I Am Immortal

Chapter 474: Shangqing Cave Xuan Daojun's Seven Kills Monument!

Chapter 474: Monument of the Seven Kills of Master Qingdongxuan!

The monk in front of Qi Wuzhuo had a compassionate look on his face, his eyes were closed tightly, and his vitality was extremely weak. If he was alive or dead, his spiritual light was even weaker to a very thrilling level. There was no doubt that he was imprisoned. After staying here for a long time, I was actually enveloped and bound by clear golden Buddhist Qi.

 Ran Deng is trapped in the core of the great seal of the Mandala in the entire womb realm.

It can be said that if Qi Wuhuo had not seen all the betrayal of the righteous Dharma and inhumane things in this Landa Temple, he would have been aroused with boundless murderous intentions and triggered an immeasurable sea of ​​blood, which would have completely submerged this Landa Temple, even this extremely majestic statue. If all the ancient Buddha statues were destroyed, it would be difficult for him to detect the power of the lamp.

 “Fellow Taoist Randeng, Fellow Taoist Randeng?”

Qi Wuhuo called a few times, but the monk just closed his eyes tightly, and his energy was deep and subtle, as if it was there or not.

The young Taoist grasped the cause and effect and speculated on what happened before burning the lamp.

“Before Ran Deng, I walked around the world for thousands of years. I’m afraid I got a glimpse of something, and then I traced it all the way here.”

"But I didn't expect that the Bodhisattvas and monks here were already crazy and possessed to such an extent. It was too late to leave, so they were directly trapped here. They suppressed the aura of Ran Deng with the core of the Mandala Seal of the Embryo Realm, and then With the seal of the entire [Landuo Temple] on Ran Deng, I want to suppress and refine the monk in one breath."

Qi Wuhuo's mind moved, and accompanied by several sword sounds, the sword light circulated and clanked.

These rays of Buddha's light are made up of the pure power of Buddhism, the power of aspiration, and the three characteristics of cause and effect, which are extremely strong and extremely difficult to deal with. They can't be cut with a knife, and they can be cut continuously with a sword. Only the power of the Vajra Buddha Dharma can. This method can break three thousand afflictions and countless causes and effects.

 But here only a few **** sword lights passed by, and the chains were broken immediately.

The Buddha's light gathered like flowing water, and was rewoven into chains and seals to bind the monks. The Taoist wearing blood-colored robes snorted coldly, and his eyes swept across the endless clear Buddha's light, as if it had seen a natural enemy. It stagnated for a moment and disappeared. It flowed freely as before, and the Taoist glanced across it.

 Many Buddha lights have all dissipated.

 Retreat like a Buddha.

Ran Deng's body collapsed to one side. Qi Wuhuo summoned a gust of wind to lift the monk up. He felt that the once powerful and energetic body was as if the oil was exhausted and the lamp was dry. His heart was complicated and his mind was gone. After leaving this place, a huge spiritual thought turned, and the waves of the blood sea flowed, moving all the hundreds of people out.

 “This, this is...”

 “Are we, are we out?”

Everyone murmured, and the older people looked at the sky and the earth outside, confused for a moment. Then the suppressed emotions during their imprisonment gradually burst out. Some people cried, some laughed, and some staggered forward. He walked over, knelt on the ground, bowed towards the east, and suddenly cried loudly: "Father, mother, the child is unfilial, the child is unfilial!"

But he came to pray for his seriously ill parents, but he was imprisoned here. For such a long time, the elders who were already exhausted might have died long ago. He cried so hard that he almost fainted. The Taoist held the seriously injured and weak Ran Deng with the wind around him. , looking at these people who have experienced many partings, according to his character, he will definitely comfort these people at this moment.

But the person here at this moment should not be Taishang Xuanwei, but Taoist Shangqing Dongxuan.

The latter held the sword with both hands, looked cold, and said calmly: "Back off."

 A cold and sharp air escapes.

Everyone felt a chill running down their spines. The people who were crying, laughing, and yelling froze for a moment. The excitement and overly strong emotions were immediately 'interrupted', thus avoiding the physical harm caused by great sorrow and great joy. Hurt, he was quiet for a moment, and then he thought that this Taoist's killing was also extremely serious, his face turned pale, and he subconsciously stepped back.

 At once, he distanced himself from the Taoist wearing a **** robe.

The Taoist did not look back, but said in a cold tone: "Back off again."

 People took dozens of steps back.

After doing this for several times, the Taoist stopped speaking and asked people to step back. The people who were at least a hundred meters away quietly looked at the Taoist not far away who had his back to them. The wind blew by and the Taoist's black hair on the temples grew slightly. Raised up, the tips of the ink-colored hair are slightly reddish. The hair is **** with jade hairpins, and the Taoist robe is dyed red. There is an indescribable arrogance and calmness.

Qi Wuhuo looked at the ruins in front of him.

Originally he wanted to completely destroy and submerge the Landa Temple, but when he raised his hand, his mind suddenly moved slightly - just erasing the Landa Temple once is not enough, there will always be a second or third time of Buddhism Invasion requires leaving a huge mark to serve as a deterrent, which is the right path.

