I Am Immortal

Chapter 466: Not to seal the Zhenwudang Demon, but to respect the Zhenwudang Demon!

Chapter 466: Not to seal the Zhenwudang Demon, but to respect the Zhenwudang Demon!

The true king of exorcism in the North Pole Exorcist Academy? !

 Behead the Buddha? !

All the immortals were silent and surprised, and when they searched hard in their memories and finally recalled the two words "Dang Mo", their expressions were faintly changed. For the immortals, this was not Everything that happened so long ago appeared before my eyes one by one—

The sword's edge pointed at the jade steps, it was extremely sharp, and drops of blood dripped along the sword's edge and fell to the ground.

 The immortals were silent, and the gods were speechless.

With white hair hanging down from the temples, wearing a black gold chainmail, walking on golden silk shoes, with a jade crown **** his hair, and with a cold face, the **** general stretched out his hand to lift the unwilling head of Emperor Donghua, and then let go, letting him die. Rolling down on the thirteenth level of heaven, his tone was calm and cold: "Judgment, beheading."

 “This duty has been fulfilled.”

 These two years seem to have been erased.

The edge of the sword that day seems to have flowed to the present.

  It has always been in the hearts of the immortals, making them all tremble.

Oh shit!

  He is the most ferocious member of the Exorcist Academy known as the Exorcist Academy for thousands of years!

 The killer who killed Donghua as soon as he appeared!

This killer is not dead yet?

 Suddenly there was no trace of him before, and he thought he had died during several calamities.

But who would have thought that after being missing for several years, he suddenly appeared and killed the Buddha, achieving the highest glory of the Exorcist Academy warrior. Compared with the Taoist Heavenly Lord and the demon clan’s great sage, the Buddha of the Buddhist sect is the most difficult to kill. Yes, unless there are special circumstances, these powerful men who are also in the imperial realm will absolutely avoid direct confrontation with powerful enemies.

 He is also proficient in the laws of cause and effect, and is very good at slipping away.

 The gods of Doube and Leibu looked at each other, and they all saw shock in their eyes.

 Fight against the Buddha...

Is it possible that the Saints of the North Pole will become the Four Saints of the North Pole?

Another additional addition of the Arctic Saints, known as the strongest combination of combat power inside and outside the Six Realms, will inevitably turn into a boulder, falling into the Six Realms, setting off an endless wave.

 The faces of the immortals and gods were tense, and they had already begun to think about what kind of reaction this news would have if it spread.

In fact, the faces of the gods of Leibu who are more inclined to the Antarctic Immortal Emperor are not very good-looking, while Doube has previously shown standard Doube combat power and defeated the Judiciary Great Emperor Huoyao Dongyang. It seems much more relaxed.

Although there were countless thoughts surging in their hearts, they wanted to talk to each other and exchange information, but at this time, Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole had not spoken yet, so the immortals had to suppress their impulses and were still here, waiting for Ziwei. Emperor Wei's orders are also waiting for Emperor Ziwei's judgment.

Zhongtian Jijizi Emperor Ziwei lowered his eyes and looked at the Great True Monarch Tianpeng, and said calmly: "You guys, please step back first."

 The immortals of Doubu and Leibu were stunned for a moment.

It stands to reason that with the guarantee of the Arctic Exorcist Academy and the fact that he actually defeated a Buddha, he was promoted to the Four Saints of the Arctic, and then as the powerful existence of the entire Arctic Exorcist Academy, it is natural to assume the power to intimidate the four directions. Could it be said that this The status of the demon is special. Does it require detailed discussion between Arctic Emperor Ziwei and Tianpeng Dazhenjun?

I have such thoughts in my mind, but I dare not say them out.

 Immediately everyone bowed and left.

 Zuo Fuxingjun and Youbixingjun also left.

Only Emperor Ziwei and True Lord Tianpeng were left here. Emperor Ziwei looked at this great general with unparalleled combat power and said calmly: "Tianpeng, you should know that Dang Mo, Qi Wulu, He has already rejected this title before, and now he is personally involved in the disaster. Giving him the title may bring him a lot of trouble."

 “So, tell me your reasons.”

Tianpeng Dazhenjun was already prepared and said: "Yes, the identity of the demon will bring some trouble to Wuhuo, but..."

 “He has enough troubles already.”

