I Am Immortal

Chapter 480: Ran Deng Taoist!

Chapter 480: Ran Deng Taoist!

Although Xiao Yaoling is not young, his intelligence is immature and natural, and he speaks freely and casually. But when he said this sentence, Ran Deng felt like he was struck by lightning, like a wake-up call, and his heart was shaken. It seems that he saw another possibility.

His mind is distracted at the moment and his inner demons are numerous. As time goes by, his energy will inevitably leak out and he will die.

 But this little Taoist boy put it right.

 The same sentence would not have such a great effect if it were said by Qi Wuhuo or Guanyin.

 It is precisely because of innocent and romantic words that can break the collapsed Buddha's heart that is filled with inner demons.

 Avalokitesvara, on the other hand, looked shocked and shocked as he looked at the little Taoist boy over there.

This is! !

 Him again? !

Old Qingniu was shocked. At that moment, he felt a unique and huge impact, as if there was something vital to future generations. Things are going to undergo huge changes and transitions.

 What the hell? !

Is this little guy also a great monster in future generations? !

 Lao Qingniu’s mouth twitched.

Following the Supreme Leader, he met Haotian, Jade Emperor, Xuandu and other outstanding figures of the era. Old Qingniu instantly guessed something, but he just wanted to spend this peaceful period in the human world honestly, and then everything went smoothly. Lee 'retires' and goes to have a comfortable sleep in the Tushita Palace in the sky.

  I don’t want to be associated with the protagonists from the future era at all!

This kind of people are in a whirlpool, and there will only be trouble if they get close. His head went numb immediately, and he stretched out his hand and said to the old monk over there who seemed to be full of enthusiasm and planned to sell the Taoist sect. He picked up the little medicinal spirit and clamped it under his elbow.

 “Ahahahahaha, little guy, what are you talking about?!”

 “Are you drunk on sugar? Hahahaha…”

"I'm sorry, the little guy just ate a lot of candied haws and is a little drunk. Now I'm taking him to sober up!" Old Qingniu showed a hearty smile on his face and hit the three people over there. Say hello, step forward, there is almost an afterimage, and it disappears in a swish.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva looked at the little Taoist boy with Old Qingniu tucked under his elbow through the floating smoke, with a solemn look on his face.

Any Taoist lineage that has reached the level of the True Lord has already revealed many mysterious magical properties. For example, Old Qingniu can faintly sense that this little Taoist boy seems to have great achievements in the future, and Avalokitesvara can also detect clues from the present. It can be seen that this little Taoist boy will definitely have an extraordinary future.

Born to the roots of the spirit, the back of the Emperor Land was only a ray of aunt.

First, he replaced Taishang Xuanwei and drove away the Buddhas; then, when he saw the evil spirits of the Buddhas and the demons in his heart, he broke through the demons in his heart with one word. With this opportunity and good fortune, a thousand years later, he may also be a true king; And after ten thousand years, there will definitely be a chance to achieve a state like a great product!

Avalokitesvara noticed at this moment that the energy pouring out of the old monk Ran Deng seemed to have stagnated.

Just like a broken lamp shining at night, leaving only a little afterglow, a little bit of the fire of mind is still left.

Having seen the evil deeds of the Buddhas before, this is a dead heart.

 Now the barrier of heart-to-death has been broken through with one sentence.

  It is born from the heart.

Such a cycle of life and death is a different kind of huge transformation with extremely special significance in the practice of Buddhism and Taoism. It can be called a difficulty or a calamity.

Avalokitesvara's heart felt relieved and happy when Ran Deng's obsession was solved, but he also felt a sense of surprise and regret, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart -

Could it be said that the Buddha lamp incarnation in front of me, who had followed the original Buddha, really wanted to abandon the Buddha and follow the Tao?

 It seems he should persuade.

 But for such an important decision, no one is qualified to say anything.

 Only Ran Deng can make this decision.

The monk remained silent.

Qi Wuhuo stared at the burning lantern in front of him and smiled. The most important human treasure in his hand, the "Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map", turned into a stream of light and flew into his sleeves and disappeared. Then he said: "His mind is still very young and immature. , what you said is just like children playing, Master Ran Deng, don’t worry about it.”

