I Am Immortal

Chapter 356: Antarctic Changsheng Emperor and Taishan Mansion

  Chapter 356 Antarctic Changsheng Emperor and Taishan Mansion Lord

Saying the word longevity seems to have an indescribable sense of mystery. Qi Wuhuo felt that the surrounding Qi became clear and long in an instant. The majestic vitality seems to reflect the sky, the bright moon, and the grassland like the blue sky for thousands of miles.

  The voice of the doctor shouting, the sound of pedestrians coming and going outside, and the warmth of the sun falling down all spread out.

   Suddenly there was a wind.

A gust of wind blew across his cheeks, Qi Wuhuo closed his eyes subconsciously, and avoided it a little, as various flowers swept past his eyes, and when Qi Wuhuo was able to slowly open his eyes, the old man in front of him had turned into a The man in white, with warm eyebrows and a little cinnabar between his brows, had a warm smile.

  Qi Wuhuo recognized the person who came, and there was a slight ripple in his eyes, and he said slowly:

   "Antarctic Longevity Emperor..."

  The young man smiled and nodded: "Longevity in Antarctica, you are polite."

One of the highest among the four royals, comparable to the gods of the Sanqing, and even reached the [extreme] realm, appeared in front of Qi Wuhuo at this moment. Although the young Taoist has become a fairy, but in front of Yu, He didn't have much power to resist, he just said: "Poverty Dao Qi Wuhuo, I have seen Antarctic longevity."

   "Oh? Looking at Taishang Xuanwei's expression, it seems a little surprised?"

   "It's just that I didn't expect that the majestic Yuheji would come to find a Taoist priest like me in the world."

  The Antarctic Emperor Changsheng couldn't help laughing and said:

   "An ordinary Taoist, of course he wouldn't let me come in person."

   "Even Taishang Xuanwei, just let Zhu Ling go there in person."


  His laughter paused, looked at Qi Wuhuo in front of him, and said in a natural tone:

   "The Lord of Mount Tai."

   "True Martial Spirit Response."

   "A sword breaks the calamity, how can I not come to see you in person?"

   "If only Zhu Ling is allowed to come, I always feel that it is not good enough. If it is Jiutian Yingyuan, I will worry about other conflicts."

With a casual flick of his sleeve robe, he just sat in front of Qi Wuhuo, everything around him was natural, as if in another world, but he could see people coming and going on the street outside, so this bustling world of mortals was naturally clean. The difference is clear, the Antarctic Immortal Emperor who looks handsome and gentle, with a little cinnabar between his brows, said with a smile:

   "But I don't intend to do the kind of 'clearly know your means and heart, but still let the subordinates who are bound to conflict with you come to see you one by one, let you improve your status like climbing a ladder.'"

   "Since you have shown the ability to impress me, I will naturally meet you in person."

   "This can be regarded as courtesy."

   "Come, Mr. Fu, have a drink."

The Antarctic Emperor Changsheng raised his hand slightly, and a white jade-like cup appeared in front of Yu Qi Wuhuo. The young Taoist did not refuse, or in other words, it was useless to refuse when facing Yu, so he simply raised his cup and drank tea. In the middle, someone was carrying a scarecrow through the street, with red candied gourds tied on it, and he walked by Qi Wuhuo's side, and the sound of selling was clear.

  Qi Wuhuo looked back.

   "Emperor Changsheng, why are you looking for me?"

  The Antarctic Emperor Changsheng smiled half-smile, and teased with three points: "You slashed me with a sword, what do you think I am looking for you?"

   "Master Taishan?"

   Qi Wuhuo's eyes rippled.

The Antarctic Emperor Changsheng spread his hands and said with a smile: "However, before this, your senior brother came to my Longevity Palace in person and made an agreement with me that he will not be able to take the initiative to attack you within five hundred years. There are about four hundred and ninety-nine years, besides, you are involved in many things now, if you kill you, it will not do me any good, and it will attract attacks from Houtu."

   "Although the North Pole has no feelings for you."

   "But it is only natural to follow the trend and help Houtu."

   "If you touch you, something bad will happen to me."

"I just came to see you. Besides, I thought about it for a long time in the Longevity Palace. There seems to be no direct conflict between you and me, is there?" The Antarctic Changsheng Emperor looked at the young Taoist in front of him and smiled. Said: "You are talented and capable. I think you can at least prove to be a great product in the future. Such a person is neither your life-and-death enemy, but naturally the main thing is to win over."

   "After all, you didn't promise the North Pole, you didn't promise Zhenwu, did you?"

