I Am Immortal

Chapter 493: Lirenjiao!

Chapter 493 Lirenjiao!

 The incarnation of Hou Tu Niangniang came quietly and left leisurely.

 Come and go at will, no one except the imperial level will know.

This place has turned into a vortex of luck. It was a situation that was about to explode at any time. If you step in at this level, I am afraid that the situation of luck will be like a bubble. If it is popped, it will explode immediately. It spread out overwhelmingly towards the outside.

Huntu Niangniang came and went without a trace. This whirlpool of the human world and the people involved in it were neither aware of nor understandable, and they could only live their own lives leisurely.

 “Have you heard? I seem to be taking an oath today.”

"Who seems to have not heard the news? My son, he is working in the garrison in the capital. Tell me, even you know the news. Can I not know it?"

 “Hey, look at what you said.”

“What’s wrong, can I be worse than you?”

Two men in their forties or fifties picked up a few salt-baked broad beans and whispered something.

Looking across the front, I saw a young Taoist over there, so I lowered my voice and started discussing in a mysterious way.

The people in the capital were discussing the latest news in low voices with each other. They were all very serious, careful, and secretive. They wanted to treat this matter as the most important thing in the world. But in fact, There seems to be no intention to hide anything in this matter—

 People all over the capital are talking about this.

On the second day, nearby soldiers and generals stepped into the city with strong determination. Under the killing of the mighty king Li Zhai, this naturally brought a dull and solemn atmosphere, and even the common people They all realized in a daze that this matter seemed different from King Mighty's previous attacks on various families. This was something related to themselves.

  After a night of silence, King Mighty announced the reason for the incident.


The place is in the original royal forbidden area, where the Star Reaching Tower was built by the Emperor. When the Star Reaching Tower was built, it not only took a lot of manpower and material resources, but also took a long time, but when it was demolished, , but it is really simple. In just one day, a huge open space has been cleared.

 Built a huge altar of heaven in the shape of eight trigrams to take the oath.

Hosted by King Mighty himself, many generals, officials, and even common people could participate. There were no other requirements. On the third day, this huge [Oath-taking Ceremony] was held on the Imperial Temple of Heaven. , more than tens of thousands of troops, and more civilians were either directly or indirectly aware of their involvement in this matter.

King Mighty's speech was shocking, and the scene of tens of thousands of soldiers unsheathing their weapons, holding spears and swords, pointing their weapons at the sky, and singing the songs of the human army, has an indescribable strength and weight. These tens of thousands of human elites who had seen blood held their heads high and shouted, the weapons in their hands colliding with each other made a thin and chilling sound, and they all chanted:

"How can I say that I have no clothes, but I share the same robe with you?"

 “The king has raised an army and repaired my spear!”

 The voice soared into the sky!

 The mighty king Li Zhai was solemn and sighed in his heart.

  Master Qi, indeed he knows a little bit about everything.

The military tune he wrote in the blink of an eye had a rough and wild tone, which was very suitable for arousing the emotions of veterans on the battlefield. He pointed the weapon in his hand at the sky, but in his heart he also remembered the persistence he had said and his oath, That day, the goal of the next country was centered on King Mighty, with countless weapons pointed at the sky, and tens of thousands of people witnessed this scene, which was beyond words.

 For many people, too many things have happened in the past two years.

The human warriors defeated the demon clan; the mighty king swept through the eight foreign countries like a scroll, and then reversed the enemy's front, destroying temples and exterminating Buddhas along the way, forcing his elder brothers to marry, turning Buddhas into Taoists, and killing aristocratic families. All these things were layered on top of each other and became more and more intense. The bigger it got, the more it finally exploded using this [Oath] as a point.

 This has become a ritual.

On the mountain facing the scene where the mighty king took the oath, the Taoist stood there calmly, his eyes passed through the layers of clouds and mist, and fell there. In the center of his eyebrows, countless causes and effects gathered together, turning into the Taoism of the Third Eye, faintly Suddenly, we had a glimpse of the majestic destiny of humanity inspired by this spectacular oath of devotion.

This is exactly what Qi Wuhuo decided after discussing with Li Zhai.

 Since you want to do it, you might as well do it thoroughly.

First, centering on King Mighty, the absolute center of luck in the contemporary era, and the Son of Destiny, we will hold an oath-taking ceremony to push the human Qi upward, and then directly hold the [Heaven Sacrifice Ceremony] on the second day, taking advantage of the momentum to suppress all the luck. Qi Wuhuo looked at the surging and rolling destiny of the world that had almost turned into substance, and remained silent.

This destiny in the world is so strong and so powerful that it never ends.

Like a big flame, it soared into the sky, pierced through the layers of clouds, and went straight to the thirty-third heaven. The gods in the sky had already noticed this destiny of the world, and then spread it throughout the Nine Heavens because of Tianshu Academy. The reason for the title of "Dang Mo Patriarch" is to connect the change of luck in this matter with the Zhenwu Dang Mo Patriarch.