Ran Deng was silent, his eyes slightly closed, as if he was thinking, or just sitting quietly.

The Taoist said again: "However, Pindao does have a place that he wants to take you to."

  “There was an agreement before.”

 “If you do the math, it’s almost time.”

 “Do you two want to go together?”

Avalokitesvara was puzzled, but Ran Deng, whose foundation was broken and all thirteen Dharma channels were broken, managed to raise his head and said softly: "I don't know why, I really have an indescribable feeling today. It's so touching, just like seeing the World Honored One in the past. When the Tathagata comes, it’s as if I can’t go on this trip and I will regret it greatly. Please take me with you.”

Qi Wuhuo said: "Okay."

He said calmly: "Pindao's real body cannot leave the capital, so I have to send you guys there in this way."

His true body needs to be here to suppress the turbulent destiny. He stroked his finger on the temple and took off only one black hair on the temple. He blew it slightly and transformed into his own appearance. His face and facial features were the same and he was also wearing dark blue clothes. He wore Taoist robes and **** his hair with wooden hairpins, and walked away with a burning lantern.

Qi Wuhuo watched his incarnation go away, turned around, and suddenly paused slightly.

  “Huh??? This is…”

The "Mountains and Rivers Sheji Diagram" appeared again in the young Taoist's hand. At this moment, there were layers of ripples on this humane treasure. His luck was stirring and changing. Qi Wuhuo turned his wrist slightly, and the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Diagram turned over. Come here, the scroll on the back does not have the simple but real ups and downs of mountains and rivers, only the destiny of humanity itself.

But now, this human destiny is entangled on one side, gathering faintly, and is about to turn into a name.

 And this name is connected with the monk.

 The other side is deeply extended into this human destiny!

This vague name is vaguely entangled with countless causes and effects and luck, and it seems that new changes are about to spread, stretching out, and about to produce branches one after another, making people's luck more and more prosperous.


Qi Wuhuo recognized the vague and unclear writing.

 Immediately I understood.

“The choice you make after lighting the lamp will directly affect the prosperity of humanity in the next sixty years?!”

 Measuring tribulations is like a whirlpool, and the young Taoist is at the center of this whirlpool.

This vortex will continue to change within this period of time, getting bigger and bigger, and the vortex will get faster and faster, eventually pulling more and more people into this vortex, ushering in the final explosion, Qi Wuhuo lowered his eyes slightly , as if the burning lamp in Landa Temple appeared before his eyes, the picture of him detecting the problem, and the picture of him being plotted and finally sealed appeared.

I see.

 “You have already been in trouble.”

The Taoist sighed, holding the scroll with the first name looming in his hand, and looking into the distance.

“So, Master Ran Deng, what is your choice?”

“Should I retreat and find a place deep in the mountains and old forests to practice Buddhism in seclusion? Or should I step into the turmoil of this period and practice in the human world?”


 Qi Wuhuo's clone walked forward with a burning lantern.

Avalokiteśvara's eyes were slightly wrinkled, and her gaze dropped downwards. She was silent all the way, as if she was thinking.

Both of them have reached extremely high levels of cultivation, and the place they are going to is still near the capital, that is the small village.

Guanshiyin felt the sharpness and sharpness, and recognized that this was the place where she and Jin Mao had roared before, intending to take away the reincarnation of the Medicine Buddha. She couldn't help but be surprised and looked at the incarnation of Qi Wuhuo over there. , transformed by a piece of hair, still looks like a Taoist, walking in this human village holding a burning lantern.

Avalokitesvara hesitated for a moment and followed behind.

More than a month has passed since the New Year, the festive atmosphere gradually dissipated, and people returned to their busy lives. When Qi Wuhuo helped the lanterns move forward, people looked at them curiously, but they did not Ask something.

Avalokitesvara looked at everything in this mortal world and sighed secretly in his heart.

Ran Deng was extremely silent all the way.

Both Avalokitesvara and Qi Wuhuo can feel the turmoil hidden under the calm face of this ancient monk, and they can feel the struggle in his heart - on the one hand, he sees the extreme and paranoid ways of the Buddhas, on the other hand The little Taoist boy's unintentional words broke through the confusion, so there was such a choice before him. Along the way, I saw the capital, the people, the world, the villages, and the common people.

