I Am Immortal

Chapter 431: Taixuan Zhenjun: Qi Wuhuo said to Fairy Yunqin,

Chapter 431 Taixuan Zhenjun: Who is Qi Wuhuo to Fairy Yunqin?

The Jade Emperor invited Emperor Ziwei of the North Pole to go to the Lingxiao Palace to continue the unfinished chess game. When the immortals dispersed, Qi Wuhuo, who had turned into a young Taoist, said goodbye to his senior sister Taiyuan Holy Mother, and When he said goodbye to the Doubu immortals and waited for them to disperse, the girl in red was waiting not far away, with a slightly solemn expression, which was different from the Yunqin Qi Wuhuo knew in the past.

 Just a salute and said: "Senior, please come with me."

The Taoist kept a distance of five steps from Yunqin, as did the girl. Qi Wuhuo maintained the posture and tone of Lord Taixuan and said, "Just show me the way."

Immediately, he used the method of creating clouds, and the clouds and mist rose up and disappeared. The girl in red stood in front, pointing at the stars that were getting closer and closer, her tone was still very energetic, and she said with a smile: "Senior, this vast sea of ​​stars is where Dou Bu is located. It is the center of the constellation of stars. There are two walls in the sky, one is Ziwei Yuan and the other is Tianshi Yuan."

"The Lord of Ziwei Yuan is the Ziwei Palace of Emperor Ziwei at the North Pole in the middle of the sky. It resides in Beichen and is guarded by all the stars."

“Tianshiyuan is where the Dou tribes and other tribes communicate with the immortals.”

The girl stretched out her fingers and pointed to two locations above the sky, then pointed to the rushing river and said with a smile: "This is the Tianhe. According to legend, it was created when the world was created. The light of endless stars gathered together. It turned into this river, and since ancient times, people have been full of longing and awe for this river."

“Human beings will manage the great rivers to prevent them from overflowing and disturbing the people.”

"The heaven is composed of many stars and star officials, who control the stars and maintain the stability of the Milky Way. In fact, it is no different, right? Here, here, my friend Qi Wuzhuo came here at the time, and Wuzhuo and I were in this water I stepped on it and played with it, and Wuhuo even wrote a poem."

 “It is said that the Tianhe washes my feet.”

"Ah, I can't write such a sentence. I can only say, the water of the Tianhe River is so big."

Suddenly hearing his name, Qi Wuhuo almost thought that his true identity had been exposed, but with the method of transforming three pure things into one breath, he controlled one of the innate five-element flags of the Fire God Zhu Rong, the "Flame Flag from the Ground". Machine suppression, even though the girl in front of her has a clear Taoist heart, she is not yet clear enough to see the concealment of Zhu Rong's Qi.

Qi Wuhuo paused for a moment and realized that the girl had only mentioned his name naturally when introducing the water of the Tianhe River.

 Although I felt a little relieved, I also felt a little itchy.

 Similar to when a friend talks about you behind your back.

 Because of my personality, I don’t want to listen to the previous teachings, but for some reason, I subconsciously want to know what she thinks about me.

 No, I want to know inexplicably.

 The young Taoist subconsciously looked away.

  I cursed myself secretly.

“Qi Wuzhuo, Qi Wuzhuo, in the past, gentlemen taught you not to listen to inappropriate rules. Have you forgotten all these things?”

The girl pointed to a more distant direction, pointing to the Lingxiao Palace and said: "That is the core of the Heavenly Palace. Near the Lingxiao Palace are the Thirty-sixth Palace, the Seventy-second Palace, and the Xiangyu Sister's in the Pixiang Palace. Baihua cakes are delicious, Uncle Kui Mulang often goes there to eat cakes, ah, even though he is thousands of years old, Xingjun still likes to eat sweets."

"Last time, I took care of Sister Yunv's temple for three days, and then I summoned some Baihua cakes, intending to give them to Wuhuo after he descends to earth. Although he travels all over the world, there are all kinds of cakes in heaven. I have tasted many kinds, and each has its own merits in the human world. This Baihua Cake is the most delicious among them, and it will definitely surprise Wuhuo."

“It’s a pity that Uncle Kui Mulang deceived him and took him away.”

“When I went to ask Sister Yunv again, her face turned red for some reason and she glared at me.”

“If you give it to me anyway, I will give it to Kuimu Lang, but I won’t give it to you anymore!”

Yunqin imitated Baihua Jade Girl's tone and said in confusion: "I really don't understand."

From these words, Qi Wuhuo seemed to be able to see the beautiful girl in the Pixiang Palace retorting with her eyes wide open. The girl was standing among the flowers, but she didn't know what she had done wrong. Her face was full of regret and confusion, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised subconsciously. Immediately he realized that he was now Zhenjun Taixuan, not Qi Wuzhuo, so he tried his best to suppress the corners of his mouth.

It's still slightly arousing.

In order to distract myself, I had no choice but to keep my tone calm and asked: "Then what kind of snacks does Fairy Yunqin like?"

 The words came out, but he was slightly startled.

 Why would you ask such a thing?

