“So, are you trying to find me for this task?”

Qingshan Liuyun has almost some speculation,


Nara Shikamaru did not deny it,

Nodded very seriously,

“I don’t know why, I always feel that this mission is not so simple, in our session, your strength is the strongest, naturally we can only seek the help of you, the light of Konoha!”

At the end, I joked a little,

For such ridicule, Qingshan Liuyun just smiled,

And didn’t care!

“O land of water!”

Eyes think!

What will be the monsters that appear in the Land of Water~?


It seems that it is not impossible! The previous three-tailed man pillar force was the fourth generation – Mizukage Citrus Yakura!

Nothing more than a hapless bastard!

Not long after being promoted to Water Shadow, he was first controlled by Uchiha with illusions, and then by Uchiha Obito with Sharingan-control,

When the water shadow has been in these years,

There are not many days when you do things with your own thoughts!

Pure unlucky eggs!

However, since the citrus yakura was gone, the three tails have no human pillar power and have been perched in the sea,

And, due to the chaos in the land of water,

I never had time to wave the three tails,


This monster of the country of water is likely to be these three tails!

“I agree!”

Aoyama Liuyun did not refuse, whether it was three tails or not, just go out and relax,

Stay at home all the time to brush up on experience, even if it is a green mountain and flowing clouds, it will be a little boring!


With Aoyama Liuyun’s consent, Nara Shikamaru smiled easily,

“I’ll go too! I go too! ”

Hearing Qingshan Liuyun promise,

Ino immediately said that he would go together!

“You forgot, we were originally a squad!”

Seeing such a well,

Shikamaru is more or less helpless, even if others shout, you actually shout,

We were originally a squad, and this was originally your mission!

“Ugh! Yes! ”

When he said this, Ino reacted,

Even happier!

Shikamaru could only roll his eyes at this, not wanting to say much!

“Then I’m going too!”

Sakura didn’t think much about it, and immediately followed and stood up!

“Hah! Let’s go on a mission, what do you follow, wide forehead! ”

“Are you stupid, Liuyun is my teammate, I’ll go with me, what’s the problem?”

“You guy!”

Sakura is telling the truth,

Even if it is Ino, there is no way to refute it,

I could only look at Sakura dissatisfied,

For a while, I only felt that this Sakura was in the way!


Facing such a look in Ino’s eyes,

Sakura was not soft at all, and also stared back with undiminished momentum!

“Although we also want to go together, we also have other tasks tomorrow!”

Inuzuka on the side could only shrug helplessly,

O land of water!

I’ve never been there!

But after all, they just took on a task today, and there is no way to work together!

“Liu, Liuyun-kun!”

Hinata also glanced at Aoyama Liuyun secretly,

It’s a pity that I can’t do tasks with each other!

“It’s okay, it’s okay!”

Shikamaru waved his hand, and said in a very uncaring tone,

“Anyway, the main object of invitation this time is still Liuyun, it’s okay if you can’t go!”

I don’t care about it!

“I said, you’re too direct!”

Even if this is the case,

But don’t say it so directly, at least cover it up!


Seeing such Inuzuka teeth, everyone looked at each other and smiled,

Obviously, everyone understands that this is just a joke!

“It’s a pity! We can’t help it either! ”

It’s not just Inuzuka this team,

Xiao Li and Hinata Ninji also shook their heads and said,

“We also just took a mission, and we will leave in two days, and it will be too late in time!”

Tiantian said helplessly,

“I’d love to go with you!”

It’s a pity!

“Haha! Next time! There will always be a chance! ”

Shikamaru snorted,

The atmosphere at the party is lively again!

The next day,

Aoyama Ruyun stayed up late and said goodbye to Tsunade,

Then he left Konoha!

“It’s early!”

When the time comes,

Shikamaru and the others have arrived,

“In that case, let’s go!”


Where you go to the land of water, there is a sea, although ninjas can tread water,

But if you can’t see the edge of the sea at a glance, it is estimated that few people will be really stupid enough to step on the water!

Sailing for several days in a row,

That’s where you got to your destination!

An island on the border of the land of water!

“I feel like the sea is all around!”

Ino and Sakura. After all, it was the first time to come to the realm of the Land of Water,

So I am very curious about everything around me.

Unlike Konoha,

Around this land of water, you can see the endless sea everywhere!

The green mountains and flowing clouds walking in the middle explained a sentence!

“The Land of Water is a place formed by countless small islands, so there are many islands here, and you can see the ocean everywhere! Moreover, the closer to the Fog Shadow Village, the more thick fog can be! ”

Mist Shadow Village is surrounded by thick fog all year round, hence its name!

“That’s awesome!”

“Liuyunjun, you know a lot!”

Hearing such an explanation,

Whether it is Sakura or Ino, they are all amazed,

The eyes looked at the green mountains and flowing clouds with adoration,


After this simultaneous admiration, Sakura and Ino’s eyes suddenly confronted,

“You’re too fake!”

“You are, it’s completely perfunctory!”

Fight again!

Shikamaru, who was walking in the front, sighed helplessly, looking very helpless,

Accompanying him is still Akimichi Dingji,

It’s just that from the beginning of the task to now, Ding Ci has been holding snacks and constantly eating,

I didn’t notice such a quarrel at all!

“Let’s gather the news first!”

The place has arrived, and the next step is to gather intelligence,

At the very least, know the location of the monster!

“Leave it to me!”