 Just like the Buddha Dharma that has been practiced for these seventeen thousand years.

Every time I recite the sutra, I try to understand the Buddha's Dharma from another angle, understand the Buddha's Dharma lineage, and then practice step by step and practice the Dharma. I have been doing this for more than 17,000 years, and I have practiced for such a long time. Time, practice and understanding of Buddhism have almost become a part of Ran Deng.

 Like breathing, like eating.

Just like seeing the sun rise and set every day, just like seeing flowers blooming and falling every year, it will be the same next year.

What's more, each time he has practiced to the realm of Bodhisattva, and when he is about to take the last step and become a Buddha, he turns around and starts practicing again. If he just gives up practicing Buddhism, wouldn't it represent the seventeen thousand years before? Are the years all illusory and worthless?

However, in recent years, the Buddhist dharma lineage has become more radical and fierce in their actions. They have even made various behaviors that betray the true meaning of Buddhism for the sake of "the vast Buddha Dharma", regardless of the common people. However, I absolutely cannot tolerate such behavior!

However, if you abandon Buddhism and turn to Taoism,

Didn’t he also escape from the Buddha’s teachings in the end and let all these things happen?

 Can I really abandon Buddhism and practice Taoism?

 Is it really possible to let it go?

 Do you really have no regrets?

 What should I do if I fail to cultivate?

 What should I do if I make a mistake?

Yes, Buddhas cannot be trusted and their actions cannot be followed, but do we have to give up the experience and past of more than ten thousand years of ascetic cultivation and step into a completely different and unfamiliar field and path?

During these seventeen thousand years of persistence and even longer years, the regret about the problem when the Buddha left emerged in Ran Deng's heart. These pictures and memories are still so clear. If a person's life is made up of Shaped and composed by memory, then these seventeen thousand years of practicing Buddhism are the lamp itself.

These scenes in memory make Ran Deng miss him deeply.

But compared with the many tragic things that happened in Landa Temple, Ran Deng had an extremely strong struggle in his heart. This kind of decision, which seemed to cut off from the past, must be extremely difficult to make a real decision. Along the way, Ran Deng His face was quiet and he didn't say a word. He was actually experiencing a great struggle in his heart.

Sometimes I prefer to practice Taoism, sometimes I prefer to find a quiet place and find my own Dharma.

 Me and me.

  I don’t know how many tens of thousands of times I have fought.

Finally, the Taoist led them to a courtyard. The courtyard was quite lively with people coming and going. The sounds of cups and laughter could be heard from inside, as well as traces of pure and boundless Buddha power. They fell into a struggle. Ran Deng's eyes widened, his heart was dry, but it seemed as if the wind and rain were falling, and he slowly raised his head and looked at the yard.

The Taoist said softly: "I have made an agreement with the owner here that I will come once when their children have a hundred-day feast, and today is just the right time."

“It happens to be the Hundred Days Banquet, it happens that I also meet you, and it happens that you wake up today.”

“Is this cause and effect, or is it a matter of fate?”

Hundred-day birthday banquet in the human world, the Taoist outside the door knocked lightly.

When the host came out, he saw the Taoist priest who had found the child for them earlier. He couldn't help but feel extremely happy. He cupped his hands and said, "Hahaha, it's the Taoist priest who's here!"

Qi Wuhuo said: "This poor Taoist came uninvited, but it's just a nuisance."

"Hahaha, what are you talking about? We have reserved a place for you a long time ago. Just now we were wondering if you disliked our poor family and couldn't come! Please come in quickly, please come in!" The young man greeted them with great enthusiasm. All three were invited in, and Qi Wuhuo and Guanshiyin stood on the side of the big tree.

However, Ran Deng, whose foundation was previously ruined, seemed to have a new force born within him. His steps gradually became stronger, and he unknowingly broke away from Qi Wuhuo who was supporting him, walking through the world, through the world of mortals, and through the world. The old trees in the yard and the guests stretched out their trembling palms, gently pressed on the door, and then slowly pushed it open.

 There is a dusty atmosphere outside the door, but it is also bustling inside. A little child is sitting on the table.

People around him were smiling happily, but the child was confused and out of tune with the bustling surroundings.

There are scrolls, books, and various Zhou Zhou things placed in front of him, which represent people's expectations.

