I Am Immortal

Chapter 482: The Human Emperor and the Human Emperor's way of death (7,400 words combined)

Chapter 482: The way the human emperor dies (7,400 words in one)

Antarctic Emperor Zhuling stopped before the human world.

He stood on the mountain outside the imperial capital of the human world, looking at the prosperous city in the distance and the world of people coming and going. A very solemn and solemn look gradually appeared on his rough face. , finally he looked at the furnace of luck in this world, with a look of astonishment on his face, and said slowly -

 “This kind of weather, this kind of energy.”

“Sure enough, humanity must flourish, humanity must thrive!”

In the eyes of Emperor Zhu Ling at this moment, the fate of the world is burning like a big furnace. The fate of countless people in this world has gathered together to form an extremely fiery gesture. It is magnificent, extremely magnificent, and seems to be enough. Burn everything.

Although it is not a great product, it is still an innate imperial state.

Emperor Zhu Ling can of course have a glimpse of the current fate of the world.

This made Zhu Ling, who was originally very aggressive and ready to find Taishang Xuanwei's bad luck, stop and watch - he knew Taishang Xuanwei's location from the Judicial Heavenly Lord of Tianshu Yuan, and when he came down from the sky, he was full of murderous intent. , but now looking at the prosperity of human luck, he suddenly hesitated and said to himself:

"Although I can find Taishang Xuanwei here, Taishang Xuanwei is not an easy opponent. Even I can't knock him down with just one or two moves. I will definitely wait for him in the capital. If we fight, it will definitely disrupt the order of the world and affect the destiny of the world."

As an innate god, Emperor Zhuling of Antarctica has always held an attitude of equal contempt for all inborn creatures.

 Hand, he doesn’t care about the death of all living things.

 The reason why I hesitate at this moment is just for one reason.

“If Emperor Wa saw it... he would be sad.”

 Emperor Zhu Ling fell silent.

He planned to have a fight with Taishang Xuanwei because of the fact that Emperor Donghua, a member of the innate beings, was beheaded by stepping on his back. He felt that he, a fellow innate being, had also been insulted.

But after all, this is the race created by Emperor Wa, and it is the creation that Emperor Wa has risked his life to protect. And the human race does not know how long it has been before they have such a chance to rise. In order to vent his anger, he killed Emperor Wa. The Descendants' chances of rising are ruined.

 Zhu Ling really couldn't do it.

 In his heart, he was always feeling regretful and self-blame for not being able to save Emperor Wa back then. At this moment, the willfulness and fighting spirit in his heart gradually disappeared.

Thinking of the gentle and beautiful goddess, Zhu Ling sighed, and finally restrained his violent fighting spirit like a raging flame.

Emperor Wa was like this. Even though he had died for several eons, he still left ripples in his heart like the wind blowing over the water.

 Hate is like fire, which will eventually be extinguished by water.

Emperor Zhu Ling of Antarctica was silent for a moment, and the proud look appeared on his face again. He wore a pair of sleeves and robes, and said coldly: "That's all, Taishang Xuanwei, the real martial artist defeats the devil."

“You have already achieved immortality, and our relationship has been forged for a long time. In the next thousand or ten thousand years, there will be plenty of time for a fight. There is no need to cause the human race to lose the opportunity because of this fight!”

Originally, he was supposed to leave immediately, but when Antarctic Emperor Zhu Ling looked at this human city, a thought suddenly flashed through his mind -

  Anyway, it’s all here.

 Just stay and watch in the human world.

 But it is not my intention to protect the descendants of Emperor Wa and help them reach the peak of their fortune!

 It is absolutely not my intention to protect the human world!

 A mere acquired creature!

Even if he is a descendant of Emperor Wa, it is absolutely impossible for me to come here personally to protect him.

 It’s just that everything has come...

 Emperor Zhu Ling of Antarctica convinced himself.

Hunted coldly, raised his chin slightly, and walked into the city of the human world step by step.