At this time, Ino suddenly stood up,

But I wanted to show myself well in front of Qingshan Liuyun for a long time,

Saying that,

Ino who stood out,

Found an ordinary villager!

Subsequently, (read violent novels, on the Feilu Novel Network!) )

“Heart Turning Technique!”

The secretary of the Yamanaka clan can enter the consciousness of others and control the enemy,

And the body will be in a fainting situation,

It’s all their own people,

So I know Ino’s ninjutsu very well, and immediately protected Ino who fainted!


After almost an hour of events, Ino woke up!

“Found it!”

Apparently that, this is a successful collection of messages,

So Ino’s mood seems very good,

“The sea where the monster appeared is not far from here, but on the contrary, I also got news that there is a merchant ship that will go to the Fog Shadow Village to deliver goods, and it will pass by that realm!” We can take this merchant ship just in time! ”

“Well done!”

The secret art of the mountain clan is indeed more suitable for collecting intelligence!

Even if it was Qingshan Liuyun, he couldn’t help nodding and praised!

“Hey, hey!”

Hearing the praise of Qingshan Liuyun,

Yamanaka Ino snorted proudly twice,

Then he looked at Haruno Sakura,

gave the other party a defiant look,

Look, for Qingshan Liuyun, or I am more useful!


Sakura is not stupid, how could she not notice such an obvious provocative gaze,

Although the performance is very disdainful,

But Sakura’s heart is still a little sour,

This is the difference between ninja ninjas and civilian ninjas,

Sakura without a teacher Tsunade,

Also like many civilian ninjas, they lack the resources to cultivate!

“Do you know what a monster looks like?”

At this time, Shikamaru asked about the curiosity in his heart,

After all

They’re going to deal with monsters like this next.

Always know what the other person looks like!

“I don’t know!”


Hearing this kind of inquiry, Ino could only shrug helplessly,

“I’ve already inquired, basically, people here just hear the roar of the monsters, and then there will be raging waves that will show up and push them back! So no one has ever seen what a monster looks like! ”

0 ask for flowers

For the sake of this news,

Ino deliberately investigated for a long time, but unfortunately, the result was still the same,

No one has ever seen what a monster looks like.

“This way!”

Shikamaru calmly analyzed,

“In other words, whether there is a monster or not is still unknown!”

Probably, it may well be some coincidence, there is no such thing as a monster!


Whether it is a coincidence or not, the specific situation, they also need to investigate clearly,

Otherwise, this task cannot be completed!

“No matter what! Let’s go first! ”


People don’t make sense,

It was Aoyama Liuyun, after listening to Iino’s intelligence,

It has almost been determined that this monster should be the three tails!

In the sea, Mio can control a part of the power of the sea, which is the natural home of Mio, and the power will be increased!

Of course

Even so, it threatens the green mountains and clouds!

Under some negotiation, Qingshan Liuyun and the others successfully boarded this merchant ship to Wuying Village!

The merchant ship is not too big, but there are dozens of people!

Just responsible for transporting some grain!

Due to the geographical reasons of the Fog Shadow Village itself, the dense fog does not disperse all year round,

The sun can’t shine, the banker can’t plant,

Therefore, food and food can only be purchased from outside into Fog Shadow Village!

“You say! Will we encounter monsters this time! ”

“Don’t talk nonsense! What monster is there! ”

“It’s true, I heard that monster has eaten many people!”

“Have you seen it?”

Merchant ships,

There is a lot of talk about monsters,

There are many people who do not believe in the so-called monsters, after all, they have not seen it!

In any case, this controversy has always been there!

Aoyama Liuyun and the others just watched from the deck and did not participate in such a discussion!

“It’s foggy!”

At this time, Shikamaru found that a mist had begun to appear around him,

But so far, this fog is still very light, and it does not affect the vision!

“After all, it’s going to Mist Shadow Village, and the closer you get, the thicker the fog will be! If you don’t walk often, I’m afraid you will get lost in this thick fog! ”

To be able to sail in such an environment, it is at least a teacher who has more than ten years, or even decades of sailing experience!


Qingshan Liuyun just looked at it for a while, and didn’t care too much,

“This voyage, at least half a month’s event, let’s rest well first and save our physical strength!”



After a few days of sailing, it was more or less boring,


Whoever can sail on the sea must endure loneliness,

Otherwise, this voyage is so many days, you can really die idle!

But on this very day,

There was a sudden crash sound from the hull of the ship!

Aoyama Liuyun and the others appeared on the deck at the same time!

“The monster has appeared?”

I thought it was a monster!


As soon as you look up, you can see that it is a ship that laughs like this merchant ship, and it has hit the merchant ship!


The ship looks a little more shabby!

“Hahaha! Give over all your treasures! ”

First with a hook, hooked the merchant ship to avoid escape,

Then one by one, the fiercely dressed figures jumped onto the deck, their eyes greedily and fiercely watching everything on the merchant ship!

“Sea, pirate!”

“It’s a pirate!”

“How can you meet pirates!”

Merchant ships sail and generally have their own routes, all to avoid this pirate,

The chances of it being discovered are very small.

It can only be said that this merchant ship is very unlucky!

“It turned out to be a pirate!”

It’s the green mountains and clouds,

Akimichi Dingji, who had already become serious, immediately began to continue to eat snacks bored!

These fierce-looking pirates are okay to deal with ordinary people,

But if you face these ninjas, it is more or less inadequate!


“Why what?”

Ino and they didn’t care one after another!

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