I Am Immortal

Chapter 497: Emperor Wa reappears in the world!

Chapter 497 Emperor Wa reappears in the world!


 Do you think so highly of him?


The Antarctic Immortal Emperor looked at these two words, but suddenly he seemed to have lost his previous interest, and did not continue to read the letter from the teacher praising his disciples. In other words, he really understood it too well, and he could Seeing this letter meant that the Supreme Being deliberately let himself see it, to let himself know how much the Supreme Being valued this disciple.

  Just two words, it is a silent deterrent.

 A letter, just look at these two words.

It is enough.

With a gentle tap of his fingers, the letter returned to its original appearance. He flicked his sleeves and let the letter fall into the dust, gradually disappearing and returning to its original trajectory. The Antarctic Immortal Emperor's sleeves and robes fluttered, his hands Looking at the human world, his white and slender fingers were pressed against the chess pieces on the chessboard, seeming to be thinking about something.

The Nine Heavens responded to the sound of thunder and said, "What is the emperor thinking about?"

 “What are you thinking about?”

“I’m wondering whether I should take action against Taishang Xuanwei.”

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor gave a direct answer.

"The Supreme Being is willing to call his disciple as [Fellow Taoist]. Even if this is just a single compliment, it is enough to show that he values ​​this disciple; this person may not be what I have seen... If so, he has great ambition, great determination, and great talent, but he is not my generation."

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor lamented: "Kill him quickly."

 Quick kill!

 These two words have a very heavy weight and a strong smell of blood.

Lei Sheng Puhua Tianzun also felt a trace of panic and chill, but the Antarctic Immortal Emperor, who had already told him to kill him immediately in front of him, just looked at the world, seeming to be still hesitantly thinking about something, Lei Sheng Sound Universal Heavenly Venerable can figure it out after just a little thought.

 North Pole, too high.

Beidi threw the pot and broke the chess piece.

 The Supreme Lord’s letter can be intercepted.

 What these two people have done is already a statement.

Taishang Xuanwei Qi Wuhuo may be the opponent and blocker in the future, while Beiji and Taishang are present. For a person whose future growth is highly uncertain, they directly offended two strong men of the same level. Anyone They are all capable of making judgments.

The sleeves of the Antarctic Immortal Emperor rolled up and fell down, and his expression gradually returned to gentle and peaceful.

 “That’s it, that’s it…”

"The Supreme Being may not take action, but he may not not take action. It is not worth offending them at this time for Qi Wuhuo, unless he really has the potential."

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor made a decision and looked at the world.

 ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ With the thunder and thunder of the Nine Heavens, the Heavenly Lord has a complicated expression.

Can just a letter stop the emperor's murderous intention?


But he can confirm that even if he asks the Supreme Leader, the old man will just pretend to be surprised and say: "You didn't intercept my letter, so what does it have to do with the old man? Hahaha..."

 It seems so.

 Taishang Wuwei, doing nothing.

 But the situation has changed because of this so-called inaction.

Even if the letter was intercepted by him, when it floated down, it still floated towards the original position and fell slowly, like a fallen leaf, like a fluttering fluff, Lao Qingniu was lazily there. Hidden from the sun under the shade of the tree, the fallen letter landed firmly on his back.

And this moment brought about a mysterious change in the Qi movement. Qi Wuhuo put pen to paper on the map of mountains and rivers, and in just a moment the Qi movement was harmonious, and he drew a majestic figure here with his human energy. The energy gathered together and turned into a vague figure in this room, which was the prototype of the incarnation.

 After that, you only need to guide a ray of Emperor Wa's spirit into it, and you can give Emperor Wa this incarnation.

The Taoist breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he tried to connect this incarnation with Emperor Wa's spiritual consciousness. But as soon as this step started, an extremely powerful and domineering force suddenly swept from the place where Emperor Wa was. Qi Wuhuo groaned, and the body around him The energy and blood surged, and the incarnation of Emperor Wa on the map of mountains and rivers collapsed instantly.

A long time passed before Qi Wuhuo's energy gradually recovered and calmed down.

"This is…"

“Is it the realm created by Taiyi that is rejecting the incarnation? Even though Taiyi has fallen, it still follows Taiyi’s way and will, intercepting Emperor Wa’s departure...?”

"If my prediction is correct, this empty world may be the inner scene of Taiyi."

