I Am Immortal

Chapter 367: 'Qingshang'

Chapter 367 ‘Qing Shang’

When Qi Wuhuo came back and finished cooking, the Supreme Being was still sitting there stroking his beard, recalling the words "slightly better than half a move" just now. He couldn't come back to his senses for a while. In his heart, he knew that this disciple had grown to this point. I am pleased with the means, but also have a sense of trance, feeling that time has passed too short and the changes have been too great.

 It wasn’t until the food was placed on the table and a glimmer of light was reflected in the lamplight that the old man came back to his senses.

It's a little better than half a move.

Even if he knew that Shangqing must have been suppressed to the same state, he must not have used his signature magical power.

 But the result still made him feel amazed.

The old man picked up the vegetables with chopsticks and put them on top of the rice. There is no need to mention him. Even Qi Wuhuo has already been able to live without food and does not need to eat, but he still retains this habit. There is no need to be obsessed with food and drink. Among them, the old man smiled and said: "Do you know who the person you are fighting against is?"

 The young Taoist shook his head, thought for a moment, nodded again, and said, "I don't know, but I have a guess."


“He can come and go easily, and his strength is clearly far superior to that of his disciples. He also seems to have some reservations. He is more motivated to test the school than to be truly hostile. There is no murderous intention in his moves. Perhaps it is an old acquaintance of his disciples.”

Qi Wuhuo's voice paused, and he recalled the Daojun whom he had met once in the Lianyang Temple in Zhongzhou Fucheng.

 “That senior didn’t use his full strength.”

 “The last move used by the disciple also came from that senior.”

The Supreme Being was surprised, and immediately smiled and said: "No wonder Wuhuo, what you said is slightly better than half a move."


The Supreme Being couldn't help but smile and shook his head.

He knew that Qi Wuhuo's intention was to respect his senior. It didn't matter if he guessed wrong. If he guessed correctly, it would appear that he respected the other party. If the other party was defeated by his moves, he would not lose face so much. Of course, this must also be based on the premise that the other party does not use the same moves.

 Otherwise, if the opponent also uses this sword and you use this sword to defeat the opponent head-on, it will not leave three sides of the opponent's face, but step on the opponent's face and rub it into the ground.

 Secondly, Qi Wuhuo's move can be regarded as demonstrating the power and mystery of this sword move.

There is a kind of saying "I am strong because of the moves I make with this sword".

The man would not have thought this way, but this behavior scratched his itch just right.

Your Majesty stroked his beard and smiled, saying: "Interesting, interesting..."

  "Wu Huo, this move will save you three points of favor and leave three points of affection. There should be some opportunities waiting for you."

 Qi was puzzled.

Your Majesty just smiled and didn't answer.


 “He beat me by half a move? Did he win?!”

 “This guy actually won?!”

Master Shangqing Daodao sat cross-legged among the auspicious clouds in the sky, with shock, surprise, and many complicated emotions in his eyes. He naturally did not think that he would lose to that boy if he really took action, but after all, he got there sneakily, without robbing the sword. Taichi Lingwen, using only those miscellaneous things, will naturally damage his combat power.

 In addition, the state of three flowers gathering at the top does not yet involve the true magical power of the immortal family.

 He has many trump cards that he failed to use.

As the person with the highest achievement in weapon refining in the six realms, both ancient and modern.

 The magic weapon on his body was not used either.

 However, even though there were many reasons, he lost after all.


Recalling the extremely sharp and just right calamity sword, it was brilliant and clear, and because of the real experience, it even broke through the beginning of calamity. There was really a sense of decisiveness and sharpness in this calamity sword, showing an accomplishment beyond ordinary people. .

Shangqing Daodaojun was quiet for a long time, then suddenly he touched his palms and said to himself with a smile:

 “You are really brave to defeat me with a calamity sword.”


 “Winning beautifully, winning beautifully, hahaha!”

Lord Shangqing Daodao laughed loudly, with praise and admiration in his eyes, without the slightest trace of shame or embarrassment. He even felt a little eager to try. He stood up with a flutter of sleeves and watched the sea of ​​blood and the rivers running and colliding. The joy in his eyes was pure, only the joy of a shortcut. There is only the joy of being a latecomer, and not the slightest anger or unwillingness to lose half a move.

 As for whether to go and teach.

 “Is there any need to say this?”

 “It’s a good seedling, we can’t let it go.”

Shangqing Daodaojun said to himself:

"Although Taiyi has a deep foundation, he is too kind in his heart after all. He lacks the evil spirit of this boy who can break through the troubled times with one foot. He can transform into four directions to control the four directions, but he does not have the heroic spirit to break through the calamity with his own power. Although he has my calamity sword. I’ve learned 99% of it, but the last bit of charm is even more important than the 99%.”

