Are you stupid?

Qingkong heard all the previous conversations. He couldn't believe that Naruto actually fell for Sasuke's poor provocation.

Well, this is too Naruto.

"Not interested"

"No, you have to fight me!"

Naruto suddenly smiled again and said,"Are you scared? You know you can't beat me?"

Oh my god, where does this confidence come from?

Qingkong found that he had overestimated this guy's emotional intelligence before. It was not a question of how much, it was basically a negative number.

Being disturbed from rest was already depressing enough.

After hearing what Naruto said, Qingkong felt that if he didn't beat him up, he would be sorry for Naruto's brain.

"The loser calls me daddy, do you dare?"

Qingkong clapped his hands and stood up.

Naruto shivered instantly, not because of fear, but because he felt a little cold on his back.

"Tsk, what's there to be afraid of? The loser can call me dad or grandpa!" Naruto said with his neck stiff.

""Okay, let's get started."

Qingkong didn't waste any words and waved his hand, asking Naruto to attack first.

"Who are you looking down on?"

Naruto hated this kind of contemptuous attitude the most. He rushed forward and punched Qingkong in the face.


There was a bang. Naruto went fast and came back even faster. He was punched by Qingkong and flew more than ten meters away. He fell on the grass and rolled several times before he came to a halt.


Naruto held his stomach, in excruciating pain.

Qingkong shook his head and put away his fist.

He was not bragging, but at this stage, Naruto was nothing to him, and he could abuse him however he wanted.

"Can..."Evil! I haven't lost yet!"

Naruto gritted his teeth and stood up, but found that Qingkong was gone.

"Where are you looking?"

Naruto trembled, because Qingkong's voice came from behind him.

Then, before Naruto could turn around, he was kicked by another whip kick, which directly hit him in the waist and flew out.


In the air, Naruto screamed and raged.

But before he could land, he was kicked in the face again.

Bang! Bang!



The next scene was a bit scary.

Naruto was like a baseball being hit. He couldn't even land in the middle. He was beaten to death by Qingkong.

Ten or dozens of times.......


Kakashi appeared in an instant and grabbed Qingkong's wrist.

But at the critical moment, Qingkong pulled his hand back and avoided Kakashi's attack.


As Naruto fell to the ground with a bruised face, Kakashi couldn't help but frowned.

What a fast speed!

Kakashi felt that Qingkong's speed just now was almost as fast as his own. Is he another genius boy? Looking at Qingkong's cold attitude, Kakashi retracted his palm and said:"The competition is over. If you continue to fight, you don't want to be charged with murdering a classmate, do you




Qingkong waved his hand, returned to his previous indifferent look, turned around and slowly left.

But his words left Kakashi with endless reverie.


Did he simply not care about ending the competition, or did he not care about being charged with murdering a classmate?

Unfortunately, Qingkong had already left, so Kakashi could not ask this question.

"Sakura, take Naruto to the hospital first."


Haruno Sakura also came back to her senses, closed her stunned mouth, and hurried to Naruto's side to help him up.

Nizhuzi also felt that he had played too much and felt a little sorry for Naruto.

He rarely came to help, and sent Naruto to the hospital with Haruno Sakura.

Of course, with Naruto's physical fitness, he was not disabled by the beating.

After examination, his condition was limited to flesh injuries, without any damage to his internal organs and bones.

So after a few days of recuperation, he returned to the team alive and well........

That day, Qingkong was walking home after finishing a mission.

Suddenly, a figure jumped out from the alley next to him, blocked Qingkong's way, and shouted,"Dad!"

What the hell?

Qingkong was frightened, and he almost punched the monster to pieces.

Maybe it was because of the Sharingan.

As he grew older, Qingkong's eyesight became better and better. He saw the man's appearance clearly in an instant, so he didn't punch him directly.


"Don't get me wrong, I'm just willing to accept defeat and fulfill the bet!"

Naruto turned his head and said uncomfortably:"Also, I won't admit defeat like this, I will work hard to practice next, and then challenge you again to win back this bet!"

"Okay, as long as you are not afraid of losing again"

"Absolute---right---No---Yes, you remember this, hum!"

After saying it word by word, Naruto snorted again, then turned and left.


Qingkong curled his lips, not taking it to heart at all.

What about the protagonist halo, the child of destiny, Qingkong didn't care about those things, he only believed that everything depends on human efforts.

My destiny is in my own hands, not in the hands of God!......

One month later.

After completing more than a dozen D-level missions, Team 8 finally accumulated enough experience to take on higher C-level missions.

The so-called C-level missions are generally to escort someone or something to a certain place.

There is a risk of being robbed by ordinary bandits, but the chance of encountering ninjas from other countries or traitors is not high.

The risk is low, and the reward is also low.

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