I Am Immortal

Chapter 427: Win!

Chapter 427 Win!

Can it make the sky and the earth eclipse, make the sun and the moon lose their light, move the stars and disturb the sky?

Taiyin Yuanjun was slightly startled, while the other immortals of Doubu were at a loss.

Um? ?

What's this?

 Among the Doubu, is there anyone with such large-scale and unreasonable magical powers? Why hasn't it happened before? !

Even the smiling Jade Emperor was puzzled. He had turned it over in his mind countless times. However, after thinking through the catalog of divine weapons that he had read and recalling all the magical powers that Haotian thought were worthy of attention, he could not find them at all. There was no one who could respond, so the Jade Emperor looked dignified, then wildly exchanged glances with Dongyang Emperor in the team.

“Brother Qi, are you sure? Does Doubu really have this kind of magical power?! I, I mean, why haven’t I heard of it?”

 “Probably not?”



Emperor Dongyang smiled and looked calm: "But now-"


Young Jade Emperor: "Huh???"

But Emperor Dongyang said: "Then, please help the Jade Emperor and the Northern Emperor Ziwei to remove the formation that obscures these stars."

The Ziwei Palace at the North Pole of Zhongtian is high above the nine heavens, suppressing all the stars and phenomena. After hearing this, he raised his eyes slightly and looked at the young Taoist. Emperor Ziwei said calmly: "Yes."

The Jade Emperor smiled and said: "That's the case, that's okay."

Two streaks of light flew towards the sky, and the sea of ​​clouds slowly dispersed, and the formation that eternally suppressed everything in Ziwei Palace was briefly released. Instead, the most powerful Emperor Ziwei of the North Pole watched in person, In order to avoid problems, the light of Ziwei Palace fades slightly, and the rest of the stars show bright enough starlight.

Emperor Dongyang turned his back to the Xingjuns and said, "Well, I'd like to help you all."

“After a while, if you notice something strange in the stars, please don’t try to intercept them.”

All the Star Lords in Doubu were surprised. They looked at each other and immediately responded. Lord Shui De Star Lord was the most direct. He simply used the power of the talisman and said: "Shui Yao, edict!!"

The water in the sky suddenly shines brightly, becoming brighter than before.

But it was Lord Shui Dexing who ordered Shui Yao to release his forcible control and restraint on Shui Yao, causing one of the eleven Yao stars to briefly show his full strength instead of being in a restrained and restrained state. Lord Shui Dexing said: "In this period of time, the Tianshu Yuan has been annoyed enough. If Emperor Dongyang can kill them with dignity, we will be happy!"

The other star kings looked at each other and all raised their talismans in unison.

  It is not to help Emperor Dongyang, but to restrain the stars in the sky.

 The Five Stars.

 Eleven Yao Xingjun.

 As for the twenty-eight stars.

Thirty-six Tiangang Star Officials, Seventy-two Earthly Evil Star Officials

                       ī ī ī ī ī edict.

 “Mude’s edict!”

 “Meng Duanxing, listen to the imperial edict!”

 “Fulongxing, the order!”

A voice that was either majestic, solemn, or old sounded behind Emperor Dongyang.

Immediately, there was a faint stream of talismans that lit up. From here to there and even far away, it was reflected in the sky. The stars in the sky outside the sky all showed their true power. They did not help the Dongyang Emperor, or even It can be said that at this moment, the stars are temporarily without the restraint of Xingjun, and they will reveal far more turbulent power than under normal circumstances.

If we want to rely on the power of the stars and everything in this state, the difficulty will only be greater, but all the stars in the sky light up together, shining through the sky, and the magnificent picture of stars still has the impact of shocking the heart. Emperor Dongyang saw it. A glance at the Supreme Lord of Justice, stepping on the void, rising slowly to the highest level.

And below, the lords of the stars are still releasing talismans, and the stream of light is densely packed. From the privilege, the power of the stars in the sky is finally becoming more and more surging, getting closer to the ancient times, and there is no way for the lords of the stars to take care of it. The order of the power of the stars is becoming more and more difficult to utilize, and it is also becoming more and more majestic.

 This is actually making it more difficult for Emperor Dongyang - because the star power is chaotic, it cannot be used.

And this is what the Dongyang Emperor said before. He also asked the judiciary, the North Pole, and the Jade Emperor all agreed. These Xingguan Xingjun untied the stars, in fact, they also untied the Dongyang Emperor's magical power.

But the Judicial Heavenly Lord of Tianshu Yuan did not speak, and just waited indifferently.