“Haha, I think he has thin skin and tender flesh. He is not destined to work in the fields. He will definitely grab the pen!”

“Yes, it’s not bad to get a book. Study for the imperial examination and get ahead!”

The relatives talked and looked at the child eagerly. They put their expectations on the child.

At this time, the door suddenly opened, and their conversation suddenly became quiet. They all looked at the monk with the light on his back. The monk was stunned and lost his mind. He saw that he had given up all memories and many practices, leaving only The Buddha reincarnated with the attachment in mind, and all the previous confusions and worries were shattered.

 He remembered the Buddha’s inquiry.

  【Where is the end point of spiritual practice? 】

 It is not stopping, it is impermanent.

 Being not bound by the past.

 The majestic Medicine Master Glazed Light Tathagata can also give up all the past, why can't I?

 That’s it, that’s it!

Ran Deng's lips trembled, and he stretched out his hand towards the child, staggering forward. The ignorant child stretched out his hand, and pressed his white hand on the back of Ran Deng's hand. The curve of his palm was soft, like holding a flower, his face A trace of pure smile appeared on the face, as if to say, you are here.

At that time, when the Medicine Master Glazed Light Tathagata has passed away, light a lamp and observe it.

 When Medicine Master Lazuli Light Tathagata is turning around, you can also see it by burning a lamp.

 This is life and death, this is reincarnation.

 You see me die, you see me live, you see me reincarnate, you see my purity and ease, my glazed body.

All the persistence, pain, and struggles in the old monk's heart poured out. People were curious when they saw this scene. The old monk looked at the child. The compassionate and gentle light in the child's eyes seemed to have disappeared, and he retired to the world. It seems that he is waiting here, waiting to see this Taoist for the last time.

Someone subconsciously asked: "This, this master..."

 “Are you okay?”

 “The poor monk is very good.”

 “Not...poor, very good.”

Several people around were dumbfounded, seeing that this was clearly an old monk calling himself such a name. For some reason, when they heard the word "Plain Dao", everyone felt a faint feeling of numbness in their scalps. The old man took one last look at Medicine Master Liuli Guang. The Tathagata's reincarnated body suddenly turned around, swept his sleeves and robes, and straightened his back.

He took a step out, and the wrinkles on his face gradually dispersed, turning into the appearance of a middle-aged man. Then he took a second step, and the monk's robe turned into a light gray robe. When he took the third step, a long robe appeared on his head. With his black hair hanging down his back, he walked out in three steps, pointing one finger to the sky and the other to the ground, Er whispered:

“Yesterday’s various things, such as yesterday’s death.”

“Today’s various things are like today’s birth.”

 “Please ask Master Xuanwei to lead the poor people to the Tao!”

Avalokitesvara sighed and said nothing.

Taishang Xuanwei looked at the middle-aged Taoist in front of him. For a moment, he felt a vague sense of mystery. He didn't know if it was because of Ran Deng's obsession that he transformed into this Taoist; or if it was the ancient lamp in front of the Buddha that cost 10,000 yuan. The seven thousand years of persistence in walking around in the human world and practicing the Dharma were just a big dream for the Taoist in front of me, and now he is just waking up from a big dream.

Qi Wuhuoji bowed his head and said:

"It doesn't have to be like this. My fellow Taoists don't worship me as their teacher. The Great Way is endless and they are all practitioners of the Way."

“How about we just call it Ran Deng?”

The middle-aged Taoist was silent, lowered his eyes and said to himself:

 “Light up the lamp, Taoist?”

If the country is in trouble, wars are in chaos, and the world is uneasy.

But in the place where the country is blessed, within the palace garden, the Beidou Qiyuan Mandala is established.

 【burning lamp】walking on the road, applying for memorials. Suppress their country.

————"Daozang·Zhengyiyi·[Northern Emperor] Shuohuoluo Qiyuan Jing"


Even the people in Landa Temple did not dare to kill him or let him go.

He is worried that his changes will reflect many changes in the Buddhist country and cause all kinds of troubles.

It’s just that these changes finally appeared. Just when the old monk took three steps out of his confusion and turned into a middle-aged Taoist, a sudden change occurred in the ancestral land of the pure Buddhist kingdom!

 (End of this chapter)

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