   "Xuan Wei, you can call me Senior Brother."

  The young Taoist’s eyes paused slightly, and the appearance of the Great Master Xuandu made him guess what. He looked at the empress, then got up and saluted, and said: "Xuanwei, I have met my brother..."

  The clouds move in the sky on the green hills outside the mountains.

   From far away, you can hear the woodcutter cutting wood.

   There is no sense of grandeur in this kind of meeting, just like meeting brothers and sisters of Taoists in ordinary mountains and fields.

  As if we have seen each other in the past, as if old friends reunited, casual and peaceful, and leisurely.

  Only the second sentence of the young Taoist made Xuandu and Hou Tuhuang's expressions slightly paused.

   added a different flavor to this ordinary meeting:


   "Jade Emperor, have you returned to Heaven?"

  (end of this chapter)

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