How easy is it to cover the sky, block out the sun, make the sun and the moon lose light, and move the stars to change their positions?

The Jade Emperor looked at Qi Wuhuo and frowned.

Dear...don't try to fail.

Drawn by the power of Emperor Dongyang, he has reached the highest point in the sky. The sea of ​​clouds is rolling under him, and the starlight is reflected on the left and right. His shirt is swaying. The power of the eight-treasure glass bottle has been drawn between the palms of his hands. His gaze scans the sky below. The gaze of the Privy Council, the indifference of the Judicial God, the fierceness of the immortals in the Fighting Department, the Jade Emperor, and the North Pole are all in his eyes.

He took a slight breath, and even the sound of the strong wind disappeared. The surrounding area was like a dead void, and behind him were countless stars emitting light. He immediately held the talisman behind his back, and a trace of golden light flashed in his eyes, and he said indifferently in his heart:

 “Tai Yi—Imperial Order!”

Buzz! !

The void seemed to vibrate slightly for a moment, and then a huge wave swept across. Immediately, no abnormality appeared at all. Just when the immortals thought that nothing happened, there was a muffled sound of thunder suddenly, from far to near, Approaching quickly, like mountains collapsing, like the sky overturning!

Shui Dexingjun suddenly felt an unprecedented feeling.

 He felt his strength increasing, it felt like, like—

Hum buzz.

 He felt the fluctuations of star power and Yuan Qi.

He saw the sleeves and robes rising upwards as if they were being pulled by something. Just when he felt that it was his imagination, he raised his head, but his eyes shrank, and he saw the sea of ​​clouds swirling, whirling and rushing towards the hole. In the direction of Emperor Yang, the Taoist robes of the immortals were slightly raised, the branches and leaves of spiritual flowers and spiritual trees were swaying, and even the fine wine in the cup was suspended in the air like drop by drop, flying towards the sky.

That way, as if, as if...

  Boom! !

 The majestic power suddenly burst out!

 And it reached the extreme as soon as it broke out!

Accompanied by the increasingly fierce thunder-like sound, thousands of miles of galactic rivers surged in, sweeping in all directions. The water waves flowed and the stars gathered, but they rushed straight towards the right hand of Emperor Dongyang. The immeasurable water of the galaxies actually went straight. Submerged into it, Emperor Dongyang's movements did not change at all.

The vortex coming from the Tianhe River spreads outward, expands, and eventually becomes wider and wider.

Shui Dexingjun tried his best to stabilize his body, stared at it with wide eyes, and saw countless galactic waters, finally triggering the gathering of starlight. Above the sky, the sun that had been shining just now suddenly went out. , it’s not that the sun is extinguished, but that the infinite light of the sun is instantly drawn away!

 Soon are the remaining eleven days.

 It is the twenty-eight constellations!

It is the stars in the sky that dim one by one, and the brilliance of the moment is directly absorbed. The brilliance of the stars gathers in the current of the Tianhe River, and the ripples are all the color of the stars. The ripples are unparalleled. It poured into the palm of Dongyang.

In an instant, the nine states in the human world turned dark. When it entered the darkness, first the sun disappeared and the stars were revealed. Then even the light of the stars gradually disappeared and turned into streams of light flying into the void, leaving only The next bright moon hung high in the sky, and all the immortals were shocked. Only the girl blinked her eyes, suddenly naughty, and remembered the shadow puppet show she had seen when she traveled around the world.

So he put his hands together and folded them into a small dog, and then let out a soft cry, pretending to swallow the moon, but he didn't know that in the human world, people saw the sun disappear and the stars become pale, and they were sluggish. , but saw the shadow of a strange dog appear on the moon, and then swallowed half of it at once, and the light on the moon disappeared.


  The watchman woke up from his drunkenness and, regardless of the fact that he was not on duty, looked at the gong and shouted:

 “The Tengu eats the moon!”

 “The Tengu eats the moon!”

The old scalper caught a glimpse of the girl's appearance, and pressed lightly on the girl's head, which made the latter come down. In the end, even the Taiyin Yuanjun's Taiyin star was briefly absorbed by the moonlight, and at the last trace, it was bright and clear. After the silver glow left the moon, there was no starlight in the sky.

 A little red fire suddenly lit up.

Shui Dexingjun said: "Huo Yao..."

 “Is it Huo Yao?!”

The fire sun burned slowly, slowly releasing bright light, and then suddenly expanded. The fire sun, the last and only star at this moment, expanded violently. In just a moment, it seemed to occupy the entire sky, and the huge red star body slowly rotated and reflected about.