 Shouldn’t we ask about the scenery of Doubu, the characteristics of immortals and gods, and the legends of heaven?

Doesn't this look like he is using the title of True Lord Taixuan to openly inquire about the preferences of the girl in front of him? The Taoist paused and said calmly to himself. Since he is a friend, it is natural and natural to understand his friend's preferences.

 “Huh? Do I like it?”

The girl thought for a while and replied directly:

"The most beautiful snacks in the world are from the Jiangnan area. They are exquisite and clever, making people wonder if the pastry chef has supernatural powers. The snacks of the demon clan look grand, like a large cluster of peonies, all in one piece." It blooms in front of your eyes, and when you eat it, some are soft, some are sweet, and some are crispy on the outside. When you bite into it, it becomes a piece of fine powder, but inside it is delicate jujube paste."

“There are also places where milk-based sugar water is added, which is soft and delicious, and there are red beans pickled in sugar.”

“What’s more, honey and sugar water are sprinkled with golden osmanthus flowers that have been dried in the sun. The fragrance seems to float as far as three streets away!”

 The young Taoist recorded it silently in his heart.

After all, that girl has traveled all the way in the world and has seen a lot.

After all, sesame cakes are only popular among children in ordinary rural towns. They are simple and rough, but they are not elegant. No matter the shape or taste, they cannot be ranked among the many cakes in the human world. So the Taoist asked Said: "So, which category is your favorite?"

 I was thinking that I would give other snacks next time if I have a chance.

Well, the world is so prosperous, the people are so clever, and all kinds of snacks are endless.

The girl over there suddenly laughed and said without thinking: "Of course it's sesame cake."

 Qi Wuhuo paused.

Yun Qin put a hand on her chin and thought seriously: "Although the sweet-scented osmanthus cake is the most beautiful, the drink with milk, sugar, and candied red beans is great, and there are snacks made of small animals in the south, but I don't know Why is sesame pancake my favorite? Well, maybe it’s not just the taste, right?”

The girl raised her head, then put her hands behind her back, stood on her toes slightly, and looked at the sea of ​​clouds and stars in front of her. Her voice was rarely energetic, but gentle:

"As for me, I just grew up in heaven. I have never been to the human world and I don't have many friends."

"Wuhuo brought me this snack for the first time. I can't forget the joy I felt at that time. I think that with every bite of the snack, I can feel the feeling of staying in the heavenly palace for so long. It has been a long time, and then I have a friend for the first time, and I got such a snack from him that I have never seen before, well, Senior Zhenjun must understand, right?"

 “At this time, taste is not important.”

The girl turned slightly sideways, her amber eyes reflected the flowing light of the galaxy, she raised her right hand and held it slightly, placed it on her heart, and said: "It feels like with every bite, I can feel the joy of that time again, the feeling of being trapped around me. It was like my cage was starting to be broken down.”

“The harp is the sound of the heart, and everything can carry the heart.”

“The reason why all living things value and like a thing the most is often not just the thing itself.”

“It’s not that sesame pancakes are delicious, so they are my favorite.”

“Just because it was the first snack Wuhuo gave me.”

 “That’s why I like it the most—the most!”

The body of the young Taoist stiffened slightly. Looking at the innocent smile of the girl in front of him, his face felt a little hot for some reason, and his eyes moved slightly. Yun Qin seemed to realize it later, and soon seemed to realize that there was something wrong with what he said. The ambiguity, especially in front of the elders, is really a bit embarrassing. I couldn't help but feel embarrassed, my ears were slightly red, and I said:

“Ah, um, I mean, senior, don’t tell Wuhuo about this.”

“Well, you are the Twelve Holy Spirits, and you will definitely see him in the future.”

“At that time, please keep it a secret.”

 “Please, please!”

The girl clasped her hands together in a petition.

The young Taoist took a breath and said without changing his expression: "Well, I don't know how. Tell him."

His eyes shifted away, and then he closed his eyes.

But I was thinking about the Tao in my heart.

next time-

 Let’s give sesame cakes as a gift. "Well, senior, let's continue watching Doube's Tiangong here..." Yunqin quickly threw away the emotions of embarrassment and embarrassment. It seemed that emotions like embarrassment and embarrassment could not survive in the girl's soul for a long time. , she continues to fulfill her mission of guidance.

"That's Niu Su. I used to live there. When Wu Huo first came here, he had just started to practice Taoism and had a little bit of Taoism. However, thieves can eat! Super edible! He ate three buckets of rice by himself. , I still feel it now!”

"Here is Doubu's stunning scenery, a whirlpool of stars. Countless stars converge at one point. It is extremely brilliant. Even in the thirty-sixth level of the sky, it is extremely rare. It is of great benefit to cultivation...Wu Huo hasn't seen it yet came."

“If there is a chance in the future, I really want to let him take a look.”

The girl carefully guided the Dongyang Emperor and described the scenery and characteristics of each area in detail. However, after her extremely responsible narration, she would always subconsciously add, "There is nothing here." Huo has been here before, but he has never been here before. I want him to see it here.

 Every place has been passed by. The girl's eyes were as bright as stars, while the Taoist stood quietly five steps behind.