“There are so many, the impact of being one of the Four Saints of the North Pole at the North Pole Exorcist Academy is not painful at all.”

Emperor Ziwei said calmly: "The Lord of the Fire Department, Emperor Zhuling of Antarctica will cause trouble for him."

Tianpeng Dazhenjun explained in detail, saying: "Emperor Zhu Ling has an unruly personality. He had a conflict with Wuhuo before. However, Wuhuo did not directly accept the role of Yinghuo Xinghuode Xingxing and went down the mountain directly, and then attracted Yinghuo. , Qi changes, Zhu Ling already believes that the current Lord Yinghuo has nothing to do with the demon."

“Again, the previous anger was just because he thought Wuhuo was an acquired creature, and killing Donghua with a sword was an insult.”

   “Angrily and unfairly angry because of this.”

“However, now that he sees Wuhuo again, I’m afraid he won’t be as angry as before.”

Tianpeng Dazhenjun sighed and said in a gentle voice: "After all, when the gods of Tai Tian Que came together and Tai Yi killed Emperor Wa, it was Zhu Ling who fought like crazy and like a demon to protect Emperor Wa's bloodline. When the help came later, when Emperor Wa died in front of them, Zhu Ling, Baize, and Di Ting were all greatly shocked..."

“Now Wu Huo has acquired the body of an innate human race. When Zhu Ling sees him again, he will probably be different from before.”

"Wuhuo is currently experiencing tribulations in the human world, standing in the whirlpool of these tribulations, facing the ambition of the Buddhas to usurp the destiny of the human world. He has unlimited talents, but if he wants to go up, It also takes time... As for Buddhism's methods, you, the emperor, have been in control for a long time, so you naturally know it; the title of the Fourth Saint of the North Pole is enough to frighten him for a period of time, and it can give him a period of stability."

Northern Arctic Ziwei Emperor looked at Tianpeng Dazhenjun lightly:

“What about the rule that warriors from the heavenly world cannot participate in human affairs?”

Tianpeng Dazhenjun smiled slightly and said, "Wuhuo didn't accept the previous imperial edict, didn't he?"

"In other words, it is just that the heaven unilaterally [recognizes] him as the North Pole True Martial Demon; and he has not yet received this responsibility and honorary title, which means that he is not yet a warrior in the heaven. It will be enough to wait for a while. After all matters in the human world are settled, we can then ascend to the Heavenly Palace."

Tianpeng Dazhenjun's expression turned solemn, and he said slowly:

“And taking a step back, Buddhism has been making small moves in this period.”

“Once Buddhism swallows up the luck of the human world, it will inevitably continue to expand in the next step. At that time, the war between the West and the Heaven Realm will not be conducive to the order of the six realms... Here, the Heaven Realm also needs to be on guard against Buddhism’s actions, and this is public.”

“And the demon demon has indeed defeated the Buddhist Emperor Nanwu’s Baozhuang Mani Shengguang Buddha in front of everyone. Wuhuo is my junior brother. As a senior brother, I naturally hope that my junior brother can be treated fairly.”

Zhongtian North Pole Emperor Ziwei stared at the Great True Monarch Tianpeng in front of him.

 The latter’s eyes were calm and he did not give in.

Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian Jiji said calmly: "You said, is it to seal the true martial arts and destroy the demons based on merit, and to expose them?"

Tianpeng Dazhenjun said, neither humble nor arrogant: "Yes."


The voice of the Arctic Emperor Ziwei was cold, and the movements of the Great True Lord Tianpeng paused. He never thought that such a request, which had no problems with the Grand Duke and the rules of order, would be rejected. For a moment, a slightly stunned look appeared on his face. The Great Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole stood up, his sleeves and robes were rolled up, his hair was **** with a jade crown, and his expression was peaceful. He walked past the Great True Monarch Tianpeng and said calmly:

 “It’s impossible to seal it.”

 “Change it to respect it.”

   ! !

Tianpeng Dazhenjun suddenly raised his head, his expression moved.

 Respected as the Zhenwu Dangmo Emperor? !

 One is a title and the other is a respecter.

 These two are completely different.

 One of them was given a royal title by heaven, but the Zhenwu Dangmo Emperor never fulfilled his duties.