There was deathly silence, and the emperor wearing red armor and a golden crown stood in the sky with his sleeves rolled up.

Behind him is this huge dark red star body, slowly rotating.

Overlooking the immortals.

 The sky is dimmed!

 The stars in the sky are all without light!

Only the sun is shining across the sky!

 Like the great sun! Like everything!

 The sun is at its peak!

 Huo Yaoqi machine is still climbing!

Shui Dexingjun murmured:

 “This is... a great product, this is... an imperial realm!”

The young Taoist lowered his eyes and looked at the palm of his hand. The eight-treasure glass bottle directly absorbed the light of the entire starry sky, universe, and sea of ​​stars. In just an instant, it was full, and there was even a lot left. The eight-treasure glass bottle in his palm was upside down. In the palm of your hand, among the eight treasures of glass, the spirit of this treasure is speechless.      And in the human world.

The old man's hand stroking his beard paused, and this time he really took advantage of the situation and pinched off a broken beard.

Shangqing Daodaojun straightened his eyes and stared blankly at the surging river. After a long time, he murmured:

 “I say, Your Majesty…”


“How many things can be put in Yuqing’s eight-treasure glass vase?”

 “The water of the four seas.”


“After giving this thing to Wuhuo, what we are talking about is how much can Wuhuo get back...?”

 “Only one drop is enough.”

 “Yeah, how many are there now?”

The old man stroked his beard and sighed. After being silent for a long time, he said:


 Shangqing Daodaojun murmured: "Is it full?"

 “No…it’s overflowing!”

 There was a laugh in the air.

   ! !

A trace of flame burned in Shangqing Daodaojun's eyes, and he turned around suddenly and saw Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun walking out. Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun looked calm and peaceful, pacing over, and walked step by step to Shangqing Daodaojun and In front of the Supreme Being, neither sad nor happy, with his hands behind his back, he suddenly spoke for no reason and said lightly: "It is the water of the four seas."

 “Also, full and overflowing.”

Shangqing Daojun has green veins on his forehead.

The old man stretched out his hand and touched the sword of Shangqing Daojun, and said: "Fellow Taoist, calm down. Although no one else is present, you don't have to draw your sword and fight like you did when you were young."

 Shangqing Daodaojun slowly lowered his sword.

Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun had no expression on his face, looking at the sky, with his hands behind his back, and suddenly Feng Qingyun said calmly:

 “It’s the water of the four seas!”

 Zheng! !

Shangqing Daodaojun pulled out the sword from his palm, but was still struggling hard when he was pulled by the Supreme Being. The veins on his forehead popped out, and he said angrily: "Yuqing!!"

 “Let’s fight!”

 “You did it on purpose, right?”

 “You and Di Ting are in a group, come on!”

Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun glanced at him lightly, then turned around and walked into the house.

 Feel refreshed!

 In this heaven, Qi Wuhuo thought that he had obtained the Three Light Divine Water.

 It's probably enough.

And the starlight in this sea of ​​stars is so magnificent, even if it was intercepted for a period of time, after filling the Eight Treasures Glazed Bottle, the remaining part was gathered around him at this moment. Qi Wuhuo looked solemn, and suddenly felt a sense of familiarity. , this sense of familiarity does not come from some inheritance, but an experience.

This week, the power of all the stars in the sky surrounds him, which inexplicably reminds him of the time when he was galloping on the battlefield in the demon world.

It broke the charm of the demon clan’s formation of all spirits.

  ‘Does Taiyi’s formation of all spirits still need to correspond to all the stars and all the phenomena...’

 ‘In other words, using the array of all spirits to activate all the stars? ’

 Let the constellation of stars replace the power of all spirits.

 What will happen?

If it were a fight in the past, there would be no time for him to gather momentum like this, but this is a fight.

Qi Wuhuo slowly raised his hand, and in an instant, the light of the stars remaining around him suddenly gathered. The two moves had already exhausted the foundation of the fire light, but now it was overwhelmingly swallowing up the majestic power of the stars, and soon it was The purified power was provided to Qi Wuhuo, allowing him to complete the next actions.

 When the eight-treasure glass vase absorbed the light of the stars, it was like a vortex hanging upside down.

At this moment, when Emperor Dongyang performs his moves, it is still in the form of a vortex. Countless stars gather together, and then continue to rotate around a point, constantly making the power more concentrated, just like countless stars gathered in a huge vortex. , the power of the stars was outside, the young Taoist closed his eyes, and in his mind, the flaming flags suddenly dispersed from the ground.