“Besides, if you defeat me today, I will have to use all my means to fight back tomorrow!”

 “He who has his hands and feet **** will be beaten unpleasantly and unsatisfactorily.”

"Come again, Taishang will teach him and Yuqing will teach him. If I don't teach him something, won't I be abandoned by the two of them? You can't do it, you can't stop it." The black-clothed Daojun indulged his will and was inexplicably unruly, but he also Always in some strange places, extremely persistent.

With his character, he would only make swords, and after waiting for a month, he would have no patience to leave.

This time, my patience was completely exhausted.

 And seems to have discovered something very interesting—

 A disciple who is proficient in fighting, skilled in swordsmanship, possesses magic weapons, and has personally overcome disasters.

 Wouldn’t it be more suitable to inherit his legacy? !

If you can train another self.

 Can’t you just let go and fight with ‘yourself’? !

 Hahaha, just thinking about it makes me feel happy! Extremely happy!

 It’s like waiting for a day of delicious food that is unique in the world.

Shangqing Daodaojun was in a very happy mood, but suddenly he saw the sea of ​​clouds parting, and a stream of light, like flowers rising from the earth, flying towards him. The gods above the clouds may have noticed it along the way, but it was Never daring to intercept it, this stream of light reached the highest point. Lord Shangqing Daodao raised his hand to receive it, but it was a message from the Emperor Houtu.

But Hou Tu also knew that Lord Shangqing Daodao had never been very patient.

 Worried that he suddenly disappeared and could not be found—

 After all, what was mentioned before was only the making of swords, but it did not say when the swords were made.

 It is not considered a breach of contract if Lord Dao makes a sword after disappearing for thousands of years.

 So make an appointment in advance. Mr. Dao Dao is thoughtful.

 When will you go?


I had this dream again.

 In the dream, it was no longer Emperor Wa and Fuxi, but Beiji and Houtu.

In the dream, I laughed loudly, and Hou Tu could do nothing. Her brows were gentle, but she was the strongest among us in terms of sheer strength. She once defeated me, Zhu Rong, Gong Gong, and Xuan Ming in a row in a row. , Jumang, Lingshou, and finally able to drink tea alone without changing his expression.

When my consciousness fell there, I remembered that Gou Mang is the God of Spring and the God of Innate Wood. He is a minister of Fu Xi. He is loyal to Fu Xi and can die for him.

 On the other side is a young man sitting.


 In a daze, I didn’t know whether I was seeing him or another person.

But I still remembered that it was Arctic Ziwei, the quietest one among us. His back was always straight and he never doubted his own path. His personality was gentle and quiet, but when he drew his sword, he was also... The guy who never looks back, relies on his unparalleled swordsmanship and killing skills, and is revered by the immortals and gods of this era as the Master of Death.

He and his two friends were drinking and having fun, and beside him was a young Taoist boy pouring wine.

Just when he raised his neck and swallowed this fairy wine, the feeling in his throat was like a burning flame, and everything in front of him dispersed. Finally, he opened his eyes, and it took him a longer time to realize his identity than before.

 Zhang Xiaoyu.

When the young Jade Emperor stood up, he felt a little cold sweat on his forehead, and his face was paler than before. He calmly took the elixir, and with the help of the Nine Turns Golden elixir refined by Xuandu, his face looked better. Many, but the magic weapon shows that the loss of his soul is extremely huge. It is obvious that facing the North Pole and Houtu, he suffered a huge impact when his life was short.

 Today it takes longer than in the past to struggle to wake up from dreams.

 It can be expected that one's own experiences in reality will awaken corresponding similar scenes in dreams.

 But this represents a kind of consumption.

When you wake up from a dream, it takes longer and longer to realize who you are. When one day this time reaches a certain level, I am afraid that you will not wake up again, but will melt into that place like melting into water. The past memory is as immeasurable as the vast ocean.

The young Jade Emperor recorded everything about himself, and then read through the posts about everything that happened today.

 There isn’t much going on.

It’s just that Laojun said that the Great Master Xuandu broke into Tushita Palace and took away Lao Qingniu. Laojun said that he didn’t know what to do.

 There are some miscellaneous things.

He said that the Lord of Fire Yao had gone somewhere unknown, and asked the Jade Emperor to order a punishment.

It is also said that the underworld cannot be allowed to continue like this.