   One behind the back land only.

  Has quite a reputation among a series of generals such as Giant Spirit God.

  But he is not a disciple of the Northern Emperor.

  At this moment, among the various forces in the heavenly court, it is simply a super big meatloaf exuding a sweet and greasy taste.

The Antarctic Changsheng Emperor held up the cup, and asked in a calm and calm tone, "Then, I am a little curious when I come here today. No matter whether you are high or low today, I don't compete for short and long. What kind of mistake? You are from the human race, so I will use humans as an example."

   "If it is wrong to live, why don't people kill themselves early so as not to suffer while alive?"

   "If longevity is wrong, why does everyone hope that they can live?"

   "If these people, their relatives hadn't died, their children hadn't died early, and their parents hadn't died early, would they be in such pain and heartbroken as they are now?"

  The Antarctic Longevity Emperor pointed at those people.

  He did not confuse, but simply asked:

  Qi Wuhuo said: "If their relatives are fine, they should be very happy at this moment."

   "It's just their relatives who died of the ambition of the immortals, and died of war."

  The Antarctic Emperor Changsheng smiled and said: "That's right."

"But without weapons, wouldn't they have experienced these things? Without weapons, there would be illnesses, life spans, white-haired people sending black-haired people, and many pains of birth, old age, sickness and death, the pain of people, the pain of all things, most of them Because of this, all fears are, in the final analysis, fears of loss and death, and how can we stop such fears?"

  The Antarctic Changsheng Emperor said lightly:

   "Only, erase death."

  Qi Wuhuo said to himself: "Erasure...death."

  The first thing Qi Wuhuo thought of was many thoughts, what kind of backlash and consequences would be brought after erasing death.

The Antarctic Emperor Changsheng said indifferently: "Many people who have achieved success in practice have reprimanded my behavior, saying that this act reversed the order of life and death of all things, and it is as good as a devil. If a person who is about to die reprimands me like this, I will not have the slightest I will only feel that this man's heart is as strong as iron, and I will come to find him again in the next life."

   "But how can you know without confusion?"

   "Those who said these words, they themselves are all people who have been convinced and practiced immortality."

   "If what they say is reasonable, why don't they cut off their own long life, and also go to birth, old age, sickness and death?"

   "It's like someone who has read the book urging you not to study, like someone who has benefited saying that this behavior is wrong."

   "Isn't it ridiculous?"

   "As for order..."


   "Their so-called order is nothing but the superiority of [one lives forever, and all things are born, old, sick and die]."

   "It's just that I am superior, and the common people are worshiped by the people who can't get immortality?!"

Sweeping the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor's sleeve robe, Qi Wuhuo saw pictures one after another, in which were the revival of those dead people, so these extremely sad people had smiles on their faces again, that kind of world-like The hellish atmosphere is scattered.

  The Antarctic Changsheng Emperor calmly watched Qi Wuhuo:

   "The so-called Dao in the North Pole is not knowing death, knowing life in peace."

   "But what kind of order is maintained by Beiji Ziwei? That is Haotian's order."

   "It is those who will not die in the first place, who will not know death in the first place, the order of the immortal gods."

"It's a world where the ranks of gods, gods, and ghosts are ordered in the six realms. Since gods and gods are already immortal, how do they know death and how do they know life? Shouldn’t immortals die?”

"The gods of the heavens are afraid of the future I see, are they worried about what's wrong; or are they afraid that when all things can gain longevity, they can gain knowledge and power in a long time. It will lose its original status, no longer special, no longer ethereal like a legend."

   "The fact that all things can live forever is equivalent to the fact that there are no gods in the world."

"Their identities, their status, their composure to look down on life, old age, sickness and death in the human world, and the sorrows of all things, and feel that they are "traveling in the North Sea at dusk" is no longer calm. Compared with the acquired creatures in their eyes, they are just long-lived people who were born some time earlier That's all, what do you think they are afraid of?"

  Qi Wuhuo had to admit that what the young man in front of him said made sense.

   Immortals and gods will inevitably fear that when the world is full of immortals, their status will fall.

   lose superiority and specialness.

The Antarctic Changsheng Emperor didn't use any words. He held the tea and looked at the crowd in front of him. He was in a daze for a while and said calmly: "I have lived for a long time, a long, long time. You know that in this era, the last Era, in the last era, which creatures were the most miserable?"

   "He who has no strength."