 Five-finger grip!

  Boom! !

Countless remaining starlights gathered toward the back, as if an extremely huge existence was about to appear, wrapping around the young Taoist, and continuously building an extremely huge body, armor, battle robes, and red hair burning upward like flames—

 The iconic magical power of the Emperor Realm!

 The laws of heaven and earth!

But Zhu Rong’s body is as blazing as fire, and the God of Fire is coming again!

Qi Wuhuo held it with his right hand, and the power that seemed to be swirling in the galaxy suddenly grasped it.

Hugely huge, as if the God of Fire Zhu Rong, who has thirty-three heavens above his head and has his feet on the ten underworlds, also raised his hand and grasped the void.

Qi Wuhuo slowly pulled toward the outside, and the starlight continued to gather along with his movements.

The huge Fa Tian Xiang Earth is also slowly pulling toward the outside. This scene is slow and solemn.

Qi transformed into the form of thunder, constantly striking the void.

It has a simple and vast mythical energy, which makes people feel trembling and speechless.

An almost real spear appeared in this world, and the faint golden thunder kept flashing. Because of the extremely high level of Qi pulling, it kept slashing and falling, and the spear was bathed in thunder, becoming more domineering and more real. In the end, Emperor Dongyang also held a light spear in his hand, where all the stars gathered, and behind him, the Fire God Zhu Rongzhi also held the spear that had killed countless ancient gods.

 Qi Wuhuo suddenly opened his eyes, and the fire **** Zhu Rong did the same behind him.

His eyes were directly locked on the silent immortals, and on the Supreme Justice.

 The Judicial Grand Master’s expression finally changed suddenly.

He actually took the initiative!

The boundless and vast brilliance gathered and attacked the Huoyao Emperor. The next moment, a spear that gathered all the stars into one was suddenly thrown out with unparalleled light. The spear was like a flame. Countless stars were released behind the tearing flames, and in an instant, they transformed into one. It created all the stars and everything, as if this spear pierced through the chaos, and countless streams of light poured out behind it.

   ! !

 A moment of dead silence, a collision beyond the limit!

Shui Dexingjun’s expression suddenly changed.

 Old Yellow Ox's expression changed, he pulled Yunqin over, turned his back to the waves of air, and used himself as a shield to protect the girl.

It was just that the Arctic Emperor Ziwei's expression was cold, and he noticed the look in the young Taoist's eyes as soon as he pulled out the gun. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and with a sweep of his sleeves, a cup of tea suddenly flew out from the table, whirling and whistling, and crashed into this extreme In the midst of the fierce magical power, in an instant, the impact of two magical powers that had definitely reached the level of great powers was actually broken!

 The aftermath of the dissipation, the starlight scattered endlessly, was directly absorbed into this cup of tea. The tea cup collided, shattered and eliminated.

The immortals tightened their bodies and looked ugly, but finally discovered that the sea of ​​clouds had just swept over them. After suddenly losing consciousness, they all looked in the direction of the Jade Emperor and Arctic Ziwei Emperor, only to see the cup of tea falling on the ground again. On the table in front of Emperor Ziwei of the North Pole, everything is exactly the same.

 The strongest among the emperors, the ultimate in Tao.

 Zhongtian North Pole Ziwei Emperor!

The immortals breathed a sigh of relief, and then saw the aftermath disperse, staring intently at the center of the confrontation.

 Who wins and who loses? !

What will be the ending of this confrontation? !

Seeing the air waves dissipating, Emperor Dongyang held a spear in front of him. The Great Justice, with white hair and cold eyes, had a sword in his palm, blocking the edge of the spear without losing his grace and calmness. In the void, the Law of Order The sound of broken pulses continued continuously. The sword in the palm of the Judicial Lord cut off the tip of the spear, but his expression was ugly.

 He can indeed defeat this move.

 But it is by no means a single move.

It’s just that outsiders don’t know the outcome of the battle. Looking at the invincible Emperor Dongyang, and looking at the still cold and calm Judicial Heavenly Lord, both Dou Bu and Tianshu Yuan looked tense. They didn’t know who won Yunqin Kuai After finishing the last bit of sesame cake, he swallowed it, wiped a little bit of heart residue from the corner of his mouth, and stared at the ending with wide eyes.

 And in this silence.

Emperor Dongyang slowly raised the spear, letting the spear turn into a stream of light and slowly scattering. He looked at the Judicial Heavenly Lord in front of him and said:



 (End of this chapter)

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