I Am Immortal

Chapter 398: Yinghuozhang Wengge

Chapter 398 Yinghuozhang Weapon

In fact, when the immortal official walked in, Taiyin Yuanjun had already had some premonitions. When he said something bad was going to happen, the name had already appeared in Yuanjun's mind, so when the immortal official After saying those two words, Taiyin Yuanjun was not angry, but just put his hand on his forehead and sighed.

Soon he looked calm and said:

"I see."

 “Hmm? Well, this…”

The Immortal Official who had just entered the Dou Department was stunned. He looked around and saw that all the Star Lords were ordinary. He couldn't help but said: "This, this, Huo Yao is rioting!"

 “There’s no need to rush.”

Shui Dexingjun wrote lightly: "You just came, right?"

 “That’s what the fire sun looks like here.”

 The immortal official was dumbfounded.

Shui Dexingjun, on the other hand, felt secretly happy. He had been talking about this to others all day long, and he felt really comfortable in his heart! So comfortable!

So he raised his chin slightly and wrote lightly: "Tell me, Huo Yao, what did the Great Emperor San Qi Huo Guan do?"

Then the immortal official looked calm and smiled and said: "Ah, I'd like to teach a few star kings to know that for some reason, the fire sun suddenly became huge, slowly burning and spinning, but at this moment, for some unknown reason, it actually started to compete for the twenty-eight stars. The [war] power of the Western White Tiger Qisu."

"Kui Mulang, Lou Jin Dog, Wei Tu Pheasant, Pleiades Star Official, Bi Yue Wu, Gou Fire Monkey, and Shen Shui Ape are all affected."

"The star power of the fifty-six main stars belonging to the seven star kings has been pulled towards the fire sun, forming a huge galaxy vortex. I thought it was a big deal, so I came here to report in such a panic, but I didn't know that this was the case. Something like this happened in Doube, haha..."

 “But I’m in a panic. I laugh at being disrespectful. I laugh at being disrespectful.”

   ! !

 For a moment, the entire Doubu Palace was completely silent.

The immortal official saluted again, turned around briskly, and was about to leave, but his shoulders and arms were being held down. He was stunned, turned around, and saw Lord Shui Dexing, Lord Mu De, and Lord Taisui holding him down. His eyes widened. , there were bloodshot eyes, and a burst of arrogance seemed to be about to explode. Then he gritted his teeth and said word by word: "You just said-"



There are countless stars in the entire sky. Except for special stars such as Ziwei Star, they are all divided into four directions, named Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu Four Heavens. In the western heavens, there are White Tiger Supervisor God and Lord. The seven star kings control countless stars as the core, and at this moment, the power of the stars of the White Tiger Seven Stars begins to be absorbed, pouring into the slowly burning fire sun like a vortex.

 Hitchhich has not been swallowed by it, but has surrounded it, slowly rotating.

Shui Dexingjun looked at this scene and was stunned:

“Is this, Huo Yao, the San Qi Huo Guan Emperor has begun to control the power of warfare... But...”

“No one has ever heard that Huo Yao still has the power to fight!”

 All the star officials and kings around him were silent.

But at this moment, it was no longer the time for them to stay here in silence and marvel. Angry voices came from the distance. The White Tiger Supervisor, the usually cold god, was extremely angry and said angrily:

 “Where is the Great Emperor Sanqi Huoguan? Has he returned?”

 “Let Him come out to me!!”

“Even if we are fighting on the big road, we are colleagues in the heaven. Without saying a word, you actually invade my power. You are against you, how excessive it is!!”

The White Tiger Supervisor God was furious.

 The gods of Doubu were silent, looking at each other and sighing. After a long time, they said:

“But the Great Emperor San Qi Fire Officer has not come back yet…”

The White Tiger Supervisor God was stunned, and then said angrily: "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"The changes in the stars must be caused by the actions of Xingguan Xingjun, who has just pulled the rotation of the stars' qi. The Great Emperor Sanqi Huoguan has not come back, how could Huoyao change? Are you saying that this Huoyao is Did you change yourself?"

 All the Star Lords in the Dou Department were silent, with envy in their eyes.

Damn it, if I could have chosen Huoyao, how much better it would have been!

 This kind of stars that actively advance are unprecedented.

 How the **** can you expand your power? !

How many years of hard work will be lost if you embrace Huoyao's thigh!

 My eyes are red with envy.

But they were also extremely confused, why could Huo Yao start fighting for the war intention accepted by White Tiger and Lord Shen? There are four domes in the heaven, all of which are controlled by four emperors. Among them, the Canglong Star belongs to the Antarctic Emperor Changsheng, and the Western White Tiger Seven Stars belongs to the Gouchen Emperor. This is the power bestowed by the former Gouchen Emperor. Will it be defeated by Huoyao? !

