How is this possible!

Bai's eyes widened in disbelief.

A boy younger than him could have such a terrifying aura. What the hell was going on?

Just now, he seemed to see a scene of mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and piles of bones.

This horrific feeling shocked Bai so much that he was speechless for a moment.


Bai didn't move, Qingkong stood up and turned away.

To be honest, killing Bai was not a big deal for Qingkong.

He didn't do it because he didn't want to see blood in the morning and affect his good mood today.

Besides, protecting the Land of Waves and building a bridge was the mission of Naruto's team, what did it have to do with Qingkong?

"If we don't kill the master again,......Let's get out of here."

"Bai, what are you talking about?"

Zabuza frowned, his tone revealed surprise.

As soon as Bai came back, he found something was wrong. This kid was absent-minded and didn't respond after calling him several times.

And now, he was talking nonsense and asked him to leave here.

How is it possible!

The competition in the rebel ninja industry is so fierce now. The missions are bad and the rewards are low. I heard that there is an organization called Akatsuki that is competing with everyone for business.

They are big and powerful. When they go out, they are Kage-level strongmen. They have snatched away the good missions of underground organizations in various countries.

God knows how much effort Zabuza spent, how much connections and words he wasted, to get this order from Kado.

Now the mission has not been completed and the reward has not been received. How can he just leave?

"Bai, I need your explanation, otherwise you should understand my temper, there is no way I will leave!"

"Don't kill the master again......"

After taking a deep breath, Bai explained,"A support team came from Konoha. I found that one of the young men was very mysterious and looked very......He seems to be as strong as Lord Zabuza."

Bai said this purely to save face for Zabuza.

But when Zabuza heard it, it was not the case.

He narrowed his eyes and laughed in disbelief:"Bai, you must have seen it wrong. He is just a teenager, how can he be compared to me?"

"It's true, Master Zabuza!" Bai said anxiously

"Absolutely impossible!"

Zabuza waved his hand and said firmly:"Okay, let's end this matter here, you don't need to say anything more, just prepare well, we will start tomorrow!"


"Bai! Don't forget your identity!"


There was no other way. Under Zabuza's strong suppression, Bai, as a tool, could only agree.

Anyway, it was a matter of death, and Bai had already made up his mind.

The next morning.

On the unfinished bridge in Wave Country, Kakashi and others came to protect their employer Dazna, but as soon as they arrived at the scene, they found that something had happened.

The workers who were working were beaten to the ground and unconscious.

""Oh no, be alert!"

Kakashi had just reminded everyone when a thick fog filled the air around them.

This was Zabuza's opening rhythm. Although there was no background music, it was always right to set the atmosphere first.

As the fog became thicker, his extremely unpleasant voice, like the cry of a night owl, also rang out in the fog.

"Kakashi, we meet again, but I don't know if you can defeat me and protect your employer this time, hahaha~~"

"Zabuza, as long as I am here, you will never be able to hurt Master Dazna."

While responding to Zabuza's delay, Kakashi gestured to Sasuke and Sakura from behind.

He meant to let them find a chance to slip away and ask for help first.

Sasuke and Sakura understood, but as soon as they made a move, they were discovered by Zabuza.

"Humph, you want to do something tricky right under my nose? Bai, go kill them for me!"


In a flash, Bai appeared in front of Sasuke and the other two, blocking their way.

There was no other choice but to fight.

Sasuke and Sakura rushed towards Bai together, while Zabuza and Kakashi also fought.

Evenly matched?

No, no, it was only a few minutes, and the situation changed.

Because Sasuke and Sakura were no match for Bai at all. With his extreme speed, Sasuke could barely parry a few times.

But Sakura was completely defeated by Bai.

Without even a chance to catch the attack, she was knocked to the ground by Bai's Thousand Hidden Weapons and couldn't even get up.

And as soon as Sakura fell, Only Sasuke is left to hold on, how long can he hold on?

It's like a domino effect, starting with Sakura, then Sasuke, and finally affecting Kakashi's performance.

So when you encounter bad teammates, there is really nothing you can do.

Even if Kakashi is not weaker than Zabuza, it is not easy for him to change the current unfavorable situation.

If no new factors emerge, it is only a matter of time before they lose.


At the critical moment, the lucky male god still took care of Konoha.

Why is it the male god?

Because it was Qingkong who led the team.

"Hinata, Kiba, go over there and help."

Looking at the two pillars who were about to be stabbed into a hedgehog, Qingkong said in silence.


""Okay, be careful."

Hinata and Kiba agreed and ran over.

Qingkong scratched his ears and turned his head to look at Kakashi, or more precisely, at the big sword in Zabuza's hand.

His eyes lit up immediately.

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