Inside the door of the Tibetan Keeper's Room, Lao Qingniu yawned and sat next to the table. The little Taoist boy on one side held a volume of ancient Taoist Tibetan Buddhism and nodded while reading. In the courtyard, a Taoist boy wearing Taoist robes read and read. The ordinary and simple Ran Deng Taoist who came up swept the floor slowly and with deep energy, while Qi Wuhuo looked at Tao Zang.

 From the surface, this place is just an ordinary and cold yamen.

  If you look at it on the surface.

 Lao Qingniu curled his lips and glanced at the crowd in front of him, looking at the little head popping up in the alleyway on one side.

 “Here we go again.”

 “Where did the dragon girl come from…”

The young Taoist over there raised his eyes, glanced across the front, and saw the little dragon girl who was seriously doing the spotting activities. He turned over a page of Taoist scriptures and said with a gentle smile: "Don't worry about her."

 Lao Qingniu yawned and said, "Okay, okay, you have the final say."

"A young dragon who has not even become an immortal cannot make any waves in the current human capital."

 Qi Wuzhuo didn't say anything.

The Dragon King of Jinghe wanted him to take care of and protect this little guy. Rather than 'catch her in', it would be a kind of protection to watch Daozang and let her live her own life outside. And during this period, it seemed that he had discovered With this challenging goal in mind, Xiao Longnu had given up the rest of her 'purse-touching' activities and focused on checking out the surrounding areas.

 Exuberantly interested, like a child who has discovered an interesting toy.

Qi Wuhuo withdrew his gaze, glanced at Sasou next to him, and then began to read through the classics of Ran Deng Taoist. The young Taoist wondered whether this old friend was correct in [abandoning Buddhism as Taoism] at this moment, whether it was right, and the seventeen channels of Buddhism. The answer that was never given to him, whether he could get it through spiritual practice, was given to him.

 Has he really come out?

 It's still just a jump from one confusing obsession to another.

 In the end, is it to abandon the Buddha and practice the Tao, and then to abandon the Tao and realize the Buddha again; or is it to move forward step by step on the Tao and achieve a free and happy state?

The young Taoist seemed to have a vague understanding.

Ran Deng has reached the realm of Bodhisattva seventeen times, and then abandoned his efforts to cultivate again. This naturally represents a certain great character and tenacity, but it also represents a huge obsession that no one can match. At this moment, he has transformed into a Taoist cultivator and entered the realm of earthly immortals. This huge persistence has already turned into a [difficulty] that has never been seen before or since.

I’m afraid that the [difficulties] of being in seclusion for thousands of years before Lu Dongbin can’t be compared with the difficulties that Ran Deng is facing now.

 When he solves this difficulty, no matter what choice he makes, his cultivation level will inevitably improve greatly.

Will it be within this range?

“Could this be considered a ritual…”

 Qi Wuhuo shook his head, withdrew his gaze, continued to look at Daozang, and continued to practice [Human Qi].

 The branches outside the window have also sprouted buds.

 Spring is approaching.

After he defeated the Landa Temple and drove away all the Buddhas, the name of Supreme Lord Xuanwei of Shangqingdong had begun to spread in the heavens, but the Buddhas refused to use their own heads to test the edge of Taishang Xuanwei's sword. Because of this, the human world has entered a period of peace.

Qi Wuhuo only practiced breathing and breathing every day, and read through the Taoist canons and classics in the storage room.

 Attempt to restore the "Secret Records of Qi Luck" left by Xuanzhen.

Life is unhurried and slow, gradually becoming tainted with the smoke and red dust of the world. The weather is getting warmer day by day. The fragrance of flowers is also coming from the city. On both sides of the river that passes through the capital, the willow trees have sprouted their buds and drifted with the wind. And moving, fresh and cute.

Except for the occasional news, the mighty King Li Zhai captured a certain minister and launched a mass killing war. The King of Qin Li Weifeng was in charge of people's livelihood, was kind and loving to the people, and exempted from taxes and other things, which became the talk of the people. Other than that, life in the capital has almost returned to normal.

 The general trend of the world is like a rolling river, which will never be diverted by people's will.

   Three months have passed in the blink of an eye.