 This is simply unreasonable.

Immediately, Taiyin Yuanjun's expression changed slightly, and he held a magic weapon in the state of an astrolabe in his palm. It was clear and transparent, and you could vaguely see endless starlight flowing in it. The changes were unpredictable. The starlight inside changed several times, and was finally locked in. On the position of Huo Yao, you can faintly see the light of Huo Yao condensing, and the martial aura from the White Tiger Qisu in the West converges on Huo Yao.

 This force is almost turning into reality.

Taiyin Yuanjun's expression changed slightly: "This is..."

“The fire sun is gathering the weapons of the White Tiger Qisu into a sword?”

That is exactly a sword!

 A sharp sword hanging high in the sky!

Holded by Huo Yao, the huge vortex directly swept through the entire White Tiger Qisu. The White Tiger's energy, which represented the killing of soldiers, continued to gather in a slow and continuous manner, and continued to gather under Huo Yao, making this handle The sword becomes more powerful and sharper.

In addition to the trajectory of the power of the stars glimpsed on this astrolabe magic weapon, there are also the aftermath of many events in the human world. The Human Emperor was deposed, and some Taoists announced the deposed Human Emperor widely, causing the entire human world to The luck of the people began to turbulence, and there was a faint feeling of boiling and filling the sky.

Coming from the entire Kyushu world, the kind of qi that matches the transformation of Yinghuo Star causes Yinghuo Star's state to begin to rise, and this rising power becomes the basis for the power of White Tiger Qisu to fight against the stars.

 This is a momentum that once it starts, it will not stop until the matter completely breaks out.

 After the White Tiger Supervisor God realized what was happening, his expression suddenly changed and he said:

“Huoyao itself is absorbing the power of the stars and turning it into a sword?!”

"Who is this, the Great Emperor San Qi Huo Guan is fighting against?! Or even trying to lead Huo Yao?"

Taiyin Yuanjun nodded slightly, his expression slightly solemn.

In the induction of many Tianjun Xingguan in Doubu, the sword energy is already extremely sharp, but the most terrifying thing is that Huo Yao is still accumulating this power. With every breath, the power of this sword increases. It will rise by one point. Everyone can imagine how domineering and sharp this sword will be if it is exploded after being accumulated to the extreme!

That is a sword with the Three Qi Fire Officer as the core, the White Tiger Qixu Xingjun and the Fifty-six Star Officials working together!

 Such a combination.

 Even if he takes action instantly, it is enough to be said to be unrivaled in the imperial realm.

 What's more, it's still building momentum? !

How long do you plan to prepare for this sword? !

  an hour?

 Or one day?

 And in the end, where will the power of this sword fall? Who to kill?

When Taiyin Yuanjun thought of this, his expression became a little solemn. After thinking about it, he raised his hand like a sword and pointed at the magic weapon in his palm. After a series of changes, the most special magic weapon in the Dou Department finally attracted all his attention. They were all placed on Huoyao, and they analyzed where the majestic star power gathered by Huoyao would point.

The Star Lords all restrained their voices and stared at the changing light on the magic weapon. Even the White Tiger Supervisor Divine Lord regained his composure. In the end, the sights of all the Star Lords subconsciously converged and broke through the layers of clouds. , landed on the most magnificent city in the human world - Human World·Shenwu Jiuzhou.


Taiyin Yuanjun's expression changed slightly.

 The old man almost pulled off his beard and said in a voiceless voice:

"This is... why is this sword pointed at the capital of the world?"

"If this sword cuts down, who can stop it?! I'm afraid this whole city will be wiped out!"

It is impossible to resist it!

Even if there are no other moves, just the pure sword energy coming down, it is at least equivalent to the power of more than a dozen Star Lords bursting out together.

no doubt.

If this sword can be used to chop, it will definitely be at the level of an emperor!

What's more, it has also gathered the extremely strong power of the White Tiger's fighting force. If the sword is used to accumulate momentum, and then uses a certain sword technique to fall, I am afraid that ordinary emperors and Buddhas will retreat. Who is this? s method? !

Shui Dexingjun suddenly said thoughtfully: "The fire sun changes suddenly, if it is really the handiwork of the Sanqi Fire Officer Great Emperor."

 “Does that mean?”

“When this sword fell, the San Qi Huo Guan Emperor was also in the Shenwu Jiuzhou Imperial City in the human world?”

“Is it possible that Dou Bu can bring back this great emperor?”

 The eyes of Doubu Xingjun suddenly lit up.

 “It seems, not impossible…”

 Find the one.