“No, at this level, this realm, the so-called inner scene and the real outer world, there is not that much difference in the degree of perfection of the avenue.”

 “If that’s the case, that’s all.”

Qi Wuhuo slowly exhaled a breath, his mind was majestic, but he fell into his own inner world. The inner world was like a newborn universe, with stars rotating and changing unpredictably. There was a golden stream of light on one side, which was like the beginning of all things and the source power of the beginning of everything; On the other side is a blazing fire, like the way of man, like the determination of man.

 The opportunity is right in front of you, there is no reason to give up!

Different fires rose up in Qi Wuhuo's eyes. The left eye was as vast and majestic, as silent and ruthless as the earliest days; the right eye contained the efforts of the human race, the power passed down from one spark to the next, the energy of man, God's Qi, the two powers were used simultaneously for the first time after Qi Wuhuo obtained it!

 Man and God are one!

 With the distraction of two things, the power of the Taiyi Gongti instantly penetrated into the world where Emperor Wa was trapped.

The vast and majestic power is like the ancient **** stretching out his arm to support the chaotic and changing sky; on the other hand, the human Qi constructs the existence of the incarnation at the same time, clearly feeling the existence of Emperor Wa, and for Wa To the emperor, it was as if the world that had always existed had been forcefully penetrated by the lightless barrier.

 A figure, a figure that could not be seen clearly for some reason, held up the falling barrier, and then stretched out his hand towards himself.

Emperor Wa subconsciously extended his palm towards that side.

 Qi Wuzhuo felt tremendous pressure.

The remaining inner world of Taiyi was like an angry and roaring beast. There were waves of oppression, trying to push out the provocateur who 'opened the door'. Qi Wuhuo held on tightly. The two sides were in a stalemate, and the Taoist's whole mind was at a loss. They all condensed into one point, all condensed into the 'hand stretched out towards Emperor Wa'.

 Support it one more time, support it one more time...

The huge divine will was condensed into one point, and under this persistent goal that was worthy of all humankind's efforts, it began to naturally gather all the power that could be mobilized, including the power of Taoism, Yuan Qi, Huo Yao, and the power of earth veins. Gather inside.

Qi Wuhuo stepped on the ground with his feet, and the endless energy of the earth's veins merged into his body, and then merged into his divine and human power. With the stalemate struggle between him and the remaining power of Taiyi, the influence of the earth's veins The absorption range gradually expanded, slowly spreading outward, and finally touched the nine stone monuments.

Under the stone tablet are the common people, who are carefully reading the scriptures on the stone tablet. The stone tablet comes from the core of the Taishan Mountain System. Through previous events, the nine wedges that have stabilized the prosperity of humanity's destiny, the stone tablet lights up slightly. The power of the earth's veins and the luck of the person coincide in a subtle way at this time.

Immediately, there was a faint possibility of transforming into a brand new energy. In the opposite direction, it swept across like a wave and rushed into Qi Wuhuo's body again. The Taoist who was fully focused on one point did not notice that in his body, it was like yin and yang. Among the human Qi and divine Qi swirling like two qi, a weak, but real and incomparable power was born.

 The power of the earth.

 The power of the earth has been given a new value and meaning.

  Boom! !

Man, earth, god, the three qi are integrated into one, as if the weak gap is supported by Mount Tai, it is as if the Taoist holding the entrance suddenly leaned forward and grabbed Emperor Wa's wrist. ’, and then he tried his best, exhausted his energy, and suddenly pulled out.

The eyes are blank.

Lao Qingniu finally found the letter on his back. He shook his body like a cow shaking an insect, and then grabbed the letter. Before he could read it, he noticed an indescribable aura in the room. Appeared, then spread suddenly toward the outside!

 The two scholars in the restaurant finished their drinks and walked out arm in arm.

 A pause in the steps.

The two scholars who had just been complaining about the pain of cultivation and the difficulties of Taoism looked dull and looked at each other.

 They feel the changes in their bodies.

Also felt the changes in the other person's body.

 An indescribable, elusive aura is flowing in the body.

 There was a feeling of astonishment, ecstasy, and disbelief on his face.

 And the child carrying the bamboo basket was also stunned for a moment.

He felt that a trace of breath suddenly began to flow within his body.

He murmured: "This is the introduction to spiritual practice, Qi Sense?"