"Including Donghua, including Gou Chen, including Jinzhou's catastrophe, it was all because of the immortal gods who lived short, and the common people did not have the power to resist. If the common people have long life, then there is enough power , even a dull person can practice at the beginning, how can such a **** dare to attack the common people?"

   "They dare to take action, but because even if some people survive, they will disappear after hundreds of years."

   "Time will erase too much."

"The natural nature of all things is to pursue life and immortality. Among them, the human race is the most, and they will leave texts, tombstones, and murals to record their own preservation. It will collapse, the murals will gradually weather, and the descendants..."

  “A person has children, and the children are close to him, but the grandson is not always by his side.”

"And if it comes to the great-grandson generation, you can see each other in a few years. One person's life, all the persistent struggles, love and hatred, and the turmoil in the heart. Under the boundless years, nothing will be left behind, and no one will remember. .”

   "Time...how cruel to ordinary creatures."

   "Master Taishan thinks that longevity is a mistake?"

  Qi Wuhuo said: "No."

  The Antarctic Emperor Changsheng raised his eyes slightly and said, "Oh?"

  Qi Wuhuo said: "Most people want to live longer, saying that early death is premature death, if you can get longevity, at least a longer life, why is it wrong?"

   "However, how does the Changsheng Emperor make the common people live longer?"

  The Antarctic Emperor Changsheng smiled and said: "The only way to live long is to practice the Tao, but the Tao cannot be bestowed."

   "It can only speed up reincarnation."

   "So, I came to find you."

  Qi Wuhuo's eyes paused slightly.

   "Speed ​​up reincarnation?"


The Antarctic longevity emperor described the future he saw, and said calmly: "Even if you find a stupid and ignorant monkey and ask him to scratch the ground randomly with a branch, as long as the time is long enough and the number of times is enough, you will always be able to see the future." One day, this monkey will also be able to write the "Tao Zang" written by Taoist himself."

   "As long as the frequency of reincarnation is sufficient, it is only necessary to let the world go through countless iterations."

   "A person, a bird, can all go to practice, and they can all cultivate to the realm of longevity."

   "Maybe a hundred million years, or a billion years."

"One day, after a long time, the whole world will no longer have the distinction between long-lived and short-lived, and all things will live forever, and will not inevitably breed malice as those fairy gods said-if it is true as they said, If longevity can magnify desires, the so-called gods are the holders of the greatest desires."

   "The world as I see it."

   "It is just to let the common people regard five thousand years as spring and five thousand years as autumn, so that they can live 20,000 years longer."

   "There will be no more short-lived and premature deaths, less birth, old age, sickness and death. You can see the prosperity of the world and know that everything is boundless."

  "At that time, all people are equal, and there is no evil. There may be evil people who live forever, but there must also be good people who live forever. The cycle of yin and yang is another balanced order."

   "Master Taishan, what do you think?"

  The Antarctic Changsheng Emperor calmly watched the Lord Taishan, his eyes were calm and calm: "You are the Lord of Fengdu."

   "If you join hands with me, it is natural to suppress the Nether Yama, and you can control reincarnation."

   "Speed ​​up everything."

Qi Wuhuo looked at the calm Antarctic Changsheng in front of him, and indeed saw the era that the Antarctic Changsheng said, all things live forever, and there are few evil troubles, but he paused and asked: "If a person is reincarnated, Can't practice the right way?"

  The Antarctic Changsheng Emperor said: "After ordering him to have children, he will enter reincarnation early and try again."

  "If a person has other wishes in his heart, he is willing to travel all over the world, watch the world of mortals and not want to practice..."

  The Antarctic Longevity Emperor said peacefully:

   "After making them give birth to offspring, they will enter reincarnation early."

   "What if a person, although he has a root, does evil willfully, relying on killing all the way and improving his cultivation step by step?"

  Antarctic Changsheng Emperor said:

   "It is the proof."

  Qi Wuhuo was silent for a long time.

  The Antarctic Emperor Changsheng said calmly: "Do you think this is no different from killing common people?"

"But if the soul is one body, the reincarnation of each life is just a short-term experience. When he lives a long and happy life, he will understand the necessity of the past experience. This is also for the sake of the common people. He only suffers for a short time in exchange for the future. It is a long and beautiful life, and when they live a long life of tens of thousands of years, there will be countless happy days waiting for them.”

  Qi Wuhuo said: "Are they still them at that time?"

  The Antarctic Emperor Changsheng said: "The soul is one, so why not them?"

   "Or does Lord Taishan think that the body is the key to who you are?"

   "If that's the case, who is that person after seizing the house and cultivating the soul?"