As for the other one, no matter whether the Zhenwudang Demon Emperor is in heaven or where he is; even whether the other party recognizes this title or not, Zhongtian North Pole will acquiesce in his title; even if this person will continue to do so in the future. Wandering around in the human world and never coming to heaven, when gods from all over the world meet, they must salute with extremely high standards.

Even if one day this Taoist conflicts with the heaven, a fight will break out.

After this matter is over, you still have to call him Emperor Zhenwu, and you still have to be polite.

 Cannot be taken away and cannot be changed.

 It is not a reward based on merit.

It’s about respecting one’s actions through self-certification!

 Titles of this level are still respected, but this has never happened before.

Emperor Ziwei of the Arctic said calmly: "This matter will be left to the Arctic Exorcism Institute."

Tianpeng Dazhenjun cupped his hands, calmed his mind, slowly exhaled a breath, and said: "Yes."

"Lead, the emperor's decree." He raised his head and looked at the sea of ​​clouds flowing outside, as well as the still peaceful and colorful heaven. The corner of his mouth curled up, but he didn't know that this Dang Mo and Zhen Wu were the same person. The news will have a huge impact on the heaven, and how many gods and gods will not be able to sleep peacefully.

Hehe... Speaking of which, when Dang Mo killed Donghua, Beidizi seemed to have lost her way and was found by Dang Mo. Because of the old scalper, she was quite afraid of Dang Mo later.

 I just hope I won’t be scared this time.


    Got, get, get, get.

In the storage room, there were crisp sounds. Qi Wuhuo struck the nails with a hammer and renovated the bookshelf. Old Qingniu lowered his head and looked at the man who rolled up his sleeves without using much magical power. But the young Taoist who was quite interested in cleaning up the place himself twitched the corner of his mouth.

   Master Wuzhuo, Second Master, you really have an ordinary mind.

This matter can be solved with just a sweep of your sleeves, so you have to do it yourself.

 He has asked them all.

But after the young man thought about it, he smiled and replied: "The water flow is majestic when it is riding down the mountain; when it is flowing by the side of the farmland, it is slow and quiet, which is consistent with the time and location; I think "Cultivation of the Tao is like water. Since you are in the mortal world, you must do what you should do in the mortal world; if you are outside the world, you should do things outside the world."

 “In this world of mortals, you want to be as graceful as an immortal; outside the world, you want all kinds of earthly enjoyments.”

 “Isn’t it too ridiculous?”

 Lao Qingniu blurted out: "But you have already achieved success in the inner world, and you will not be old even if it takes eighteen hundred years."

"But people here will age and have wrinkles on their faces. It's abnormal for you to stay here. Sooner or later they will find problems. Do you think you can still grow old?"

At that time, the young Taoist who was flipping through a book suddenly laughed and said, "Are you old?"

 “But it’s not impossible.”

“As a cultivator, when entering the mortal world, you should experience various emotions and scenes.”

 “So what if I’m old in this life?”

This sigh seems to be really thinking about growing old, rather than changing it through the art of change.

So Lao Qing Niu was dumbfounded. All the ascetics in the world longed for immortality. Men and women all wanted their bodies to stay young forever. They did not hesitate to do all kinds of ridiculous things for this reason. But now the Taoist in front of him was thinking about getting old again. This and this This...this is too strange!

The young Taoist couldn't help but laugh. He thrust the scroll in his hand into Old Qingniu's arms and said, "Come to this human world."

 “Isn’t it the same with merit in the world?”

That day, Lao Qingniu took a handful of soybeans boiled with salt, squatted in front of the library gate and watched people coming and going. He kneaded soybeans all afternoon. As the sun set in the west, he watched people coming and going. I just couldn't figure out what this person was thinking.

He could only raise his head and sigh: "Master, what is Wuhuo going to do?"

“Take me away!”

 “I don’t want to really grow old!”

 The young Taoist couldn't help laughing from behind.

At this time, the young Taoist had tidied up the house and said:

"Senior, there should be guests coming today. Please go buy some vegetarian dishes."

 Lao Qingniu said: "You can just call me Qingniu. If you really can't do it, then you might as well call me Uncle Niu."

Qi Wuhuo said: "This junior already has an Uncle Niu."

 Lao Qingniu rolled his eyes crazily and said, "I'm older than him, so call me Uncle Niu and him Uncle Niu."