Furthermore, the Supreme Judiciary was still very upset about Zhenwu's refusal to accept the imperial conferment. He gritted his teeth and asked for orders several times to go down to the mortal world and personally go to where Zhenwu was, and then capture all the nine clans and return them to the sky. above, and then cut off the soul on the Immortal Killing Platform.

 But was blocked.

 If he just did not accept the position in Heaven, Heaven’s behavior would be completely opposite to Haotian’s expectations back then.

What’s more, there are nine tribes.

 Doesn’t it also include the master clan?

Although the young Jade Emperor didn't know Qi Wuhuo's specific apprenticeship, he could roughly guess a few things from the reactions of his husband and Taiyi Tianzun in rescuing Ku. He couldn't help but regret and curse in his heart. It's a pity. If you are really so brave, go and catch Qi Wuhuo yourself. The confused master and uncle said this, but I feel happy and excited. However, it would be disturbing those few people in my heavenly court, which is really unacceptable.

This is how I saved your life, Judiciary.

But don’t look for such bad luck again.

After solving many miscellaneous matters in the heaven, the young Jade Emperor thought of the method that Qi Wuhuo said 'may be able to restore your strength', and thought a little in his heart. Anyway, staying in the heaven at this time seems to be nothing. It's useful, why not just go find it and leave without any confusion?

Even if the skills he knows are most likely of little use, at least they can build good relationships.

 After the family dinner in the mountains.

Qi Wuhuo showed his resistance to the Arctic Emperor Ziwei, and his weight in the heart of the young Jade Emperor became more and more important. He had strength and hegemony, but he was not a member of the major forces in heaven. Their ways seemed to be different. The directions are similar, and when such a person appears, he is like a shining light in front of the young Jade Emperor.

All you have to do is put a label on his forehead, indicating that this person is extremely rare, super rare, super invincible and rare, quickly build a good relationship and then recruit.

Well, I have nothing to do, so just go down to earth.

 The young Jade Emperor made a decision.

 Then he went to find Taiyi and save Ku Tianzun.


The moonlight was fading and the sun was rising. Qi Wuhuo opened the door. The teacher seemed to want to teach him the entry-level method of a supreme magical power. So he did not relax today. He picked up his sword and went out. The sunshine in the late autumn morning With a slight sense of coolness, the young Taoist wanted to dance with his sword, but when he moved his body, he saw an acquaintance outside the door.

Qi Wuhuo raised his sword and said, "Empress Houtu?"

The visitor was none other than Hou Tuhuang, who was smiling at the red leaves all over the mountain. Seeing Qi Wuhuo coming here, the energy of the young Taoist was more powerful than what he had seen a few days ago. It was obvious that his cultivation level was strong. Growing day by day, gradually reaching the realm of pure Yang, I am afraid that I will soon face the biggest obstacle between immortals and mortals.

 Thunder disaster.

There are many people with three flowers gathered on top who dare not survive this thunder tribulation. Instead, they seek the talisman of the Antarctic Emperor of Immortality to ascend to immortality.

However, with Qi Wuhuo's basic mind, thunder and calamity will not hinder him.

  Instead, you can take this opportunity to do other things.

  For example, practicing supernatural powers.

  For example, completing the final step of making a sword.

Empress Hou Tuhuang's empress had admiration in her eyes and said: "Wuhuo came at the right time. It seems that your cultivation is getting better and better day by day." Qi Wuzhuo replied that he was still far behind, and the two of them After chatting for a moment, Empress Houtu straightened the young Taoist's collar with a hint of a smile, and said: "You have cultivated to become an immortal, and the three flowers gathered on top of the head. No matter where you are, you can be regarded as a true cultivator."

"It's just that the sword in your hand at the moment is still an ordinary thing. Although the Blood River Sword has good foundation, it is an evil weapon after all, and it is not suitable for you. I want to forge a truly suitable sword for you before you become an immortal. The sword in your hand, so that you can have an easier time on the road ahead."

“Oh, there’s no need to rush to refuse. After all, you helped me a lot during the calamity of the demon world and the human world.”

“If it doesn’t work out, just think I’m betting that you can go far enough in the future.”

The Empress of Houtu Emperor touched the young Taoist's hair, and then turned sideways with a smile. There was a handsome man there, wearing a black Taoist robe, carrying a sword box on his back, with a sharp sword aura and clear eyebrows. The young Taoist was stunned and recognized it. The person's aura was none other than the Dao Lord he had met at Lian Yang Temple in Zhongzhou Fucheng.

However, the Taoist in black took the initiative to speak and said calmly: "I have no other statement."

“Just a swordsmith who happened to be passing by this place while traveling around.”

 “You can call me—”

 “Qing Shang.”

 (End of this chapter)

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