Oh, heh.

Qingkong didn't understand, who gave this guy such courage.

He dared to provoke Zabuza even though he knew he could kill him with one sword.

Was it Aunt Liang?

Or Aunt Snake?

Qingkong didn't believe that Toss's brainless behavior was arbitrarily made without anyone's instruction.

If we dig deeper into the backstage of Sound Ninja, there is no one else except Aunt Snake.

So.........Was he targeted by Orochimaru?

Suddenly, Qingkong came to his senses. Why did Kabuto Yakushi come to him a few days ago? He probably didn't just want to find a scapegoat.

Sure enough, these guys who played tricks were all very deep and had too many schemes.

Qingkong shook his head and grinned at Toss:"Okay, let's continue playing in the future. I hope your team can hold on a little longer and don't die too quickly, otherwise it will be too disappointing."

"Humph, you sharp-tongued brat."

Ibiki was already announcing the exam content, so Toss didn't waste any more words, and turned around and left with his two teammates.

"Stupid pigs, I will only tell you the exam rules once, so open your ears and listen carefully!"

"Now, submit your application and take your seat with your number tag!"

After a while, when all the candidates were seated,

Ibiki stood up again and said loudly:"The first test is a written test. The test paper will be sent to you soon. There are a total of ten questions on it. Do not answer the last question for now......."

"Note: At the beginning, you all have 10 points. If you answer a question wrongly, you will lose 1 point......."

It was similar to the original novel. The first nine questions tested intelligence gathering ability, and the last one tested one's character.

Of course, if you knew the plot, you could pass it with your eyes closed as long as you didn't quit.

Qingkong didn't write anything. After Ibiki finished explaining the exam rules, he rested his hand on the table and looked at the scenery outside the window out of boredom. He had no intention of writing any questions.

"This guy......"

After taking a quick look and noticing Qingkong's unusual behavior, Ibiki couldn't help but frown.

That's right, the questions in this exam are indeed difficult. Many candidates couldn't answer them, and they were anxious and sweating.

But even if you can't answer them, you shouldn't ignore the questions and look at the scenery outside the window.

Suddenly, Ibiki winked at the examiner next to him and asked him to check if there was any problem outside the window.

That's right, Ibiki suspected that Qingkong had bribed someone outside the examination room to send him the answers from a long distance to help him cheat.

After a while, the examiner came back and shook his head at Ibiki, meaning that he didn't find anything.

Of course he couldn't find anything.

Qingkong didn't even think about answering the questions. In this case, if Ibiki and the others could still find the cheaters, it would be really weird.

"Good boy, I want to see what tricks you are playing!"

Ibixi didn't believe it. As time slowly decreased, Qingkong would continue to ignore the questions and never answer them.

In the following time, Ibixi shifted his focus to Qingkong, monitoring his every move.

But his efforts were doomed to be in vain.

Twenty minutes.

Thirty minutes......

Ibiki had previously informed them that the exam would last for an hour, and he would announce the content of the tenth question at the 45th minute.

But now 40 minutes had passed, and Qingkong was still distracted, with no intention of picking up a pen.

This made Ibiki very upset, and he could not figure it out no matter how hard he tried.

"No. 23 is eliminated!"

"No. 59 is eliminated. Everyone in his group should get out together."

"No. 47......"


"Why on earth?"

In just this short period of time, Ibiki didn't know how many brain cells he had wasted.

The key point was that he couldn't figure it out. Only his Hokage and Ibiki knew the content of the exam, and there was no possibility of leakage.

Then why was this guy so calm, as if he had known the content of the exam for a long time?

Unlike Naruto, who was a poor student, although he didn't answer the same question, Naruto's frown was about to break, and the paper in his hand was almost torn.

As for Qingkong, he looked at the scenery outside the window for a while, and then he lay on the table and took a nap.

It's too easy!

This is not an exam, it's just a vacation.

But when the time came, at the 45th minute, even if Ibiki had a headache, he still had to announce the content of the tenth question.

"Okay, let's stop writing for a while."

Ibiki stood up and tapped the blackboard.

"First, you have to make a choice: do you want to answer question 10?"


"Want us to choose?"

"What will happen if I choose not to answer the question?"

The candidates were puzzled and started to discuss.

""Be quiet!"

Ibiki slammed the table and frowned,"If you don't choose, the candidate will be judged as zero on the spot, which means he/she will fail!"


"how so?"

"What kind of bullshit rule is this!"

The candidates were all furious.

But someone still asked:"What about multiple-choice questions?"

"Multiple-choice questions, if the answer is wrong, zero points will be given, and......"

Ibiki showed a cruel smile and said in a long tone:"From now on, you will be disqualified from participating in the Chunin Exam forever!"

Instantly, the entire examination room fell silent.

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