The Taoist was sitting on the second floor of the teahouse, facing the window and watching the people coming and going outside.

Since the last time he said goodbye to Li Zhai, he has only been walking in the world of mortals, gradually forgetting about his destiny.

Within these three months, Buddhism seemed to have died down and finally gave up. No more Bodhisattvas and Buddhas came to the world.

Qi Wuhuo's Taoist robes were replaced by simple cloth clothes, and his hair was tied with wooden hairpins. He was no longer limited to Taoist hairpins. He looked no different from a gentle scholar. A seventeen-year-old Taoist, in this era of human beings, He is already stuck at the age where he can still be called a boy, and he will be called a husband when he passes by some romantic places.

 Holding a cup of tea, he was a little surprised by the mild and bitter aroma of the tea as he listened to people talking after dinner.

“Li Zhai’s current situation doesn’t seem to be very good…”

The Shenwu Dynasty lasted for eight thousand years, but those aristocratic families existed before the rise of the Shenwu Dynasty. Thousand-year dynasties and ten thousand-year aristocratic families. These aristocratic families relied on in-laws and master-disciple relationships. All involved.

For example, in this capital city, a person may be born in a hospital of the Wang family; be educated in a private school established by the Wang family; wear clothes made of cloth woven in the Wang family's weaving workshop; and then live in a house built by the Wang family. Inside, people earn money while on duty in Wang's restaurants or teahouses, which are stored in Wang's bank.

Even if he dies, he will choose a coffin shop that has been owned by the Wang family for hundreds of years.

I bought another shroud at Wang's Shroud Shop.

From birth to death, he was shrouded in a huge aristocratic family. At this moment, the mighty King Li Zhai pulled out a sword to cut off this aristocratic family so that the common people could breathe a sigh of relief. As the saying goes, a hundred-footed insect , dead but not stiff, Li Zhai is so powerful and unstoppable, but these huge aristocratic families will not sit still and wait for death.

Qi Wuhuo was holding tea and heard people talking about various things. He tapped his fingers on the table, thoughtfully.

 The family objected.

The intertwined clans also have a lot of resentment.

Although the officials in the court appeared to be surrendered on the surface, they also had resentments in their hearts.

Even the people think that King Qin Li Weifeng is a good person, but the mighty King Li Zhai is always too ruthless and always kills, which inevitably gives people a feeling of being murderous and violent. In three months, Wei Wu When the king picked up the butcher knife, he never put it down.

Folk criticism has begun to change from a famous general in the world and a rebel army on the side of the Qing Dynasty to a tyrant who took advantage of the opportunity to return to the capital and a dictator who cares about human life. In fact, the words in the mouth of the people do not care whether they are right or wrong. They just Simply talking about it verbally is enough if you are addicted to it.

 This is how rumors are born.

But at this time, rumors also have a huge power, which is the general trend, and the people talking over there suddenly lowered their voices and said mysteriously: "Nowadays, people are killed by King Mighty every day. I heard that Ah, the girl cannot come out alone, otherwise she will be taken away by the mighty king's men and sent to his mansion."


"Then what should we do? What should the Shenwu Dynasty do?"

 “Hey, isn’t this a simple method?”

"It's far in the horizon, but it's close in the capital. Hum, the tyrant King Mighty is afraid of the people of the world, so he put the late emperor under house arrest, and there is also the virtuous King of Qin. These two are both wise gentlemen in the world, and they both have I have the ability to sit on the throne and turn the tide!"

The Taoist's eyes flashed with a glimmer of light as he looked at the distant Star-Zhaing Tower.

 “It’s an aristocratic family…”

“Li Zhai, the road you have to take is really difficult.”

At this time, the human family found the King of Qin Li Weifeng, and elaborated on his proposition. He said that with today's situation, King Mighty's power has been dispersed, and said: "The people are stupid, you can enjoy it, but you can't." Instead of planning things, King Mighty is planning things together with the people. As time goes by, the killings continue for four months."

 “The common people are tired of his killing.”

“Those who know the current affairs have always been regarded as heroes. The king of Qin is wise enough to take advantage of the situation, and he will be regarded as the king!”