How to do?

 How to say?

 How to deter?

An extremely domineering sword intent soared into the sky, the sword roared loudly, and the sea of ​​blood surged. The Taoist slashed forward with his sword.

 The sword energy was like a waterfall, crashing down.

 Complete in one go.

Immediately sheathed the sword, turned around slowly, and said: "Let's go..."


He wanted to say poor Taoist, but his voice paused, and he remembered that he was now [Shangqing Dongxuan Zhenjun], not Taishang Xuanwei Zhenren, so he slightly raised his head and looked forward, and said in a cold and indifferent voice: "I Come and see you back to Beijing, and then someone will take care of your affairs."

Although everyone was grateful for his help, their methods were too violent and the killings were excessive, which made them fearful in their hearts.

He immediately turned pale and said, "Thank you so much, Sword Immortal."

The Taoist said coldly: "It's just an entrustment."

Everyone was obedient and didn't say anything. He didn't continue to express his thanks. The Taoist just walked forward and everyone dispersed. The fear in his eyes was more than gratitude. Qi Wuzhuo didn't care about this - human beings are human beings. , it is often difficult to see the whole picture. Everyone sees him rescuing people, but also sees him killing endlessly.

 One is grace, the other is fear.

 The two go hand in hand, so they conflict, that's all, there's nothing strange about it.

Just at this moment, a small hand suddenly grabbed the Taoist's palm.

Warmly, a child with a dirty face took the Taoist's little finger and shook it. His face had not been washed for a long time, with traces of dirt, and his hair was messy, but his face showed an extremely bright and warm look. A bright and pure smile: "Thank you, uncle Taoist!"

 “I will definitely repay you for your life-saving grace!”

He imitated the words he had heard from somewhere and said thank you solemnly.

The Taoist in Blood Robe resisted the urge to raise his hand and rub it on the child's head, but slowly withdrew his gaze and said coldly:

 “With you.”

The child didn't take it seriously and smiled brightly and warmly.

The Taoist snorted coldly, flicked his sleeves, and the boundless sea of ​​blood rose into the sky, rolling over the sky. The waves of blood were surging, giving off a shocking feeling of fear. Then they suddenly spun around and flew into the Taoist's sleeves and robes. , disappeared, Qi Wuhuo threw out a bit of blood light at will, and the water of the blood sea turned into a huge ship in the void.

 I felt a little dazed for a moment. The teacher took me to Altair and used the magical power to cross the galaxy, and now I can use it.

 All these hundreds of people were loaded up, the sails of the ship soared into the sky were opened, and the oars and oars were swaying in the sea of ​​​​empty clouds.

 The huge ship slowly sailed towards the capital, carrying hope in this boundless sea of ​​blood.

 The young Taoist stood at the bow of the boat, his understanding becoming clearer.

There is no right or wrong in the Dharma. The Sea of ​​Blood is an evil Dharma, and if it is used correctly, it will be righteous. The Buddha's Dharma is a righteous Dharma, and if it is used wrongly, it will be evil.

 In this way, it can also be called the rotation of yin and yang.

 That’s it, teacher, I understand.

 This worldly practice is also Tai Chi everywhere.

On this day, all the people of Shenwu and Jiuzhou in the human world saw a huge ship on the sea of ​​blood, sailing on the nine heavens, sending all the people to the human world. Many of them included people who had disappeared in the previous few years. Some people's relatives almost thought that they were all missing. He died, but now that he is reunited, he bursts into tears without mentioning it. The **** boat rises into the sky again and disappears.

The people discussed in detail what happened to the monks, which caused an uproar throughout the world.

In the next few dozen days, the people were all properly accommodated by King Li Weifeng of Qin, and they were prepared to send parcels and parcels back to their families. This matter gradually became unknown to others. In the next few decades, when the world was at peace and people were walking in the right way, I felt thirsty and unbearable. I went into a village to ask for water, just to ask for water, but I was warmly received by the people in the village. The Taoist was surprised. When I saw every household in the village, I prayed. A statue of a wooden Taoist, painted with red paint, wearing a blood-colored Taoist robe, with a cold expression, two swords on his waist, and a sea of ​​blood at his feet.

 He looks cold, but has a supremely upright demeanor.

 Ask for his name.

 Answer: My ancestor was saved by him, and he erected immortal monuments from generation to generation. He was a great merciful and merciful man who rescued those who were in trouble and was the Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood.

I have never said thank you in person, which is really shameful. I always think about this mistake and regret this life.

 I only hope that future generations will know this immortal god.

 “Is it for blessing?”

The man asked curiously.


An old man who was still alive squinted his eyes when he heard the question, as if he was back in the day again. The Taoist wearing a **** robe stood in front of him to block the biting cold wind, but he could see the warm sun and the human world. The old man smiled as the warm smoke rose from the city. He replied gently: "He may not care about that little thing, but we can't care less."

 “We just don’t want to forget that he once saved us.”

“He saved us, and we will remember him.”

 “That’s all.”


