
"Where did this stinky mosquito come from?"

Naruto Uzumaki slapped his face and cursed unhappily, which also attracted a roar from Iruka. Of course

, Qingkong was the one who made these mosquitoes.

Anyway, he was bored, so instead of listening to those meaningless brainwashing logics, he might as well work on his own abilities.

Qingkong's mosquito clones were condensed with his will and chakra.

He could control them at will, but the number was limited by Qingkong himself.

So far, because the chakra had just been extracted not long ago, the number of mosquitoes that Qingkong could control was also very limited, and could not exceed three hundred at most.

There are two feasible ways to improve.

One is to practice step by step, and when there is more chakra, the army of mosquitoes will naturally increase.

The second is to send the army of mosquitoes out to absorb more blood essence.

For Qingkong, the blood of other creatures is energy and a tonic.

And the higher the quality of the blood, the more help it will help him improve.

So, Qingkong set his sights on Naruto, and wanted to try how much benefit his vortex blood with the taste of the Nine-Tails could bring to him.

"Still coming?"

Naruto slapped left and right randomly, being very alert to the mosquitoes around him, making it difficult for Qingkong to start.

However, Iruka came to assist, and he shouted at Naruto to sit still or get out.

Naruto did not dare to resist, so he could only sit down.

This gave Qingkong an opportunity, and he controlled several mosquitoes to land on the back of Naruto's neck, and the sharp mouthparts instantly pierced into his neck.


Naruto only felt a numbness on the back of his neck, and the whole person became drowsy.

After all, it was not an ordinary mosquito.

The mosquito transformed by Qingkong's mind had a much stronger paralysis toxicity than ordinary mosquitoes, at least dozens of times more.

In addition, with his full strength, these few poisonous needles were so strong that even an elephant could not withstand it.

Naruto was still safe and sound, just a little sleepy, thanks to his vortex bloodline and the Nine-Tails in his body.

Otherwise, if it was someone else, he would have fainted long ago.

One bite after another......

But the stomachs of the mosquitoes that sucked Naruto's blood did not swell.

This was because the blood sucked by the mosquito army was all transmitted to Qingkong's body in an inexplicable way.


Qingkong himself didn't understand what was going on.

But who cares, as long as it works.

After a while, Naruto's face gradually turned pale, and the blood loss exceeded 500cc, so Qingkong quickly stopped.

Otherwise, if he continued sucking, this kid would be shocked.

"Teacher, there is something wrong in the classroom!"

Aburame Shino, who was wearing sunglasses, suddenly stood up.

"What's the problem?"

"There was a smell of blood, my bugs smelled it!"


Iruka was stunned, but in order to ensure the safety of the students, he still questioned them one by one.

Of course, in the end, nothing was found.

Naruto's blood recovered too quickly. In just a short while, he became lively and energetic again.

There was no sign of excessive blood loss.

So this inspection could only end hastily with the conclusion that Aburame Shino lied about military intelligence.

As for Qingkong......

He didn't have time to worry about the outside world, because his body was about to burst.

500cc of vortex blood, which might have been mixed with the Nine-Tails' chakra, was too much for Qingkong, so much so that he had indigestion.

It was as if he had eaten ten bowls of rice in one breath, and he was so full. It wasn't until a few hours later, when school was about to end, that Qingkong finally came back to his senses and didn't feel so full anymore.

"Qingkong-kun, I'll treat you to three-color meatballs." Xiao Jingye jumped over again.

""Thank you, but forget it. I don't have a good appetite today. Let's talk about it next time."

Qingkong rejected Cosmos with a smile and walked home alone.

To be honest, after absorbing the 500cc of Naruto's blood, he couldn't eat anything at all.

Of course, the benefits of this blood to Qingkong are also huge.

Even though it has not been fully absorbed yet, Qingkong's physical strength and chakra have more than doubled.

It is definitely a great supplement.

So in the following period of time, Uzumaki Naruto became Qingkong's blood bank and ATM.

If he didn't absorb a few hundred cc of his blood every day, he would feel uncomfortable all over.

This situation lasted for half a year, until Naruto at this stage could no longer bring much improvement to Qingkong.

Qingkong let him go and turned to other targets.

"Classmates, follow me to the training ground for a practical lesson."

After half a year of school, the first practical lesson finally arrived. The students were very excited and followed Iruka to the training ground.

After explaining the fighting method and the opposing seals, Iruka began to call the roll.

"Akimichi Chouji vs. Inuzuka Kiba"......

"Haruno Sakura vs. Hyuga Hinata"......

"Uchiha Sasuke vs. Kamiya Qingkong."

After a few rounds, it was Qingkong's turn.

He walked to Iruka's side and stood opposite Uchiha Sasuke.

At this stage, the Uchiha clan has not yet perished, and Sasuke is still the arrogant young master. He looked at Qingkong with contempt, and then didn't care.

"First, make the Opposition Seal."

Under Iruka's guidance, Qingkong and Sasuke both made the move.

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