 “We are willing to drive you!”

Seeing the sincerity of the envoy from the aristocratic family in front of him, King Qin Li Weifeng pressed his sword, his expression gradually dimmed, and a trace of yearning and struggle appeared on his young face. However, the descendant of the aristocratic family approached and persuaded: "King Qin, your father was originally the prince, but he was framed by the previous human emperor, so he suffered infamy and lost the throne."

"You are not betraying now, you are just getting back your own things." "Really?"

 “It’s to get back what’s my own…”

Li Weifeng's face showed a look of struggle and a look of greed, but at this moment, a burst of voices suddenly came from outside the door, saying: "Huh? Princess? Princess, you can't come in..." Huh?!" Amid the exclamations, the door was pushed open, and a beautiful woman wearing white clothes and with black hair entered.

She only wore stockings on her feet, her white sleeves were rolled up like white clouds falling from the sky, and she wore a sword at her waist. The spring wind seemed to be wrapped in her sleeves, and her hair was mixed with petals. She looked so majestic. He walked in, and amid the astonishment of the King of Qin and the astonishment in the eyes of the aristocratic envoy, he pulled out the sword in his hand.

The sword light was sharp and sharp, and it thrust forward at once. The sharp sword edge instantly pierced the envoy's heart, and then pierced through the back. For a moment, the **** smell mixed with the cold air of the sword edge, and hit Li Weifeng. On his face, the latter's expression suddenly froze, and the rising ambition was instantly extinguished.


The family envoy stumbled back a few steps, clutching his heart, and sat on the ground, with blood gurgling from his heart and mouth. He stretched out his fingers and pointed tremblingly at the woman in front of him. Finally, his life was gone. In this scene, the rabbit rises and the falcon falls, The conflict was so fierce that Li Weifeng lost consciousness for a moment. The woman stood up and approached with blood in her socks, raising her palm.

 The sleeves and robes flickered violently.

Snapped! !

The palm of his hand hit Li Weifeng very **** the face.

 It seemed as if he was going to wake him up all of a sudden!

Li Weifeng sat down backwards, raised his head and looked at his sister in front of him. Li Qiongyu retracted his palm, looked at him with big and dark eyes, and said:

 “You want to bring the family back to life?!”

 “Do you want to kill your brother?!”

Li Weifeng gasped for breath and looked at the son of the aristocratic family, with a look of struggle on his face. Finally, he clenched his fist and slammed it on the ground. The wound burst open on the edge of the fist, and blood fell drop by drop. It seemed that he was fighting a powerful enemy that he could not see. As if, his face was extremely pale, and he said: "Thank you very much, sister..."

 Li Qiongyu watched his younger brother suppress the desire and greed that emerged instinctively when faced with supreme power, and said: "Control your ambition."

 “It is part of you, don’t be swallowed up by it.”


Li Weifeng suppressed the ambition in her heart, but suddenly thought of something, and said: "The family plans to join forces with us to defeat the seventh brother. If we refuse..."

Li Qiongyu also turned to look at the Star-Zhain Tower. She was dressed in white clothes and a white skirt, with black hair like a waterfall, and her feet were stockings. She stepped in the blood, but she was like a lotus blooming on the sea of ​​blood. She had an indescribable grace. Said: "Also, fourth brother..."

 Li Hui, the former prince and the human emperor of the previous generation!

To a certain extent, if he wants to rebel against Li Zhai, he has the biggest chance, and he is also under house arrest by Li Zhai himself. He has enough opportunities and enough reasons to rebel against Li Zhai.

Even Li Weifeng and the others came to contact him, so how could they give up, Li Zhai? !

Li Weifeng said: "I need to tell Brother Seven immediately..."

Li Qiongyu looked at the towering Star-Zhaing Tower that seemed to be rushing towards Tianque, with a complicated expression on her face, and said softly:

"That's too late…"


 “You want me to rebel against my younger brother?”