 Among them, there are those who don’t know anything, so they are full of praise: "It is extremely powerful, and its luck is soaring to the sky. With this kind of luck entering this body, I am afraid it is qualified to hit the big things!"


“As expected of a disciple of Taishang Daozu, he can actually achieve this step.”

However, there are also those who are vaguely hostile to this: "Such a strong destiny in the world..."

"Humph, it seems that the Zhenwudang Demon Patriarch really couldn't bear it anymore. He wanted to swallow up the luck of this world in one breath. It's a pity that Emperor Wa created this lineage of human race and spent several years Ji Ji, finally got a chance to rise, but it was swallowed up by others, it was bitter, it was bitter, but it was a wedding dress for others. "

“Poor Buddhism, it has been longing for a treasure for so long, but in the end it failed to obtain it even though it was infamous.”

This matter spread to the outside world with an astonishing efficiency.

But after King Mighty took the oath, he said that the [Heaven Sacrifice Ceremony] will be held again tomorrow. Come here, gentlemen. At this moment, the people in the military formation, whose hearts were as hot as fire, all shouted three times, and they all agreed. When Xian Ye heard about this, he just made some inferences in his mind and knew that the next day would be the [Great Ritual] of Master Taishang Xuanwei.

No matter whether they have good intentions or bad intentions towards this matter, whether they approve or oppose it, or even just for fun, this matter is enough to attract the attention of the immortals, and they all decide to wait until the next day to come back -

 In the Antarctic Changsheng Heaven, the Nine Heavens responded to the sound of thunder and universalized the deity to report this matter.

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor said calmly: "You can go on your own."

The nine heavens responded to the sound of thunder and universalized Tianzun’s way:

"In any case, this person can be regarded as having achieved a great level of ritual. If the true king has completed his cultivation in the future, he will definitely be able to see the superior path. At that time, he will not be respected as a true martial arts demon, but a truly genuine martial arts demon. [Great Emperor], what’s more, for those who enter the great ranks with the title of [Taoist Patriarch], the stronger the Taoist sect, the wider their Taoism, the Emperor..."

"But I need to record its breakthrough charm, so that the emperor can watch it."

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor said calmly: "No need."

"He used pure human luck as ink, dipped it in ink and put pen to paper, and turned it into a Taoist scripture. Although it can be called a great product, the Taoism of great quality is just another Xuandu at most, although it is a little more difficult to deal with than other great products. , but it’s only a little tricky.”

"do not mind."

Jiutian Ying Yuan Lei turned away from Tianzun.

Time passed in a blink of an eye. On the second day, people didn't know why, but there was a strange, stirring feeling in their hearts, as if the blood was boiling in their veins. They couldn't sleep at all and got up early. , there was nothing to do anyway, so I simply went out for a walk, and then subconsciously went around to the [Heaven Sacrifice Ceremony].

As soon as I went there, I realized that there were actually many people there, and many gardens that were originally home to aristocratic families had somehow disappeared overnight, leaving only large stretches of empty space. The people who had long been accustomed to the original appearance of this place felt a sense of strangeness and such a strong impact that they were shocked and speechless for a while.

In the large open space, there was only one person.

Wearing a simple Taoist robe, with a fly whisk, eyes closed, waiting for the weather.

 In the human world, the people are watching.

And above the nine heavens, the immortals had already soared into the clouds and rode on white cranes. They all lowered their heads and looked at the Taoist who was surrounded by all living beings through the sea of ​​clouds. For a moment, they were all stunned. I sigh in my heart and marvel in my mouth. Among the immortals and gods, they are roughly divided into three categories. One group expresses displeasure; one group, such as the Giant Spirit God and other martial gods, all praise it; and the other group has insight into world affairs and knows the secrets of the Supreme Being. If you become the founder of the Taoist sect, you will still be happy to see the impact on the six realms of heaven and earth.

Anyway, what are the ancestors of the Taoist sect doing with these gods of heaven and earth?

 It’s just a matter of fun.

 Tianshu Yuan gave a secret order. Once the Zhenwu Dangmo uses the Taoist Scriptures as the foundation of a great product, it will issue an order on the spot.

 In front of the people of the world, he issued the decree of the Emperor of Heaven and summoned Taishang Xuanwei to enter the palace of heaven.

 Pluck him out of this world, so that this luck can continue to flow and there will be more opportunities!

In this world, it seems that countless eyes and attention have fallen on the Taoist, extremely condensed. At this time, finally, the time of the so-called [Heaven Sacrifice Ceremony] has arrived, and the Taoist seems to have already Knowing that the time had come, I didn't need anyone to remind me, so I slowly opened my eyes.

The voices of the people who were noisily talking suddenly became quiet.

Only that Taoist walked step by step in the empty space, and then stepped on the void, slowly walking up nine steps; his eyes dropped, looking at the people in front, the sound of the jade chime was clear and melodious, and there were various Dharma conchs and Dharma drums. The sound resounded in all directions, slowly and gracefully, but the Taoist did not have as many cumbersome rules as the various ceremonies in the past.

