I Am Immortal

Chapter 455: The world is undergoing great changes, and a saint should emerge!

Chapter 455: The world is undergoing great changes, and a saint should emerge!

The human energy flows slowly in the body and gathers naturally, just like a fierce fire that suddenly turns soft. Two phoenixes circle in the sky and sing with clear chirps. But below the phoenixes, in this northern winter, where the heavy snow falls in the middle of winter. , there is a group of wild beasts, these beasts are not even the spirits who have mastered spiritual wisdom, they are just ordinary beasts.

The Taoist raised his hand and pushed aside the branches in front of him. The branches swayed slightly, and white snow fell down. He was wearing a clean Taoist robe. In front of him, he saw several winter wolves grinning and slowly walking toward him, opening their mouths. His extremely sharp fangs were exposed, and his eyes were cruel, as if he was protecting something.

Lao Tutu was about the level of a Taoist priest in the world. He was startled by these ferocious winter wolves. He subconsciously raised the wooden stick in his hand and planned to discuss it. After all, he gave these few The guy who didn't recognize his old man hit him **** the head.

 But the Taoist only glanced at them, and all the evil beasts in the mountains seemed to be frightened and slowly retreated.

 The old land was shaken for a moment, but soon it became natural.

While walking forward huddled behind the young Taoist, he looked forward, and was slightly startled immediately. In a cave in front of him, he saw a group of beasts surrounding a child, and a colorful tiger suckling its mother. The leopard used its soft and warm belly to keep the child warm. Even the trees in the mountains that had almost lost their leaves in winter seemed to stretch their bodies, using the remaining fallen leaves to cover the child from the wind at the entrance of the cave.

Lao Tutu was stunned. He subconsciously stopped and stood back to watch quietly.

Watching the intertwined trees and vines in front of you slowly push open to both sides as if they were spiritual, opening up the road ahead; watching the beasts showing their fangs become quiet, and the phoenixes in the sky flutter and hover. , the Taoist wearing a blue robe leaned down and picked up the child from the tiger's arms.

The child smiled and held out his hand to him.

All souls followed the phoenix's cry. This scene had an indescribable elegance and solemnity. Lao Di Tu subconsciously held his breath and watched quietly. It was not until the young Taoist walked out holding the child that he slowly came back to his senses. When God came, the Taoist took off his Taoist robe and wrapped up the child, only revealing his face, with a calm expression. The old man couldn't help but said:

 “This child looks really weird.”

“It feels like ghosts don’t dare to come close.”

 The young Taoist said softly: "Strange people have their own differences."

He held the child in his arms. The wind and snow were getting louder, but they could not penetrate within three feet of his body. For some reason, the child gradually calmed down when he met him. His expression was peaceful, and he stretched out his hand to grab the boy. The Taoist played with his black hair on his temples and chuckled, while Qi Wuhuo's human energy became stronger and stronger.

ˆDrumming, drumming.

 It means that a large number of tribulations are about to occur, and great fortune is about to arise. If people act within it, they will gain something.

Lao Tutu didn’t know, but he was slightly worried and said: "But, what are you going to do with this child? Do you want to take him back to the mountain for cleaning?"

Qi Wuhuo shook his head and said softly: "No."

 Lao Tutu was puzzled: "What does the emperor mean?"

The Taoist said slowly: "I asked my friends in the mountains just now, and they said that the man who brought the child up was a man dressed as a guard in the human world. Looking at it together, I am afraid it is because of the iteration of the human emperor in the human world, that noble man The old man who was born was unwilling to expose the scandal of Yehe Niezi at this time, so he secretly asked his trusted guards to take the child out and throw him in the mountains."

 “If it weren’t for you, I’m afraid this child would be in danger.”

“However, this child’s earthly life is not over yet.”

Qi Wuhuo lowered his head and looked at the child - he was the true successor of Yuanshi Tianzun Yuxu, and he had already learned the way of cause and effect. In his eyes, the countless causes and effects of this child all pointed to this vast world, and he had his own aura. The splendor flows and is brilliant.

It is precisely because of this human world that this person exists; and because of this person, we can know that this vast human world should have stars and everything, not the endless night of death.

 The calamity is about to begin, humanity is greatly prospering, and extraordinary and refined people will emerge at the right time.

The young Taoist sighed and seemed to understand today's inspiration. He brushed his fingers between the child's brows and said gently:

 “I am here now because of you.”

The old man was puzzled, but the young Taoist walked to the side of the mountain road, and then just stayed here. He simply sat cross-legged on the bluestone, and the old pine trees from the mountain spread over, like a canopy, covering the young Taoist's face. Above their heads, the beasts were silent, just following behind.

 The mountains are covered with wind and snow, but this place is pure.

 Lao Tu Tu and the mountain **** who came after hearing the news stood aside. For this reason, they were immersed in invisible tension and solemn oppression, and their bodies were faintly trembling.

 The natural avenues of heaven and earth move faintly with it?