 The great emperor, Taiyin Yuanjun, who always adds something to Doubu's work every two days, holds the chart and is thoughtful in his mind.

 After the fall of Emperor Donghua, Doubi no longer had an emperor.

 The current situation is in a stable state of peace.

 Doube is also in danger among them.

  If this emperor, who seems to be of extraordinary strength, could be brought back.

  or can be—

 The Lord of Doubu!


The fire rays flow, controlling the seven constellations. Under the flow of golden-red flames, the aura of fighting and killing is gathering. Under this grand momentum, an extremely pure power follows the connection of Tao and rises from the nine heavens. , the feedback falls to the human world. Huoyao naturally has its own spirituality and has received great benefits. It should take some of it and feed it back to its owner.

 Be prepared to serve him well to ensure that this person can continue to lead him up in the future.

 You must never slack off.

Under such changes, there is no need for the other star officials and kings to meditate hard, hoping to be in harmony with the stars and understand the power of the stars. Huo Yao took the initiative to take out his most pure star power for free. This stream of extremely pure star power fell into the world like this.

 While in the human world.

On the morning of the second day, Qi Wuhuo paid homage to the Supreme Being and practiced his Qi Qi in the Supreme Supreme Being’s lineage.

After noon, he went to Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun's place early to make up for his rudeness yesterday. Although Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun didn't say anything, he nodded slightly and said lightly: "Starting today, as for the day after, by I’m here to teach you how to practice at the Earth Immortal level.”

“Since you have practiced so far, you should know that there is a difference between the realm of earthly immortals and human immortals.”

Qi Wuhuo nodded.

At the level of human immortal, one has started from a mortal, continuously reversed and practiced, and finally obtained one Qi, which has become the limit of human beings. To go up further, one needs to control the power of external objects and hold five Qi in the chest. This has actually been surpassed. After reaching the level of acquired beings, we are constantly approaching the level of innate beings who are born with knowledge and mastery of innate supernatural powers.

Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun said calmly: "For mortal practitioners, after the three flowers gather on the top of the head, they gather five Qi."

"With the Qi of the Five Elements of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth, all things are within the five elements. It is because the external scenery enters my body and forms a small world on its own. Therefore, every time I get one Qi, the changes in the body will be very different. The Qi of the Five Elements , every time one of them is obtained through practice, he will naturally realize a magical power, which is a magical power that does not require incantations and can only be thought of."

"Most practitioners, when the golden energy enters their bodies, they will realize moves such as "Golden Light" and "Sword Energy"; those who obtain the "wooden energy" will be reborn with broken arms, endless life, and rebirth with blood. Similar magical powers, and other Qi, each has its own mystery. Now that you have the three flowers gathering on the top, you should practice it slowly."

"Your foundation is solid enough. After a hundred days, you will gather the five Qi. Even if it is impossible to reach the realm of Chaoyuan, you must start among these five Qi..."

Qi Wuhuo said: "Disciple knows."

Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun nodded slightly, and said sternly as he taught his disciples in the past:

"You have been practicing all the way and have been quite successful in improving your realm. However, you must not develop arrogant and arrogant hearts because of this. You must know that the purer this Qi enters the body, the better. It will never end. After that, it takes several times of tempering to smooth out the dryness, and move the spirit and energy like an arm and fingers, so that it can be harmonious and smooth to my heart; only then can it be said to be a great success and ready to go to the Yuan Dynasty."

“Even if you are a genius, it will take more than a hundred years of hard work.”

 “As for your words…”

 Suddenly he raised his eyes slightly and looked at Qi Wuhuo, with a hint of surprise and astonishment in his eyes.

Qi Wuhuo suddenly felt a burst of fiery energy on the back of his right hand. This power was too pure and pure, but it was much gentler than before. There was only a feeling of swelling, but no pain. It burst out suddenly, and the jade The First Heavenly Lord of the Qing Yuan Dynasty swept the dust and suppressed the strange appearance, but it was slightly stagnant.

On the back of the young Taoist's hand, the golden-red light gathered together brilliantly, extremely pure and pure, like the strength of the arms and fingers gathered together -

The Great Emperor of Sanqi Huoguan, the [Huoyuanqi] of Huoyao, the first of the eleven rays.

And the Four Spirits and Four Symbols, from the Western White Tiger Qisu's War [Golden Qi]

He surrendered so much that he surrounded the young Taoist, raised his palm slightly, and two qi energy gathered between his fingers. It was extremely pure, extremely pure, extremely fierce and domineering, yet extremely docile. The young Taoist was stunned. , looking at Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun in front of him, he subconsciously said: "...Teacher."

"is that so?"

 Yu Qing Yuanshi Tianzun: "..."

  ? ? ?

 (End of this chapter)

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