Just a short time after Qi Wuhuo took control of the sea of ​​blood and left with these people, there were suddenly several clear glazed Buddha lights on the horizon. Four young Bodhisattvas, Guanshiyin, Maitreya, and Manjusri Samantabhadra, each came with their magical powers of Buddha light -

 They actually don’t understand why they are here.

What this [Landuo Temple] did deviated from the right path, but it was also extremely murderous, and it deserves the punishment!

However, as monks and people who also practice Buddhism, when they realized that Emperor Zhenwu Dangmo's gentle and smiling words of "execute him to death" were probably not joking with them, they still felt a thrill in their hearts and felt a sudden chill in their hearts. Students all rushed here, but their brains were still a little confused along the way.

 Come, yes, what can you do when you come? !

 That Taoist Lord Shangqing Dongxuan was a Taoist friend they invited and found from Master Taishang Xuanwei.

Why, do they still want to stand beside those who have abandoned the Dharma and fight against this Shangqing disciple who came to help him? !

 Absolutely impossible!

 But can they, together with Lord Shangqing Dongxuan Dao, kill all the monks, Arhats, and Bodhisattvas in Landa Temple?

 My heart is also a little confused and a little complicated.

But despite this, they still came, carrying many weapons with them. Of course, they also wanted to stay with Master Shangqing Dongxuan Dao if they couldn't. Although the four Bodhisattvas also had the intention to bring order to the chaos and the determination to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the people. , but as a Qing monk, he still adheres to the idea of ​​"killing the first evildoer", and there is no big killing or big decision to kill all the evildoers.

“However, even though the Zhenwudang Demon Emperor said [execute him to death], he may not really mean to execute him to death.”

“Besides, that Lord Shangqing Dongxuan is not the Great Emperor Zhenwudangmo after all.”

“Taishang Xuanwei is a gentleman. Although he said that the Shangqing Dongxuan Daojun was stronger than him in the way of killing, he might be being self-effacing.”


"Besides, even if there is a determination to massacre, it is unlikely that he will come immediately if we say it today, and even if this Taoist Lord of Shangqing Dongxuan comes directly, there will be no room in [Landuo Temple] But there are more than a dozen Bodhisattvas, tens of thousands of monks, and many rituals."

“It’s impossible for tens of thousands of pigs to be killed in such an instant…”

Several immature and young Bodhisattvas were talking to each other.

  It seems to be answering a question, but it also seems to be asking and answering oneself.

 Until they looked from afar.

My vision suddenly froze—

The Buddhist Landa Temple, which was originally extremely majestic and awe-inspiring, has disappeared. Instead, it is replaced by ruins and broken walls. There are also traces left by the endless sea of ​​blood rolling and corroding in all directions. In the original majestic gate of Landa Temple, Previously, the head of a huge and majestic Buddha collapsed into the earth.

 The mountain gate collapsed, leaving only the head of the Buddha statue, and pieces of broken Buddhist scriptures fell in all directions like snow.

 There is a feeling that time is passing and everything is vast.

 Great ruin!

 Great Nirvana!

Especially compared with the previous bustling and grand scene where dozens of Bodhisattvas were casting spells and tens of thousands of monks were chanting Buddhist sutras, there was an indescribable feeling of loneliness and loneliness, which for a time made the four Bodhisattvas feel overwhelmed. Desolate.

They subconsciously fell and immediately noticed a mountain in front of the Landa Temple. This mountain was originally tall, but in the collision of the blood sea and the Buddha's light just now, it had already collapsed a lot, and the remaining parts were also chipped away. , the remaining part is like a rugged mountain rock wall, rising into the sky like a sword.

 When anyone arrives here, the first thing they will notice is this ‘stone tablet’.

 On one side, there are words.

The words are made of iron and painted with silver hooks, and they are sharp and sharp. Every word is filled with blood and rises to the sky.

 A boundless murderous aura rushed towards his face.

The four Bodhisattvas’ eyes fell on the inscription carved from a mountain, and they subconsciously recited it, saying:

 “All things are born to nourish people.”

 “The monk has nothing to repay to heaven!”

 “Kill kill kill kill kill kill!!”

Seven words of "kill" in a row, one more murderous than the last, more sharp-edged than the last, coming towards their faces, like the reappearance of the ancient blood demon. The four Bodhisattvas Guanyin, Maitreya, Manjusri and Samantabhadra felt a chill down their spines and the hairs on their bodies exploded. , as if there was a sharp sword pressed against his heart, his face was slightly pale, his brain was blank, and he seemed to sense the murderous intention.

 Then I saw the final signature.

 【Shangqing Dongxuan Mie Landuo Temple is here】

 【All Buddhas pass through this state】

[Do your best]! !

 I was speechless for a long time.

Only the sound of wind.

 Only the whimpering when the flowing wind blew over the ruins.

 And the violent beating of the hearts of the four Bodhisattvas.

On this day, Landa Temple was destroyed.

The Tathagata Namo Benevolent Sound and Light retreated one hundred and eight thousand miles.

And Zhenjun Shangqing Dongxuan appeared in front of the Six Realms for the first time.

 (End of this chapter)

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