In the Star-Zhaing Tower, the depressed Li Hui looked at the group of people who appeared in front of him. There was a trace of interest in his eyes, and his turbid eyes swept over the people in front of him. Among them, there were aristocratic families, powerful people, clans, and others. Monk, Li Hui saw that at the entrance of Zhaixing Tower, the previously loyal and brave human warriors had died in battle.

Just now, my neck was broken by this powerful man and the monk.

Now, these aristocratic families spoke up and said, "Yes, we have already had disciples from our clan risking their lives to lure the mighty King Li Zhai to leave the imperial city for a short time. This is your greatest opportunity now."

"Lead my brother away? If he is not strong enough, he cannot be lured away. But with his strength, it will only be lured away for a short time. Over time, he will inevitably die under Li Zhai's sword. Are you willing to do so?"

The man from the aristocratic family said: "Since you were raised by my family and received countless benefits and cultivation, it is natural for you to die for the prosperity of the family. There is nothing else to ask for."

Li Hui saw that there was no trace of sadness on the man's face. He just felt that he should look like this. Suddenly, he understood more clearly what the Wannian Family meant. They would sacrifice everything for their family and felt that everything was justified. Yes, the advantages accumulated over thousands of years are like monopolizing the road ahead. People with ordinary backgrounds will no longer have the opportunity to be promoted.

 So farmers became farmers for generations, and the children of merchants were also merchants.

 This has been true for hundreds of generations.

The disciple of the aristocratic family said: "We have prepared magical weapons for Your Majesty, which can make your voice spread throughout the capital. We also have armors and weapons at home. If you raise your arms and call, we will all follow your vision, cling to the dragon scales, and soar into the sky. If you stand up and resist Li Zhai's atrocities, you can help your majesty return to the throne. You can also use our help to split the land and divide the territory and gain a princely state for the future!"

The monk clasped his hands together and said, "The poor monk has come to help Your Majesty in accordance with the decree of the Buddha of Infinite Life and Wisdom and Light."

The Xun nobles from the surrounding aristocratic families were already prepared. They took out a yellow robe and put it on Li Hui. Li Hui looked at these Xun nobles and aristocratic families and saw two things in their eyes. , I can see the fear of this period of time and the desire for the future.

 If you refuse, they may kill you.

 Aristocratic families who are usually as submissive as cats will go crazy once they find that the situation threatens the survival of their own aristocratic family and clan.

Li Hui, who was wearing a yellow robe and holding a sword, suddenly laughed and said: "Hel me up."

The children of the aristocratic families were all overjoyed, so they helped Li Hui stand up, one on the left and the other on the right. Li Hui walked step by step to the extended part in front of the Star Building, looking at the bustling human capital outside. The large formations were all opened, so Li Hui's voice could be heard throughout the city and reached everyone's ears.

  After the children of that aristocratic family loudly announced Li Hui's royal name.

 The people were alarmed.

They couldn't believe that the Human Emperor, who had been under house arrest before, had reappeared. Then, under the pressure of the past three or four months, and with the help of the secrets of several worlds lurking everywhere, they all felt that Li Hui It was a famous person, and they all walked onto the street and cheered.

 “Human Emperor! Human Emperor!!”

At this time, Li Zhai's army killed the future young masters of several aristocratic families, and quickly guessed the choices of these aristocratic families. When they returned to the capital on galloping horses, they heard the sound from left to right, from above, and from all directions. Li Hui's voice came and said slowly and calmly: "My subjects, as your emperor, I give you this order today."

“Today’s governance is such that people’s grievances cannot be dealt with, and cunning officials cannot be restrained; but manpower is used lightly to repair palaces, there is no restraint in going in and out, and joy and anger are excessive..."

The disciples from the aristocratic family next to him had already handed over a written letter of apology, and Li Hui started to read it.

When the voice fell, the expressions of the soldiers following Li Zhai suddenly changed. At this moment, Li Zhai's soldiers and generals in the palace realized that something was wrong, and they all rushed towards the palace. In the streets and alleys, there were private secretly raised by aristocratic families. The soldiers rushed out, risking their lives to stop these warriors and warriors. In the street fighting, it was difficult to form formations, and the military power was greatly weakened.