People actually just plan to watch the Falun Gong Jade Qing, and then leave when the real story begins.

 This time happened to be the time when their interest was at its peak and had not yet dispersed.

At this moment, the Taoist suddenly stretched out his hand towards the front and called to one side: "Come here."

 People were curious and didn’t know what was going to happen.

Only among the immortals and gods, those with great strength turned their eyes slightly sideways and looked in that direction. They were surprised at first, and then said: "Is this the power of Hou Tu...? Oh, Zhenwu Dang Demon had only fought with Hou Tu back then. It’s not incomprehensible for the same lineage to fight side by side, with the help of Hou Tu’s power.”

"This person is serious. In order to achieve a breakthrough, he will use all his strength."

  “It’s simply that the end justifies the means.”

 “Haha, it’s just a matter of practicing Taoism, there’s no need to be so harsh.”

People heard the sound of wind, which turned into thunder, and the thunder got closer and closer. At this time, people noticed that the clouds were broken, and suddenly someone shouted: "Ah?! Then, there!!"

“Look, over there, there are people carrying mountains!!”


The people subconsciously raised their heads, and then they saw the clouds breaking through. Individual figures, carrying huge boulders as big as mountains, came through the clouds and fog. They all had long sleeves swaying, and their bearings were extraordinary, either unruly, domineering, or ethereal. , all very human.

Those who can carry stone tablets across thousands of mountains and rivers are extraordinary!

The group of immortals said: "These people have extremely high methods, but they only fool the common people."

  Boom! !

Stone tablets fell from the sky one after another and landed steadily on the empty land. There were nine of them in total. They were all extremely tall, rough, and blank, making the entire capital seem to tremble. Then in an instant, like nine wedges, It directly stabilizes the human destiny and is connected with the earth's veins, pushing the human destiny to the extreme at this moment and completely stabilizing it!

All the people had already received the order and did not show up. They knelt down and saluted. However, after putting down the stone tablets, they immediately sank into the ground and disappeared. Just this kind of movement was enough to make the people speechless in shock. Only The man floated up and landed on the first stone tablet.

The immortals in the sky knew that this Taoist was going to write his own Taoist scriptures and become the founder of the Taoist sect.

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor plays chess insipidly. Playing chess alone is also a game of heaven and earth.

The Jade Emperor also looked at this place, and the Immortal of Tianshu Academy had already reached into his arms, ready to take out the decree to reveal the identity of the founder of the sect.

Only in a distant place, the old man looked at the disciple's letter and seemed to see the disciple's determination hidden in the words. He and the other two fellow Taoists sighed together, with compassion in their eyes.

   He is my disciple.

 The Taoist's voice was slow and he said: "The world has undergone great changes, and calamities have begun."

“Today, I should open a method and a channel.”

Hand raised his finger to pick up the destiny of human nature, but he did not write anything.

 Humanity's luck expands outward and is stable.

“?! What’s going on? Isn’t he going to prove to be the founder of the Taoist sect?!”

 “This, what is this going to do?”

The expressions of the immortals suddenly changed, as if they had realized something secretly, but did not know the details; but that day, the hand of the Privy Council Immortal Official was frozen and he could not take it out, and this kind of fusion of human nature and earth veins The move seemed to stir up the fortune of heaven and earth. The Taoist's sleeves were rolled up, and he used his hand as a pen, dipping the fortune into ink, and then—

 A stroke to one side.

 He did not swallow up this luck.

The fire of destiny suddenly spread out, relying on these nine stone tablets. In an instant, in the eyes of the immortals, the fire of humanity on these nine stone tablets soared into the sky, magnificent and lasting, and the luck of humanity had no Instead of turning into ink, it seems to have turned into white paper. These nine stone tablets are the carriers of the destiny of humanity, and the Taishan Mountains are the carriers of the destiny of humanity.

It turns out that with the help of the permanence of the earth's veins, this human destiny that has reached its peak has been fixed for a long time.

So, unless someone can shake these nine stone tablets and the Taishan mountain system represented by these nine stone tablets.

 Otherwise, this destiny of humanity cannot be shaken!



The man lowered his eyes, folded his hands in front of him, held a fly whisk, stood in front of the first stone tablet, and said:

 “I now open this way.”

 “With nine as the extreme, there should be nine streams, there should be various disciples, there should be hundreds of schools and thousands of sects.”

“[Taoism] should be one of them.”


The Taoist's voice paused, and he raised his eyes. When the wind blew by, his sleeves and robes were rolled up. He seemed to see the clouds surrounding the sky. On the swirling clouds, there were many immortals and gods. It seemed that he saw Emperor Wa of that dead place; then he looked at those people, his expression softened, and then he said softly:


 It’s nothing extraordinary, it’s just an ordinary sentence that shakes the heaven and earth.

 Initiate human education.

 It is the ancestor of all Taoism.

 (End of this chapter)

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