"That's it, you watch here, I'll just go there..." At this time, when people were coming and going, four men were walking over, and the most eye-catching one was a big man. Even though it was winter, they were still bare-chested and smiling. One of the other three had a soft face, and it was almost impossible to tell whether he was a boy or a girl.

 One is solemn and quiet, the other is light and smiling.

These four people all have very good demeanor, the kind that will attract everyone's attention once they appear. However, walking among the crowd at this moment is like mud flowing into a river. No one turns around to look at them. Their His brows were furrowed, as if he had countless worries in his heart.

They sent messages to each other asking: "Are you really going to look for him?"

 “Naturally so.”

“Now that the Buddha’s lineage is broken, I have no choice but to seek out the true way of cultivation.”

"But does he really have a way to help us complete this step and drive those guys out of the world?"

 “The only one who can be trusted at this moment is him.”


 “But I don’t know if he trusts us.”

They are worried in their hearts, and they are all immersed in the many tribulations and difficulties in which the Buddhas are fighting among themselves and have lost the true meaning of Buddhism.

Unexpectedly, the person with soft and beautiful eyebrows was stunned, but a figure in front of him bumped into him. He was slightly surprised, lowered his head, and saw a small man wearing a cloak. The guy, with a moist vapor on his body, bumped into him, apologized in a muffled voice, and left quickly.

This beautiful person watched her go away, then was surprised and said: "Huh...?"

 A bystander asked: "What's wrong? Guanshiyin?"

The soft-featured Guanyin Bodhisattva watched the little guy disappear into the crowd in a few seconds, with brisk steps. Then he looked back and replied with a smile: "The rich aura of the water source is a dragon girl. I don't know why she appeared. In the capital, besides, he is very interesting, but he is a greedy little guy..."

Maitreya, who has a big belly on one side and always smiles, said with a smile:

“Haha, I saw with my own eyes that the money bag you used to disguise yourself was taken away by her.”

The solemn Samantabhadra Bodhisattva replied: "Do you want to find it back?"

Guanshiyin shook his head and said gently: "It's just a disguise. It just contains some lotus seeds, which can be used as snacks. I just never thought that I would meet the East China Sea Dragon Clan in this Central Plains land, and it's still the same. This money-grubbing little guy, somehow, always feels that he is destined to me."

“Haha, that’s right. Otherwise, why would we only take your wallet if there are four of us?”

 “What a money-grubbing little dragon girl.”

Avalokiteśvara laughed, the wind blew by, and she continued to walk forward for a while. When she arrived at the storage room, the bell under the eaves in front vibrated, and the expressions of the four Bodhisattvas gradually calmed down and became a little solemn—

 Taishang Xuanwei!

 Zhen Wu Ling Ying!

 Taking advantage of the situation, he came and destroyed a Buddha.

  The supreme genius of the Taoist sect.

He is also the only person that the four young Bodhisattvas, who have just entered the Bodhisattva Realm, can trust. They looked at each other and Guanshiyin said gently: "The Supreme Master Xuanwei has a gentle and solemn personality. He is a true cultivator of the Tao and has great mercy and compassion. We, etc. Go and meet me."

Maitreya took out the invitation card and was about to raise his hand to knock on the door.

Just when his hand fell, the wooden door had already opened to both sides. The cause and effect here seemed to have turned into a flowing river, dividing it from the outside world. Just like in the world of mortals, taking a pure place, the yin and yang flow, dividing a boundary, this is The unique method of Sanqing, the use of inner scenes of heaven and earth, made the four Bodhisattvas feel stagnant, but they saw that there were countless stacks of files in front of them, which had a sense of weight.

The eight-view palace lantern hung behind, burning with purple flames. The young Taoist sat surrounded by countless Taoist archives. He held the archive in one hand and the ancient books were spread out in front of him. His energy was deep and peaceful, and he said gently: "Everyone is finally here."

Slightly raise your eyes, the golden light in your eyes reflects the cause and effect, which is one of the opportunities to reverse the disaster of Buddhism.

The way the Taoist reflects in the eyes of the four great Bodhisattvas of later generations is just like how the four great Bodhisattvas of later generations see them. They are deep, distant, and unfathomable. He said gently:

 “Pindao, I’ve been waiting here for a long time.”

 (End of this chapter)

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