So the young Taoist finally couldn't bear the suppressed thought in his heart. He lowered his eyes slightly, put his arm around the fly whisk, and gently hooked the tail end of the fly whisk with his fingers. The wind was light and the clouds were calm, and he wrote lightly: "I will always take off my clothes along the way. Apart from Qi Wuzhuo, it seems that Qi Wuzhuo is quite important to Fairy Yunqin..."

The young Taoist knew rationally that he should ask this question, but for some reason, his face became scalded.

   ! !

The eavesdropping Master Shangqing Daodao’s eyes widened, and he backhand blocked the perception of a certain existence in the distant netherworld and the dead city that could eavesdrop on all the secrets inside and outside the six realms, and cut off the magical line.

The old man stroked his beard, his eyes were a little curious, and he thought of another disciple of his, and he was a little worried.

At this moment, there was a sound of the wooden door opening.

The Taoist wearing a light gray Taoist robe walked out calmly, glanced at the two Taoist friends in front of him, and said calmly:

 “Do you want to continue listening? Old monks.”

 Shangqing Daojun: "..."

Taishang: “…”

 The old man coughed and said with a gentle smile: "I'm just a little worried."

Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun said calmly: "The Eight Difficulties are Taoist friends, and they are all left to the disciples. If we have to take care of this matter, our hands will be too long."

He added: "Shangqing, if you want to fight, just come over."

 Shangqing Daodaojun was slightly startled.

 The opportunity to fight Yuqing is right in front of you!

 I held my breath twice before, but this time—

 Shangqing Daodaojun hesitated!

Yuqing is here, when can you not fight if you want to? From the beginning of the ancient tribulations to the present, there have been countless fights. If the battles at the level of Yuji and Qing are counted, then the battles between Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun and Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun will be different. The number of fights he has played is definitely ahead of other fellow Taoists' fights by a cliff.

Yuqing can be beaten often, but this kind of thing should not happen often.

Master Shangqing Daodao waved his hand, rolled his eyes, and said calmly: "Fellow Taoist, your determination is too weak. What kind of beating? It's not like you were young and old when you had not yet attained the Tao a few tribulations ago. Yuqing Ah Yuqing, when did you become so aggressive?"

Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun put his fly whisk on his arm, looked at the back of Shangqing Daodaojun, and said lightly:


  ? ! !

Shangqing Daodaojun's body stiffened.

 Slowly raised his head, turned around, with a ferocious smile on his face:



 “You said I’m afraid of You Yuqing? Don’t touch your nose and face!”

Jade Qing Yuanshi Tianzun!

The only person who can easily step on the vital points of Shangqing Daojun's minefield in any word or deed on any occasion, at any time, at any time!

 “Old bastard, what did you say!”


"Your Majesty, come too. I can't see it, and you can't even think about it!" Master Shangqing Daodao grabbed the water cup next to him and threw it into the sky. The clear river water reached the highest point and immediately seemed to turn into a river of stars. Generally, it was shrouded in that area of ​​the galaxy, like misty clouds, and all living things were invisible. He immediately picked up his sword and stepped into the courtyard.

With a backhand grab, he tore apart the void and pulled out a certain [beast] who was trying hard to mend his bald head.

 “Old rules.”

 “You and Di Ting are in a group!”

I am applying the 3.0 version of Meng Po’s secret soul-level hair growth ointment to my head:



 What since ancient times? !

 What old rules? !

I do not know how? !

Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun glanced at Diting and said calmly: "Okay."

 With a whisk and a sweep, the [old rules] were determined from the level of cause and effect.

So Di Ting doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with this rule.

 Very reasonable.

  And it’s not logically reasonable, it’s reasonable at the causal level.

 Lao Qingniu, who was walking up from the bottom of the mountain carrying New Year's goods, looked at the group and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Awesome!"

 You kick the door when the four emperors eat, you curse when the three emperors fight, now it's time to form a team with the three emperors.


 A hero among beasts!

Such an awesome thing, you have to appreciate it!

So he took out the talisman and sent a message to the old scalper.

I thought about it for a while and then started writing like this -

  【Secret! Di Ting, the master of the Ancient Tianji Pavilion, teamed up with the Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun and defeated the Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun]!

And above the galaxy, the girl answered naturally:

 “Yes, being free from confusion is very important!”

 In the clouds, the Taoist was no longer holding the fly whisk, but pinching the fly whisk. Somehow, he had cultivated his spirit to become one with his soul. He blurted out almost subconsciously and asked plainly:

“So, who is Qi Wuhuo to Fairy Yunqin?”

 There seemed to be something quiet for a moment.

Recommend the book to a friend "Who is going to be a professional after being reborn?"

The world’s number one mid laner who fought hard to win the Triple Crown only ended up with injuries.

Re -living, the game can be played, and the career cannot be touched.

One -handed king bombed, what can you do if you do n’t have to do some financial freedom?

The task of rebirth is to become famous through live broadcasts, make money to attract girls, and live a cool life.

But when Chen Yian appeared on the stage of the S10 Global Finals, Chen Yian just wanted to ask, why is the whole world forcing me to play professionally?



 (End of this chapter)

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