In the heavenly realm, the Antarctic Immortal Emperor, who had restrained his hostility because of a letter from the Supreme Being, wanted to take away his treasured weapon [Si Ming Tian Shu], and lightly told Jiutian Yingyuan Thunderous Puhua Tianzun: "Since I won't go there in a short time, If you are an enemy of Qi Wuhuo, then you should prepare a gift and send it to me on my behalf."

With the sound of thunder, Tianzun said, "Won't the emperor go in person?"

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor laughed at himself: "It was the letter from His Majesty, I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, that suppressed the thoughts in my heart; I don't know if I could not help but take action if I saw him with my own eyes. , although the possibility is slim, but I still won’t gamble.”

 “You can just go.”

He stretched out his hand and held the Heavenly Book of Siming, intending to collect the treasure, but at this moment, his movements were slightly stagnant.

A stream of light suddenly appeared, stretching and winding, although not very brilliant, but extremely soft and magnificent, rising into the sky, the nine heavens responded with the sound of thunder and universal transformation. Tianzun looked at the scroll and saw the page that represented the human race. Above, there are strands of golden light gathering together.

In the human world, two scholars suddenly laughed loudly together and said: "It's done, it's done!"

A sword craftsman finished casting a sword. Suddenly, a powerful sword energy struck the forging furnace, creating a crack. A child walked as fast as flying, and different forms of transformed energy veins appeared. Although each one was very weak, but When these weak different phases gather together, it is also a magnificent sight!

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor looked at the book.

 Watching the golden light flowing from each word, watching those words change.

  human race—

 Muscles and Bones: Bzhong.

 Strength: C.

 Endurance: C-1.

 Finally, he looked at Comprehension, which represented the strongest talent of the human race, and saw that line of brilliant words.

  Comprehension: B.

  Second only to the understanding of innate beings.

All of them have reached the category of special beings. As long as they grow up and are taught, they can naturally breathe in and out, give birth to the sense of Qi, and embark on the path of spiritual practice; although becoming an immortal still requires talent, understanding, and blessings. It is possible to do it, but such a family can already be called extraordinary.

 What is even more shocking is this change.

This kind of improvement of the entire family.

Thunderous Puhua Tianzun lowered his gaze, and he could almost feel the cold murderous intent in the eyes of the Immortal Emperor on one side. The hostility that had been suppressed by Taishang Yixin surged again. Leisheng Puhua Tianzun looked at the Si Ming Tianshu and lowered his voice. He murmured: "With this kind of qualification, the medieval human race...?!"

 “The bloodline has been revived?”

 He lowered his gaze, looked at the world, and saw where the capital was.


 She was in a trance.

Like a long dream, an indescribable separation and reunion, it seemed that she was being pulled across a precarious obstacle in front of her, and then she stepped over it at once. She stood there, feeling nothing. Everything in front of me seemed to be separated by a thick and unclean layer of ice, everything was a bit blurry and false.

 It's like a dream.

 She blinked a little uncomfortably, and then subconsciously reached out her hand.

 Golden, brilliant, gold-like sunlight fell on her palms, warm and itchy.

 And this touch and warmth seemed to touch something far away in the memory. Things that were originally thought to be forgotten were recalled in an instant, and along with this process, everything perceived around them became vivid in an instant.

The wind blew across my cheeks, carrying the smell of human fireworks; people outside were shouting and coming and going happily.

In the midsummer with the chirping of cicadas, the willow branches swayed, and flowers bloomed in the yard in front. The petals were rolled up in the wind and thrown into the sky. The old cow over there suddenly sat on the ground, clutching a letter, and in the On the side of the flowers, a Taoist smiled slightly and said: "Welcome back..."

 He said softly: "Empress Wa."

On this day, in the capital city alone, one hundred thousand people felt angry.

Perhaps just drinking, or walking, or just lying on one's side and suddenly enlightened.

 The visions brought about by the growth of countless auras are endless and magnificent.

 Yuan Qi rises in fine pieces, like rain falling, and stretches endlessly. It is a magnificent scene that has never been seen in the world since ancient times.

On this day, several tribulations have passed. After the ancient chaos, the annihilation of the human race in the first tribulation, the establishment of heaven in the second tribulation, and the chaos of the five ghost emperors in the third tribulation, it can be traced back to thousands of years ago. The conflict between kings, Xuanzhen unified the world eight thousand years ago, and opened up the world to the present, five great tribulations, and an unknown number of long years later—

Emperor Wa once again stood in the world.

 (End of this chapter)

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