   "From the looks of it right now, Lord Taishan feels that I am acting too extreme?"

Qi Wuhuo said: "Pin Dao thinks that there is nothing wrong with longevity, and that there is nothing wrong with seeking to live, but whether you have gone too far, Emperor Changsheng, after reincarnation, you will not be able to practice according to the law, and you will immediately make him enter reincarnation early. What's the difference between killing common people? What's the difference between your so-called experiment and Miao Jiang's cultivation of Gu?"

  The Antarctic Changsheng Emperor said indifferently: "Miao Jiang raises Gu to grow Gu into weapons, and this seat is for common people."

   "For the common people?"

   "Yes, they will know, and after hundreds of millions of years, they will thank me for leading them to the world of longevity without sorrow and pain."

   "At that time, all the six realms will live forever, and all will be one, without distinction, sorrow, or conflict."

   "Thousands of generations died early in order to live forever. Does the Emperor Changsheng think that they will be happy during these ten thousand reincarnations?"

   "This is just a necessary price to pay to ascend to longevity. In the end, when they get longevity, they will understand that these are all worth it."

  Young Taoists and peaceful youths talk to each other.

   The confrontation in tone gradually became more intense.

  Finally, the two sides looked at each other, and the Antarctic Immortal Emperor sighed and said:

   "Fine, fine, it seems that there is nothing to talk about today."

  He paused, and said gently:

   "Since the lord can't do anything."

   "Master Taishan, are you willing to temporarily lend me the power of Fengdu, so that I can do it for you?"


   "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, it's bad!"

   "Emperor Ziwei of the North Pole has come with the Canopy Master!"

  Yuanying Yuanjun's news was transmitted to the Empress Emperor in an instant.

Empress Houtu was sleeping lazily by herself, she opened her eyes when she heard this, and didn't get up, she just swept her sleeves casually, and layers of earthly aura rose up in this mountain courtyard in an instant, and the local officials mentioned Weapons, Empress Hou Tu said lightly: "It doesn't have to be like this."

   "He said he didn't see any guests."

In her eyes, Emperor Ziwei of the North Pole has deep thoughts, similar to the Emperor Changsheng of the South Pole, he has his own plans in his actions, and cannot be completely trusted. Besides, Emperor Ziwei of the North Pole is the strongest God of War in the Haotian Court, and he has the Exorcism Academy under his command. And in charge of the power of Lei Bu and Dou Bu, checks and balances Gou Chen Nanji, Empress Hou Tu is no longer in the heavenly court, so naturally she doesn't want to meet.

   "But, ma'am..."

  Yuanying Yuanjun's tone was sluggish, and he sighed: "You should come and see for yourself."

  Hou Tu Huangdi raised his eyes slightly.

   Is Yuanying Yuanjun unable to stop the North Pole?

She was dressed in a graceful attire with a flat expression, and when she clasped five fingers of her right hand, the thundering mace transformed by Bu Zhoushan had emerged, and the five fingers were slowly clasped together, and the golden streamer spread out, so the thundering mace was already in her palm, buzzing dullly, There was a roar.

  Hou Tuhuangdi just paced around, his sleeves were rolled up, his black hair was slightly raised, his eyes were calm and indifferent, and the door opened.

   said lightly: "Emperor Ziwei of the North Pole, what's going on today?"

  Hou Tuhuangdi just doesn't plan to meet Bei Bei, and even if he sees him now, he doesn't plan to give him any good looks.

  The Great Arctic Ziwei, who was wearing a black robe, didn't speak, but just shook his folding fan slightly.

   When the two royals met, the atmosphere naturally became tense.

   In front are Tianpeng Zhenjun and Zuofu Zhenjun.

  Besides Empress Dowager Earth are Yuanjun Yuanjun and Yuanzhi Yuanjun, and there are countless land soldiers behind her.

   Since there are strands of fighting spirit rising up.

  When the sky sends out murderous intent, the stars change places; when the earth sends murderous intent, dragons and snakes rise to land.

   It's all here!

  The atmosphere is dignified, especially murderous, which makes people almost breathless.

   Immediately, the girl's energetic voice came: "Are you a Wuhu elder?"

   "Junior Yunqin, have you met... Senior!"

  Afterwards, Tuhuang Dizhi paused slightly, looked away from Emperor Ziwei of the North Pole, and saw next to him, a girl with a beautiful face and pure eyes, who had a bright smile and bright eyes.

   "Senior, senior."

   "Where is Wuhuo?"

  (end of this chapter)

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