Qingkong couldn't help but twitch his lips.

But more importantly, if he didn't pretend to be a merchant, he probably wouldn't even be able to enter the gate of the Hidden Mist Village.

"Oh, have you heard of doing the opposite?"Qingkong thought about it and said

"What's the meaning?"

"Just like you said, the economy of Water Country is not very good. Everyone knows about this, so no merchants come to Water Country to do business anymore."

"If no one comes, it means that the competitiveness is low."

"And if I come here, I can fill this gap and make a lot of money."

Qingkong smiled and continued,"The Water Country is very big. Even if it is poor, it is enough to feed a small trader like me. Anyway, my business is not that big. What do you think?"

"That makes sense."

Terumi Mei nodded involuntarily, and her suspicion of Qingkong was also reduced a lot.

"I didn't expect that you, a small trader, are quite smart. Isn't it a waste of your talent to just run this small business?"

"Haha, I just want to make a living, thank you for your kindness."Qingkong smiled and waved his hand.

"Not necessarily. Many people don't see things as clearly as you do."

"No, no, I just heard this from someone who is a senior in business, it’s not something I came up with myself, haha"


Mei Terumi didn't care about it. She took the hairpin that Qingkong had packed and turned away.

"Oh, by the way, if you stay here for a long time, you'd better report to the Mizukage Building to avoid being caught as a spy."Mei Terumi reminded me out of kindness.

"Thank you, I will go."

Waving her hand, Mei Terumi walked away completely this time.

Qingkong also breathed a sigh of relief. After all, being interrogated was quite tiring, not to mention that it was a smart person like Mei Terumi, who was really hard to deceive.

A few days passed in a flash.

After some investigation, Qingkong finally found the residence of the Kaguya clan, but what he didn't expect was that the Kaguya clan had long been excluded by the Mizukage and exiled to live outside the village.

This is really.........Playing!

If I had known this, I would not have come in.

Speechless and clear, in the evening, he left a mosquito clone in the hotel to hide from others.

The real body flew out of the Hidden Mist Village and came to the remote location of the Kaguya clan in the southeast corner.

"Haha, drink!"


"That's not good enough, you are such a waste!"

At night, many people in the Kaguya clan were still awake, drinking and eating meat beside the campfire.

They were all rude men with dark circles under their eyes and hair combed like Nezha. Combined with their big square faces, they were so ugly.

"Chief, what does the Mizukage mean? Not only does he force us to live in such a remote place, but he even wants us to work for him?"

"That’s right, it’s such a nice thought!"

"If nothing works, just rebel. I've disliked that dwarf for a long time. He's not manly at all!"

"Yes, they rebelled!"

""Roar, rebellion, rebellion!"

A group of Hyuga people raised their fists and shouted, taking the lead in rebellion.

If this kind of thing happened in a normal family, as the head of the family, anyone with a little bit of brains would suppress it first and see how the situation develops.

But the Hyuga clan is different from others, and their clan leader is also a weirdo.

A middle-aged man sat in the first seat, with the same square face and Nezha hair, but he was the clan leader of the Hyuga clan.

He took a bite of the lamb leg viciously, chewed it vigorously twice, and swallowed it with a gulp, then said:"Then let's gather the fighting power of the clan and rebel together!" He said this as simply as eating.

When the Hyuga people heard this, they also howled and screamed, as if they were an orc gathering.


"It’s the opposite!"

"Start the war~~"

For the Kaguya clan, war is just like eating and drinking.

They advocate violence and are not afraid of death. If there is no opportunity for them to vent their excessive force, that would be the worst thing for them.

On the treetops in the distance, Qingkong, who saw all this, couldn't help but shook his head.

The Kaguya clan, who don't like to use their brains and only think about using force, are definitely the most unstable factor in the Hidden Mist Village and a very terrifying hidden danger.

Of course, it is the high-level officials of the Hidden Mist Village who should be troubled, and it has nothing to do with Qingkong.


Turning into a black cloud, Qingkong flew away from the treetops and headed towards the depths of the Kaguya clan's residence.

After turning around twice, he finally found the place where they held the prisoners. Qingkong also bypassed the guards and flew in with the army of mosquitoes.

This is an underground space. There is a prison in the dark cave.

"It’s time to eat, you little brat!"

"I'll need you soon, don't let me starve to death here."

A guard came over, threw a tray of food on the ground, and then turned and left.

Inside the prison, there was a child, eight or nine years old, with a thin body.

He hadn't eaten for most of the day, but he didn't even look at the food brought by the guard.

"Why......"Where do I want to stay?"

The child muttered to himself in the dim space. He pulled out a bone knife and stabbed it into a statue carved on the wall.

"Why......Did I do something bad?"



Stabbing again and again, the child was venting his hatred.

"God, is there really a God in this world? If there is, why did you lock me up in this place?"

The child's hatred grew stronger and stronger. He suddenly raised the bone knife and was about to stab it into the head of the statue on the wall.

But the next moment, he stopped instantly and stood there in a daze.

"Do you really want to leave here? Kimimaro.

The portrait on the wall came alive, with two eyes like a black abyss, mysterious and terrifying.

"you...Are you a god?"

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