 This kind of state.

 Are they really just earth immortals? !

The child woke up and was still quiet at the moment. The young Taoist stretched out his fingers to play with him. After thinking about it, this child was abandoned by his father in the mountains not long after he was born. Even though there are all kinds of monsters in the mountains, The protection of wild beasts must also lose the foundation.

Qi Wuhuo thought for a while, then he simply closed his fingers and took out from his inner world the gifts that the Jade Emperor gave him when he became an 'Earth Immortal'. They were all spiritual materials and other things. The child also bit the He couldn't move the peach, so he only took the nectar and spiritual fluid sent by the Jade Emperor and fed it to him gently. Although it was not enough to make him an immortal immediately, it could at least make up for the foundation of his abandonment.

  May be light and strong, or have brute strength.

 The land official asked in confusion: "What are you waiting for?"

 The young Taoist thought for a while and replied: "I'm waiting for his fate."


The old Tugong was really puzzled and just waited by the side. However, the wind and snow gradually increased, and naturally the young Taoist was always warm as spring around him. After the child played, he ate fine wine and jade dew, which gave him a good foundation and gradually fell into a deep sleep. The old Tugong and the local mountain **** also subconsciously moved closer to the young Taoist.

Their Tao Xing foundation is not bad, but since they can get some warm wind, they should do so to save some mana.

The young Taoist lowered his eyes and looked inside. The human energy in his body was slowly flowing and rising. It was even greater than the previous two months of practice. However, the young Taoist was curious about what the baby in his arms would become. Such a person, and at this moment, Lao Tutu suddenly noticed something and subconsciously lowered his head to look.

 “Huh? Someone is coming?!”

Qi Wuhuo also followed the traces of cause and effect. He could only feel that a very strong cause and effect line on the child was approaching, so he waited here. He also felt the influence of these mountain beasts on this child. I was so attached to him that I didn’t go down the mountain immediately.

It was just that the wind and snow were getting stronger, and the visitor could be seen, so Qi Wuhuo raised his eyes slightly.

The mountain **** and the land are like this, looking at it with wide eyes.

That is…

  A woman.

She was young, her face was pale, and she seemed to be still weak. She walked quickly and staggering in the wind and snow. The old land and the mountain **** could immediately tell that this woman had just given birth to a child and her body was weak. She was probably the mother of the child. , even though she didn’t know why she matched with that old nobleman, and she didn’t know the various reasons, but she also found her child immediately after she found out that she had been abandoned.

 The Taoist’s thoughts swept away, and the snow and wind in the mountains that were getting bigger and stronger in front of him stopped in an instant.

The woman had a difficult life and her family was poor. The nobleman sent an attendant to take care of the child, but one day the attendant took the child away and never came back. The longer the time passed, the more worried she became. After asking several times, she asked herself. Someone else asked about the road, so he got a hairpin and took a groom's car to get here.

Even though she knew that her child was probably in danger, she still stumbled up from the wind and snow. Her body was weak. In the middle of winter, the wind and snow were especially strong, and she was almost shaky. The thought held on tightly, but suddenly the wind and snow stopped.

She looked up in confusion, almost in disbelief, and then she saw someone looming on the side of the mountainside. She immediately worked hard and accelerated her pace. I don’t know why, but now my body is light and healthy, and I walked up in one breath.

The further forward I walked, the more I felt my body become warmer. It seemed that the hidden scars of living in poverty for many years were being healed. When I raised my head again, I saw that the wind and snow on the mountain suddenly stopped, and the green pines stretched out their branches. Behind the canopy are tigers, black bears, and ferocious beasts. On one side are old men and strong men standing solemnly, while on the other side are young Taoists holding their children.

 The foot of the mountain is like red dust, and this place is pure and comfortable.

 “Child? My child…”

The woman was just shocked by such a scene, and soon she saw the child in the young Taoist's arms. Everything seemed to be out of the world, like an immortal, a god, or a demon fox. She left everything behind and hurriedly ran away. The young Taoist had already stood up to greet him, leaned slightly and handed over the child in his arms.

The woman snatched the child away almost like a robbery. Holding the child in her arms, she felt the child's body temperature and pulse. The resilience and tenacity that she had shown before when she came here alone from her hometown and then braved the wind and snow to go up the mountain seemed to be instantaneous. He seemed to disappear, and he sat down on the ground, hugging the child tightly, sobbing first, and then burst into tears.

 When the Lord of the Land heard about it, he felt sympathy. He tilted his head, stroked his beard and sighed. He couldn't bear to look at it anymore.

The woman cried for a long time, and then she regained her composure. She saw the blue Taoist robe wrapped around her child, and saw that the Taoist was only wearing white ordinary clothes. It was obvious that this robe should belong to the Taoist, so she thanked and saluted, but was The Taoist helped him up and told him his life story. If it was as the old man said before, the latter sighed.

The young Taoist asked: "How is it at home..."