 It was impossible to rush into the palace for a while!

These private soldiers of the aristocratic families who blocked them, their fathers and brothers all grew up in this aristocratic family, eating the food of the aristocratic family, wearing the clothes of the aristocratic family, enjoying both prosperity and loss. Driven by such interests, they almost didn’t want to His life was average, but Li Zhai was at the gate of the city, and it was difficult to return to the Star-Zhain Tower instantly.

The people in front were incited. They cheered and blocked Li Zhai's horse.

There was still blood dripping from the edge of Li Zhai's sword. His war horses had trampled through countless fortresses and trampled on powerful enemies. But now they were facing the people he swore to protect, but it was difficult to charge. All the people listened. By the time Li Hui finished speaking, under the influence and coaxing of the aristocratic family members, they turned into a wave of shouting.

Qi Wuhuo looked at the Star-Zhaing Tower, and he discovered—

In that dark place, pure human luck suddenly rose.

 Li Zhai's expression was complicated.

 The common people were bewitched and coerced into shouting, while the faces of other aristocratic families, princes, and clan members all had smiles on their faces.

 Time seems to condense at this moment.

Li Hui took half a step forward and suddenly shouted, uttering the last words that turned everything around:

 “What I said before is all my fault!!”

The sound swept through the sky like thunder, causing the people's expressions to freeze. The chanting stopped for a moment, and the silence was terrifying. Li Zhai suddenly raised his head, and the hearts of everyone in the family suddenly stopped, but they felt an inexplicable panic. Li Hui ignored the members of various aristocratic families who were rushing toward him and said: "The Li family, the Zheng family, and the Wang family all have rebellious intentions!"

 “And all Buddhist schools!”

 “Hold me up and spread rumors!”

 “Want to divide the world and divide the territory!!”

"The mighty King Li Zhai, with my final decree, I order you to kill him!"

 The head of the Wang family grabbed Li Hui's collar -

"what are you saying?!"

 How dare he? !

How dare he say that at this time? !

 He doesn’t want to die? Don't want to die? !

The head of the Wang family lowered his voice and said angrily:

 “You want to die?!”

Even though he was extremely angry, he did not dare to kill Li Hui now.

 This was originally the last struggle of the Wannian family.

If he is killed, the rebellion will definitely be confirmed. The name of their ten thousand-year-old family has been tainted by the death of a human emperor, and everything they have done to bring down Li Zhai has been turned upside down. Under these two shocks, I would be a little unable to resist.

Li Hui looked at him, and the head of the Wang family saw a trace of burning passion in the eyes of the deposed Emperor. Then Li Hui grabbed the wrist of the head of the Wang family with his backhand. At this moment, the deposed Emperor suddenly felt something burning inside his body. There was a brief but intense burst of humane luck.

 “Death, so what?”

"I have been talking to Zhai Xiang for the past three months, and I have thought clearly about it. I want to be the emperor, but..."

“If I can take your ten-thousand-year-old family to die together, that’s fine!”


Li Hui said loudly: "Li Zhai, Shenwu Jiuzhou, must not be divided!"

 Suddenly stepped back.

The head of the Wang family was stunned, and suddenly struck out, shattering Li Hui's internal organs.

But this human emperor, whose cultivation had been abolished, actually had such huge power, and his eyes were blazing. The head of the Wang family looked at his eyes and saw countless houses behind him. His eyes were bright and blazing, as if there were All the people were behind him, as if at this moment, he was finally worthy of those two words of title.

Li Hui, who was coughing up blood, suddenly grabbed him and fell backward.

 A violent storm arose.

 Heaven and earth are turned upside down.

His body fell from the highest point of the Star-Zhaing Tower together with the head of the Wang family. The people watched this scene silently, watching the figure fall like a star.

When the human emperor fell, he looked at the few lights on the world and the upside-down cities and houses, just like a river of stars.


I see.

 Reach for the stars, reach for the stars…

The stars in the mortal world of humanity are the ones we want to pick off.

Li Hui closed his eyes.

 Died with the noble family.

 (End of this chapter)

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