The woman sobbed: "Now when I return to my parents, I can take good care of them, and I can weave and feed this child." She said, still holding her child tightly, her face still expressionless. A little pale, obviously very worried about losing her child, the young Taoist looked at her, nodded, and said: "That's fine, please extend your hand."

The woman was puzzled and stretched out her palm. Qi Wuhu drew a talisman in the air. Then he shook his hand, causing the golden light to fall on the woman and the child. He said softly: "This child will have great achievements in the future. You We must also raise him well.”

The woman wanted to pay her respects again, it was a scholarly home, and asked: "This child has not been named yet since he was born."

"I don't want his father to name him. Taoist priest and others, please give me a name if you have the grace to keep this child alive."

The young Taoist said: "I didn't save him, it was these friends in the mountains who saved him." The Taoist turned slightly sideways, stretched out his hand in the wind and snow, and pointed at the many ferocious beasts in the mountain. All the ferocious beasts responded with low roars, The woman who said her name was Yan Zheng was from an ordinary family. She had never seen such a scenery before, and she was immediately stunned.

 I felt my scalp was numb, and I was frightened by the aura of the ferocious beasts. The hairs on my body exploded, and goose bumps appeared. I even had the urge to turn around and run away.

But after knowing that these ferocious beasts were the source of life for her child, the woman still suppressed her fear and bowed slightly. Then she glanced at the Taoist over there and gently placed her child on the bluestone. The tiger made a sound in its throat. Growling, he slowly came forward, touched the child with his forehead, very gently, and then slowly backed away.

Like a solemn ceremony, these beasts in the mountains, which are not even psychic yet, bid farewell to the child gently.

The young Taoist listened attentively, then looked at the woman who was gentle with her child, and said: "As for names, these friends in the mountains also have names, which may not be so nice, but if you are willing, you can also consider using their suggestions as a name. name."

 The woman asked.

The young Taoist replied gently: "The tiger hopes to be named Yong, named after his strength; the crane hopes that he can practice benevolence; the wolves hope that he can walk in front like a wolf in this life; of course, they are noisy now. Fazi has a choice that everyone can agree on. After arguing for a long time, there is only one last name that everyone can agree on."

He reached out and touched the child's forehead and said with a smile: "They found him in this hill."

“You can name it a mountain or a hill.”

"The mountain is high and towering. It is also majestic and lofty among everyone."

“Of course, it’s up to you to choose which name you choose in the end.”

The woman was silent for a moment and said: "If you do this, you may have to live up to the Taoist priest's kindness. The name mountain is too majestic. I don't want the child to have so many twists and turns in the future." She smiled and tightened her arms around the child. The Taoist robe said: "There is a saying in our hometown that it is easy to make a living with a cheap name. If a child encounters this kind of thing when he is born, I hope to choose a simple name."

 “The mountain is too high to be climbed.”

“That small **** that anyone can walk up, I hope it can bless my children to be safe every year and have a smooth and stable life.”

 The young Taoist said gently: "So -"


 The woman replied: "Then his name."

  “That’s [Qiu].”

The young Taoist said to himself gently: "Qiu Mo..."

He could feel the changes in luck and the turbulent atmosphere of this era - although Liang Jie was cut off, it was not completely erased. Without the edge of Liang Jie, there was instead a kind of wave surging, layer upon layer. The smell is hidden underneath and will rise up at some point.

 The changes in the Bodhi tree in Buddhism, and the Lord of the Oriental Jingliuli Buddha Kingdom came to the world.

The world's military leaders are rampant, and there are entangled fortunes, so Ling Qiu comes to the world.

 The Jade Emperor is still young, and Guanyin has never reached the top.

 But they don’t know that they are in the gate of my way.

 Would there be such a person who would emerge at the right time?

There should be some, right?

 The fortunes of Buddhism and Taoism are entangled, and the prosperity of the human world will naturally change.

But I don’t know who it is and where it is?

With the general trend turning, it is really time to find that person and then guide him to practice.

The young Taoist thought for a long time. The woman hesitated for a moment and asked: "Taoist, I don't know where I have been away all this time... My child, I want him to cultivate and inherit the family in the future, but he must always thank his savior..."

The Taoist was surprised, smiled, and pointed at the capital.

The young Taoist priest at this moment replied: "This era is turbulent and there are big changes. I am afraid that he will have a lot of sleepiness and confusion in his life. If he has any difficulties or confusion, he can Go to the capital and go to the storage room."

 “Pindao will be waiting for him to ask questions in the storage room.”

 The wind and clouds were surging, and under the pine trees on the mountain, the seventeen-year-old Taoist lowered his eyes.

The infant child opened his eyes and saw the mighty world beginning to unfold, saw the wind and clouds surging around him, saw the young man in white with his hair tied in a hosta smiling, stretched out his fingers, and spoke to himself, He said in a gentle tone:

 “From now on, I am willing to treat you a dozen times.”

 “If you are troubled, feel free to ask.”

 (End of this chapter)

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